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If you could build the most perfect porn website...

I would like you to improve the "Upcoming Updates" section on the homepage. Very often, as tonight, before viewing the latest update, I check to see the next two scenes coming up, but as the Behind The Scenes are now listed as part of the three upcoming scenes, we only see one upcoming sex scene and the next two BTS.

Please keep the regular upcoming scenes separate from the BTS. They are different and I still like to look ahead to which models are coming up in the regular sex scenes. Thanks.
Just another thought - I notice that Broke Straight Boys never shows the models showering after the shoot. I think this would be hot and some of the other sites actually include a shower portion in the entire video.
I've mentioned this more then three times. I would love to see what happens after the scene is done filming and see what the models say and talk about how the scene was. It happened once with the scene with Conner and Denver and I loved it. If we get all these bts I don't see why we can't get 3 mins extra that show us bts of actual scenes.
I would actually like the sex acts tagging for each model to be a little more detailed scene by scene, like BJ (receiving), BJ (giving), Bottom, Top, Flip-Flop, etc. So if I wanted to see all scenes where Blake topped I could find them listed with one click.

I would also enjoy to read the best quotes, both positive and negative, that forumites tend to post for each episode. I understand that's what the comments are for, but as I don't know how monitored those are, I tend to find the comments posted on the forums to be more enlightening.

It would require someone to actually edit the best/worst of those before posting them but maybe they would be less "gushy" (which is hard to avoid with the 100 words limit) than the comments are and maybe funnier/more interesting to read.

Of course less than glowing remarks should only be kept for their wit, snark or points of interest, not if they're just straight up insults/disparaging reviews of models.

And finally, I would maybe like a new kind of BTS where models are filmed reviewing the scenes that they starred in and have just been put up.

People have suggested that models be interviewed post-scene, but I would like to find out their reaction post editing when their heads have cooled down. Some reactions from forumites could also be read/superimposed on the video so we can find out what the models think of our reaction, not just their performance. I think it would be funny to see how models think they've done vs. how they're really perceived.

As Blake has mentioned that stalkers seem to exist, I'm very much against more direct/unsupervised access to the models, as I like that Blue Media protects their privacy!
So here is one... replace College Boy Physicals for a way hotter bonus site. A bonus site that attracts a larger crowd!

1. I too would like the 3 minutes suggested where the models discuss the scene after it is over
2. PLEASE ditch that annoying red couch except perhaps for solos
3. You need to dress up your sets, stay away from tacky garage doors and remember that there are beds available and provide a much better "playground."
4. I would be nice if, in the description of the scene, one could click on the model's name when mentioned and be moved to the page with all of his scenes (other sites do this and it is really handy if you want to go back and see the model's previous work.
I've mentioned this more then three times. I would love to see what happens after the scene is done filming and see what the models say and talk about how the scene was. It happened once with the scene with Conner and Denver and I loved it. If we get all these bts I don't see why we can't get 3 mins extra that show us bts of actual scenes.

What happens after a scene ? Someone has to pick up the condoms - well that job is now redundant lol. I guess the sheets need to be changed - but as not many duos are filmed on a bed these days that job is redundant too. Guess they go for a shower then..
Hey, Chuck -

Thanks for asking for the members' input - and, from your question, it is clear to me that you are asking about website apps and functionality, NOT casting, direction, or other matters that are more directly related to content. (I am not sure if everyone read the memo ;-)

Regarding functionality, I have only TWO suggestions. Just, two.

#1: On www.collegedudes.com, there is a GREAT feature, whereby, the model or models APPEARING in that scene have their pictures appearing on the initial page featuring that scene. Those models' pictures can be "clicked on", to reveal links to ALL those models' scenes.

SO - whether you have just discovered a new favourite model; or are catching up with a LONG-TIME favourite. . . you don't have to go through the process of clicking back a zillion times to get back to "YOUR favourites", and all that stuff. You start getting off with a model you really LIKE - and then when that video is done, you go back to the main video page, and his pics and videos (all of them) are IMMEDIATELY available with ONE click - and you finish the job! This is awesome.

