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Whats up?

Mike, so good to see you back. You're one of my all time favs here and you always are so enthusiastic and fun. Keep up the good work. You're the best!!! The scenes with cousin Jay are always special and I usually watch them 4 or 5 times when they are released and then keep going back to them. Thank you for all you do for this site and for all of your fans.
awe Thanks so much chase I like to make people laugh and have alittle fun it helps with the nervous straight boy next to me lol

and Shunnnnnnnnnnnnn na! jwglass heh yeah i watch all the stuff film cow releases
You are the one and only!

Mike, as I’ve said before, you are one terrific dude! This last shoot with Stephen was just great. I could see in your eyes at the very beginning that Mikey was going to be on the attack. And you did not disappoint me one bit. You’re just kewl what can I say? You make the scene for me regardless of who you are paired with. Although I must say I particularly enjoy it most when you are with Anthony, it’s that cousin connection that shines through because I really believe you care about each other. Thanks for coming back, looking forward to many more episodes with you!!!:001_tt2:
awe Thanks so much chase I like to make people laugh and have alittle fun it helps with the nervous straight boy next to me lol

and Shunnnnnnnnnnnnn na! jwglass heh yeah i watch all the stuff film cow releases

can i just say, if anyone locks me in a candy mountain, and takes my liver, i will find the bitch responsible, and cut them up like a thanksgiving turkey! haha and when the llama was in the lifeboat, i almost died laughing! this shits so funny, you dont need devils lettuce.

so can i just say that normally, i dont get along with gay people, but youre a pretty sweet dude. ima have to come to georgia and find you so we can chill.
Boy Gusher

Mike, I just saw you and Kyle on Boy Gusher.com. I only have one question for you: can I buy those underwear?

I have a HUGE fetish for tighty-whities and you wear them better than anyone I have ever seen in my life (I'm not young).

I would give my right arm for those after you have worn them (I'm left-handed, so I would still be able to jack off with them).

Love 'ya lots!!
Hi Michael,
I'm looking forward to watching todays Update with you, Anthony & Steven, just another 5min to wait for the download to finish.
BTW Have you heard from MikeR? How is he coping with the loss of his friend?
great update mike, now onto more pressing matters.....

how much do you love salad fingers? lol
Mikey, Mr. Hero, you rescued the vid with the two straighties. You look terrific by the way. Your chest and abs have never shown up to quite such perfection, and the shot of your thrusting butt pumping that ass was great. So no one was showing a Cialis-rock, so what? you all had probably emptied your stiffy reserves by the time you got to this shoot.

Here's a really cute buddy of mine who, I realized watching this video, looks a tiny bit like you. So I've just checked, and now that I've seen you both again, makes me think you actually are similar. (Mind you, I thought my friend Milen was like Leon, but when I excitedly posted their pix together, only my stalwart Parisnoyd commented.) Milen is in one of the photos, before he turned musclebunny. He looks like a pretty version of Gollum. The boy in the striped shirt is M., your supposed look alike. I met him online, he came from Valencia to see what a vintage slim was like, and then came back again when Milen was here. It was unbelievably hot both times. He and I got chucked out of the gay sauna. I may have posted that story ages ago on the forum. His screen name on the gay cam site where we met was "18x18". I thought at first that meant there were two hotties aged 18, buddies broadcasting together, but it turned out it referred to his age times the length of his dick. Both were lies. He was 16 years old and had a 20 cm. willy when it was stiff. He just averaged it out. (Sixteen is legal in most places except in some US states.) But he was already 17 when these photos were taken. I hope that doesn't offend anyone. Europe is different, and maybe more realistic about sexual and intellectual maturity.

Anyway, just love to see you work dude. Thanks for a great show.


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Slim, Slim, Slim...

Slim, I've said it before on earlier threads in the wayback, but, pal, I've got to say it again...

You ARE the consumate Chicken Hawk...Kudos

P.S. Thanks for the pics
Slim, I've said it before on earlier threads in the wayback, but, pal, I've got to say it again...

You ARE the consumate Chicken Hawk...Kudos

P.S. Thanks for the pics

Dickhead, welcome back mister! Chickenhawk-Schmickenhawk, the question is does he remind you a bit of Cousin Mikey?

Actually I do understand that this kind of hawkishness is maybe a bit hard to swallow by people concerned about pedophilia, and this despite the fact that informed and thoughtful activists and legislators are moving to lower the age of homosexual consent in places where is remains 18 and even older. In some places in Europe it would have to go UP to reach 16.

I just googled "age of consent" and got this startling entry from Wikipedia for Spain:

The age of consent in Spain is 13, as specified by the Spanish Penal Code, Article 181(2). However, if deceit is used in gaining the consent of a minor under 16 years an individual can be charged under Article 183(1) upon parental complaint.

