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The dates on upcoming scenes are wrong

It seems unBSB-like to make a radical change like this without at least preparing it's audience beforehand. There is something to be said for consistency. You go to church on Sunday, you do laundry on....etc. I'm just wondering how it will work with viewers who plan their schedules around the appearance of new scenes. Perhaps Analytics says that randomness is a more effective business model. I hope for Broke Straight Boys's sake it is.
Wow. I thought, for sure, it was a typo or glitch. Didn't think they'd make that kind of change without a head's up to us... you know, their loyal, money-paying members. Can someone please tell me why I'm here paying for porn instead of downloading it for free? Bonus points if you can do it without using "porn addict."
We are still getting three scenes a week, but now it is annoying me that it is 10:00 PM on Friday and that no new scene is up. It’s like moving Saturday Night Live to a Sunday night or Tuesday without much advance notice. Like my friend Stowe said, “why fix something that isn’t broken?”

^^^I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE^^^ I have no idea what instigated the change but please bring back the schedule we have enjoyed for years!
Damn, you’d think y’all were waiting for an episode of Game of Thrones..lol. Totally kidding. I understand why y’all are upset. I seriously hadn’t caught on that they were released on certain days. I thought they were random all along, but now it makes sense if it’s always been this way all along.
Wow. I thought, for sure, it was a typo or glitch. Didn't think they'd make that kind of change without a head's up to us... you know, their loyal, money-paying members. Can someone please tell me why I'm here paying for porn instead of downloading it for free? Bonus points if you can do it without using "porn addict."
I am disoriented! After years of watching a new video on Friday, Sunday, and Wednesday, I am on a site that operates on some unknown schedule. I became a member, because I was unhappy with the randomness of updates going live. Here I go again.
I am not really interested in what software programs the site buys, but a quick heads up would be nice, since some people might notice that things had changed.
I am a paying customer here mainly because I think I get what I pay for and when I don’t, I can complain to management, staff, and follow forum members. Most of the time complaints are resolved in a positive way.
When you download from a fr=e site you risk getting what you pay for. I wonder how the models work for free and how they keep the lights on, if thier products are free.
A CMS is a (c)ontent (m)anagement (s)ystem! Basically it lets the user change one file and have the change show up in related files, without having to manually make the changes in the files.
Quick example... . You add an appointment to your calendar and the of the person you have the appointment with automatically is entered in your contacts. This save having to make several manual changes.

Thanks for the explanation, another. Appreciate your putting it in language that this computer luddite can understand - lol !!!
We are still getting three scenes a week, but now it is annoying me that it is 10:00 PM on Friday and that no new scene is up. It’s like moving Saturday Night Live to a Sunday night or Tuesday without much advance notice. Like my friend Stowe said, “why fix something that isn’t broken?”

You must be quoting some one else because what I said is "Change for the sake of change is anathema".
You must be quoting some one else because what I said is "Change for the sake of change is anathema".
I was thinking about you Stowe, but it was from memory from earlier last night, and I thought that I captured the spirit of your statement, not verbatim from your post. Quite honestly I had never heard the word, "anathema" before. I looked it up and see the definition is, "noun
1.something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
"racial hatred was anathema to her"
synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; More

2.a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine.
synonyms: curse, ban, excommunication, damnation, proscription, debarment, denunciation, malediction, execration, imprecation
"the Vatican Council expressed their view without an anathema"


But overall regarding the change, I don't even watch most scenes in today's Broke Straight Boys, however I do enjoy the regular "rhythm" of the site. I feel like I am an expert on just a few things in life and as life keeps rapidly changing as I am now in in my very late sixties, I like some stability and this site and the fact that "come hell or high water", I know when a new scene will be up, and I usually go right to the "Coming Soon" when a new scene is released to see what has been added to the line-up before I watch the new scene if I am so inclined. And if it is not a scene that I watch, I do look on the forum to see who and when a thread is started and what the forum's reaction was. And so even for a scene with models I don't enjoy, the new scenes always get my interest on one level or another.