I'm telling you, as simple as it seems - the College Dudes setup is GREAT - especially if you are horny, and in a RUSH, at seven a.m.! And have to get to the office! If I were watching a video featuring Jason, or Mr. Paul Canon, for example, it would be AWESOME to have their icons, with IMMEDIATE clicks to ALL of their videos: right at the bottom of the page.

Because - especially at seven a.m., old horny fetishists like me will get all WORKED UP by Jason M, or Mr. Paul Canon, and then REMEMBER a certain moment in a certain scene, where your favourite model MOANS, "OH FUCK, I need it bad". . . and if you can CLICK to that video, right away - you get to CUM AND get to work, on time! LOL!!!

Since this system is already in place on College Dudes, I think something like it could work on Broke Straight Boys Easy-peasy ~ as Michael Buble likes to sing!*

#2) Whatever changes you are planning, I hope they are not gonna be too drastic, severe - - - you pick an adjective! Yeah, I guess erotic video has gotta be reformatted so everyone can watch it on his Iphone - but hey, I'm OLD: and who the hell watches people f***ing on his TELEPHONE??? I guess a lot of people DO, but, the whole idea of that seems weird to me.

Yeah, Chuck. I am old. I'm 47. And I kind of grind my teeth, every time Microsoft (or, as Bill Gates pronounces it, "Microsawwwwwft") rolls out a whole truckload of compulsory changes that you have to accept to keep on going (and which usually conflict with your existing software, so you have to spend WEEKS updating everything - OR, alternatively, running "system restore", just so you can make things actually WORK, again). . . .while these changes do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for you, personally, and just make you have to go back and spend a lot of time tweaking your computer system ~ so you can back to exactly where you were, before!

I am HOPING the site changes you guys are working on won't be like THAT. But just so you know, most guys my age are not focused primarily on the delivery-systems: we like the CONTENT. And just want the delivery-systems to be as SIMPLE, EASY, and ERROR-FREE, as possible. Fancier, is not always better. What works simply and RELIABLY, IS ALWAYS BETTER, though.

Those are my suggestions, C. - and thank you for listening!


* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcF9ICgLqi4
Yeah, Chuck. I am old. I'm 47. I am HOPING the site changes you guys are working on won't be like THAT. But just so you know, most guys my age are not focused primarily on the delivery-systems
Ambivalent, You have mentioned your age as being "old" several times in your postings since you've joined the forum. You are a well spoken, obviously learned man, but do you really consider yourself old at 47??????

To a teenager or a 20 year old, I can see that perspective, but I would hope that you are being sarcastic saying that you are "old", as speaking for myself and many of my forum friends, you are actually part of the "younger" demographic on the Broke Straight Boys forum, and to my way of thinking, you have a LOOOOONG ways to go towards being a senior citizen in any form. You may not be a "boy" or even a "young adult", but you are so far from being old in the real world, that your perspective is baffling, unless I am missing your subtle sarcasm. :confused1:
We are going to make the website a more easy experience the last thing we want to do is over-complicate with features no one understands or would use. Overall what always makes the most sense is to keep it simple and self-explanatory when we add new functions etc.
And if you'd read this entire thread, you would have seen that Chuck already addressed the issue that Stowe raised of keeping the changes simple, even to us "older" forumites.
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Ambivalent, You have mentioned your age as being "old" several times in your postings since you've joined the forum. You are a well spoken, obviously learned man, but do you really consider yourself old at 47??????

To a teenager or a 20 year old, I can see that perspective, but I would hope that you are being sarcastic saying that you are "old", as speaking for myself and many of my forum friends, you are actually part of the "younger" demographic on the Broke Straight Boys forum, and to my way of thinking, you have a LOOOOONG ways to go towards being a senior citizen in any form. You may not be a "boy" or even a "young adult", but you are so far from being old in the real world, that your perspective is baffling, unless I am missing your subtle sarcasm. :confused1:And if you'd read this entire thread, you would have seen that Chuck already addressed the issue that Stowe raised of keeping the changes simple, even to us "older" forumites.


Hey, Mike ~

Thanks for the vote of confidence! But yeah, even at 47, I feel and AM old. (My Dad, who is 81, is a much fitter man than I am.)

