That's about where I am Carter. I used to hate tattoos on people. But as the fashions trended more in that direction I got used to them. Just like you and others have said though, it all depends on how tasstefully they are done and if they have personal symbolic meaning to the person. I don't get it when people plaster permanent random tattoos all over themselves like spray painted graffitti on some delapidated wall in a bad part of town. haha (Like in the photos of the man earlier in the thread) If the majority of them are all impulse buys while out on the town drunk with friends, that's not such a good thing. If they are thought out, well placed, and hold meaning to the person...then why not?
I love MissD's tattoo for her favorite model. haha
On your newest tattoo Carter, is it written in Latin or English? Is it, "Veni, Vidi, Vici"?