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I was not trying to put you down Tampa but let's face it what he experienced is just not uncommon and if you search around others have admitted to these feelings.

Matt McGorry Felt 'Shame' After Sexually Experimenting With Guys

Rachel Shatto

Mon, August 9, 2021, 12:41 PM

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Matt McGorry

A 2018 clip of actor Matt McGorry discussing how he has overcome the “shame” of experimenting sexually with guys is making the rounds on TikTok. The video comes from an episode of the roundtable talk series Man Enough that also included Derek Hough and Javier Muñoz reflecting on modern masculinity.

In the episode, McGorry shared that although he identifies as straight, his past included exploring with other boys. “When I was young, like a lot of straight boys, I experimented with other boys. But that is so common and no one talks about it,” he said. When asked to clarify what he meant by that, by host Justin Baldoni, McGorry explained further. “Like, physically experimenting. I don’t think it was sexual, and I am straight never found myself attracted to boys, but it’s just this thing where I — and I don’t need to go into the full details — but, you know, where you just try things.”

While McGorry said his experiences aren’t uncommon, they still left him with shame for years, before he decided that he wanted to be open about them and hopefully encourage more honest conversations about sexual experiences among men. “I had so much shame about that, for years after, thinking ‘I’m going to be famous one day, maybe, and someone’s going to find and it’s going to become this thing and it’s going to destroy me,’” he recalled. “And maybe even at that point in time, it was a little less acceptable. But I spoke on a panel a little while ago and I was like ‘I’m going to say it here.’”

McGorry added that keeping it secret only added to the feelings of shame. “That’s the way shame works. If you keep it in the dark, wet and moldy, it festers,” he explained. “And when you let it out there, not only are you giving other people the strength to live their truest lives, but you actually get people to see you authentically.”

Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/matt-mcgorry-felt-shame-sexually-164108144.html

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Here's the episode in question. It runs a bit long at 29 minutes. But I think you guys might enjoy (or perhaps be intrigued by) a deeper discusion on what masculinity means in the context of the early 21st century for straight, gay and bi-ish guys alike.

I recall reading years ago that when Sylvester Stallone of Rocky fame was having financial difficulties while seeking mainstream acting jobs, he did a shower scene in a gay porn video. It did not appear to harm him any.
I recall reading years ago that when Sylvester Stallone of Rocky fame was having financial difficulties while seeking mainstream acting jobs, he did a shower scene in a gay porn video. It did not appear to harm him any.

If so, I never heard (or saw) a peep about it. I do remember in the 70's that Hustler magizine I think it was, got a hold of and published pics from a straight, soft-core porn movie he did very early on. I actually saw the pictures of him naked with women. Even to this day I recall that he was very underwhelming with his clothes off. (Even to my very interested teenage self.) He was smallish, no hardon and uncut. And this was long before he buffed himself up to get the role of Rocky. So while he was not fat, he had no defintion, no abs and was doughy in the middle even in maybe his late 20's. Nonetheless the studio who filmed him in the porno quickly re-named the movie something like "The Italian Stallion" in order to capitalize on his later fame.
If so, I never heard (or saw) a peep about it. I do remember in the 70's that Hustler magizine I think it was, got a hold of and published pics from a straight, soft-core porn movie he did very early on. I actually saw the pictures of him naked with women. Even to this day I recall that he was very underwhelming with his clothes off. (Even to my very interested teenage self.) He was smallish, no hardon and uncut. And this was long before he buffed himself up to get the role of Rocky. So while he was not fat, he had no defintion, no abs and was doughy in the middle even in maybe his late 20's. Nonetheless the studio who filmed him in the porno quickly re-named the movie something like "The Italian Stallion" in order to capitalize on his later fame.
Here are some stills.




And his shower pics. I still prefer Ethan Steel's shower scene. lol :biggrin:



Thanks Mikey,

I don't recall these particular pics being among the still ones I saw. These actually portray him better than I remember. haha

Now about that possible gay movie... Anybody have any pics from that? :)
Time will tell, but we live in hope. WRT Covid vaccine, the authorities are getting closer to suggesting a second booster shot for people who have close contact to others in public.
O M G ! !

Onlyfans is set to block explicit content. The article says that users will still be able to post nude photos and videos, but it looks like users won’t be able to post explicit sex or fucking. Am I reading this right folks? Isn’t Juanjo a lawyer? I’m curious if I am reading this correctly.


And I’m curious if masturbation and cumming is going to be banned as well
O M G ! !

Onlyfans is set to block explicit content. The article says that users will still be able to post nude photos and videos, but it looks like users won’t be able to post explicit sex or fucking. Am I reading this right folks? Isn’t Juanjo a lawyer? I’m curious if I am reading this correctly.


And I’m curious if masturbation and cumming is going to be banned as well

This will help sites like Broke Straight Boys if true. It will also be a blow to legit models trying to make a living. I am sure some other site will replace Only Fans & its sister site.

Another thought, since sites can not afford to give exclusive contracts to models it does force models to try multiple sites. But they must decide how to manage this,, do I saturate the field and thus limit mu guy sex career or do less and continue for a much longer time. I do not envy them.
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I realize it was a joke but other models who did not screw over the sites they filmed on should not be penalized.
I realize it was a joke but other models who did not screw over the sites they filmed on should not be penalized.
oh, of course not. It’ll be interesting to see how this will all turn out. Apparently the alternative sites are problematic, at least that’s what I’ve heard.