I have sarcoidosis - the disease which killed the famous comedian, Bernie Mac. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Mac#Illness_and_death
Interestingly, this is a disease which afflicts primarily people of African origin, and the fairest of fair-haired Celts. (It is endemic, particularly, in Ireland and Scotland, and in the Scandinavian countries.)

No one knows what causes sarcoidosis - and there is no known cure. It is an innocent enough disease in the beginning, as one's body is gradually covered in benign purple tumours: as mine is now. (I look a little bit like Grimace, from McDonaldLand ;-) Where it really gets serious, though, is when these (benign) tumours invade one's heart, lungs, liver, or kidneys, obstructing their normal operation. There is really no timely test to determine how the disease is progressing internally, or IF it is ~ and if the coup de grace is delivered, it usually comes in the dead of night: and, c'est ca.

Mike, I also have severe venous insufficiency, in my lower legs, and spent most of the last year in and out of various Canadian hospitals, being treated for the various bleeding and suppurating wounds, thereupon. Thankfully, due to the kind and capable care of the nurses who visited me twice a week for the past year, THIS affliction is getting better. But it is a chronic disease, and it never gets better. (I am still getting accustomed to the compression-stockings I have to wear, every day ~ I wore them a little TOO long this past week, and one of my toes turned PURPLE, so I shall have to see my G.P. about that, tomorrow.)

Finally, Mike, my dear Mother - who was my best friend in life - died of ovarian cancer at the age of 54. So I am keenly aware that life's little stage offers no guarantees, as to the length of the performance. And I am ALSO keenly aware that my time, bathed in the footlights, is short.

So, Mike, I am very sorry if I have offended your sensibilities. I am well aware that "age" is a matter of both physical health, and mental determination. I am robust in the latter department, but sorely lacking in the former. While I am well aware that there are many men (many of whom I greatly esteem) who will remain YOUNG well into their 60's, 70's, and 80's ~ I am not so sure I shall be ONE of them. (I think it is highly unlikely, in fact.)

I am acutely aware, also, that many people in life have suffered, and DO suffer, problems that are far, far, FAR worse, than mine. I am GRATEFUL that I have been able to carry on, thus far: and GRATEFUL for all the love that family and friends extend to me. But do I feel "young"? No, I do not. And you are welcome to sit in judgement upon this self-indulgent subjectivity, of mine. You are the dispassionate consumer of my words, my feelings, and my life, on this board. I am the one who actually LIVES these things. And therefore, you are free to judge and be entertained by, and deprecate, anything I say ~ while I must simply feel as I do, and go on.

Finally, Mike, I am mightily sorry that I failed to read through the WHOLE thread - thoroughly and in its entirety - as you suggested I ought to have done (and I surmise that this was my DUTY) ~ and that, because of my negligence, I reiterated a question which had been raised, previously. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I have a clear sense that I was in the wrong, for being so sheerly LAZY, and I beg your pardon, Mike.

It is highly unlikely that I shall ever (directly) tax your patience, here, or anywhere else: EVER again, in ANY personal encounter ~ and I crave your indulgence, reciprocally: if you might be so gracious. I think it best, if we do not speak again, to one another, ever again. That's that - Ite, missa est. Amen, and Amen.

Merci bien, and au revoir,


Hey, Mike ~

Thanks for the vote of confidence! But yeah, even at 47, I feel and AM old. (My Dad, who is 81, is a much fitter man than I am.)

I have sarcoidosis - the disease which killed the famous comedian, Bernie Mac. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Mac#Illness_and_death
Interestingly, this is a disease which afflicts primarily people of African origin, and the fairest of fair-haired Celts. (It is endemic, particularly, in Ireland and Scotland, and in the Scandinavian countries.)

No one knows what causes sarcoidosis - and there is no known cure. It is an innocent enough disease in the beginning, as one's body is gradually covered in benign purple tumours: as mine is now. (I look a little bit like Grimace, from McDonaldLand ;-) Where it really gets serious, though, is when these (benign) tumours invade one's heart, lungs, liver, or kidneys, obstructing their normal operation. There is really no timely test to determine how the disease is progressing internally, or IF it is ~ and if the coup de grace is delivered, it usually comes in the dead of night: and, c'est ca.

