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Why am I gay?

Wasn't his "Tales of the City" series excellent

20th Anniversary DVD is just out now. Has new commentary by AM so I may be due for a re-watch.

I actually met Armistead at a signing in Seattle a few years ago and freaked him out because, on a trip to SF I had gone to the big library there and printed out ALL the daily columns that were turned into the first book. In case you don't know, the first series had a completely different plot in the newspaper version...there was a serial killer called Tinkerbell. That whole plotline got tossed and the daily columns were reworked extensively when he compiled them into "Tales". I had bound the original column copies into a booklet and he signed that for me. I told him I'd send him a copy of the originals in case he wanted anyone to read them and he thought about it and said, "I don't know if I want to go back." But then he wavered and I told him he could change his mind at any time. He got my name and later sent ME a Facebook request which flattered the heck out of me. We've messaged a couple of times since but he still has not taken me up on my offer of a copy of his original "Tales".

I have enjoyed "Tales" in so many forms now - the columns, the book, the first (abridged) book on tape that AM read, the miniseries, the BBC radio play done earlier this year and, two years ago, the premiere of the musical version done by ACT in SF. Still have not heard the latest, unabridged book on tape read by Frances McDormand...
I totally agree Stimpy that our sexual attraction is indeed "native to our basic being", and I thank you for bringing this discussion back into the forefront for us to chime in on, as while our sexuality may not necessarily define us as human beings, it is a large part of who we are and a most fascinating topic to discuss.

And for me at least, being that the current genre of porn being presented on the site is way less than entertaining, I doubly appreciate interesting topics to debate and discuss on the forum.

Thank you Stimpy, my friend, so much! :angel:

Dear Mikeyank,:angel:

You know I have to appreciate your kind and thoughtful words. I know we have gotten out of touch and that primarily is my fault. I will be writing you soon. Always know that I am proud to think of you as my Lil Bro! Take Care!

Sincerely my loyal friend too,

I have to concur with Mikey here Peter. :001_smile: While William made you very happy, I was very touched by what he said about you. That he knew you would love him more than anyone else would. How many of us could ever ask or expect to find any more out of life than that from a spouse? Whether one or both is gay or straight? He hit the proverbial lottery in this life with you. And he knew it. I'm sure he loved you very much also.

I'm delighted to know that his children (from a straight father) are still in your life and are so happy to be there for you. It just goes to show that there area all kinds of relationships and families possible outside of the traditional norms of the human condition.
It's funny I always thought I hit the lottery when he converted for me!! I guess we were both lucky! Thanks for the kind words.