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Playing catch up


Ye Olde Curmudgeon
May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
It has been quite a while since I've posted anything of substance here. Dealing with health issues has been the main culprit, but in all honesty, whenever I would check in from time to time none of the scenes were of the calibre that would make me watch them right away; and for the most part the forum seemed dull and repetitive.

However, I'm at a point where my health issues have eased a bit, so I decided to play catch up and watch all the scenes from 9/4 to the present, with one exception. I don't watch the before or after videos because given that I'm both a cynic and doubting Thomas, I don't put much stock in them. I do read the threads dealing with them and can get all the information I need from those forumites whose views I respect. It was my original intention to comment on each scene, but since the majority of them had the same general comments and grade, I'll lump all of them under one grouping and the few others which were better in my opinion separately. So here goes:

3's all around: 9/4-Jesse & Gian; 9/11-Connor & Mikey; 9/25-Charlie & Johnny; 10/2-Connor & Gian; 10/30-Charlie & Jesse; I found all of these to be average at best.

4's all around: 9/19-Mikey & Gian: I found the topping to be a cut above average and good ass eating; 10/23-Elliott & Sterling: Orals just okay (I'd expect Elliott to deep throat)/Great ass play and great aggressive topping to begin with, but then it devolved into just average and that's what made in a 4 instead of a 5. BTW, tell Sterling to ditch the knee-high orthosocks.

5's all around: 10/9-Johnny & Jesse: orals were okay and ass play was quite good/fucking was quite good and aggressive; 11/6-Darron & Elliott: For me this was the one truly great scene in this batch I watched. I did read the thread on the forum comments on this scene and the pre and post as well. And I was not disappointed in the scene. Darron was the star and did everything excellently from the orals to the ass play to the fucking. Would that we could have more like him.

Didn't watch: 10/16-Charlie & Richie West: Given all the bullshit Richie has been slinging on Facebook, I had no desire to watch him and Charlie is not high enough on my list to override that.

A few other comments:

1. I see avatars are back so one less rant to make. The excuse that it was master card and visa driving their disappearance seem quite implausible given other porn sites didn't face any such action. My guess is that someone hit a wrong button and the avatars disappeared and they needed time to recoup them.

2. This whole "Ben's Boy's" site is fishy to me. If I remember correctly it sounded as if BluMedia's involvement was perfunctory. But I see Mark is shown with picture as the owner and BluMedia is the tech support. I can understand a business wanting to grow, but when its premier site is limping along, attention and resources should be be used to improve that site and get it back to its one-time premier status among web porn sites. But, as our dear Johnny would say, "That's just me!"

It use to be that when I went on my computer in the morning I'd check my email; peruse Facebook; then hit Broke Straight Boys But that hasn't been the case for quite a while. This new kid Darron has my nuts tingling. Maybe he's the beginning of a trend; I can only hope.
Stowe as a cynic do you not find it interesting Darron has done close to 40 scene on-lines as both a top & bottom?
Stowe as a cynic do you not find it interesting Darron has done close to 40 scene on-lines as both a top & bottom?

What I said was that I don't watch the pre- and post- scene videos because I don't put much stock in them. Too often, the model will say one thing and we later find out this is not true or stretches credulity. From the comments I read from some fellow forumites, I don't believe he denied doing scenes elsewhere. As to the number and type I don't believe anyone mentioned those aspects. As to that number, then I would expect him to have a high level of expertise, but that doesn't mean he knows everything. For example, when Elliot is jerking off to cum, Darron is rubbing his asshole area in order to give Elliott a more intense orgasm. And that can happen with some men, those who have a very sensitive area there, like a clitoral orgasm. That is not common. If Darron wants to do Elliot a favor, he should stick a finger or two into his ass and massage the "good, 'ole prostate". And, finally, if Darron passes mikey's believably straight criteria test ( and it is a tough one - lol!!), then that's like getting the Good Housekeeping seal of approval.- lol!!!
You make very good points Stowe & I am glad we met. It is always nice to read different reasoned views, whatever one's own views are.
And, finally, if Darron passes mikey's believably straight criteria test ( and it is a tough one - lol!!), then that's like getting the Good Housekeeping seal of approval.- lol!!!
Than you Stowe my friend. Actually at one time Darron’s extensive catalog of work at other sites would have been a huge issue for me. But he truly is “believably straight” to my sensibilities and he is also very hot and so I have lowered my criteria for a favorite type model.

