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10 random facts about you.

1. Iam an American and I love my country (even with it's faults)
2. Iam a retired vice president of a large bank.
3. Iam in a long term monogamus relationship (451/2 yrs). When younger we sometimes engaged in threesomes if we were both attracted to the guy.
4. Divorced- married for 6yrs. and have 2 children and 2 grandchildren
5. Religious but not a fanatic
6. Have a bs in biology
7. Love to read and I collect old books ( a few over 100 yrs old) and stamps
8. I do not smoke (anything) and neither do I drink alcoholic beverages
9. I crave sweets (food). My other sweet is here at home with me
10.Have never been attracted to nelly or ultra butch guys

Wow! 45 1/2 years is amazing.:001_wub: Other than that, we have a lot in common Jayshaw. Love of country, not fanatical, reading, nonsmoking, craving sweets, etc, etc........

But what I can't figure out, is how a BS in biology leads to being a bank v.p.?:confused:
wow jay,

I share few of those with you. I do absolutely love my country and woujld fight tooth and nail to defend it. I have traveled some and although there are many beautiful places in the world to visit, I would not consider living anywhere but the USA.
Ms. Kianna, in reference to your question, I would say that having a bs in biology and ending up in banking is unusual. Actually this is the way it happened; I had a very good friend ( no he wasn't gay) who was a big shot in a large bank and he knew I wasn't happy where I was working. He said that he could get me a position at the bank if I wanted it. I accepted and worked at the bank until I retired 30 yrs. later. Of course I didn't start off as a vp, but received promotions over the years. I had a very fulfilling career. Hope this answers your question Ms. Kianna. If you have more fire away.
Glad we have some things in common.
1. I'm half Mexican. But, no one believes me until my Mother speaks to me in Spanish.
2. I seem like a people person.....but, I'm not. lol
3. I love old black and white movies about wealthy, over caricatured characters.
4. I never walk on the grass.
5. I always choose things in 3's
6. I love Jack in the Box. But, never have it.
7. I can sew
8. I worked doing construction one Summer.
9. I've known two convicted murderers.
10. I can cook. But, no one would believe it. I order in almost every day.
1. I'm half Mexican. But, no one believes me until my Mother speaks to me in Spanish.
2. I seem like a people person.....but, I'm not. lol
3. I love old black and white movies about wealthy, over caricatured characters.
4. I never walk on the grass.
5. I always choose things in 3's
6. I love Jack in the Box. But, never have it.
7. I can sew
8. I worked doing construction one Summer.
9. I've known two convicted murderers.
10. I can cook. But, no one would believe it. I order in almost every day.

Oh, Just Wicked, you are indeed a "riddle wrapped up in a mystery.":biggrin:

I just learned so much about you, and yet nothing at all..........:welcome:
1. I'm half Mexican. But, no one believes me until my Mother speaks to me in Spanish.
2. I seem like a people person.....but, I'm not. lol
3. I love old black and white movies about wealthy, over caricatured characters.
4. I never walk on the grass.
5. I always choose things in 3's
6. I love Jack in the Box. But, never have it.
7. I can sew
8. I worked doing construction one Summer.
9. I've known two convicted murderers.
10. I can cook. But, no one would believe it. I order in almost every day.

Very interesting list! Yo hablo espanol, tambien. ?Cual parte de su cuerpo es mexicano? Two of my favorite movies: The Scarlet Pimpernel with Leslie Howard and Joan Gardner and My Man Godfrey with William Powell and Carole Lombard. Why the "grass thing?" I have been to San Francisco, although I prefer Avila Beach, and there are lots of "green" areas. What is your favorite thing to cook? Thanks for sharing!
Very interesting list! Yo hablo espanol, tambien. ?Cual parte de su cuerpo es mexicano? Two of my favorite movies: The Scarlet Pimpernel with Leslie Howard and Joan Gardner and My Man Godfrey with William Powell and Carole Lombard. Why the "grass thing?" I have been to San Francisco, although I prefer Avila Beach, and there are lots of "green" areas. What is your favorite thing to cook? Thanks for sharing!
I love My Man Godfrey. Also, anything with Cary Grant, Fred and Ginger....early Claudette Colbert.
When I was on staff at my first theater, everyone would bring there dogs to work and walk them on small patch of grass right by the door. They had a whole park to walk them. Anyways, when we would out to the park for lunch, there would be tons a tourist laying around the same patch of grass eating their lunch. We would always say...."if they only knew". So, the fear of stepping in something has always been in me. With that I stopped walking on grass. No one really notices when they're with me and I VERY rarely go to parks with out paths. It's a private random fact about me.
I make an amazing roast dinner that always impresses.
I forgot to ad....pues yo creo mis pies. lol
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?Porque' los pies en vez de otras partes del cuerpo? jaja :biggrin:

Why are your feet the most Mexican part of your body? lol
Welcome jstwicked. It is really nice reading about others. Parece que tambien tenemos algunas cosas en comune. I actually love to cook and feed people, to the point I haVe done some part time catering. Actually, am thinking of retiring soon, and take up catering, or some small type of food business.
10 facts about me

1. I'm very new to the gay scene
2. I love kayaking
3. I have a dog name Romeo who is my baby!!
4. I like me some vodka drinks
5. I'm not good at having platonic male friends :blush:
6. I would go straight for Kelly Clarkson
7. I love being single
8. I just turned 23 on December 12th.
9. My guilty pleasures is Bad Girls club. Those girls are crazy! haha
10. I'm studying to become a Personal Trainer.
That's all pretty cool Mark. Thanks for sharing. I like to watch guys kayak. But I've never done it myself.

