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The Virtual Coffee Shop, Diner And Corner Pub

Howard is with Bruce Jenner and OJ Simpson on ABC Sports. It would have been hard to believe at that point in time what happened with them both in the future.
Very cute. haha Almost kinda cringy though. At leat Howard didn't call O. J. the"m" word on national tv. And no. I do not mean the other letter. Just the "M" word.
I was going to post this on the “Members Favourite Music” thread, but I don’t think that everyone checks out that thread as some threads don’t appeal to all members.

Some of you long time forumites remember Louis in Florida. He is not doing well, dealing with illness, but he has a terrific attitude and he continues to share stuff with me and his online friends. Check out this great video that Louis shared yesterday. The violin player is hot and the song is great!

Olympic rugby gold medalist Ellia Green comes out as trans
That's cute!

I have grievances with those defective mirrors. They show a false image of much older guy than me whenever I step in front of one. haha
Thanks, Tampa, I am a dog kid and a series of German shepherds as a teen called Gus. We went dog obedience school to train us & won a medal as a well trained pair! . We know have a house cat who is attached to me.
As I was watching local news this morning, I discovered that today is the 50th anniversary of the real bank robbery that occurred in Brooklyn, that inspired the Al Pacino movie, Dog Day Afternoon.

This is the story.


Here is the actual news report on with Harry Reasoner on ABC News, the next day where the hostage taker was described as an “admitted homosexual”. We sure use different terminology today.

I was working that afternoon at my summer job in Brooklyn, several miles from he actual bank in Sheepshead Bay. Another, “I can’t believe it’s 50 years ago”, moment. Lol :tongue:


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Frankly, somethings are best left in the past. That, however if just me.
Thanks, Tampa, I am a dog kid and a series of German shepherds as a teen called Gus. We went dog obedience school to train us & won a medal as a well trained pair! . We know have a house cat who is attached to me.

Cool! I had my turns at owning both cats and dogs growing up. I'm more of a dog person than a cat person. But on the other hand a litter box is much easier to deal with than walking a dog four times a day or more and picking up feces outside with bare hands and a plastic bag. But God. They're so adorable. haha :)
I am a history person, myself & on second thought you are right. And there is this axion, I ignored. In order to avoid past mistakes you must not ignore them as a key reason to study them be it the Nazis, Putin or Dump.