Overall I love your brutally honest assessment of the way things are today, and I especially loved your homage to our friend Johnny. And by the way, you and Johnny were once categorized by an unnamed member of management to be two peas in a pod. lol
Than you Stowe my friend. Actually at one time Darron’s extensive catalog of work at other sites would have been a huge issue for me. But he truly is “believably straight” to my sensibilities and he is also very hot and so I have lowered my criteria for a favorite type model.

I know, mikey. That's why I re-read what you wrote on that thread a few times to make sure I was fully understanding what you were saying - lol !!!

Overall I love your brutally honest assessment of the way things are today, and I especially loved your homage to our friend Johnny. And by the way, you and Johnny were once categorized by an unnamed member of management to be two peas in a pod. lol

Oh, I remember that well, mikey. You, Johnny, and I got some good laughs about that!!

I have!!! I belong to the site that has his scenes.

He is a great versatile player who does in my opinion equally good in both & I look forward to him entertaining us for a nlong time.
It has been quite a while since I've posted anything of substance here. Dealing with health issues has been the main culprit, but in all honesty, whenever I would check in from time to time none of the scenes were of the calibre that would make me watch them right away; and for the most part the forum seemed dull and repetitive.

However, I'm at a point where my health issues have eased a bit, so I decided to play catch up and watch all the scenes from 9/4 to the present, with one exception. I don't watch the before or after videos because given that I'm both a cynic and doubting Thomas, I don't put much stock in them. I do read the threads dealing with them and can get all the information I need from those forumites whose views I respect. It was my original intention to comment on each scene, but since the majority of them had the same general comments and grade, I'll lump all of them under one grouping and the few others which were better in my opinion separately. So here goes:

3's all around: 9/4-Jesse & Gian; 9/11-Connor & Mikey; 9/25-Charlie & Johnny; 10/2-Connor & Gian; 10/30-Charlie & Jesse; I found all of these to be average at best.

4's all around: 9/19-Mikey & Gian: I found the topping to be a cut above average and good ass eating; 10/23-Elliott & Sterling: Orals just okay (I'd expect Elliott to deep throat)/Great ass play and great aggressive topping to begin with, but then it devolved into just average and that's what made in a 4 instead of a 5. BTW, tell Sterling to ditch the knee-high orthosocks.

5's all around: 10/9-Johnny & Jesse: orals were okay and ass play was quite good/fucking was quite good and aggressive; 11/6-Darron & Elliott: For me this was the one truly great scene in this batch I watched. I did read the thread on the forum comments on this scene and the pre and post as well. And I was not disappointed in the scene. Darron was the star and did everything excellently from the orals to the ass play to the fucking. Would that we could have more like him.

Didn't watch: 10/16-Charlie & Richie West: Given all the bullshit Richie has been slinging on Facebook, I had no desire to watch him and Charlie is not high enough on my list to override that.

A few other comments:

1. I see avatars are back so one less rant to make. The excuse that it was master card and visa driving their disappearance seem quite implausible given other porn sites didn't face any such action. My guess is that someone hit a wrong button and the avatars disappeared and they needed time to recoup them.

2. This whole "Ben's Boy's" site is fishy to me. If I remember correctly it sounded as if BluMedia's involvement was perfunctory. But I see Mark is shown with picture as the owner and BluMedia is the tech support. I can understand a business wanting to grow, but when its premier site is limping along, attention and resources should be be used to improve that site and get it back to its one-time premier status among web porn sites. But, as our dear Johnny would say, "That's just me!"

It use to be that when I went on my computer in the morning I'd check my email; peruse Facebook; then hit Broke Straight Boys But that hasn't been the case for quite a while. This new kid Darron has my nuts tingling. Maybe he's the beginning of a trend; I can only hope.

Your observations and to the point comments have been sorely missed. Glad your feeling better. While I respect Mark and what he continues to do, I too have felt for a while that Broke Straight Boys has taken a back seat to some of his other endeavors. The first priority should be Broke Straight Boys, from a viewers' perspective, as that is the site I signed up for and pay my membership for. That's where the money should be spent. Having been in the banking business for many years I could look at the Assets/Liabilities and the income/expense statements, compare 5 years of each, and there will be your answer as to the viability of Broke Straight Boys's future, both financially and site quality. I think its time for management to put some capital infusion into Broke Straight Boys If not, eventually there will be no forum for these kinds of discussions. JMO...........
SFPS01 , that is a novel approach for me, while my statistics are from a scientific background.