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Your favorite quotes

"In our obsession of original sin we too often forget original innocence." ~ Pope Innocent III
Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open. - Sir James Dewar


Oh I like that one!

Here is one I have always liked:
Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference - Niebuhr
Here is one I have always liked:
Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference - Niebuhr

Hey, that's always been a favorite of mine too. I still have trouble with the accepting things I can't change though.

Oh I like that one!

Here is one I have always liked:
Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference - Niebuhr

I say that one everyday...:thumbup:
OK, you have been great about sharing your favorite quotes, and I appreciate all of the posts.

However, I think I was not very clear on what I was looking for. While everything that has been posted was worthwhile, most of them are famous quotes by famous people. We all have access to them with some education and religious and other exposures. What I was hoping for was the quotes you heard from parents, friends, co-workers, etc. that the general public has not had access to, but would benefit from. Is there something that your grandmother said to you while you were growing up? Some sage advice that a teacher, employer or mentor shared with you that helped you, made you think, made you laugh, changed your life.

Some examples, when I was going through a hard time that was totally my own fault and it was obvious to everyone but me, my sister-in-law (who married one of my older brothers when I was 7 and is like a mother to me) said, "You keep doin' what you've been doin', you'll keep gettin' what you been gettin'.

Another friend, when I jokingly ask her, "You love me?" always responds, "Like a fat kid loves cake!"

The only premarital advice my mother gave me before my first wedding was to "take the hardest thing I had and put it where she pees." I put my bowling ball in the toilet.
I think understand where you are coming from. I think we all do. I think you are looking for the more colloquial version quote of our favorite sayings. Like the one your sister in law told you. However it is not all that original. The saying has been used in drug and alcohol recovery programs for decades. It is often said like your sister in law did or "If you continue to do what you always did you will always get what you have always got." More simply put. "Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results." I bring this up because they all say the same thing. Only the insanity quote is actually published in the NA text book.

May ask if you are trying to find some original sayings more than anything else, like:
  • "I am on that like Donkey Kong."
  • "I am looking for someone to swallow my kids later."
  • "Don't play leap frog with unicorns."

I am not sure if I am right or wrong here but I do think that everyone has been offering sincere honest quotes that have shaped their lives. Whether or not it is a famous quote of one that is made up more recently. I believe that you wanted us to offer quotes that were seldom heard of that shaped our lives and not necessarily ones that are book quotes. For some of us, most of our quotes may have been famous quotes. They still helped shape our lives and in that respect they would meet your basic criteria.

I love this thread. The one thing I have learned here on the forum is that once a thread is started they tend to take on a life of their own based on everyone's interpretation. Good luck trying to keep the thread focused. I find it is easier and more fun to see where each thread goes on its own. "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Bless your heart and thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts.:wink:
Of course, you're right. I have OCD. I have tried to keep threads on focus because that's what life is like in Carkingworld. I need to lighten up. Perhaps I need to type less and masturbate more.
A Few of My Favorite Quotes . . .

Here are a Few of My Favorite Quotes:

“Sic semper tyrannis” - Marcus Brutus

“I know that I know nothing.” – Socrates

“Je pense donc je suis” or “Cogito ergo sum” – Descartes

“Death is not a fearful thing. It’s living that’s treacherous.” - Jim Jones

“The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.” – Socrates

"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves” - Abraham Lincoln

“Generally, those who know little speak a lot and those who know a lot speak little.” - Rousseau

"I am rather inclined to silence, and whether that be wise or not, it is at least more unusual nowadays to find a man who can hold his tongue than to find one who cannot." - Abraham Lincoln
pardon my interruption

Here are a Few of My Favorite Quotes:

“Sic semper tyrannis” - Marcus Brutus

“I know that I know nothing.” – Socrates

“Je pense donc je suis” or “Cogito ergo sum” – Descartes

“Death is not a fearful thing. It’s living that’s treacherous.” - Jim Jones

“The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.” – Socrates

"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves” - Abraham Lincoln

“Generally, those who know little speak a lot and those who know a lot speak little.” - Rousseau

"I am rather inclined to silence, and whether that be wise or not, it is at least more unusual nowadays to find a man who can hold his tongue than to find one who cannot." - Abraham Lincoln
This is off topic to the thread, but on topic to you Sean. I would suggest all members click on sean1331's profile, and then to Images, where he has posted 14 pictures of him, mostly shirtless. Sean, you are a VERY hot young man!!!

Sorry for this interruption. You folks can get to the topic on the thread again. I just felt the need to comment on a hidden treasure on the forum. :sneaky2:
Of course, you're right. I have OCD. I have tried to keep threads on focus because that's what life is like in Carkingworld. I need to lighten up. Perhaps I need to type less and masturbate more.

Dude you are all right. I just wanted to be sure I was understanding what you wanted. You are awesome. But, hey masturbate all you want this site is loaded with great material... Don't forget to communicate though. We love to hear from you and your posts are always both interesting and enlightening. If nothing else have fun... I have OCD, I am lysdexic, and I have ADD. I refuse medication for all of the above. I really had to learn how to relax and meditate so I didn't take myself so seriously. LOL Anyway, I cum here to relax and have fun with you and all of my friends I have made here. The videos are just a bonus for me... Bless your heart and thank you for being you...:biggrin:

This really isn't where you wanted this thread to go at all, carking, but these two words together just make me giggle...

I recently finished reading Christopher Moore's book Fool (which anyone out there who is a King Lear fan should read) and these two words just kept repeating; "heinous fuckery.":tongue_smilie:
This really isn't where you wanted this thread to go at all, carking, but these two words together just make me giggle...

I recently finished reading Christopher Moore's book Fool (which anyone out there who is a King Lear fan should read) and these two words just kept repeating; "heinous fuckery.":tongue_smilie:

Don't tell me that you love me. I might do something stupid, like believe you.

It wouldn't be stupid at all to believe me. I have some friends on the forums who have shown me unconditional acceptance and who have been my shoulder to cry on and my voice of reason. I do love you. You see, most people don't understand the different kinds of love, and confuse love with lust. My true friends, the ones I love, I can discuss anything with and we don't always agree, but we always find a way to come to an agreement.
In my mother's family they never had much patience with malcontents. My "aristocratic" daddy was a well-loved victim of their scorn occasionally. When they were courting, my pa took my ma down to Asheville to a friend's plantation for a long weekend. Mid-morning they were on the veranda looking at the awesome mountain view, their hosts and 2 or three other house guests having joined them. In a few minutes it was gonna be time for mint juleps. My ma told me the setting was perfect, the people were attractive and amusing, the conversation sparkled. As the silver tray with frosty goblets came round my daddy turned to his host and said, "This is wondaful, but it would be just perfect if only Cholly Chatham wa heah too."

To the present day Cholly (Charlie) is trotted out in my family if anyone is too picky about something that's essentially good.

My maternal grandmother, in the face of her youngest rebellious boy (my uncle Rob) wanting to drop out of university and travel for a year, touched on the same theme when she observed that, "if you don't like where you are, you're not going to like where you're going." He went anyway of course and probably did like some of the places he went better than the one where he was.
Here is one that I heard years ago & only just remembered it.

"What a perfect day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing.
Watch some bastard come along & fuck it up"