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10 random facts about you.

I have always loved Bobby since I first saw him. When I was in high school, I attended a military academy. I saw many desireable guys like him. Of course I lived in a dorm and had a roommate. Thankfully I got a very cute, masculine, straight guy. He was very up-front about everything. The first time we met he informed me that he liked to jerkoff and he did it alot. He hoped I didn't have a problem with it. Heck, I didn't have a problem, in fact I wanted to tell him that I would be glad to help him whenever he needed me. He was good at his word. We had bunk beds and every night when we went to bed he would jerkoff. He was very vocal and I lay in my bed listening to him and wishing I was doing it for him. Of course, he wasn't shy so I saw him naked with a hardon many times. He never indicated that he thought I was gay, but I know he had to be aware that I was attracted to him. I didn't think about it then, but now I think maybe he knew and he got a certain satisfaction out of knowing that I wanted him. He was my roommate for two years. I lay in bed listening to him for two years! Sometimes I wanted so bad to just jump in bed with him and start sucking his cock. I knew better than to do it, because if he didn't want it and reported me I would have been kicked out of school. Major frustration!!! The second year was our senior year so we departed at the end of school. We never saw each other again. I often wondered what happened to him. All I have now is the memories, but oh what memories!
Those are wonderful memories to have Jayshaw. Although you were frustrated, I consider you very lucky to have been able to watch, listen, (smell?) his jerking off activity. And yes, I too believe that he knew that you were into him, and while he was not capable of allowing you to share his body and cock with you, he obviously enjoyed a voyeuristic side.

I too had similar feelings for straight college buddies among others, who I felt were "showing off" for me too, but never had any of them "show off" for me to the extent that your roommate did for you. To my way of thinking, you were fortunate to have such a sharing roommate, even if he didn't share his body with you in the way that you craved.:001_tongue:
You are so right Mikeyank. I realize now just how fortunate I was to have that experience. As I think back now, about all that happened, I can't help but wonder if he was really wanting me to make a move on him. He made it very clear that he wanted me to see him with an erection and to hear him jerking off. He knew I was lusting after him and if he had been uncomfortable with it he could have ask to change to another roommate. He didn't. He chose to room with me for another year. Maybe I missed out on a great opportunity. I will never know.
I will relate one incident that happened late one night and never happened again. When I mentioned it to him the next morning, he claimed to not remember it. I was in my bunk and sleeping on my stomach. My roommate (Skip) had go out to a party. I heard him come into the room about 1:00am and I could tell that he was drunk. This was unusual, because he rarely drank. I stayed still and pretended I was asleep. He was talking to himself and I could hear him taking off his clothes. The next I knew He had jumped on top of me and was dry humping my ass. The entire time he was doing this he was repeating that he was fucking Marilyn Monroe. He comtinued to do this until he came. I just had on my thin bikini briefs, so I could feel his cum soaking thru them onto my ass. I was so excited and turned on that I actually came in my briefs without even touching my cock or rubbing it against the bed. After he finished, he got up, never said a word and got into his bunk. As I said, he claimed that he didn't remember it and that he didn't believe it happened. I will say that this has served as fodder for many of my jerk off sessions over the years. Whatever happened to him over the years, I hope it was all good.
You are so right Mikeyank. I realize now just how fortunate I was to have that experience. As I think back now, about all that happened, I can't help but wonder if he was really wanting me to make a move on him. He made it very clear that he wanted me to see him with an erection and to hear him jerking off. He knew I was lusting after him and if he had been uncomfortable with it he could have ask to change to another roommate. He didn't. He chose to room with me for another year. Maybe I missed out on a great opportunity. I will never know.
I will relate one incident that happened late one night and never happened again. When I mentioned it to him the next morning, he claimed to not remember it. I was in my bunk and sleeping on my stomach. My roommate (Skip) had go out to a party. I heard him come into the room about 1:00am and I could tell that he was drunk. This was unusual, because he rarely drank. I stayed still and pretended I was asleep. He was talking to himself and I could hear him taking off his clothes. The next I knew He had jumped on top of me and was dry humping my ass. The entire time he was doing this he was repeating that he was fucking Marilyn Monroe. He comtinued to do this until he came. I just had on my thin bikini briefs, so I could feel his cum soaking thru them onto my ass. I was so excited and turned on that I actually came in my briefs without even touching my cock or rubbing it against the bed. After he finished, he got up, never said a word and got into his bunk. As I said, he claimed that he didn't remember it and that he didn't believe it happened. I will say that this has served as fodder for many of my jerk off sessions over the years. Whatever happened to him over the years, I hope it was all good.

