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Why are some some opposed to, or offended by, intelligence and intellectual thinking?


Dec 3, 2008
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Sounds like a good topic for discussion and debate. Now come on and chime in Jayman, Slim, and Richard!

Why don't we start with this topic:

When writing (typing), important points such as capitalization, punctuation, and grammar structure should always be used. Writing English is a craft, and this craft should be practiced regularly in order to train and engrain proper techniques. Unfortunately, the use of chat room abbreviations, and "rap" or "hip hop," slang by younger people has begun to replace reading and letter writing as the primary form of communication, ultimately damaging their language skills, almost irreparably.
The use of Internet and "gangsta" slang has undeniably affected speech, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Grammar and spelling are the foundation of the English language. Punctuation sets the tone and the overall meaning of a sentence - without tone, meaning can be easily misconstrued. There are often many mixed-messages in chat room slang and e-mails.
Today many people spend more time conversing over the Internet than they do face-to-face. The Internet (including instant massaging and e-mail) is quickly becoming the most prevalent form of written correspondence. It is therefore easy to understand how the use of Internet slang for several hours a day can lead to the development of very poor English habits.
So what can be done to keep slang out of our writing? For a start, write a letter, in longhand, to a friend or relative, I do. Send handwritten thank-you notes to people instead of an email, I do this too. Handwrite party invitations instead of using those internet invite services. Nowadays, upon finding slang in homework and on test papers, some teachers and professors are deducting more points than they normally would for the usual grammar mistake. This makes the student more mindful of CORRECT ENGLISH.
Replacing the use of chat rooms and ghetto slang with regular reading and writing with a conscious effort to observe proper English grammar, punctuation and spelling will go a long way. Practice certainly makes perfect where the English language is concerned.
My grandmother, God rest her sweet soul, only went to the 8th grade, in a one room school (shack) in rural Kentucky in the very early 1900's, but she always took pride in the fact that she could write properly and spell correctly. Today's young people have had access to far more educational resources than my grandmother, yet most cannot write as well as she did.

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maybe re-phrase the question

Sounds like a good topic for discussion and debate. Now come on and chime in Jayman, Slim, and Richard!

Some people are genuinely offended by intellectuality. It smacks of pretentiousness and elitism to them, a sort of faulty interface with the nitty gritty. In a world fraught with day to day problems that have to be solved, intellectualism is beside the point.

On this forum it also gets in the way for a lot of people who have other concerns: discussing which models they like and what they want their favorites to do on cam, where the next Broke Straight Boys party near them will be and so forth.

Also on this forum the "intellectuals" (lol) have said a lot of stuff that has quite simply rubbed the regular guys, who just wanna get on with it, the wrong way. Maybe I was the first, sneering at the spelling and grammar errors in the narratives that accompany the videos.

Is it legitimate to be really aggressive toward a fellow member who posts, for example, in French:scared:? Or who quibbles with episode order, grammar, signs of homosexuality in the straight boys? Or who notices that these straight boys are lovin' it shoved all the way up to their breakfast, gay as fuck, on other sites?

Yeah, it's fine. And the members who do it aren't necessarily anti-intellectual.

But the beauty of the forum is that there is space for everyone to get on here and sound off. Good things can come of the rampant diversity that is becoming more and more evident as we (a) get to know each other better and (b) are more tolerant of (and less surprised at) what gets posted.

I even consider the quality of writing, the thoughtfulness and generosity, the depth and understanding, yes, the wisdom, in this post of mine to be an example of what a fairly handsome intellectual with a hot bod and quite a big, really nicely shaped uncut dick can produce. Yeah.
Some people are genuinely offended by intellectuality. It smacks of pretentiousness and elitism to them, a sort of faulty interface with the nitty gritty. In a world fraught with day to day problems that have to be solved, intellectualism is beside the point.

