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10 random facts about you.

elliot tittensor 001.jpg

I haven't figured out how to post more than 1 pic so here's a front view.
Hi Grace

It just means that I like my humour offensive. Political correctness is so DULL. There's an anecdote in here - I took my Dad to a seminar by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) and the speaker was talking about why they rated a stand-up comedian's DVD as an 18 (certificate X). There followed an excruciating 5-minute clip of Jim Jeffries, the Australian comedian, delivering his WET CUNT/DRY CUNT joke. Its really hard to stifle your laughter (it was a hilarious joke) and cringe at the word CUUUUUUUNT being repeated over and over again in your father's presence.

Happy days.

I love irreverant humor also. I guess that's what I like about shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy and so on. :)
1.I'm straight.
2.I was a marine, but I think everyone knows that lol.
3.I kinda stopped man whoring, and have girlfriend.
4.I hate math homework.
5.I was in both wars of my time.
6.I don't like cheese.
7.I knew that girl in new york was a tranny from the start lol.
8.I only drink twice a week.
9.I was a wrestler growing up, and was kinda good.
10.I hate obama with a passion(now that should start some shiz lol)

3. Congratulations Denver. She's a lucky woman and I'm sure you treat her well. Is she okay with you having sex with dudes as long as she is the only woman you have sex with?

4. My own worst subject.

5. Thank You for your service to our country.

7. After a 6-pack did it really matter? LOL

10. On what issue do you most hate about him? And yes. I voted for him. lol
1.I'm straight.
2.I was a marine, but I think everyone knows that lol.
3.I kinda stopped man whoring, and have girlfriend.
4.I hate math homework.
5.I was in both wars of my time.
6.I don't like cheese.
7.I knew that girl in new york was a tranny from the start lol.
8.I only drink twice a week.
9.I was a wrestler growing up, and was kinda good.
10.I hate obama with a passion(now that should start some shiz lol)

One of the things that impressed me most about this forum is the fact that star performers like you communicate with us. It's really great that you take time out of your busy life to share things with us. I think your performances are incredible and I'm quite nervous addressing you. I do love your sense of humor that you let shine through in your scenes. I hated math class and the homework, it seemed so senseless but in the real world I loved working with numbers and spread sheets. It gave me a thrill to work with the numbers and make it all come out. I really enjoyed picking apart a P&L statement. As an adult I regretted that I didn't take more math classes in high school and college. If only the teachers would have made class as interesting as it can be in real life.

I have a lot of respect and appreciation for your military service. It does give you a very different perspective on our country and politics that many of us don't have. I'm sorry you have such strong negative feelings about Obama but I'm sure you have your reasons.

You look like you have a wrestlers body, I bet you were pretty good. How hot would it be to see you in your singlet and wrestling another Broke Straight Boys guy? Winner gets to be on top. I'd love to see that.

The one thing I don't understand is how can you not like cheese? LOL Coming from WI cheese is a staple of life. Unless if you talking about cock cheese I get that.
To be fair him or his brother cos I dnt know which one that is in the pics were in a short gay film

It was Elliot Tittensor in Protect Me From What I Want. I saw it as part of Boys On Film 4 (?) - Bad Romance, but you might be able to find it on YouTube. It was definitely one of the better ones in the series.
1.I'm straight.
2.I was a marine, but I think everyone knows that lol.
3.I kinda stopped man whoring, and have girlfriend.
4.I hate math homework.
5.I was in both wars of my time.
6.I don't like cheese.
7.I knew that girl in new york was a tranny from the start lol.
8.I only drink twice a week.
9.I was a wrestler growing up, and was kinda good.
10.I hate obama with a passion(now that should start some shiz lol)

I didn't realise this was ACTUAL Denver and not a Denver Superfan :blush:

Who has been your favourite scene partner(s) so far?
Are you worried about friends and family seeing your scenes?
And how much do the Broke Straight Boys boys hang out away from the cameras?
She doesn't have a problem with what I do at all, she nows its just a job, and treats it that way.

Um the subject where he took $200 from my pay check, and tried to make it so my brothers would have to pay for there wounds from combat. Among many other things, but thats the most important to me. I am a vet most vets are republicans. To each there own.
I completely stopped I have a girlfriend that I have been with for about 5 months so I had to give it up lol.

378, unless the x is a variable then it would be 378x or 189x^2

Thats is differen't I like it on pizza lol

I was just kidding about that one lol
Yeah, I just love women there amazing to me.

Yep she does, and she is okay with it.

Hey that was a joke haha.

Thank you so much, I love to film, and i'll never do anything half assed.
Yeah she lives in the same place I do, I have known her for years. Yeah, I had to give up the drinking all week it was making me fatt lol. Don't worry i'll win the next go around, and get this country back on track:)
I was pretty good wrestler back in the day, I don't think anyone at Broke Straight Boys could take me so I would be down for that lol.
I like cheese on pissa if that helps:) and thank you so much for the compliments!
Jason mathews best scene ever hands down.
not at all most of my friends know what I do, and some of my family knows what I do.
It depends, I have spent a lot of time with some of the guys, and had some really good times.
Jason mathews best scene ever hands down.
not at all most of my friends know what I do, and some of my family knows what I do.
It depends, I have spent a lot of time with some of the guys, and had some really good times.

Must be pretty hard to keep family and some friends in the dark, especially when your pictures are plastered all over the internet. i'm not saying that they would be looking at sites like Broke Straight Boys, but others do and you know what wagging tongues are like...
Believe it or not Jon but there is a huge segment of society that does not use the internet for porn, and even more people who do not use the internet for gay porn. Even if you look at the biggest female stars in straight porn most of America will have no clue who she is. It is not that big of a stretch that someone would run across someone they know who models on a site like this. I don't see how that is really an of our business to begin with. Yes, I like hearing from the models and learning more about who they are but some things are private and none of my business.
Believe it or not Jon but there is a huge segment of society that does not use the internet for porn, and even more people who do not use the internet for gay porn. Even if you look at the biggest female stars in straight porn most of America will have no clue who she is. It is not that big of a stretch that someone would run across someone they know who models on a site like this. I don't see how that is really an of our business to begin with. Yes, I like hearing from the models and learning more about who they are but some things are private and none of my business.

I didn't say it was our business I was replying to Denver's post ok... I am surprised to hear that in America there is a huge amount of society that doesn't use the internet. But all it takes is for one person in that lil old american town to come across his pic - simple as.
Must be pretty hard to keep family and some friends in the dark, especially when your pictures are plastered all over the internet. i'm not saying that they would be looking at sites like Broke Straight Boys, but others do and you know what wagging tongues are like...

I'm really not all that worried about it, I keep it to myself for reasons that really don't matter, my family would support me no matter what. Also I find most people who do recognize me keep it to them selves, I have had a lot of family friends recognize me, and they don't say anuthing to anyone but me.
Denver, you crack me up! I really like you and the persona that comes across here and in the BTS, and I"m sure at the Pride events. I would love to have known you in real life and had you as a friend.I always liked having straight friends, not for sex, but for drinking and pool, and doing guy things. God BLess you.