OK, you have been great about sharing your favorite quotes, and I appreciate all of the posts.
However, I think I was not very clear on what I was looking for. While everything that has been posted was worthwhile, most of them are famous quotes by famous people. We all have access to them with some education and religious and other exposures. What I was hoping for was the quotes you heard from parents, friends, co-workers, etc. that the general public has not had access to, but would benefit from. Is there something that your grandmother said to you while you were growing up? Some sage advice that a teacher, employer or mentor shared with you that helped you, made you think, made you laugh, changed your life.
Some examples, when I was going through a hard time that was totally my own fault and it was obvious to everyone but me, my sister-in-law (who married one of my older brothers when I was 7 and is like a mother to me) said, "You keep doin' what you've been doin', you'll keep gettin' what you been gettin'.
Another friend, when I jokingly ask her, "You love me?" always responds, "Like a fat kid loves cake!"
The only premarital advice my mother gave me before my first wedding was to "take the hardest thing I had and put it where she pees." I put my bowling ball in the toilet.