Wow Jayshaw. Thanks for sharing all that! In your first paragraph there you touch on a timeless theme that all of us can relate to. That being that we are in a close friendship, roommate situation or or workplace situation with someone who is "straight" but sending us some mixed or confusing signals. Most of us will err on the side of caution and not pursue it. Because if it is not well received it means disaster. The loss of a friendship, being outed to the whole world, (including our immediate families), losing a job or an entire circle of so called "friends". Meaning of course the people you consider friends and feel very close to, but who are really only your friends as long as they believe you are straight.

When I dwell on the past I think of so many people that did send me some mixed signals. And wonder if I did the right thing by not pushing the issue a little farther. Maybe it could have been something absolutely wonderful that I missed out on. But then again it could have been a disaster. The part that sucks is we'll never know.
You are so right Mikeyank. I realize now just how fortunate I was to have that experience. As I think back now, about all that happened, I can't help but wonder if he was really wanting me to make a move on him. He made it very clear that he wanted me to see him with an erection and to hear him jerking off. He knew I was lusting after him and if he had been uncomfortable with it he could have ask to change to another roommate. He didn't. He chose to room with me for another year. Maybe I missed out on a great opportunity. I will never know.
I will relate one incident that happened late one night and never happened again. When I mentioned it to him the next morning, he claimed to not remember it. I was in my bunk and sleeping on my stomach. My roommate (Skip) had go out to a party. I heard him come into the room about 1:00am and I could tell that he was drunk. This was unusual, because he rarely drank. I stayed still and pretended I was asleep. He was talking to himself and I could hear him taking off his clothes. The next I knew He had jumped on top of me and was dry humping my ass. The entire time he was doing this he was repeating that he was fucking Marilyn Monroe. He comtinued to do this until he came. I just had on my thin bikini briefs, so I could feel his cum soaking thru them onto my ass. I was so excited and turned on that I actually came in my briefs without even touching my cock or rubbing it against the bed. After he finished, he got up, never said a word and got into his bunk. As I said, he claimed that he didn't remember it and that he didn't believe it happened. I will say that this has served as fodder for many of my jerk off sessions over the years. Whatever happened to him over the years, I hope it was all good.
Thank you Jayshaw for the further details about your relationship with your roommate Skip.

I am a member of Broke Straight Boys, because of my attraction to straight guys, that I've been aware of since my teenage years. And it is my belief that many members here have similar desires, and that many of us had a "Skip" in our past. My "Skips" were named Chuck and John and while I never had as close an encounter as you did with Skip, on that magical night when he returned to your room drunk, and proceeded to climb on top of you naked and rub his hard dick against your thin bikini clad bottom, until he flooded your briefs with his thick teenage load of cum, I have had similar feelings for my straight friends and acquaintances, who I am sure could see the lust in my eyes as I was around them, particularly when they were in revealing outfits.

I would hope that some other forumites would share some of their experiences, as I have in the past, as well as JLipps, Stimpy and other's have shared. As a connoisseur of young good looking straight guys who are aware of the effect that their looks have on certain men, I find the top totally fascinating and extremely arousing. Thanks again, Jayshaw!

That was a very hot memory. It was lucky for him that I was not the one he dry humped! The story would have ended slightly different! LOL I have met many men like that in my years, but I was always one to act on such situations. I can't really think I have ever had one get by me, but that is just luck, and not because of anything else. I have been very fortunate. And actually, I take that back. They do get by me these days. LOL Gone are those days when I was young and confident and able to seduce even the straightest of men. Fortunately, I have many memories to fill my golden years.

