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Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
Happy New Year, guys and gals of ForumLand:

Just thought I would stop by and bring everyone up to date on what has been happening in my world.
I know that I don't stop by as often as I would like to, but I do think about each and every one of you
quite frequently.

Well, I have officially turned over another year today. To me, it is just another day. My roommate Rodney
gave me a birthday card this morning. We will sometime this month go out for my birthday dinner some
where, just haven't decided where or when.

My mother is doing pretty good for the most part. I took her down last Tuesday for her lab work and then
she has a routine doctor appointment this coming Thursday for the results of those lab tests. It is primarily
to check her blood sugar counts as well as her cholesterol and liver and kidney functions. Will try to keep
you all posted as to how all of those tests come out.

I do know one thing, I am so sick and tired of all of this cold fucking weather up here. I can hardly wait
until I have the opportunity to move down to the Palm Springs, CA area where the weather is a whole lot
lot more tolerable. My health has been holding up pretty good for the most part this winter, with the exception
of a couple of bad colds, but thank goodness no flu, which is something that I have not had in the past 5+
years and have never considered getting a flu shot.

Thank you to those of you that did remember my birthday today. It really means a lot and I really will try to get
on here more often.

Again, thanks to all who have really made me feel part of the family here on the Forums. I wish for everyone in
2013, to have a safe, happy and prosperous year.

Much Love to Everyone
Gary in Tacoma
Hi Gary, just another day or not, you're still allowed a birthday wish :par41: I hope it comes true!
Happy birthday. I am fairly new but have read some of your older posts. I hope to see you on here more. You live in a state that allows same sex marriage. Do you have a Prince Charming?
Thank you Valentine and welcome to the Forums.
Yes, I do live in Washington and am very proud that the voters allowed our GLBT community the opportunity to
join in a legal marriage.
No, I do not have a Prince Charming. I gave up relationships a few years ago. Just got tired of all the head games
and drama that some relationships have in them.
Again, welcome to our family, your northern neighbor.
Thank you Valentine and welcome to the Forums.
Yes, I do live in Washington and am very proud that the voters allowed our GLBT community the opportunity to
join in a legal marriage.
No, I do not have a Prince Charming. I gave up relationships a few years ago. Just got tired of all the head games
and drama that some relationships have in them.
Again, welcome to our family, your northern neighbor.

I was typing a message back to you and my computer crashed so I'll try again. Thank you for the warm welcome. I married my husband when I was 45. I had given up on long term relationships long before I met him and no one was more surprised than me that I decided to get married but now I can't imagine life without him. I have certainly had my share of relationships but had prefered fuck buddies or no one at all for quite some time before I married him. He is truly a straight boy but he is very open minded. The first time he knowingly met a gay person was his first wife's brother who was gay and dying of AIDS being nursed by his partner. Within five minutes of seeing the love between them during this difficult time he realized that love is love and that was that. He is very close to a dear friend of mine, an older gay man who is now in the convalescent home. Before my friend was hospitalized he and my husband hung out a lot when I wasn't around and my husband visits him at times now when I'm not there. They have things in common, like loving old movies, football, etc. that they enjoy sharing. I also have a lifelong friend who I grew up with who is gay and still lives in San Francisco. My husband and he get along really well too, often chatting on the phone if my friend calls and I'm not available. Of course, I vetted my husband well because of my own personal history of friendships with gay men and lesbians and my own same sex dabblings and relationships along the way.

I volunteered for the marriage equality referendum in your state. Through the miracle of modern technology, I dialed into a phone bank, used a password and made the calls from this same desk/computer that I'm sitting at now. It was so awesome to feel a part of history when same sex marriage was legalized in your state, and two others on the same day in history.

I've really enjoyed looking at the photos of weddings on line in Washington, Maine and Maryland. The happy faces in those photos of ordinary folk who happen to be of the same gender, formalizing/legalizing their unions has got to be the biggest testiment to same sex loving that there could ever be. Especially the older couples who have been together so long. I sure hope the Supreme Court rules the right way on the DOMA case they will be reviewing in March.

You never know, love might find you when you're not looking for it, like mine did. And my husband hasn't a gamey bone in his body.

Best regards,

Hey Gary,

I'm so glad you joined us again. It's always a pleasure to see old friends come back to the fold. I'm happy to hear that life seems to be going pretty well for you at the moment. If you ever decide that California is too expensive, you could always consider Florida. haha