On this forum it also gets in the way for a lot of people who have other concerns: discussing which models they like and what they want their favorites to do on cam, where the next Broke Straight Boys party near them will be and so forth.

Also on this forum the "intellectuals" (lol) have said a lot of stuff that has quite simply rubbed the regular guys, who just wanna get on with it, the wrong way. Maybe I was the first, sneering at the spelling and grammar errors in the narratives that accompany the videos.

Is it legitimate to be really aggressive toward a fellow member who posts, for example, in French:scared:? Or who quibbles with episode order, grammar, signs of homosexuality in the straight boys? Or who notices that these straight boys are lovin' it shoved all the way up to their breakfast, gay as fuck, on other sites?

Yeah, it's fine. And the members who do it aren't necessarily anti-intellectual.

But the beauty of the forum is that there is space for everyone to get on here and sound off. Good things can come of the rampant diversity that is becoming more and more evident as we (a) get to know each other better and (b) are more tolerant of (and less surprised at) what gets posted.

I even consider the quality of writing, the thoughtfulness and generosity, the depth and understanding, yes, the wisdom, in this post of mine to be an example of what a fairly handsome intellectual with a hot bod and quite a big, really nicely shaped uncut dick can produce. Yeah.
Fichu Mince, comment avez-vous fini par intégral ayant été né dans les Etats-Unis ? :scared:
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I Bow In The Face Of Greatness

I even consider the quality of writing, the thoughtfulness and generosity, the depth and understanding, yes, the wisdom, in this post to be an example of what a fairly handsome intellectual with a hot bod and quite a big, really nicely shaped uncut dick can produce.

Slim, you have outdone yourself. Once again the mansuetude and shyness of Job. Robert, as usual, the epitome of even handedness and humorous invectives. :001_smile: And alas poor Richard.

I could never opine as eloquent, nor walk in the shallows of such deep minded intellectuals. My words would be as pearls to swine. I used to revel in the adulation of being called a sexual intellectual, till I realized, much to my own amazement, that a sexual intellectual was nothing more than a "smart fucker". :blushing:
Somebody has tampered with the heading of this thread. I did not type the word "some" twice.
Slim, you have outdone yourself. Once again the mansuetude and shyness of Job. Robert, as usual, the epitome of even handedness and humorous invectives. :001_smile: And alas poor Richard.

I could never opine as eloquent, nor walk in the shallows of such deep minded intellectuals. My words would be as pearls to swine. I used to revel in the adulation of being called a sexual intellectual, till I realized, much to my own amazement, that a sexual intellectual was nothing more than a "smart fucker". :blushing:

Uhm.... Touche'? I taught college english for several years, and I could tell you stories that would make you cringe in disbelief, but, having retired, I will not now suffer the forum to endure rigorous rules of grammatical perfection, for my own satisfaction. I believe myself to be "smart" enough to figure a rough translation of most of what is said, albeit there are times I do smile to myself. English is a living language, and most living things do undergo change, over time. "God bless us, everyone!"

Uhm.... Touche'? I taught college english for several years, and I could tell you stories that would make you cringe in disbelief, but, having retired, I will not now suffer the forum to endure rigorous rules of grammatical perfection, for my own satisfaction. I believe myself to be "smart" enough to figure a rough translation of most of what is said, albeit there are times I do smile to myself. English is a living language, and most living things do undergo change, over time. "God bless us, everyone!"


In another three or four hundred years English students like the ones you taught would probably need a glossary to read and understand what we've been writing just today on the forum.
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In another three or four hundred years English students like the ones you taught would probably need a glossary to read and understand what we've been writing just today on the forum.
Slim, do you really think it will take that long?
Sounds like a good topic for discussion and debate. Now come on and chime in Jayman, Slim, and Richard!

