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Yours Truly Damien Kyle ;)

Hopfully theres more to come because im moving soon and I could def use the money :) haha but thank you for all the love and support.


Damien Kyle - thanks.

As you (and the entire Broke Straight Boys world knows) I am the world's biggest Jason Matthews fan. I am still kind of hoping that the announcement of his retirement was either a mistake - OR that Mark can use his powers of persuasion to get Jason back, for an encore.

But, Damien Kyle - other than Jason - you and Paul are (in my opinion) the best models on the site, and if you guys don't get new scenes, there is precious little reason to stay. (At least for the videos.) In that event, I guess I would just download my favourite scenes, and use my subscription-money to go to the MOVIES. (That's just my feeling, and, as you're an employee of the site, you shouldn't comment on this part of my post. I'm just saying what I think, and feel.)

You CAN comment on THIS, however, Damien Kyle . . . tell Mr. Paul Canon to get his cute butt in here, and give me and Johnny from San Francisco, a HUG!!!


P.S., D.K. - we love you. Please give Paul a hug, too. As you know, you are both on my "favourite models" list - and I have rated all your videos (both yours and Paul's) a perfect "5".
Just to be mentioned in the same sentence with Paul and Damien gave johnny a special shake. opps ( Hope that wasn't a earthquake )
Thanks Ambi.
Big Giant Hug...

Damien Kyle - thanks.

As you (and the entire Broke Straight Boys world knows) I am the world's biggest Jason Matthews fan. I am still kind of hoping that the announcement of his retirement was either a mistake - OR that Mark can use his powers of persuasion to get Jason back, for an encore.

But, Damien Kyle - other than Jason - you and Paul are (in my opinion) the best models on the site, and if you guys don't get new scenes, there is precious little reason to stay. (At least for the videos.) In that event, I guess I would just download my favourite scenes, and use my subscription-money to go to the MOVIES. (That's just my feeling, and, as you're an employee of the site, you shouldn't comment on this part of my post. I'm just saying what I think, and feel.)

You CAN comment on THIS, however, Damien Kyle . . . tell Mr. Paul Canon to get his cute butt in here, and give me and Johnny from San Francisco, a HUG!!!


P.S., D.K. - we love you. Please give Paul a hug, too. As you know, you are both on my "favourite models" list - and I have rated all your videos (both yours and Paul's) a perfect "5".

Aww thanks bud :) & Hopfully we'l make it up to san francisco some day!
Right now I have two options move out the state or turn this town into ours! Hahaha :) but overall tonight was a great night and I dont think I will be leaving any time soon.

Will you and Paul still live together? I do love the photos you guys take of one another sleeping...nummy!:001_wub:
Will you and Paul still live together? I do love the photos you guys take of one another sleeping...nummy!:001_wub:

Haha thats a good question! looks like youl have to stick around and find out :)
Yes they'll still be living together, up in Seattle with Peter!! haha
Peter's "the bottom."
I already follow you on twitter. I have been a fan of yours for a long time, in fact, since the first time I saw you. I hope you stay a long time. I thought it was terrible that they were rough with you until I heard you tell one that you like it rough. Even though I am far away from there(I'm in Tennessee) I get protective of you guys. I hope you have a pride in Knoxville, Tn. That is close enough I can get to it. Keep doing like your and we will all keep following along.
I already follow you on twitter. I have been a fan of yours for a long time, in fact, since the first time I saw you. I hope you stay a long time. I thought it was terrible that they were rough with you until I heard you tell one that you like it rough. Even though I am far away from there(I'm in Tennessee) I get protective of you guys. I hope you have a pride in Knoxville, Tn. That is close enough I can get to it. Keep doing like your and we will all keep following along.