That was a very hot memory. It was lucky for him that I was not the one he dry humped! The story would have ended slightly different! LOL I have met many men like that in my years, but I was always one to act on such situations. I can't really think I have ever had one get by me, but that is just luck, and not because of anything else. I have been very fortunate. And actually, I take that back. They do get by me these days. LOL Gone are those days when I was young and confident and able to seduce even the straightest of men. Fortunately, I have many memories to fill my golden years.

Nope, I say whip that dick out and make some more memories!:biggrin:
1. I'm a cancer
2. I'm masculine
3. I LOVE Sports (Football and Basketball, top 2)
4. I sing
5. I have a great job
6. Purple is my favorite color
7. I love chinese food
8. Mexican food is not my favorite
9. The Color Purple is my favorite moive
10. Shawshank Remption and Green Mile are tied for my second favorite movie
1. I'm a cancer
2. I'm masculine
3. I LOVE Sports (Football and Basketball, top 2)
4. I sing
5. I have a great job
6. Purple is my favorite color
7. I love chinese food
8. Mexican food is not my favorite
9. The Color Purple is my favorite moive
10. Shawshank Remption and Green Mile are tied for my second favorite movie

Alright Samm, it is about time you posted your 10 Randoms.:w00t:

What do you sing, and what is a great job, because I have a great job too, and you don't work with me?:confused1:
What do you sing, and what is a great job, because I have a great job too, and you don't work with me?:confused1:

Ms. K. You crack me up! I thought I had a great job as well! Me? I teach at a university, after 30 years as a heaLth care provider.

Thanks for posting your 10 Random FActs. It is always nice to see and read about the people that we spend time with here on the forum. I love Chinese food also, but Mexican food is a big favorite of mine as well. Perhaps you have not had good Mexican food. What we see in many areas of the country is Americanized Mexican food, not authentic Mexican food, and that is usually not that good. I used to sing, but years of alcohol and cigarettes ruined my voice. I also used to play several musical instruments and love almost all types of music. If it has got a beat, I can probably enjoy it.

Too funny sweet lady! I din't mean to imply that I was retired from sex, the opportunities just don't present themselves as easily, and mostly because of age! Still, if you recall my posting about the story of Carlos back a couple of months ago, I do have an occasional adventure. I had another one just last month during a birthday weekend. I am saving that one to share in the future.
1. I'm a cancer
2. I'm masculine
3. I LOVE Sports (Football and Basketball, top 2)
4. I sing
5. I have a great job
6. Purple is my favorite color
7. I love chinese food
8. Mexican food is not my favorite
9. The Color Purple is my favorite moive
10. Shawshank Remption and Green Mile are tied for my second favorite movie

These things are great to know about you; thanks for sharing. I'm going to talk about the sports choice; I love football. Green Bay is my favorite team, but I do live in Dallas, so I also enjoy watching them. Who is your favorite football team(s)? Of course, I will mention the best basketball team...where I live...The Mavericks Rock! And now each player has a big ass ring to prove it!:thumbup:
Thanks to all for the nice words. I enjoyed sharing my experience with everyone. It gave me another opportinuty to relieve it in my mind. I hope other members who have had exciting, hot, experiences will share them with all of us.
You just don't know how bad I wanted to jump his (Skip) bones. I could not do it, because I had too much to lose if he had turned on me. That's what made it so frustrating.
Please don't save your birthday weekend experience. I know we would all like to read it.
Share,please. Thanks.
1. I have not had a drink in almost twenty years (almost died).
2. I have not had a cigarette in almost twenty two years (same as above) 3. I love my job and hate it with equanimity.
4. I have two years until retirement.
5. I really hate the feeling of toleration by the women I work with.
6. I have to care for an ageing relative at home 24/7.
7. I fell in love with a boy when I was 10 and have always known I was gay.
8. I wanted God to take gay away but now know it was a blessing.
9. I had an affair for years with my sister's boyfriend; quarterback of the football team.
10. Bobby reminds me of every kid I fell in love with at private school.

On #1&2 Congratulations on your sobriety.
5. I understand what you're saying and I'm sorry for that situation. Is it you, or them, or both?
6. I've done caregiving for a neighbor up until he passed at 96 y/o. It's not easy.
7. On awareness of being gay... I never admitted it even to myself for years. But I think deep down I always knew.
9. That's a pretty hot fact. It sounds like that would make a great story as to how he seduced you or vice versa. Would you consider sharing that story with us sometime?

Thanks for sharing all that!
1. I'm a cancer
2. I'm masculine
3. I LOVE Sports (Football and Basketball, top 2)
4. I sing
5. I have a great job
6. Purple is my favorite color
7. I love chinese food
8. Mexican food is not my favorite
9. The Color Purple is my favorite moive
10. Shawshank Remption and Green Mile are tied for my second favorite movie

I'm with you on #7 & 8 but i think good Mexican food is wonderful. Unfortunately I don't always find wonderful Mexican food. Sad to say I've had much much better Mexican food up North than I get in Florida. If I had not had such wonderful Mexican in the past I would still like it. But I would think think it was just okay. If I judged Mexican food by Taco Bell...I wouldn't like it at all. I really enjoy good Chinese!

9 & 10, Great choices! I've seen all 3 of those movies more than once.
Hey everybody im started my own youtube page (http://www.youtube.com/user/KingArthur1991?feature=mhee) that I am very excited about and I hope to be able to post a new video every week and give you all a little bit of insite in to me and my thoughts. not everything I talk about will be LGBT related but I will talk about a few issues as they come up. I would love to see what comments and topic suggestions you all post on my youtube page. I also want to let all of you know that I am pretty much an open book so if you have a question just post it on my page and I will answer you. I have been getting alot of questions so please be patient if I dont answer you right away. I also have a twitter if you want to follow me @CenaKid cant wait to hear from all of you!!!!
I thought I had posted 10 things about myself but I guess not so here is goes.....

1. I LOVE stars
2. I LOVE thunderstorms
3. I LOVE the outdoors and nature
4. I LOVE music
5. I don't take things for granted or being on this amazing planet for a second
6. I believe in aliens and believe there is millions of planets like ours
7. I started doing porn sites because everyone just wanted sex on AOL and I wanted a relationship so I got frustrated and said fuck it I'll sell sex lol
8. I'm not your typical gay guy or porn site owner by any means
9. I've never slept with a single model
10. I REALLY love thunderstorms, stars and the outdoors lol.
I thought I had posted 10 things about myself but I guess not so here is goes.....

1. I LOVE stars
2. I LOVE thunderstorms
3. I LOVE the outdoors and nature
4. I LOVE music
5. I don't take things for granted or being on this amazing planet for a second
6. I believe in aliens and believe there is millions of planets like ours
7. I started doing porn sites because everyone just wanted sex on AOL and I wanted a relationship so I got frustrated and said fuck it I'll sell sex lol
8. I'm not your typical gay guy or porn site owner by any means
9. I've never slept with a single model
10. I REALLY love thunderstorms, stars and the outdoors lol.

I am so glad that you are giving us a chance to get to know you better.

We seem to have several things in common, even if you LOVE stars, thunderstorms, and the outdoors twice:001_rolleyes:..........

The more I learn about you, the more I like you..........We may have to change your name from Mark, to MARK:001_wub:.
I thought I had posted 10 things about myself but I guess not so here is goes.....

1. I LOVE stars
2. I LOVE thunderstorms
3. I LOVE the outdoors and nature
4. I LOVE music
5. I don't take things for granted or being on this amazing planet for a second
6. I believe in aliens and believe there is millions of planets like ours
7. I started doing porn sites because everyone just wanted sex on AOL and I wanted a relationship so I got frustrated and said fuck it I'll sell sex lol
8. I'm not your typical gay guy or porn site owner by any means
9. I've never slept with a single model
10. I REALLY love thunderstorms, stars and the outdoors lol.

i was 25 years old before i got my first real look at the milky way. the awe of that moment is still with me.
i believe there are millions of planets filled with wise beings, i cannot believe any are like our own. that's planetism comes from watching the our moon block our star because from where we are, the sun and moon are at the right distance and are the right size for that to happen. random chance.
i am a happy voyeur because you started this porn site.
i remember thunder in palm springs last year. it was a thunderstorm.