Why don't we start with this topic:

When writing (typing), important points such as capitalization, punctuation, and grammar structure should always be used. Writing English is a craft, and this craft should be practiced regularly in order to train and engrain proper techniques. Unfortunately, the use of chat room abbreviations, and "rap" or "hip hop," slang by younger people has begun to replace reading and letter writing as the primary form of communication, ultimately damaging their language skills, almost irreparably.
The use of Internet and "gangsta" slang has undeniably affected speech, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Grammar and spelling are the foundation of the English language. Punctuation sets the tone and the overall meaning of a sentence - without tone, meaning can be easily misconstrued. There are often many mixed-messages in chat room slang and e-mails.
Today many people spend more time conversing over the Internet than they do face-to-face. The Internet (including instant massaging and e-mail) is quickly becoming the most prevalent form of written correspondence. It is therefore easy to understand how the use of Internet slang for several hours a day can lead to the development of very poor English habits.
So what can be done to keep slang out of our writing? For a start, write a letter, in longhand, to a friend or relative, I do. Send handwritten thank-you notes to people instead of an email, I do this too. Handwrite party invitations instead of using those internet invite services. Nowadays, upon finding slang in homework and on test papers, some teachers and professors are deducting more points than they normally would for the usual grammar mistake. This makes the student more mindful of CORRECT ENGLISH.
Replacing the use of chat rooms and ghetto slang with regular reading and writing with a conscious effort to observe proper English grammar, punctuation and spelling will go a long way. Practice certainly makes perfect where the English language is concerned.
My grandmother, God rest her sweet soul, only went to the 8th grade, in a one room school (shack) in rural Kentucky in the very early 1900's, but she always took pride in the fact that she could write properly and spell correctly. Today's young people have had access to far more educational resources than my grandmother, yet most cannot write as well as she did.


Rswain, I love you buddy. I understand your passion and the zest for life that you feel when you see a person taking a simple task to completion with pride and they do it well. This extraordinary effort speaks highly of their character. I also understand that you feel writing is becoming a lost art as the age of technological advances comes to the forefront of our society. What I hear you saying is that the technology has reduced us to almost becoming illiterate. And that in this day and age of communication we are short cutting everything to the point that very few people take the time to be grammatically correct in written communications. I understand that to you this speaks of a poor sense of pride and self esteem. In appearance it may seem like people don’t care enough to be precise. Whereas in reality, most people want to post and go. In as much as it may feel like a slap in the face. I do not feel it is deliberate. The writing style of today is basically get to the point quickly. Say what you mean and mean what you say. I.e. The sentence: A mass of concreted earthy material perennially rotating on its axis will not accumulate and accretion of bryophytic organic material. is now simply written as: A rolling stone gathers no moss. The days of grandiosity are almost gone but not over by a long shot. Unfortunately, only serious writers and journalists are taught these skills any more.

Like you, I do share your feelings of communication being an art form whether it is written or verbal. As you said, it must be practiced in order to achieve mastery. That is so true. Those who are called to writing or orating will embrace it. I believe beyond belief that we are all free to choose which ever path is best for us to follow. It is not my place to pass any judgments on any man upon this earthly plane. I believe that when I correct another person’s language skills, when I am not appointed to the post of being: their parent, their boss, or their teacher I may be overstepping my bounds. People have the freedom to choose.

I recognize that this is a porn site and the masses are here to watch the show and maybe even jack off a time or two. Others are here to have fun and share their quick wit too. To write intelectually, or not to write intelectually: that is the question? I feel it is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all. We spend incredible amounts of time beating ourselves up and tearing ourselves down :cursing: because we lack the tools to communicate openly. Actually, we all have the tools we need. Many of us just need more practice with the use of those tools. I think that is your point, Rswaim.