I'm with you on the platonic male friends. It used to be a source of tension and even grief. It's all the more difficult when you're younger. Now I'm okay with it. Even if I might secretly want a little more...and I don't usually...I also won't obsess over it. I can just enjoy their company.
10 facts about me

1. I'm very new to the gay scene
2. I love kayaking
3. I have a dog name Romeo who is my baby!!
4. I like me some vodka drinks
5. I'm not good at having platonic male friends :blush:
6. I would go straight for Kelly Clarkson
7. I love being single
8. I just turned 23 on December 12th.
9. My guilty pleasures is Bad Girls club. Those girls are crazy! haha
10. I'm studying to become a Personal Trainer.


23, single, new to the scene, aspiring personal trainer............ If I was the matchmaking type, I would say that you need to meet my friends Youngandconfused, LPdude, and Straightcurious.:001_tt2:
Hi Jstwicked!

1. I'm half Mexican. But, no one believes me until my Mother speaks to me in Spanish.
2. I seem like a people person.....but, I'm not. lol
3. I love old black and white movies about wealthy, over caricatured characters.
4. I never walk on the grass.
5. I always choose things in 3's
6. I love Jack in the Box. But, never have it.
7. I can sew
8. I worked doing construction one Summer.
9. I've known two convicted murderers.
10. I can cook. But, no one would believe it. I order in almost every day.

I'm half Mexican, too! Me encantan las peliculas en blanco y negro! Ya viste la pelicula nueva, El Artista? Me puse muy contento cuando se gano el Golden Globe por mejor pelicula del ano. Ojala que gane el Oscar, tambien! it's going to be great having you on the forums! I can't wait for you to share your opinions with us!


10 facts about me

1. I'm very new to the gay scene
2. I love kayaking
3. I have a dog name Romeo who is my baby!!
4. I like me some vodka drinks
5. I'm not good at having platonic male friends :blush:
6. I would go straight for Kelly Clarkson
7. I love being single
8. I just turned 23 on December 12th.
9. My guilty pleasures is Bad Girls club. Those girls are crazy! haha
10. I'm studying to become a Personal Trainer.

Hey, Mark
I should have read your random facts before I sent you my friend request. I like all kinds of friends, but I'll understand if you don't accept. Anyway, it's going to be a blast having you on the forums!

Take care,
1. I have not had a drink in almost twenty years (almost died).
2. I have not had a cigarette in almost twenty two years (same as above) 3. I love my job and hate it with equanimity.
4. I have two years until retirement.
5. I really hate the feeling of toleration by the women I work with.
6. I have to care for an ageing relative at home 24/7.
7. I fell in love with a boy when I was 10 and have always known I was gay.
8. I wanted God to take gay away but now know it was a blessing.
9. I had an affair for years with my sister's boyfriend; quarterback of the football team.
10. Bobby reminds me of every kid I fell in love with at private school.
1. I have not had a drink in almost twenty years (almost died).
2. I have not had a cigarette in almost twenty two years (same as above) 3. I love my job and hate it with equanimity.
4. I have two years until retirement.
5. I really hate the feeling of toleration by the women I work with.
6. I have to care for an ageing relative at home 24/7.
7. I fell in love with a boy when I was 10 and have always known I was gay.
8. I wanted God to take gay away but now know it was a blessing.
9. I had an affair for years with my sister's boyfriend; quarterback of the football team.
10. Bobby reminds me of every kid I fell in love with at private school.

RRJ, I have waited so long for you to post this, I may have to comment on every single one...........

1 & 2, wow quitting both at once must have been very difficult, can I ask what happened, or is that to personal?
3. Me too some days, but I do love it most of the time.
4. I'm kind of envious, I will be working for many more years. What do you want to do when you retire?
5. I'm not really sure I understand that one.:confused:
6. I worry about when that day comes, and whether I will be able to handle it, since the rest of life will still be demanding my attention.
7. I think that is better, in a lot of ways, than some of the confusion that others go through.
8. Everyone always told me that God didn't make mistakes, no matter what we thought.
9. Did she find out and try to kill you:scared:
10. I bet Mikeyank had the exact same situation...................
10. Bobby reminds me of every kid I fell in love with at private school.
10. I bet Mikeyank had the exact same situation...................
I have a feeling Ms. K that many of us guys who are members here have that same feeling. This web site gives us a look at what we wanted to see, and do with many young straight guys that we've encountered throughout our lives. :thumbup:
I have always loved Bobby since I first saw him. When I was in high school, I attended a military academy. I saw many desireable guys like him. Of course I lived in a dorm and had a roommate. Thankfully I got a very cute, masculine, straight guy. He was very up-front about everything. The first time we met he informed me that he liked to jerkoff and he did it alot. He hoped I didn't have a problem with it. Heck, I didn't have a problem, in fact I wanted to tell him that I would be glad to help him whenever he needed me. He was good at his word. We had bunk beds and every night when we went to bed he would jerkoff. He was very vocal and I lay in my bed listening to him and wishing I was doing it for him. Of course, he wasn't shy so I saw him naked with a hardon many times. He never indicated that he thought I was gay, but I know he had to be aware that I was attracted to him. I didn't think about it then, but now I think maybe he knew and he got a certain satisfaction out of knowing that I wanted him. He was my roommate for two years. I lay in bed listening to him for two years! Sometimes I wanted so bad to just jump in bed with him and start sucking his cock. I knew better than to do it, because if he didn't want it and reported me I would have been kicked out of school. Major frustration!!! The second year was our senior year so we departed at the end of school. We never saw each other again. I often wondered what happened to him. All I have now is the memories, but oh what memories!