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10 random facts about you.

Aww thanks for that Tampa yeah I do realize I can't help the world okay time to bump myself up on my list of focus well today is Monday and I am for sure going to see StraightCurious94 today around 8 or 9 am and sort through everything if I don't get my passport sorted maybe I'll come live with you Tampa and get a greencard I can pay rent ;)
Haha don't worry JLipps I am fully aware my limits will change as I age 1 because well 18-25 yr olds will still have their own limits so not wanting me anymore haha and two because in real life when you meet someone for real they can look older or younger than they really are making your limits obsolete
Aww thanks for that Tampa yeah I do realize I can't help the world okay time to bump myself up on my list of focus well today is Monday and I am for sure going to see StraightCurious94 today around 8 or 9 am and sort through everything if I don't get my passport sorted maybe I'll come live with you Tampa and get a greencard I can pay rent ;)

I live in a beautiful location with a great water view. If I moved in an 18 y/o guy the neighbors would really talk. lol You should really consider getting some sleep tonight. If you're to meet SC at 8:00 you might as well just stay up if you don't crash soon. haha Good luck on the passport situation. :)
So true JLipps. I used to have age limits on my potential partners. Now they just have to have breath in their lungs. lol

Yeah, they have to be breathing, and they have to be willing. EVERYTHING else can be worked out, lol.
1. I'm an Aquarius so I can't have friends or lovers who are Virgos, or I'd end up in jail.
2. The music I grew up with is now only played on classic radio stations.
3. I collect sheet music from the early 1900s through the 50s.
4. I have been working since I was 14, mostly I have worked in restaurant management.
5. The most frustrating job I ever had was working on a construction crew at age 16. All those buff, sexy sweaty studs drove me crazy.
6. I love to cook for other people.
7. I have an extremely long fuse and a big explosion. (Get your mind out of the gutter)
8. I drive a purple PT Cruiser, I love it and I don't care if anyone think it looks gay.
9. I have a strong belief in tolerance.
10. I studied many years to become a Lutheran minister but now I'm an atheist.
#4. Very similar to me. :)
#5. I can so relate. haha
#6. I'd love for you to cook for me. My cooking skills are almost nonexistent. :)
#9 We all should. Whether we do or not. :)
#10. I'm sorry. I can totally understand those who have given up on all of the elitism, hypocrisies and contradictions in theology among the organized religious denominations. Including of course all of the intolerance for other viewpoints. I hope you can still find some relationship with God though. ;) However freedom of expression, choice and religion are some of the greatest parts of our democracy. It also means freedom from religion. :)
1. I'm an Aquarius so I can't have friends or lovers who are Virgos, or I'd end up in jail.
2. The music I grew up with is now only played on classic radio stations.
3. I collect sheet music from the early 1900s through the 50s.
4. I have been working since I was 14, mostly I have worked in restaurant management.
5. The most frustrating job I ever had was working on a construction crew at age 16. All those buff, sexy sweaty studs drove me crazy.
6. I love to cook for other people.
7. I have an extremely long fuse and a big explosion. (Get your mind out of the gutter)
8. I drive a purple PT Cruiser, I love it and I don't care if anyone think it looks gay.
9. I have a strong belief in tolerance.
10. I studied many years to become a Lutheran minister but now I'm an atheist.

Hi BenBen

When I was younger I worked in the hospitality industry for a while and really enjoyed it, and I know restaurant management isn't easy so it's a good thing you have a long fuse and choose tolerance.

I also love cooking for friends and family, some of the best times can be had over food and wine, although I tend to experiment a bit too much with recipes and sometimes end up having to order in pizza..Lol.

From studying to be a Lutheran minister to eventually being an atheist sounds like you've experienced many peaks and troughs while traveling life's roller coaster. Hopefully the bumps have evened out for you now.

Welcome BenBen, and I hope you enjoy Forumland as much as I do :smile:
Hello Forum Pals!

Found a few moments to come up with some random facts. Thanks for the bumps!