"181(1) El que, interviniendo engaño, cometiere abuso sexual con persona mayor de trece años y menor de dieciséis, será castigado con la pena de prisión de uno a dos años, o multa de doce a veinticuatro meses.

(Approximate translation: An individual who, by use of deceit, commits sexual abuse with a person over thirteen years and under sixteen years, will be punished with imprisonment for one or two years, or a fine equivalent to twelve to twenty-four months...)

(2) A los efectos del apartado anterior, se consideran abusos sexuales no consentidos los que se ejecuten sobre menores de trece años, sobre personas que se hallen privadas de sentido o de cuyo trastorno mental se abusare."

(Approximate translation: To the effects of the previous section, it is considered unconsenting sexual abuse if sexual acts are committed against persons under thirteen years, unconscious persons or persons whose mental illness is taken advantage of....)"


Homosexual acts had been legal in Spain from 1822 to 1933, (with the exception of the offence of “habitual homosexual acts" in the years 1928-32) and even not specifically mentioned there, some homosexuals were arrested under the "Ley de Vagos y Maleantes" (Law against the Lazy and common deliquents) during the 2nd Spanish republic. Homosexual acts were illegal during Francisco Franco's regime, which created a specific law against them (Ley de Peligrosidad Social). A new Criminal Code was introduced in 1995 which specified an age of consent of 12 under Article 181f for all sexual acts; and this was raised to 13 in 1999.

The whole article is here:


Hope this isn't all so creepy as to ruin anyone's Sunday. I must admit that, even to someone who's lived his whole adult life in Europe, some of these entries surprised me a lot and I find myself in over my head here. I personally would never come onto someone who seemed to be in any way childish, childlike, whatever (pedophilia is repugnant), and normally prefer to know that the people who come onto me are over 16. But in comparison to that I'd have to say that in some of these countries present legislation doesn't go far enough. Sorry for fucking up the thread guys. Pretend I'm not here.
heh wow slim we do look alot alike and he looks just as skinny as me heh strange thing is I dont find my self attractive but he is pretty cute heh

and jwglass lol i sware salad fingers has some creepy things but its funny heh
Great pics Slim! Vosotros dos sois muy, pero muy guapos. !Que' vida mi amigo! jaja
Hey Mike,

I recently saw your video with the model Kyle from College Boy Physicals on Boy Gusher You looked so cute! :blush: Slim would have approved because you looked every bit the barely legal twink. You and Kyle looked good together. :001_smile:
Hey Mike,

I recently saw your video with the model Kyle from College Boy Physicals on Boy Gusher You looked so cute! :blush: Slim would have approved because you looked every bit the barely legal twink. You and Kyle looked good together. :001_smile:

Thanks for the tipoff Tampa. I just watched that scene and it was sooo hot with both guys getting facial. I think it's the first time I've seen Mike take a load on his face and mouth.. nice though.
Hi Mike, I sent you a video of flying in the U-2 spy plane. Hope you enjoy it. It is absolutely incredible. You fly about 70,000 ft high. What a view. Check your hotmail. It's always good seeing all, and I mean all of you, you good looking dude!!!
heh wow slim we do look alot alike and he looks just as skinny as me heh strange thing is I dont find my self attractive but he is pretty cute heh

and jwglass lol i sware salad fingers has some creepy things but its funny heh

yes, its a very creepy series, i enjoy it more for an occasionaly "wtf" moment, as in i sit back and think, wtf did i just watch?
heh wow slim we do look alot alike and he looks just as skinny as me heh strange thing is I dont find my self attractive but he is pretty cute heh

Well, I'm the connoisseur dude, and you are hot as hell and uber attractive. Look at the pix of the 20 y.o. Frank Sinatra, who was breathtaking when he was your age, to get another reference on you. That makes three people I've compared you to, the guy with the uncut dick months ago, Manolo just a couple of days ago, and young blue eyes. You aren't conventionally handsome in an Abercrombie and Fitch way, but you are far more attractive than those clones, for a hundred different reasons.
Oh Brother!

Well, I'm the connoisseur dude, and you are hot as hell and uber attractive. Look at the pix of the 20 y.o. Frank Sinatra, who was breathtaking when he was your age, to get another reference on you. That makes three people I've compared you to, the guy with the uncut dick months ago, Manolo just a couple of days ago, and young blue eyes. You aren't conventionally handsome in an Abercrombie and Fitch way, but you are far more attractive than those clones, for a hundred different reasons.

Oh Slimmie,

You know I love you, and while what you say may all be true, you also may be crossing the border into SUCKING UP.:001_tt1: