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10 random facts about you.

if i can be honest, i really don't think i'm all that hot! :) i do enjoy the attention though.

dude, go to the album in your profile for a minute and pretend you don't know you and weren't on the bed when that pic was taken. then come back here and accuse yourself publicly of false modesty (and possibly hypocrisy) because of what you just posted:wink:

objectivity zyl, objectivity...
dude, go to the album in your profile for a minute and pretend you don't know you and weren't on the bed when that pic was taken. then come back here and accuse yourself publicly of false modesty (and possibly hypocrisy) because of what you just posted:wink:

objectivity zyl, objectivity...

hey, i am modest. there is a harsh difference between modesty and confidence. in my everyday life, i am quite average and people who see me everyday know how i am. i blush easily and don't like compliments. i do enjoy the attention though. go figure.

posting a provocative picture of myself on a jackoff site forums is like feeding fresh meat to jaws. i expect the compliments.
hey, i am modest. there is a harsh difference between modesty and confidence. in my everyday life, i am quite average and people who see me everyday know how i am. i blush easily and don't like compliments. i do enjoy the attention though. go figure.

posting a provocative picture of myself on a jackoff site forums is like feeding fresh meat to jaws. i expect the compliments.

OK, objective, modest and wise...

not compliments, just facts...
hey, i am modest. there is a harsh difference between modesty and confidence. in my everyday life, i am quite average and people who see me everyday know how i am. i blush easily and don't like compliments. i do enjoy the attention though. go figure.

I can believe that you are modest in the real world. And maybe you think your body is not anything special. But you do have a nice body. You are hot. Even if your face is average or downright ugly...which I highly, highly doubt of course, you still have a great body that you should be proud of. maybe you don't like compliments face to face because they make you feel awkward and uncomfortable. But in the cyber world I'm happy to tell you that tall is sexy. And the rest of your body is too. :drool: haha
thank you all. you nailed it on the head tampa. awkward! what do you say when people walk up to you "wow, you are hot!" just stand there and stare and say "thank you" ? lol. it gets awkward, trust me. i do think my body is special, i've worked very hard for it. i was a chubby kid.
Oh, I agree with you that it's special alright. LOL Thank you for sharing the photo with us. It was a very nice gesture on your part. And it gave us something to smile about.
!0 Random Facts About ME

I haven't gotten to read everyones yet but will.
Here are mine=)

1. I'm 21 but more mature than most 21year olds.
2. I am a theatre actor and theatre junkie.
3. I am a Capricorn.
4. Scifi Junkie Mainly all Star Treks excpet original series and another Favorite is Battlestar Galactica.
5. Used to work for a school in Computers Department.
6. I somehow deal with the heat of Arizona.
7. My mom passed away just in February on valentines day.
8. I live in a nice studio=)
9. I have been in 2 fender bender accidents not harmful to me=)

There we go=)
I'll take my turn on the Broke Straight Boys forum futon. Let's see, where to begin?

1) I'm American (English, Irish, and Scottish decent), and likely a few sprinkles of other ethnic goodness.
2) I'm a Microsoft server administrator.
3) I was a professional chef, but gave it up due to skin allergies.
4) I still like to cook for friends and family.
5) I'm bi, and single.
6) I've had a serious relationship with a woman, and a man.
7) I'm probably too selfish for true commitment, but I've been told I'm very giving in spurts.
8) I really dislike item 7 about me, but it's true.
9) I like to take long drives -- stopping at various locations and take in the local culture.
10) I dislike big crowds, but love hanging with friends.

and finally, I find this forum interesting, and hope to post more.

- Josh
Welcome to the forum Josh4u2. It is great getting to know you. I look forward to your future posts and getting to know you even better.
Thank you all for your welcomings.
I am excited to get to know many of you=)
Welcome SWM and Josh to the forum.
Also, nice to know that I have a fellow capricorn, SWM.
My birthday is Jan 13.

Again, welcome to the two of you.

Oh and welcome Josh to the forum=)
Again, welcome to swm and Josh. And let's hear from Lighthouse as well, also new to the forum. I'm a huge fan after reading only one short post :)
1. Am half German Pole and half European "mutt"...
2. I go absolutely crazy for British accents.
3. Though openly gay, and tolerant of everyone and everything, many people assume I am a homophobe at first glance.
4. My first true love recently came out of the closet and wishes to be in an open relationship...he lives on the East coast, and I on the West. Bummer...
5. In high school my best female friend dated three closet cases and had me "break them in"...
6. I am, sadly, a relationship self saboteur.
7. Can speak volumes on WWII...
8. Love the skinny, nerdy type...
9. Helped change the attitude towards homosexuality in my small hometown...still have no idea how that happened. I guess being an honest, kind person can trump almost anything.
10. I'm no Superman...
Welcome to the forum Panzer.

I'm a WWII history buff myself. Not that I have a degree in history. But if you wanted to start a thread talking about different aspects of WWII I'd probably join you.
Thanks Tampa...Nice to see that there are a few of us around...