HAHAHA I like suck ups kianna!
and thanks slim!!!! heh when you say manolo reminds me of a episode of will and grace where they are at the berry manalow concert
"KAREN: Oh, honey, it's the most wonderful thing. His name is Barry Manilow. He's cuter than Deepak, and you don't have to buy a lot of crap to believe in him. This is Cheryl. She's a fanilow.
CHERYL: The man makes me happy.
KAREN: This is Jackie. He's a fagalow."

"KAREN: Oh, honey, it's the most wonderful thing. His name is Barry Manilow. He's cuter than Deepak, and you don't have to buy a lot of crap to believe in him. This is Cheryl. She's a fanilow.
CHERYL: The man makes me happy.
KAREN: This is Jackie. He's a fagalow."