However, I feel that people have enough pressures in life just trying to survive. Millions of Americans suffer from depression and anxiety because they are afraid to voice their opinions. People are put down daily by casual acquaintances, supervisors, those seeking to be promoted ahead of them and so forth. What I hear management and some members saying is, this room is supposed to be for fun and entertainment too. They don't want people to be run off by pointing out errors in spelling, or grammar, or they used slang terminology. This can promote lowered self esteem issues. This is supposed to be site where people come to relax and enjoy them selves in a short fantasy world of entertainment. It is not supposed to be a place where they get more grief and anxiety from the rest of the world. An atmosphere of anxiety, fear, and shame could cause members to leave. In general, many people don't communicate in writing because they are afraid to be seen as being stupid blubbering idiots. They also fear the repercussions of open communication. So, they stuff and bottle that fear, guilt, shame, and humiliation until it begins to rot and fester in the bowels of their souls. And as time wears on it begins to depredate the body and manifest into disease and illness. Who wants to be the cause of that?

It does not matter how we communicate necessarily, only that we do. Communication needs to be open between both the sender and the receiver. Sometimes, even when speaking the same language we must clarify what is being spoken or asked in order to give a clear and concise answer. However, it is human nature to strive for greatness among men. If not ever vigilant, the strong unintentionally suppress the weak. If we are going to communicate affectively; we need to be aware of our ego and strive to be open to all points of view since each person in the communication brings their own unique paradigm to the table. I feel that it is important that members are communicating about what makes them happy about the site and what they dislike about the site as long as they are mindful not to attack others publicly as a first course of action. When people are mindful of others, they can say what they mean without verbal or written aggression. And we may need to agree to disagree for the sake of peace.

I like to pick and choose my battles. I know all to well the value of human life and the cost of war from being a soldier. Eventually there is no winner and no looser, only countless deaths. So I say, be amiable like the Gremlin in the Forum. If I don’t understand something in a post, I just ask the poster what they meant. Often I go back and catch my own typos that I missed in my posts. I just go back later and fix them because I choose to, not because someone told me to. I am nobody’s judge accept my own. In the end there is only Love or Fear. I choose to live in Love. :thumbup: How do you choose to live? :001_cool:

I say to all, live your life deliberately without fear and do what thou wilst and let it harm none.

This is an excerpt from, Thanatopsis

“So live, that when thy summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan, that moves
To the pale realms of shade, where each shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of death,
Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night,
Scourged to his dungeon, but sustain'd and sooth'd
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave,
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.”
– William Cullen Bryant
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To truer be than seldom is
Whistful thoughts upon ivory shores
Never known and always seen
To Quake young hearts in candor hope

Tis my clamor, my tranquil sea
To all, to none, to hoard thine eve
Fallous whispers heralds call
To Unknown kin, to beckon dawn

The seas of Tranquility, solemn and frail;
Hush the night and dawn the day
To begin anew and forget us not
The quietist of glistened moonlit shores

Tis my soul; the essence of me
To still the night and welcome all
Fichu Mince, comment avez-vous fini par intégral ayant été né dans les Etats-Unis ? :scared:

Essay curieuse, je suis d'accord. Je crois que mon progéniteur, aussi intégral, disait quelque-chose au médecin. La branche paternelle procède de Carolina et Virginia, et je crois qu'il-y-avait un certain tradition Vieux Monde entre nous. Comme tu sait ici en Europe le règle, et pas l'exception, est une prépuce pour chaque mec. Évidemment existent des gars circoncises, mais pas beaucoup. Et toi?
Essay curieuse, je suis d'accord. Je crois que mon progéniteur, aussi intégral, disait quelque-chose au médecin. La branche paternelle procède de Carolina et Virginia, et je crois qu'il-y-avait un certain tradition Vieux Monde entre nous. Comme tu sait ici en Europe le règle, et pas l'exception, est une prépuce pour chaque mec. Évidemment existent des gars circoncises, mais pas beaucoup. Et toi?

