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Your favorite model so far


BSB Addict
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Maybe it is possible to give the Broke Straight Boys team some possitive feedback about what we've liked so far. Share your thoughts on the models you want to see more of. Not all wishes can be granted but in movies sometimes dreams do come true...

What I didn't like I've posted in the individual threads already. So there is no need for negative postings here. (If you feel like complaining and share your worst videos, why not start your own thread?)

My favorite models so far are:
top: Vinnie and Rocco
Bottoms: Zach and Tony

I'd love to see more video's of these guys... Vinnie fucks Zach, Rocco fucks Tony, and vice versa!
Rocco, Jimmy & Bobby. They all exhibit somewhat different vibes, but all three are very hot, and I really look forward to seeing a new episode featuring any one of them. :thumbup:
Well in naming the good what we want to keep, instead of criticizing and bashing the things we hate, Bobby has potential. I have not seen enough, so yes I add Bobby to my list to keep.
Models to keep

Top: Bobby, Rocco, CJ
Provisional Top: Jimmy only if he losens up some more.

Bottom: Zack, Brett, Tony, Darren

Neither Top or Bottom,

It has to be Rocco, for several reasons, but the biggest reason is his dick.
Really there is only one.... JIMMY !!! Vinnie is a very distant second.
Erik you are entitled to two models... or more... those you wish to keep.

PS: And I want to keep Clay!
I would have to go with Vinnie, Rocco, Bobby, Zach.

It's possible that Jimmy would move up into the list also. I'll give him a provisional nomination.

The people I have not mentioned are not necessarily bad models at all. I am only going with just my top favorites.
Excellent thread Robert!

I haVe to go with Vinny and Rocco as tops.
I want to see more of Zach, Brett and Tony as bottoms.
Bobby in any combination with any of the above.

Damn Robert, that was tough!! LOL
Jimmy and C.J... both remind me of my high-school boyfriends...
my favorites would rocco, jimmy, bobby and matt.
rocco and bobby because they are so darn cut. i couldn't enjoy them more if they were served on a platter. can you eat up a model and still have them around for later?
jimmy because there is something about him.
matt because he reminds me of someone i would like to do dirty things with.
Thats an easy one I could watch Bobby all day long. Everything about him is HOTTT!!! Second choice would be Rocco.

Awesome thread rrhill...:001_tongue:
That would be Zach, Rocco, and Bobby in that order. Tony is sort of interesting but he is a ringer brought in for effect.
Thank you for your responses. It's a mix and not scientific representative, however the models with great body and interesting personality seem to get named more often.

Some members choose not to respond. Some may have no favorite yet, and there are a lot of models who's name did not pop here.

The model hunters have to do better. Maybe Ms.K:001_wub:. headhunter (faces too) for the KiannaYank agency could post a few suggestions?

PS: I like my balls hairy, not shaved.
Thank you for your responses. It's a mix and not scientific representative, however the models with great body and interesting personality seem to get named more often.

Some members choose not to respond. Some may have no favorite yet, and there are a lot of models who's name did not pop here.

The model hunters have to do better. Maybe Ms.K:001_wub:. headhunter (faces too) for the KiannaYank agency could post a few suggestions?

PS: I like my balls hairy, not shaved.

Robert, I will go with Bobby as my favorite new Broke Straight Boys guy, but I think we can do MUCH better.

I will pretend that it is these two hotties, on the screen.:blushing:


I do love surfboards.............
MY favorite guy from BSB2 and is no surprise is Jimmy cos he's totally my type. Then Vinny just cos I love tattoos, and then I surprised myself being attracted to Bobby. I usually go for older guys but Bobby is just too damn cute.