Mike, I also have severe venous insufficiency, in my lower legs, and spent most of the last year in and out of various Canadian hospitals, being treated for the various bleeding and suppurating wounds, thereupon. Thankfully, due to the kind and capable care of the nurses who visited me twice a week for the past year, THIS affliction is getting better. But it is a chronic disease, and it never gets better. (I am still getting accustomed to the compression-stockings I have to wear, every day ~ I wore them a little TOO long this past week, and one of my toes turned PURPLE, so I shall have to see my G.P. about that, tomorrow.)

Finally, Mike, my dear Mother - who was my best friend in life - died of ovarian cancer at the age of 54. So I am keenly aware that life's little stage offers no guarantees, as to the length of the performance. And I am ALSO keenly aware that my time, bathed in the footlights, is short.

So, Mike, I am very sorry if I have offended your sensibilities. I am well aware that "age" is a matter of both physical health, and mental determination. I am robust in the latter department, but sorely lacking in the former. While I am well aware that there are many men (many of whom I greatly esteem) who will remain YOUNG well into their 60's, 70's, and 80's ~ I am not so sure I shall be ONE of them. (I think it is highly unlikely, in fact.)

I am acutely aware, also, that many people in life have suffered, and DO suffer, problems that are far, far, FAR worse, than mine. I am GRATEFUL that I have been able to carry on, thus far: and GRATEFUL for all the love that family and friends extend to me. But do I feel "young"? No, I do not. And you are welcome to sit in judgement upon this self-indulgent subjectivity, of mine. You are the dispassionate consumer of my words, my feelings, and my life, on this board. I am the one who actually LIVES these things. And therefore, you are free to judge and be entertained by, and deprecate, anything I say ~ while I must simply feel as I do, and go on.

Finally, Mike, I am mightily sorry that I failed to read through the WHOLE thread - thoroughly and in its entirety - as you suggested I ought to have done (and I surmise that this was my DUTY) ~ and that, because of my negligence, I reiterated a question which had been raised, previously. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I have a clear sense that I was in the wrong, for being so sheerly LAZY, and I beg your pardon, Mike.

It is highly unlikely that I shall ever (directly) tax your patience, here, or anywhere else: EVER again, in ANY personal encounter ~ and I crave your indulgence, reciprocally: if you might be so gracious. I think it best, if we do not speak again, to one another, ever again. That's that - Ite, missa est. Amen, and Amen.

Merci bien, and au revoir,

Dear Ambivalent,

I am very sorry to hear about your physical ailments which I do not believe that you had ever discussed publically on the forum previously. So therefore not having any clue as to that aspect of your life, I was merely commenting on what you did say, and being that I am 62 years old, and that I have many friends on this board who are over 50, including those in their 70's, I was merely commenting on your statement that you are 47 and that you are old, which is not the case based on your chronological age. Having no knowledge of your physical condition, I could only react to the words that you did write, which is all that any of us can do on this forum.

I certainly extend to you all of my best wishes, and sincerely hope that your doctors can make you as comfortable as possible and hopefully find a cure for your illness. I obviously was only speaking of your simple statement that you are "old" because you are 47, which by itself made no sense to me. All of my best to you, hoping for a speedy recovery, and a very long life.
Sorry to hear about your ailments Ambi. We all assume everyone is fit and healthy in this virtual world of the Broke Straight Boys forum. It's only when disclosures such as you health issues are revealed that we say Hey - these are real people here with real problems. At this very moment out of sight is not out of mind.
Ambi, when I read your post the words 'wisdom born from pain' immediately sprang to mind, although I suspect you always were a kind and generous soul even before your current health issues appeared.

Sending you my best healing hug across the miles, and I have long arms so it's the large economy sized variety.

Love Grace x
Hello, first I want to apologize for my bad English because I am Spanish and I usually violate English grammar: D

I will propose two functionalities

Improve search system: Thematic Search of the videos, things that happen in them, for such models, by rating, etc..
Implement a system of internal links in the forum: For example when writing [model name] to display a popup with the photograph of the model and a link to your 's profile.