Je un circoncis. Je préfère circoncis. Non circoncis est bien aussi s'il est gardé propre.
Jayhomme, en regarde des questions d'hygiene je suis impeccable, comme tu peut supposer :lol::scared:

J'ai supposé si beaucoup... Vous êtes juste divins :blushing:
Essay curieuse, je suis d'accord. Je crois que mon progéniteur, aussi intégral, disait quelque-chose au médecin. La branche paternelle procède de Carolina et Virginia, et je crois qu'il-y-avait un certain tradition Vieux Monde entre nous. Comme tu sait ici en Europe le règle, et pas l'exception, est une prépuce pour chaque mec. Évidemment existent des gars circoncises, mais pas beaucoup. Et toi?
Oh, je suis coupé.
Et moi aussi!
How did we get sidetracked on this topic of who is cut or un-cut? Never mind. Let us return to the original topic.
How did we get sidetracked on this topic of who is cut or un-cut? Never mind. Let us return to the original topic.

I have no opposition to nor am I offended by intelligence or intellectual thinking... However, intelligence and intellectual thinking are relative to those who are interested in the topic at hand. You have brought up some very interesting topics and I personally have enjoyed responding to them.

By nature I am a kind hearted and easy going person. I follow the path of Divine Love. I have the innate intelligence that God gave me. I figure that is all I really need or I would have been given more. I don't consider myself more intelligent or any less intelligent than the next person. I know that anything worth having is worth working for. I am; however, a graduate of the "School of Hard Knocks." From my experience in life I would concur with these famous people:

  • The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know. -- Socrates
  • The more you know, the less you understand. -- Lao-Tse
  • The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn? -- George Bernard Shaw

From my time in the military service, I speak enough of many foreign languages to get me in a lot of trouble. If it weren't for the assistance of the World Wide Web, I would have been clueless of how to answer some of these foreign language questions and responses. I am not any more or less intelligent than the majority. I am very resourceful.

I prefer discussing matters relating to human development and personal growth. I am Bisexual. Although, I do prefer men, I still find women very appealing at times… I really don’t like labels because I really feel we are all sexual beings capable of love in many capacities. I enjoy this site because most of these guys are exploring gay sex for the first time. I really feel like that is a very magical time in a man’s life.:thumbup:

I do believe we were side tracked a little bit. It was a pleasant detour for me. Whether a person is cut or uncut is a great issue for social debate because for the most part, most of us did not have a choice in the matter. Considering how much our little man guides us most of our life, it seemed like a great side road to venture down to me. The topic seemed relevant because sometimes my little friend, Skip, has a mind of his own. (Yeah, I feel he has a mind of his own. So why not give him his own name?) I mean he tells me what he wants. Beyond that I need to come up with the plan to make that happen for him. :sneaky2:

Thank you Slimvintage. I really enjoyed the detour. BTW your little friend is quite handsome. :thumbup:

Bless your heart rswaim. I think this time I answered your question and stayed on topic.
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I have no opposition to nor am I offended by intelligence or intellectual thinking... However, intelligence and intellectual thinking are relative to those who are interested in the topic at hand. You have brought up some very interesting topics. I prefer discussing matters relating to human development and personal growth. That is why I enjoy this site because most of these guys are exploring gay sex for the first time. I really feel like that is a very magical time in a guy’s life. Whether a person is cut or uncut is a great issue for social debate because for the most part most of us did not have a choice in the matter. Considering how much our little man guides us most of our life it seemed like a great side road to venture down to me. It seemed relevant because sometimes my little friend, Skip, has a mind of his own. I mean he tells me what he wants. Beyond that I need to come up with the plan to make that happen for him.

Thank you Slimvintage. I really enjoyed the detour. BTW nice penis my friend. :thumbup:

OK, albeit just a trifle, with a light touch, this is by far the most artful and creative bit of inclusive mediation you've done so far in the forum, which is really saying something. To get from where we were, to where we are now, via a brief survey of who is and who isn't, and to touch briefly on the ethical question of choice/mutilation, in such an offhand and beatific way. Man you impress me more every day.

I also like it that you like my dick, but that's truly beside the point. Really. And best regards to Skip.