1. I’m a 33-year-old (when did that happen?), 5’10” brunette and yeah, I kinda look like my profile pic.
2. I swear like a trooper. I smoke like a trooper. Maybe I should be a trooper…….maybe I AM a trooper! What the fuck is a trooper?
Now the word looks weird cos I’ve looked at it too long.
3. I have a terrible short term memory.
4. I’m English, so I spend vast amounts of time sitting in pubs and drinking. Just drinking.
5. I’m recently married to my partner of 14 years. We still party together. We still laugh together every day.
6. I have a thing for young, curly-haired lads with northern (England) accents. My husband doesn’t mind me leering at lads when
we’re out and about cos he knows I’m imagining them fucking each other (quick pause for some quiet time.....)
7. I like humour with no filter whatsoever and will take the piss out of anything.
8. I have a terrible short term memory.
9. I’ve never met anyone who could roll a joint as beautifully as I can.
10. I’m massively into film, especially European arthouse and queer cinema. I’ve watched over 200 films this year. I don’t know many
people with the same tastes as me, so if anyone’s ever up for shooting the shit about film, I’d be deliriously happy to hear from you!

Hello Forum Pals!

Found a few moments to come up with some random facts. Thanks for the bumps!

1. I’m a 33-year-old (when did that happen?), 5’10” brunette and yeah, I kinda look like my profile pic.
2. I swear like a trooper. I smoke like a trooper. Maybe I should be a trooper…….maybe I AM a trooper! What the fuck is a trooper?
Now the word looks weird cos I’ve looked at it too long.
3. I have a terrible short term memory.
4. I’m English, so I spend vast amounts of time sitting in pubs and drinking. Just drinking.
5. I’m recently married to my partner of 14 years. We still party together. We still laugh together every day.
6. I have a thing for young, curly-haired lads with northern (England) accents. My husband doesn’t mind me leering at lads when
we’re out and about cos he knows I’m imagining them fucking each other (quick pause for some quiet time.....)
7. I like humour with no filter whatsoever and will take the piss out of anything.
8. I have a terrible short term memory.
9. I’ve never met anyone who could roll a joint as beautifully as I can.
10. I’m massively into film, especially European arthouse and queer cinema. I’ve watched over 200 films this year. I don’t know many
people with the same tastes as me, so if anyone’s ever up for shooting the shit about film, I’d be deliriously happy to hear from you!


Lovely, another "fish." I use the word because: you drink like a fist (me too) and no short term memory. A fish has a three second memory. A fish has a three second memory (couldn't resist). I also love gay porn and gay movies: 3, Weekend, Toast...all so good. "I Want Your Love" was supposed to come out, but it has been delayed. Do you follow Davey Wavey on YouTube; he's so funny. I am glad you joined the forum, it is a fun place to express yourself...enjoy!
Hello Forum Pals!

Found a few moments to come up with some random facts. Thanks for the bumps!

1. I’m a 33-year-old (when did that happen?), 5’10” brunette and yeah, I kinda look like my profile pic.
2. I swear like a trooper. I smoke like a trooper. Maybe I should be a trooper…….maybe I AM a trooper! What the fuck is a trooper?
Now the word looks weird cos I’ve looked at it too long.
3. I have a terrible short term memory.
4. I’m English, so I spend vast amounts of time sitting in pubs and drinking. Just drinking.
5. I’m recently married to my partner of 14 years. We still party together. We still laugh together every day.
6. I have a thing for young, curly-haired lads with northern (England) accents. My husband doesn’t mind me leering at lads when
we’re out and about cos he knows I’m imagining them fucking each other (quick pause for some quiet time.....)
7. I like humour with no filter whatsoever and will take the piss out of anything.
8. I have a terrible short term memory.
9. I’ve never met anyone who could roll a joint as beautifully as I can.
10. I’m massively into film, especially European arthouse and queer cinema. I’ve watched over 200 films this year. I don’t know many
people with the same tastes as me, so if anyone’s ever up for shooting the shit about film, I’d be deliriously happy to hear from you!


Oh, honey, age catches up with us when we are paying the least amount of attention to it!

My friend, Miss Deidra, is very into film, as well. You two could probably chat for days!

