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Tales of Lust and Seduction

Hi Jlipps, I love reading your stories My fingers trip over themselves trying to get to the thread. Although you say you're Mr. Average...you're not, you have something special going for you.
Thank you JLipps for yet another great story. Your skills with seduction never cease to amaze me. That was one hot story!
Well what would you ask for? It better be PG lol.

If any of us were lucky enough to find you out and about in public and get you home for some fun, we'd feel like we had won the lottery I'm sure. Somehow though I don't think the Motion Picture Association would give said encounter a PG rating. :blush:

Thanks for posting Denver! :001_smile:
Well shit Lipps,
I just found out Denver has standards and boundaries...shit! :crying2:

All men do Beth, til you break them down! Sometimes its as easy as a six-pack. LOL Sometimes you gotta work for it!
Hi Jlipps, I love reading your stories My fingers trip over themselves trying to get to the thread. Although you say you're Mr. Average...you're not, you have something special going for you.

Thanks Grace, but I really am very average. I just am a very lucky person. Maybe it is because I am unassuming and average. I will say though, I have always had a knack for reading people's feelings. Not their thoughts, but their feelings. I can usually tell in the first few minutes if I can have a guy, or not. Once I realize I can, the rest is easy. I know how to make a guy horny!
Thank you JLipps for yet another great story. Your skills with seduction never cease to amaze me. That was one hot story!

Thank you TAmpa!I am very lucky at knowing how to bring out the sexual side of a straight man! That has always been my forte!
Well guys and girls,

Here is a quick little story about a random encounter. I've had too many to remember them all, but here is one I did remember, while reading Jon's thread about "Random Sex". Hope you all enjoy as the weekend winds down. I also hope everyone had a marvelous weekend!
A Quickie on the Way to Work:

Reading Jon’s sexcapade recently, I was reminded of this guy. Never knew his name. It was totally a random hook up.

So, I am on my way to work. I go in at 10:00pm. It is only 9:00pm, but I always rather get there early, instead of late.

About a mile past my house, I stop to buy some snacks for the night. I walk into a convenience store. I look around and I spot this young, thin, blonde boy standing in one of the aisles. I look at him, and I smile. He looks back and also smiles. The store is quiet busy, people coming and going. Suddenly, it is like time has stopped. Everyone in the store kind of melts away, and this boy and I are the only ones in there. We both start to circle one another, around the aisles.

I walk behind him, and as I pass him, I reach out and place my hand on his back, and say, ”excuse me”. As my hand makes contact with his back, I feel that jolt of electricity between my hand and his back. I know he is turned on. He just stands there, not really knowing what to do.

I walk past him and I look back and see his hand run down over his crotch. He sees me looking. He gives himself a slight squeeze and gives me a grin. He continues to stand there, looking at the shelves and looking at me. I stoop down and get on one knee. He is only inches away. I grab something and hold it up as if interested, mean while I lean my right shoulder towards him. I start to get up, and since he has not moved, my shoulder leans into his crotch, and as I rise, my right arm travels up his crotch, which by now is bulging. I look around and no one is watching us. My fingers extend and I quickly feel his cock.

His face is beet red at this point. He looks nervous. I walk away, not that far, and I stoop down on the floor. I pick something up and pretend to be looking at it when I turn to him and lick my lips as I see his cock bulging. He steps in closer and presses his hard cock into my shoulder, then almost jumps back.

I stand up and face him and ask., “you on your way home, or on your way out?”

“I’m on my way home,” he answers.

“ Well damn,” I tell him, “I am on my way to work. Are you in a hurry?”

He shook his head no. I leaned in slightly and told him, “meet me outside, I am parked on this side.” He shook his head again, acknowledging that he understood.
With that, I prepared to pay and go outside and wait. Hopefully, he would not chicken out. I went out to my car and waited.

7 long minutes went by before I saw him emerging from the store. He looked around and spotted me and came straight away. I signaled him to come around to the passenger’s side. As he had approached the car, I had noticed that his jeans were still bulging out. A good sign indeed! AS he got in the car, I could tell he was nervous but excited. We began to talk and I reached over and felt his crotch. He was fully erect! It felt about 6” and rock hard. He gasped slightly each time I squeezed on this erection.

The boy was not overly cute, but definitely not a “throw away”. He wore glasses. He had curly blonde hair, slightly unkempt. He was about 5’8” and slim, just like I like them. We began to talk as I felt his hard on. We decided to leave his car there and drive to a location nearby that he knew was very dark and relatively safe. It was across from an apartment complex where he lived with his mom.

