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Well, it's been real....


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ.
I just want to tell everyone goodbye. I had a great time here and I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's such a sad thing to say, but the clock is about to strike midnight and I have to be off.

I want to tell JW and LoveLumps a special goodbye. You two are my forum besties. But the good thing is we talk everyday so it's only going to be a goodbye in a very small sense.

A few other people. Sha, Tampa, Bob, Wantto, Troika, Kay, Yami, Undie. You all know how to get a hold of me.

A few others I would've liked to know better. Ms. K, Mike, Jon, Slim.

Of coarse to all the peops I've met at events, especially the ones I've gotten to know outside of the nicknames and personas.

A big hug and kiss to you all.

:crying:I'm very sorry to see you go, Miss Deidra. I've enjoyed getting to know you informally, through your posts! I would have liked to have you as a friend, but I waited too long to send you a request. I sincerely hope you are in better health now. Take care. Good luck and God bless you, always!
This is definitely one of the saddest good-byes I have experienced on this forum. I am also sure that your absence may be the most noticed.

When I first signed up for Broke Straight Boys back in April 2010, reading you on the forum let me know that it was okay for girls to be here. Thank you for that, it led me to some great friendships, but not as many as I would have liked.

I wish you were staying, but I do understand.

Good luck to you Miss D, in everything you do.
I'm sorry to see you go :( I've always liked reading your statements and opinions. Hopefully, I'll get to keep talking with you outside Broke Straight Boys

Take care chickybabe :)
I'm so sorry to see you go Deidra. You will be greatly missed in here.

I will stay in touch. :wink:

well Miss Deidra, I am sure you thought this over, and have your valid reasons. It would be asinine of me to say you won't be missed here, but I hope you will KIT!

Be safe!

As I read this message on October 1, I am assuming that you timed it so we would read it, perhaps after you were no longer an active member here. However, if you do not still have access to this board, I would ask that one of your friends who is still here would pass this message along to you.

As you went through your medical crisis a while back, we exchanged messages, and I appreciate your saying that I am someone that you would have liked to know better, and the feeling is mutual.

I recall the first female to be posting on the forum, (I cannot remember her screen name), and I was totally shocked that a woman would have any interest in a site like this, but David told us that he had received private messages from other women too. After she left, Deidra was the first of the new crop of female member's who became active participants on the forum.

When Deidra was named moderator, I was angry on two counts, as I thought that we were doing a good job of self moderating, and I hate censorship in any form, and second and I suppose mainly I resented a woman becoming the moderator of a site that I considered to be exclusively for gay men to enjoy. And I must admit, I stirred up trouble, and made things uncomfortable for Deidra. I was totally wrong, and I belatedly apologize.

I consider Deidra the pioneer, and with the next crop of females on this site came Lovelumps, and my best friend on this forum, Ms. Kianna, and I came to realize that women have every much as much of a right to be here, to post here, and to offer their opinions on all issues, as the men do. And although I hate to generalize, I learned that the women here, often are a bit wiser and certainly more balanced in their approach to "all issues Broke Straight Boys".

Thank you Deidra for opening the door, and paving the way for a more balanced open forum. And I am sorry that I was not more accepting and welcoming in the first place. I wish you all the best, and thank you for opening my eyes.
As I read this message on October 1, I am assuming that you timed it so we would read it, perhaps after you were no longer an active member here. However, if you do not still have access to this board, I would ask that one of your friends who is still here would pass this message along to you.

As you went through your medical crisis a while back, we exchanged messages, and I appreciate your saying that I am someone that you would have liked to know better, and the feeling is mutual.

I recall the first female to be posting on the forum, (I cannot remember her screen name), and I was totally shocked that a woman would have any interest in a site like this, but David told us that he had received private messages from other women too. After she left, Deidra was the first of the new crop of female member's who became active participants on the forum.

When Deidra was named moderator, I was angry on two counts, as I thought that we were doing a good job of self moderating, and I hate censorship in any form, and second and I suppose mainly I resented a woman becoming the moderator of a site that I considered to be exclusively for gay men to enjoy. And I must admit, I stirred up trouble, and made things uncomfortable for Deidra. I was totally wrong, and I belatedly apologize.

I consider Deidra the pioneer, and with the next crop of females on this site came Lovelumps, and my best friend on this forum, Ms. Kianna, and I came to realize that women have every much as much of a right to be here, to post here, and to offer their opinions on all issues, as the men do. And although I hate to generalize, I learned that the women here, often are a bit wiser and certainly more balanced in their approach to "all issues Broke Straight Boys".

Thank you Deidra for opening the door, and paving the way for a more balanced open forum. And I am sorry that I was not more accepting and welcoming in the first place. I wish you all the best, and thank you for opening my eyes.

Mike that was a very nice message, and if Deidra was able to receive it I'm sure she would really appreciate it. However, I can't imagine that you actually stirred up any "trouble" as you call it. I'm guessing that your version of "stirring up trouble" may have been along the lines of telling her not to fret or something like that! :001_tongue:
Hope you come back sometime Deidra. What's certain is that wherever you go there will be good times and amusing stories to tell, and it would be great to hear what your adventures this Autumn will consist of.

You're taking a really lovely bunch of friends on your journey with you, and I'm flattered to be in the other category, of those you'd like to have got to know better. Me too. And look after yourself, and say hello to Diesal for me and thank him for the artwork Tampa made Cudd'n Mikey and him do at that event!!

Take care. Bon Voyage.
I just want to tell everyone goodbye. I had a great time here and I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's such a sad thing to say, but the clock is about to strike midnight and I have to be off.

I want to tell JW and LoveLumps a special goodbye. You two are my forum besties. But the good thing is we talk everyday so it's only going to be a goodbye in a very small sense.

A few other people. Sha, Tampa, Bob, Wantto, Troika, Kay, Yami, Undie. You all know how to get a hold of me.

A few others I would've liked to know better. Ms. K, Mike, Jon, Slim.

Of coarse to all the peops I've met at events, especially the ones I've gotten to know outside of the nicknames and personas.

A big hug and kiss to you all.


Boooooooo!!! Don't leave us Miss Deidra!!

You are loved and will be missed :thumbup:
Miss D.

I'm sorry if your health did not improve drastically with your surgery as you may have liked. Have faith dear one, it will get better. I can only hope that you will get stronger and that you will eventually come back home, to us. Know that you will be missed and thought of fondly. God's speed.