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Arctic Blast


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
Just wondering how many of our forumites are feeling the arctic blast and non-stop snow.
From the news reports even Europe, Russia and China are feeling it.
This year we up here in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle), we are in an El Nino pattern, so we have really been mild to a little above with only a 1/2 inch of snow last month. This pattern means for us that we are warmer and wetter here in the low lands. Our daytime temps have been in the mid to upper 40's and even low 50's. Nights have been in the low 40's except for some low to mid 30's in pockets.

Hey Florida folks, I know this cold weather has got to be affecting the citrus crops down there. There goes the prices up at the grocery stores.

Gary In Tacoma
Arctic Blast? Was there one? It was a mild -30 F down by the river this morning, -40 F a littler farther north in the park. And I am not talking wind chill, I am talking actual temperatures. Why, we didn't even cancel school. Oh, yes, and there was a little wind and a little snow, but they didn't close the pass. Just another balmy day a few miles inland from Tacoma.
Ha... it's between 65-75 during the day here.

And snow? What's that??
It's like 10 here in Dallas and it looks like it's the end of the world in the whole city.
It's coldest winter here in the uk in over 100yrs. I know it's not as cold as certain parts of the USA but it's cold enough.
It's unbearably cold here in California. I know it's our rainy season but this cold is atypical because of its duration.
Here in Raleigh it's been about 20 degrees below average....we're supposed to be in the 50's, but have been in the 30's for our highs...no snow so far this year (had a little in Dec.). Soon to be back in the 50's, can't wait!!!

Rifle - Having grown up in Florida, don't think I'd come to visit except for the 2-3 weeks out of the year it's above 60 in your parts....
It was 26 degrees in Tampa on Sunday night. Brrr... And on Friday night there were reports of a few snow flurries in Tampa and as far south as Miami. Florida has been breaking records all week long. I feel sorry for the tourists who spent thousands of dollars over the last 3 weeks to come down here with thoughts of sunning themselves on the beaches. Cause that ain't happening right now.
Hey guys, for us up here in the Seattle area, we have been warmer during the day than Florida has. Our highs has been in the mid to upper 50's, about 10-15 degrees above average for this time of year. We have a series of Pacific storms moving through our area with high wind warnings on the coast and northwest interior for the next couple of days and steady rain, but we are accustomed to that. Big difference over last year when we had all that snow and ice in the Seattle Metro area. Our night time lows have been in the mid 40's.

Gary in Tacoma