For now is what comes to mind.


Hello Everyone,

For those of you who do not know me I work with an amazing team behind the scenes of this website. If there are technical errors I am the guy they call first.

I wanted to get some feedback from you our loyal members, because after all, you are the reason we are here. We want to make this website even better, but we need your help, you could say I want this website to be built by the members for the members.

So, our programmers, designers, operations manager and myself will be meeting in 2 weeks to begin the preliminary details of making the Broke Straight Boys members area a better experience. We will be working out details as far as changing the look, feel and overall creating a better user experience. From how to update your credit card on file to how an image is displayed on your PC, iPad or iPhone. (Don’t worry, we will roll out the changes slowly so its not a shock all at once.)

We have already began the 1st phase when you saw all of the videos and images imported into a CDN (Content Delivery Network). What this basically means is our videos and images will be stored at a server near you, so no matter where you are in the world you can expect our website to load more smoothly to your device. Whether its an iPad, iPhone, Android or Computer. The speed has already been increased on our page load times which in turn means you can watch your porn faster. :)

But please, we welcome your feedback in this thread, what would you like to see changed or updated with the functionality of the Broke Straight Boys Members area and bonus websites? No idea is too small, I will add them to our already growing list. If you prefer you can send me a PM message instead.

Is there anything that your mainstream banking website or other members areas do that you wish we had here?

Some ideas:
Maybe you wish we provided more information about the models?
A way that you could tag scenes as your favorite easier or create your own separate categories?
Maybe a way you can filter episode results more by oral, duo, type of guys etc.
A search box at the top of every page?
A way you could send a virtual gift to a model?
Create your own tags to a scene or model?

As always, thank you for your loyal support.

Chuck & The Entire BluMedia Team
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Dear Ambivalent,

I am very sorry to hear about your physical ailments which I do not believe that you had ever discussed publically on the forum previously. So therefore not having any clue as to that aspect of your life, I was merely commenting on what you did say, and being that I am 62 years old, and that I have many friends on this board who are over 50, including those in their 70's, I was merely commenting on your statement that you are 47 and that you are old, which is not the case based on your chronological age. Having no knowledge of your physical condition, I could only react to the words that you did write, which is all that any of us can do on this forum.

I certainly extend to you all of my best wishes, and sincerely hope that your doctors can make you as comfortable as possible and hopefully find a cure for your illness. I obviously was only speaking of your simple statement that you are "old" because you are 47, which by itself made no sense to me. All of my best to you, hoping for a speedy recovery, and a very long life.


Thanks, and the biggest apologies, Mike! Of course you meant no harm, your remarks were more than reasonable and understandable, and I hadn't given you any background to understand my perspective, before. My remarks about my age were a little bit ironic, and a little bit serious, and, at any rate, I suppose I was getting to the end of my broadcasting day, and it all just hit me the wrong way, in the moment.

I ought to have known better, and no mistake! But thank you for being so kind and gracious, Mike, and so our friendship resumes, thanks to YOUR good grace: and no thanks to me!

Sorry to hear about your ailments Ambi. We all assume everyone is fit and healthy in this virtual world of the Broke Straight Boys forum. It's only when disclosures such as you health issues are revealed that we say Hey - these are real people here with real problems. At this very moment out of sight is not out of mind.


Thank you, Jon. It has been a difficult last couple of years - especially the last year! And, as you know, I am ever the hot-headed Celt, and sometimes not nearly as kind to people as I ought to be!

But I have plenty of reasons to be cheerful, including a wonderful family, great friends IRL, lovely friends on this board, and a superlative guy who cares for me, in St. Louis. So, I must simply learn to "walk my own talk" a little more faithfully - be a little more patient and loving: and all shall be well.

Thank you for your very kind words.

Ambi, when I read your post the words 'wisdom born from pain' immediately sprang to mind, although I suspect you always were a kind and generous soul even before your current health issues appeared.

Sending you my best healing hug across the miles, and I have long arms so it's the large economy sized variety.

Love Grace x


Kisses, Grace,

Thank you for your kindness and caring. It is greatly appreciated!

Sorry, posting is a bit wonky this eve.

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