When this "The dates on upcoming scenes are wrong" thread was started, I started to agree that it was just a typo or a glitch. I was very surprised when Mark commented so glibly that it was an experiment. He usually "talks" to us about changes in advance. And to me this is a major change. I know that it is really not all that important in the larger scheme of life, but Broke Straight Boys is an escape from the realities of the real world, and yes it is only based on porn, but it is one of my most passionate hobbies and sadly I do care about stuff like changing the dates with no advance warning and an off the cuff comment as to the reason for the change, as if it is a minor thing...........
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I am disoriented! After years of watching a new video on Friday, Sunday, and Wednesday, I am on a site that operates on some unknown schedule. I became a member, because I was unhappy with the randomness of updates going live. Here I go again.
I am not really interested in what software programs the site buys, but a quick heads up would be nice, since some people might notice that things had changed.
I am a paying customer here mainly because I think I get what I pay for and when I don’t, I can complain to management, staff, and follow forum members. Most of the time complaints are resolved in a positive way.
When you download from a fr=e site you risk getting what you pay for. I wonder how the models work for free and how they keep the lights on, if thier products are free.

Nicely said. You would think that management here would appreciate their members, but apparently not that much.
FWIW... we're not still getting three updates a week, at least not this week. Under the old scheme, these three videos would have posted Fri, Sun, Wed, with a fourth new video next Friday. Under this "random" scheme these three videos post Sat, Tues, next Friday. Cost cutting seems like a more likely reason for the switch...
FWIW... we're not still getting three updates a week, at least not this week. Under the old scheme, these three videos would have posted Fri, Sun, Wed, with a fourth new video next Friday. Under this "random" scheme these three videos post Sat, Tues, next Friday. Cost cutting seems like a more likely reason for the switch...
Duh, I feel so dumb. I didn't realize that until you just mentioned it. Again, it would be so much better for Mark to fully address this with an explanation. They have not raised subscription fees in all the years I've been a member and in fact they have offered many reduced rate options, so I think if this is a cost saving measure, I would fully understand and accept it. But transparency is always the best way to present it rather than with shuffling the days.
I don't think we have ever steered you guys wrong. I would hope that you would have some level of trust with us and know that what we do is for a good reason. We don't just make changes without a lot of thought. I know it's annoying and frustrating with this change and I do apologize but I hope you can trust the decisions we make here. I have an amazing team that works so hard everyday for you and to make this the best gay site.

I started in the adult industry in 1996 which was over 20 years ago. I haven't developed a fly by night company by any means. Companies way bigger than us are out of business. A lot of them just made the money and ran while some of them just screwed over people and gave the industry a bad name. I'm here for the long run and always have been. So I just ask that you trust what we are doing here at BluMedia.

I certainly can't speak for anyone who has been here since the beginning. As I said, I did't even realize the scenes were released on a particular day and always thought they were just random. So for that reason, it doesn't really bother me or make a difference to me one way or another. I have to say I do love the early random release times and getting surprises like when I woke up this morning or the few that have been released in the afternoon the past two weeks. For the price, I really don't have anything to complain about. Actually, I have one thing....where is Ethan Erickson?
To ANYONE questioning Mark's abilities, those of us that are 'veterans', can vouch, Mark has NEVER let us down, always listens to feedback, and is one hell of a nice person, if/when given the opportunity to meet him, if you have any ideas for scenes, that is what one of the threads is for, and as I have said before, they do listen!
As far as 'steering us wrong', I do not ever remember any such VALID case of that happening
As I said a few posts ago on this thread, they have never raised the rates here in the eleven years I've been a member, and I fully understand the economics of an independent business such as Blu Media in a world of conglomerates. I just would have preferred a statement in advance by management rather than a member discovering it, as it appeared to be a typo. Regardless, I thank Mark for explaining it now and I certainly accept it as an economic reality of Internet Porn in 2019!
I don't think we have ever steered you guys wrong. I would hope that you would have some level of trust with us and know that what we do is for a good reason. We don't just make changes without a lot of thought. I know it's annoying and frustrating with this change and I do apologize but I hope you can trust the decisions we make here. I have an amazing team that works so hard everyday for you and to make this the best gay site.

