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Whats up?

What is your sign?

So Michael what is your sign? I am just curious it is part of what I am going to be doing for a living when I finish school. I am going to be the first Astrology/Psychologist.
Hey Mike! Welcome back dude! You have been missed. I hope that you have been well. And of course not working too hard. haha :wink:
lol wow stumble across some interesting conversations heh and im not sure when david is gonna release the other stuff of me could of some plans to pop it out of the vault sometime heh and im a cancer virgin34 heh
Mike is also adorably sweet. As well as being beautiful to look at. He's not just a pretty face. Although he definitely has one. haha

We look forward to your next adventures Mike. I hope you've been doing well. How have you been? xo :wink:
Great to hear there is more of you to cum Mike. I recently watched one of your scenes again where your cousin swallowed your whole cock and you sounded really impressed. Lucky to have a cousin like that. David, open up the vault and show us a new scene with Mike please? :thumbup:

heh yeah but he lives pretty far from me now but its cool i can go down there and chill go to the beach and stuff whenever i get time off work atleast heh
yeah me and him actually broke up yesterday but were still friends nothing big just grew apart would of been our 1 year anniversary in a week from today :P
yeah me and him actually broke up yesterday but were still friends nothing big just grew apart would of been our 1 year anniversary in a week from today :P

I am sorry to hear that Michael... Please be sure to take some time for your self to recover from this. It is easy to say it is over on the surface but more times than not we carry those heart strings around with us for quite a while. My prayers are with you.
Wattts up?

Hey Mike, here's a joke to make you smile.:biggrin:

Now that you're smiling....it's a Friday....and the start of a new weekend. Cut loose and have some fun. Me, I'm heading out to meet some mates at a strip bar and we'll decide from there.



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I'm sorry to hear about the breakup Mike. All my best to you bro. If you need some positive attention and just have people show some luv for you...you need only stop in here. We've missed you. And you know you'll be welcome in here any time.
Sorry to hear about your split.

Mike I am sorry to hear about your break up. I have been there I only had one relationship in my whole life it lasted 11 years, but the last 5 were awlful. When you go that long it is so strange to be on your own again you know just me again I forgot how to be a sinlge guy, plus I have never actually been on a real first date. Went from Hi my name is to living with the MF for 11 years we split last oct. on our 11th anniversary. Any length of time is hard when you give your heart to someone else and you remind me of a younger me so take it easy and stay true to yourself that is the only person you owe that too.

I knew you were a cancer just from watching you do your stuff:drool:
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