If I didn't say it before, Welcome!
1. I'm an Aquarius so I can't have friends or lovers who are Virgos, or I'd end up in jail.
2. The music I grew up with is now only played on classic radio stations.
3. I collect sheet music from the early 1900s through the 50s.
4. I have been working since I was 14, mostly I have worked in restaurant management.
5. The most frustrating job I ever had was working on a construction crew at age 16. All those buff, sexy sweaty studs drove me crazy.
6. I love to cook for other people.
7. I have an extremely long fuse and a big explosion. (Get your mind out of the gutter)
8. I drive a purple PT Cruiser, I love it and I don't care if anyone think it looks gay.
9. I have a strong belief in tolerance.
10. I studied many years to become a Lutheran minister but now I'm an atheist.

I'm a Taurus, but my mom is an Aquarius. I LOVE my mom. And yes, long fuse, big explosion! (my husband is a Virgo....) No wonder my mom just doesn't get him! lol

1. I'm an Aquarius so I can't have friends or lovers who are Virgos, or I'd end up in jail.
2. The music I grew up with is now only played on classic radio stations.
3. I collect sheet music from the early 1900s through the 50s.
4. I have been working since I was 14, mostly I have worked in restaurant management.
5. The most frustrating job I ever had was working on a construction crew at age 16. All those buff, sexy sweaty studs drove me crazy.
6. I love to cook for other people.
7. I have an extremely long fuse and a big explosion. (Get your mind out of the gutter)
8. I drive a purple PT Cruiser, I love it and I don't care if anyone think it looks gay.
9. I have a strong belief in tolerance.
10. I studied many years to become a Lutheran minister but now I'm an atheist.

Hey there,
Thanks for adding more info about you. I am a Capricorn, but have never really studied zodiac signs. Are Aquarius and Capricorns allowed to talk? hehehe
I also love music, pretty much everything...yes, including opera and classical.
#6 sounds good; I like to eat! Seafood is my favorite. Will you be cooking for the holidays?
I hope to chat more with you on the forum.
Tampa, I'd love to cook for you, and Beth, I can talk to anyone I just have to keep the Virgos out of my personal space. I feel like there is a type of music for whatever my mood is. I couldn't live without classical music, it is filed with so much emotion. For me, music is emotion, it's there when I'm sad, it can let me wallow in self pity or lift me up to the skies. I can play in the background to relax me or it can be a party. I like some opera, I really need an opera teacher to show more of it to me. I would love to cook for the holidays. I get such a rush out of cooking those big meals. I really enjoy baking, I am very proud of my light and flaky pie crust. I really don't have anyone to cook for. We used to have big family get togethers but over the years my interests and life has taken me in different directions and we've drifted far apart.

I saw a poster the other day of souls flying up to heaven, saying that god has called home the faithful with the Rapture. Down below the Earth it said finally now there is peace on earth. With all of the harm and hatred that is done in the name of god, I refuse to be a part of it.

Grace it was a dark and terrible time for me trying to justify my gay feelings to myself when I was constantly reminded that being gay is a sin and it's a choice. It took a lot of soul searching to realize that I couldn't continue in the church and live a gay life, it would have made me a hypocrite and the church has too many hypocrites the way it is. I tried not to be gay. I gave up sex for years but the feelings never left my mind. When I saw a cute guy wearing tight jeans chest hair peeking out the top of his shirt I was wondering what he looked like naked. Even if I didn't have sex I was still a sinner because a thought is just as bad as the deed. So I quite the church, it was like smoking it took me a few times before it stuck. There are things I miss about it but I will never miss the guilt and the self loathing, I left them keep that. It was the best decision of my life. I can be a better person without the church than many people in the church can be.

Lovelumps there are times when I get a lot of grief about my feelings on Virgos. For the most part they are really nice people, I have no problem with them. We just can't spend a lot of time together. We just look at the world through different eyes, we have different solutions to the same problem and we totally get on each others nerves. I can't explain it but that's how it always happens for me. It really is the only zodiac sign that Aquarius doesn't get along with. Libra is my perfect match but I tend to like Gemini, I love the dual personality it keep things interesting. I also get along well with Scorpio and Taurus. I don't live my life by the stars but they do have some wisdom. My mom was a Virgo, talk about oil and water. I had to learn to get along but now that she's gone I don't need that drama in my life anymore. LOL