Unfortunately David,
I just don't trust you anymore. Thats why I took you off my friends list. Certainly you can understand that my friends and I should at least feel safe before we start having sex in front of someone. Besides, as there have been so many changes lately it is possible that I do not hold you or the models in the same esteem as I once did. I guess that we must be different in Oklahoma than they are in Florida, In Oklahoma we don't let people down. We also don't surrender when we haven't done anything wrong. You always try to say enough to put the blame on everyone else if it wasn't for all the questions that I asked Tyler you would probably think of something else I must have done. I guess you forgot that the thread was actually called "questions for Tyler" , I did ask questions so what is the problem. If they had certain questions that they wanted us to ask they could have just wrote them down and we could have checked the ones we approve of. But, I will throw you one bone for sure...since you have taken it upon yourself to speak for the people on "my friends list" in the carrot dangling incident than I will remove them from my list...they can just thank you. I try to have friends that speak for themselves.
Kind Regards
You don't trust David! Why? What about the site, the videos, etc. don't you trust? If you don't feel safe having sex at
Broke Straight Boys then name a safer site? Your curious about Gay sex, so what site would you feel comfortable with, getting down and dirty???
So people in Oklahoma are different from those in Florida. And?? So are we in Calif., Vermont, Idaho. Outer Mongolia, Uganda, etc. That's what makes us all special and makes what we are as a society. It is totally realistic to have a friend whom you can strongly disagree with on some issues, even being on opposite sides. That's the nature of a true friendship. As Slim wields his Jedi powers on his young apprentice (you) remember Yoda' words of wisdom:
Anger, Fear, Aggression lead to the DARK Side!
Management has every right to institute any and all changers they deem appropriate and any time.
PERIOD! It happens all the time. AT
Broke Straight Boys, at my job, your job, all jobs. That's life, whether we like it or not. We have two basic choices: 1) Accept the Change or 2) Leave. There is no gun to the head, or ball and chain around our ankles forcing you, me, Slim, Tampa, or anyone else from saying, "hasta la vista".
If it wasn't for management neither you nor I would be "talking" or making friends in forum land. Collectively we have had a major impact on what and where
Broke Straight Boys has gone and will go. It was a good business decision. Even after the first models had access to the forum, while we could PM them I chose not to for one basic reason:
They deserve it. If I had anything to say, I did so via a post.
The models are in the limelight or spotlight. Who knows what crazies are out there. I can speak from a personal experience, which I thought I shared with you. Here's my limelight story:
I served as Student Body President at my University. For that time I was in the Limelight, whether I wanted it or not. It seem like ever edition of our student newspaper had me in it for one reason or another. Over 14,000 students, faculty and staff had every opportunity to know who I was and what I stood for. Good and Bad.
Well on day I found out that someone took a shot at one of my colleagues at another University (I think it was at Sacramento State). Someone fired a gun through the window in his office where his desk was. While he was not in his office at the time, he had a broken window and a bullet in his office. Can you imagine how the rest of my colleagues felt? Later that day I re-arranged my office and moved my desk as far away from
MY window as possible. It doesn't take much to let the paranoia set in. Then there was the time I had a student who was really pissed off at a decision I made and wanted to give me a piece of his mind amongst other things, but that is another story. The point being I can understand the concern MANAGEMENT has for their employees. I do firmly believe that,
To my forum friends, Casper and I have had many PM's on this and other subjects, so what is here should not be a surprise to Casper. I think Casper would agree my intent was to share with him, as a senior member who's been here from almost day one, what I have learned over the years. It was I who brought the Tyler thread front and forward. If that had anything at all to do with the decision management came too, then perhaps on a small level I'm the fall guy.
WE all Live an Learn. Casper, you have provide an incredible amount of thought provoking discussion and topics to the forum. We seem to have a lot more individuals getting involved. I think part of that is due to you. So be positive, professional, caring, understanding and most of all have a good sense of humor. We all need to laugh, a good laugh no less.
Live Long and Prosper,