I started in the adult industry in 1996 which was over 20 years ago. I haven't developed a fly by night company by any means. Companies way bigger than us are out of business. A lot of them just made the money and ran while some of them just screwed over people and gave the industry a bad name. I'm here for the long run and always have been. So I just ask that you trust what we are doing here at BluMedia.


Mark, the level of customer service and care here at Broke Straight Boys is absolutely on another level from any other company in this business. I certainly believe that you listen to your customers here. I know I was unrelenting in wanting Ryan Pitt to come back on this message board, thankfully I was rewarded with the return of Ryan Pitt here at Broke Straight Boys I realize you are working with straight young men, like Ryan, and what you want and what they will do here can be very far apart. I truly believe part of Ryan's return is because you listened to us here. I do realize there will be times that what we want, and what you can deliver is not going to work out, but I do believe the fact that you are here shows me that you are giving a good faith effort, and I appreciate that. Let me also say that you have a great group of men here like Ryan Pitt, Kace Axel Grey Donovan, Elijah Scott, Sky Clesi and many others...all very different yet you seem to work out the puzzle of their abilities, strengths, and limits. Lately the excitement of the newest scene being released is also joined by the excitement of seeing the newest scene coming up. That is the result of your work and the work of your team at BluMedia.

Thank you.
I don't think we have ever steered you guys wrong. I would hope that you would have some level of trust with us and know that what we do is for a good reason. We don't just make changes without a lot of thought. I know it's annoying and frustrating with this change and I do apologize but I hope you can trust the decisions we make here. I have an amazing team that works so hard everyday for you and to make this the best gay site.

I started in the adult industry in 1996 which was over 20 years ago. I haven't developed a fly by night company by any means. Companies way bigger than us are out of business. A lot of them just made the money and ran while some of them just screwed over people and gave the industry a bad name. I'm here for the long run and always have been. So I just ask that you trust what we are doing here at BluMedia.


Thanks for the history lesson, Mark, but I think the point was no matter the reason for the change (though knowing some reason why would be nice) letting us know ahead of time would have cut out a lot of confusion. As far as the subscription price staying the same for all these years that's certainly not the case for everyone. After years of automatically renewing, for some reason the charge didn't go through last month and my subscription lapsed. When I resubscribed, my cost went up an extra $5 a month. While that doesn't sound like much to most people for me that raise in cost is a burden for one of the few diversions I have left.

So you'll have to forgive me if I seem a little cranky. For my new subscription rate I get to know that updates will happen at random times at whatever time they get posted. Well, so much for the anticipation I used to have for the new scenes. I see the new scene has posted. I'll watch it later sometime while I figure out if I want to have to schedule my time to the whim of your new programming.
If I have found a pattern, then it is not random, but planned. A new update should go live every three days. That would mean every episode would have eyes for 3 days. This was not true under the Sunday, Wednesday, Friday system. The result will be longer and equal exposure for the models.
The only downside is each month has 10 sets of 3 day periods, instead of 13 Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. The fewer updates per month versus longer exposure per episode is interesting,
For me it was never about trust. I just like to know what is happening!
If I have found a pattern, then it is not random, but planned. A new update should go live every three days. That would mean every episode would have eyes for 3 days. This was not true under the Sunday, Wednesday, Friday system. The result will be longer and equal exposure for the models.
The only downside is each month has 10 sets of 3 day periods, instead of 13 Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. The fewer updates per month versus longer exposure per episode is interesting,
For me it was never about trust. I just like to know what is happening!

Now THIS MAKES SENSE! A simple notice that release dates will be every 3 days (if that's what it really turns out to be) would have been a perfectly logical explanation for the change without having to go into the history lesson. How about: "Guess what guys? Starting Saturday we will be posting a new scene every 3 days. That way each scene..."

Thanks for taking the time to look at this closer another1. This gives it some rhyme and reason.
The sun rises in the east and sets in west. If one day that change it would be noticed.
Why change when there is no apparent or compelling reason for the change. Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday seemed to work. Why break something that does not need fixing!

AMEN!!! I like it the way it is!!!!