"I must remind the anti-smokers that eating broccoli, although healthful, is not intrinsically sexy."
Let me tell you cooking fried Bologna samiches is way sexier, than watching a junk enjoying his nicotine shot.
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Stimpy, you're nuts dude. Think you should join that fraternity lol
Dear jon,
Funny you should mention, I tried several fraternities, butt they wouldn't have me! Alas, they claimed I scared all the inhabiting animals, turned their goldfish into Pirahnas, and made their own "cocks" run backwards developmentally until they no longer are potty trained!
They told me I was permantly "Blackballed", and I told them..."Shit, they better not continue with all the racial slurs, if they know what is good for them!"
I am a new member. I love the site and am very happy I joined. The models are beautiful and authentic. The scenes are beautifully directed. I am a member of three other sites but the content of this site is fresh and very exciting. Thanks for the excellent work!
Can i say Kodi looks like he's on drugs or needs a good nights rest. PS he is my fav just a worried fan XXX
From the "Hey it's Broke Straight Boys Kodi" thread on May 1, 2012:Can i say Kodi looks like he's on drugs or needs a good nights rest. PS he is my fav just a worried fan XXX
As you can see Angelena, you are not the first forumite to have this thought. It was denied by all so we will assume that Kodi just naturally has that "sleepy look". I never noticed, but I don't watch his scenes as intently as I first did. In fact, I used to think that Kodi was the greatest thing since sliced bread, but his fake moaning and batting his eyes at the camera, have made me less of a Kodi fan than I originally was.Before you scream at me, I like Kodi. One of my faves. BUT i have been wondering the past couple of scenes he has done if he might be getting a little "help" before the scenes. He seems to be out of it and sluggish answering the questions, etc.Like he is taking/drinking something before the scene to help him loosen up. Hey I was just asking. Again, I like Kodi and enjoy his scenes (Well not as much as some of you, Tampa
Any comments?
What has happened to your writer? The "teaser" is missing on the latest addition of the "Upcoming Updates. At least tell us who the guys are please.
I'm thinking it is ROSS.......maybe........fingers crossed......
Has anyone noticed that the area which used to show all the members online and the amount of members has changed. Now you just have the members who are really online. Currently 26..
I am having trouble with this videos all it does is trying too connect but it won 't .I tried both of of the other options too connect with no luck please advise than k you