Aww thank you terry for joining the form and showing some love to your fav model :)
OMG, tell me you two are going to do a scene together from your bedroom!!!!:001_wub:

I think they should put webcams all over the house and give Damien and Paul their own reality tv show. Of course I would watch it. LOL
OMG, tell me you two are going to do a scene together from your bedroom!!!!:001_wub:

Scene or not. I just want you guy's to stay together. Scene would be a extra added bonus. Can't understand Broke Straight Boys sometimes?
They have a blockbuster scene right in front of them and there not using it. Getting to like you more every day Damien.
Just saying....johnny
Scene or not. I just want you guy's to stay together. Scene would be a extra added bonus. Can't understand Broke Straight Boys sometimes?
They have a blockbuster scene right in front of them and there not using it. Getting to like you more every day Damien.
Just saying....johnny
Hands of little johnny, I am veeeery protective of my Damien Kyle!! lol

I am glad to see that you are back and posting. I was very touched by your behind the scenes interview. All you can do now is move on with life and look to the future. Be positive, and use your past to help guide you forward. It has made you stronger and will continue to do so. Remember the Force will be with you, Always.

I also want to thank you for being Paul's Secretary and talking for him on the forum. I trust he is paying you well for your services.

But on a more serious subject, I'd like you to pass on this next section to Paul. I can understand, in part, why Paul does not want to post. I think he (Paul) needs to look at the big picture. Not everyone on this forum may like Paul or the things he says. The same would hold true for you. There may even be posts that are not positive in regards to Paul (or you for that matter). You can't let that stop you from posting. YOU CAN'T PLEASE ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME! Having said that, if you don't like what someone has said, YOU DON'T NEED TO RESPOND. Your response may only get an even stronger negative response back. And the cycle goes on.

Instead, just IGNORE that post and move on. All of us are big enough to handle those few unkind/unprofessional comments. Just don't take it personally. Paul should know that he has a great following here and his decision not to post not only reflects poorly on him, but lets his fans down. He was such an active, high energy poster, to stop, cold turkey, does have an impact. All Paul needs to do is be himself when posting (fun loving with a hit of mischievous) and just be a little careful on potentially sensitive issues. If he does that (like you are now) there will be no issues.

Damien, thanks for passing this on to Paul. More importantly, thanks for returning to the forum.

Live Long and Prosper,

Vicekid (aka fan of Paul and Damien)

P.S. AS far as visiting Seattle or San Francisco your best bet would be in Southern California where things are always rockin and rollin.

I am glad to see that you are back and posting. I was very touched by your behind the scenes interview. All you can do now is move on with life and look to the future. Be positive, and use your past to help guide you forward. It has made you stronger and will continue to do so. Remember the Force will be with you, Always.

I also want to thank you for being Paul's Secretary and talking for him on the forum. I trust he is paying you well for your services.

But on a more serious subject, I'd like you to pass on this next section to Paul. I can understand, in part, why Paul does not want to post. I think he (Paul) needs to look at the big picture. Not everyone on this forum may like Paul or the things he says. The same would hold true for you. There may even be posts that are not positive in regards to Paul (or you for that matter). You can't let that stop you from posting. YOU CAN'T PLEASE ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME! Having said that, if you don't like what someone has said, YOU DON'T NEED TO RESPOND. Your response may only get an even stronger negative response back. And the cycle goes on.

Instead, just IGNORE that post and move on. All of us are big enough to handle those few unkind/unprofessional comments. Just don't take it personally. Paul should know that he has a great following here and his decision not to post not only reflects poorly on him, but lets his fans down. He was such an active, high energy poster, to stop, cold turkey, does have an impact. All Paul needs to do is be himself when posting (fun loving with a hit of mischievous) and just be a little careful on potentially sensitive issues. If he does that (like you are now) there will be no issues.

Damien, thanks for passing this on to Paul. More importantly, thanks for returning to the forum.

Live Long and Prosper,

Vicekid (aka fan of Paul and Damien)

P.S. AS far as visiting Seattle or San Francisco your best bet would be in Southern California where things are always rockin and rollin.
Lol good joke but paul and I do our own things. If he chooses not to post clearly theres a reason. U really shouldnt speak on somthing you dont know...like u just said if I were to respond to this negative comment ...it would just start more drama so my question to you and everyone else why provoke us if you already understand the damage this war will cause? Before any of us start any more "Drama" lets remind our selves what are we fighting for. .?