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Wacky Weather!


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
Wow everyone in the deep south and in the east, you are sure getting some strange weather this year thanks to the old El Nino. A foot of snow in the DFW area and stretching all the way to the Florida panhandle, wow.
While we up here in the Pacific Northwest have been running about 7-10 degrees above normal so far this winter and very little snow pack in the mountains and not much rain. All of that stuff is heading into So. CA and then east. We are expecting upper 50's to near 60 for the next few days with just scattered rain showers and then a drying and warming trend beginning on Wednesday.
Just letting you know, that I am thinking of you folks in those winter weather effected areas. Be safe out there on the roads.

Tacoma Gary
It's been awful! It was barely seventy today!
thanks! this whole three feet of snow in my back yard just isnt doing it for me! in pittsburgh, we dont have to deal with this much snow for a reason, nobody knows how to deal with it, and by that i mean cleaning off the roads! my lil grand prix is gonna get hurt if this keeps up much longer
shoot's the hell out of global warming don't it.
shoot's the hell out of global warming don't it.

Actually I2 I think this is a very large sign of global warming as our weather pattern is getting all messed up. Currently the only state with no measurable amount of snow is Hawaii.
You know, talk like that makes it as hard to discuss as when you try to deny to someone you're in denial and they just take that as confirmation...
I have to laugh at the Global Warming brigade. For what we and they know, we could be going into another Ice Age. There was no one around to see what the affects were at the last one ? Or where they ? LOL
I have to laugh at the Global Warming brigade. For what we and they know, we could be going into another Ice Age. There was no one around to see what the affects were at the last one ? Or where they ? LOL


Whether we talk about Global Warming or Global Cooling or Global Dry or Wet there can be and will be a year that is abnormal to that trend. One unusually cold winter in the US does not prove or disprove global warming. Trends like that (including the ice ages) are based on long term yearly conditions. While no one was around during the ice ages, there are ways to get some answers. You can use geological indicators to get an idea of weather conditions for both long term and short term trends. Tree rings also are great markers for weather conditions.

Southern Calif. is officially in a drought. We have have several years of significantly below normal rainfall. Yet this year we are 5+ inches over normal. Should we end the rainy season 5 or more inches over normal, that by itself does not mean the drought is over. It is based on long term trends.

Do I believe in Global Warming? YES! Why, because this planet has a history of hot and cold, dry and wet. As to why? well we still don't know all the answers.

Live Long and Prosper,


Yes there have been significant changed over here in the UK over the last few years and I'm sure that the amount of gases that our factories and vehicles spew into the air are not making things better. The world has been around a long time, yet these so called professor scaremongers think they can analyse it all in their small lifetime.

I am yet to be convinced lol
I agree the weather has been whacky as of late. I am OK that most of the snow storms missed me. We still have grass where I am at instead of 12 -15 inches of snow. LOL I have been loving the fact that places like DC and NC have been getting hit with 12 -50 inches of snow in one respect. Then I realize they need to close the whole state of NC when they get a dusting because nobody knows how to drive in it nor are they prepared to clean it up.

Please, I am not a doomsday believer. However, I know the poles have shifted and they are continuing to shift. This is in part due to the solar flares, green house gasses causing global warming, and orbital shifts within our own solar system. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/12/1215_051215_north_pole.html :thumbup:
7 more inches coming tonight....on top of everything already i dont know how much more i can handle
7 more inches coming tonight....on top of everything already i dont know how much more i can handle

Just make sure to use plenty of lube JW and breath slowly......:w00t:
haha if only i was gettin any, that would make this snow shit so much easier to deal with...oh well!
haha if only i was gettin any, that would make this snow shit so much easier to deal with...oh well!

I think that is true of all of us...:blush::crying: