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Zander holds some serious promise


BSB Addict
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
I cannot say how others here have reacted to this young man but I am very hopeful of good things to come. As I think I mentioned once before, he reminds me of some of the young men I knew in my youth. I look forward to seeing if he develops into a team player.
He is perfect in every way!!! He reminds me a bit of Blonde Kevin but a million times hotter!!! I so hope we see more of him!!!!
Nice tight body. By demeanor, eyes, speech he was as high as a kite; or if that is his normal self, he needs a couple of B12 shots before a scene. When he laid down on the bed, I thought he'd fall asleep. Gave the scene a 2.

On another thread, some poster implied that this Johnny character is the guy from baitbus. I've only seen a few of those scenes on free sights, but that voice is distinctive. Could it be? I'm far from a prude, but David and Clay both used little street language. This guy's language hurts the image of Broke Straight Boys as a porn site a cut above so many others.
Could the cameraman make him any more anxious? What the hell is going on here --- exciting, sensual new models aggressively asked irrelevant questions. Very swarmy and unsettling to me (and apparently many other Broke Straight Boys loyalists). This should not even be a issue! Fantastic talent clearly made uncomfortable. Zander Floyd, you are sexy and survived the inquisition, we welcome you!
Could the cameraman make him any more anxious? What the hell is going on here --- exciting, sensual new models aggressively asked irrelevant questions. Very swarmy and unsettling to me (and apparently many other Broke Straight Boys loyalists). This should not even be a issue! Fantastic talent clearly made uncomfortable. Zander Floyd, you are sexy and survived the inquisition, we welcome you!

All our models love the new cameraman. It gets kind of old asking the same old questions. He brings out their personality more.
Zander Floyd beautiful boy.Takes me back to my youth.Hope he stay's around.I do feel however that the cameraman made him uncomfortable
dumb talk to a 19 year old who to me seemed a little high. And what is it with his hand? Zader's scene not his.Very sexy boy .Hope
the camera guy did not scare him away.
Stop the insanity

Personally, I felt the cameraman was engaging and related well to Zander Floyd. Zander Floyd is not your everyday Tom, Dick, or Harry. Speaking of dicks, Zander Floyd's dick is precisely in keeping with his beautiful body. I was a bit disappointed, after all was said and done, that his load had only a very laid-back approach to orgasming. I like to see more last minute drama before the payday! I was favorably impressed with the way he just scooped up his tongue and tasted his cum with not much fanfare. In this case, I define fanfare as "glistening pre-cum" as evidence that he really enjoyed himself. It is like it was as resistant showing any emotion during his wank as he was about hard-pressed understanding why it is wrong sending others Trojans over the internet, and I don't mean the latex variety! Hopefully he will learn eventually that being so antisocial, harming innocent bystanders that have done nothing in particular to him, is really just another form of terrorism committed against totally unsuspecting people. I hope he soon learns that being anti-social does not pay and he finds a better, more productive pastime.

I just know there are countless numbers of people that have been harmed financially and by preventing them from doing something necessary on their computers. That all has a cost in their personal productivity and he needs to realize the harm he releases on others.

I hate to be so upset by his own admission, but he really does not get it!!! Personally, I think he should be grateful for the many blessings he has personally benefitted from.:grr:

Sincerely hope he reforms his ways over the internet,
and be the :angel: his looks say he could be,

I am very excited to see what happens with Zander Floyd. He is totally my type of model and has the exact body type I look for. He does seem to have a good personality. I personally really enjoy how the new director gets the models to open up and let us know more about them. My only complaint with this solo is the fact it was boring. Zander Floyd laid on his back and that was it. I was hoping to see some more angles and more body exploration and different positions. Either way a solid 4 from me.
I like this kid a lot. He is very much my type and Johnny's interview was actually pretty good getting us to learn something about this surfer, biker type kid from Virginia. He's obviously a quiet kid and the questions pulled some info out of him, not all good, (the computer hacking is not good, but if it is what the kid really does then I like to find out).

He comes across to me as a real straight but adventurous kid, and I am very curious to watch him with another guy.

He actually reminds me a lot of young Sean Penn playing Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, except Zander Floyd has a prettier face.

Great job; very cute guy with an adventurous streak. I'd love to ask him if he's every fooled around with a guy before? I hope he comes back and entertains us some more. Next, put Zander Floyd in a circle jerk; I'm sure he's done that before. Maybe in a behind the scenes, he could show us some of his bike moves? And, as for Johnny, I like him: he's chatty, upbeat and does pull out the guy's personality well. Thanks guys...that was fun.
Have very mixed feelings about this model. Liked his body and cut but wish he would wash hair - looked too greasy and unkempt. Secondly, despite cameraman;s efforts, he seemed almost like he was ready to jump out of his skin.Constant hugging of upper body leads to think he was really at unease. As noted in past posts would like to see him paired with Blake, Jason, Brandon and Damian.
All our models love the new cameraman. It gets kind of old asking the same old questions. He brings out their personality more.

Thanks for replying to us - Love the site and have been a member for some time. Broke Straight Boys has never been better! But it is hard to believe what you say about the models loving the cameraman (Ian was clearly rattled, and Zander Floyd insulted). And please look at the "video comment" section where there is almost unanimous open rebellion against his invasive, and often rude work. Thanks!
Another good solo video from Johnny the new director, who I think is great. He got Zander Floyd to open up and he got him to eat his cum at the end, which for me was hot and a welcome change from the other solos since I've joined, which I thought were kind of formulaic. It was always exciting to see a new model and to imagine who they'd be good with, but as videos themselves they got boring for me. I hope the new director stays around for a long, long time.

I don't, at all, understand much of the criticism that people are leveling at the new director; what other people seem to find rude, I find conversational and upbeat. Frankly, I think stowe's criticism is especially bizarre; what in the world is the term "street language" supposed to imply? If you mean the word "fuck," Clay and David both used it all the time.

Look, as I recall it, the biggest criticism of Clay's scenes is that they were boring and formulaic, a criticism that I sometimes agreed with. No one has yet said that about one of Johnny's scenes. As far as I'm concerned, that shows us that if there have been problems created by adding the new director, problems have also been resolved.
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first re:Zander Floyd I feel he is too young acting. But that's just me. He is legal age+ so if people like him for that ok. I just like older. He does have high potential. like to see how he is with others.

second the re:director I've said it before Id like to see the guys do their thing with out any direction being heard or seen. The new guys might need him to help that's fine but we don't need to hear/see it. Some talk especially for new guys is ok so we get to know them, but to a point then on their own.

all in all he's got his good points and I'm sure he will do fine here.
All our models love the new cameraman. It gets kind of old asking the same old questions. He brings out their personality more.
Thank-you, Thank-you, Mark. You have worked very hard and set up an A+ web site. Very entertaining. If I were one of your models, I would definitely say what you want to hear to keep my job. Probably not all, but maybe some. The problem is that although the models like "Johnny", some fans don't seem to like his style. I watched the last two videos on "mute" and it worked out better for me. Again, thank-you for your difficult management decisions. It can't be easy for you some days. I'm patient and will give him time. I haven't seen a true personality "brought out" yet (on film), except maybe Tate, and he has more yet to discover. Zander Floyd's personality was non-existent, almost. Plus the interview was 50.3% of the entire video which is talking, not porn. That doesn't seem to be a good thing. Ian sure seemed confused by the direction and he never has before. We'll stick around and see what happens.
Another good solo video from Johnny the new director, who I think is great. He got Zander Floyd to open up and he got him to eat his cum at the end, which for me was hot and a welcome change from the other solos since I've joined, which I thought were kind of formulaic. It was always exciting to see a new model and to imagine who they'd be good with, but as videos themselves they got boring for me. I hope the new director stays around for a long, long time.

I don't, at all, understand much of the criticism that people are leveling at the new director; what other people seem to find rude, I find conversational and upbeat. Frankly, I think stowe's criticism is especially bizarre; what in the world is the term "street language" supposed to imply? If you mean the word "fuck," Clay and David both used it all the time.

Look, as I recall it, the biggest criticism of Clay's scenes is that they were boring and formulaic, a criticism that I sometimes agreed with. No one has yet said that about one of Johnny's scenes. As far as I'm concerned, that shows us that if there have been problems created by adding the new director, problems have also been resolved.

I agree with advocate88 100% and I like the eloquent way he put it!

I am familiar with "Johnny's" type of style from other sites and never found it distracting. In some cases, it was like I was sitting in the room while the filming was taking place. What I've come to learn is; the models on Broke Straight Boys generally have no experience with this kind of work. Most are appearing on Broke Straight Boys for the first time, where as on other sites that I've visited, the models have done scenes and have a little more idea of what's expected of them.

Johnny and the models here, will be new to each other for a while. Eventually they will have developed a better "rapport" and perhaps the need for as much direction will diminish over time. Change is part of evolution and I've been here long enough to have witnessed some of it. I am still here, despite all of the choices and options available to me, I choose to be here.
Another good solo video from Johnny the new director, who I think is great. He got Zander Floyd to open up and he got him to eat his cum at the end, which for me was hot and a welcome change from the other solos since I've joined, which I thought were kind of formulaic. It was always exciting to see a new model and to imagine who they'd be good with, but as videos themselves they got boring for me. I hope the new director stays around for a long, long time.

I don't, at all, understand much of the criticism that people are leveling at the new director; what other people seem to find rude, I find conversational and upbeat. Frankly, I think stowe's criticism is especially bizarre; what in the world is the term "street language" supposed to imply? If you mean the word "fuck," Clay and David both used it all the time.

Look, as I recall it, the biggest criticism of Clay's scenes is that they were boring and formulaic, a criticism that I sometimes agreed with. No one has yet said that about one of Johnny's scenes. As far as I'm concerned, that shows us that if there have been problems created by adding the new director, problems have also been resolved.

Hi Advocate - looks we have completely different perspectives, lol! My goal is for the cameraman to focus on the visual, rather than get involved with our stars. He has asked Ian, Tate and now Zander Floyd some very intrusive questions, in a gruff and swarmy tone. Put them on the spot, rather than warm them up (IMHO). And the comments on the video page are almost uniformly negative. Really good directors remain behind the scenes and unintrusive. Thanks for listing!
All our models love the new cameraman. It gets kind of old asking the same old questions. He brings out their personality more.

Seriously now, Mark If your models really enjoy your new camera man why do they perform like zombies? There is no passion, no connection and no real sex at all, They merely go through motions not to mention more limp dicks, not the stuff of porno heaven. In this last video he spent 10 minutes slobbering over "Zander Floyd" Enough is enough . I beg you as a long time fan of this site please exert some editorial control here