We drove to the spot, the whole time I kept reaching over to squeeze his cock and keep him erect. He assured me the place was safe. He also told me enroute that he had never had sex with a guy. I told him to relax and enjoy it, which he did try. I told him if he enjoyed it, to call me up, and that I lived nearby and that we could get together again, should he want to.

I parked the car and we sat there for a few minutes, adjusting to the darkness, and listening and observing everything around us. I felt his cock through his jeans and slowly began to undo the belt and zipper. Before long, his cock sprang out from under the white briefs, at full attention. Quickly I went down on him. I sucked him all the way down, there was no time for foreplay! Immediately he started moaning, his hands reaching down to guide my head. After a few minutes he stopped me and slid his jeans down, spreading his legs. I went back to work, sucking him with great fervor. I deep throated him often, and he would gasp in delight each time. I came off his cock and licked down to his balls, sucking each one and rolling them around in my mouth, my hand slowly stroking his rock hard shaft. He scooted his hips down the seat as my tongue kept trying to lick down further. I think he knew where my tongue wanted to go and he seemed willing.

If only I wasn’t on my way to work! Regardless, I continued sucking him and before long I knew he was getting ready to unload. He was moaning in ecstasy and thrusting his hips up towards my hungry mouth, trying to fuck my face. I felt him tense up and I knew it was time. I longed to have him cum all over my face, but I wanted this to be really memorable, so I sucked him deep and decided I would swallow his load. I cupped his balls, which now felt like two rocks, and I could almost feel his load traveling up his shaft. His cock was so hard and his head so swollen. Suddenly there it was, squirt after squirt of his hot boy juice. I sucked it all down as quick as I could. It helped that I was deep throating him. He thrust his hips up a couple of more times before he finally collapsed, completely spent.

“Well?” I asked.

“That was fucking amazing!” I can’t believe you swallowed it all! No one has ever done that, or sucked it deep, like that.”

I smiled at him and thanked him. He smiled back and said, “no man, thank you!” With that he pulled up his jeans and got ready to jump out of the car. “Wait!” I yelled at him,”I have to take you back to your car!” We both cracked up, and he got back in. I drove him back to his car and he confessed that he lived at that complex, with his mom. I gave him my phone number and told him to call me sometime. Of course he never did, but it didn’t matter. I felt sorry that he didn’t get to experience more, well, at least not by my hand. I went on to work and quickly relayed the story to the queen I was relieving. He was beside himself! LOL He was a good guy though, I was a little late, and when I told him the story, he was more than happy to have been able to help out, by waiting for me. In fact, he hung around for about an hour afterwards, pumping me for more details.
That was amazingly hot JLipps. You described him as:

"The boy was not overly cute, but definitely not a “throw away”. He wore glasses. He had curly blonde hair, slightly unkempt. He was about 5’8” and slim, just like I like them."

He is far from a "throw away". I would call him a "keeper".

Your description of your seduction in the aisles of the convenience store was more than hot, as you touched his shoulder, and later were twice on your knees with your face lined up with his bulging crotch.

What can I say, that is a perfect scenario, of course followed by your actually sucking him off in the fields across from the apartment complex where he lived with his mom.

Thank you for providing the hottest reading material for me in a while. It was most arousing.

You continue to be my hero JLipps!!! :thumbup1:
That was amazingly hot JLipps. You described him as:

"The boy was not overly cute, but definitely not a “throw away”. He wore glasses. He had curly blonde hair, slightly unkempt. He was about 5’8” and slim, just like I like them."

He is far from a "throw away". I would call him a "keeper".

Your description of your seduction in the aisles of the convenience store was more than hot, as you touched his shoulder, and later were twice on your knees with your face lined up with his bulging crotch.

What can I say, that is a perfect scenario, of course followed by your actually sucking him off in the fields across from the apartment complex where he lived with his mom.

Thank you for providing the hottest reading material for me in a while. It was most arousing.

You continue to be my hero JLipps!!! :thumbup1:

Thank you Mikey! You know I absolutely love remembering and reliving these stories as I write them. I am keeping them so that one day, when my memory is not so good, I can read them and enjoy them, yet one more time. I just hope I remember that it happened to me! LOL

I also enjoy how you read and then break things down for closer scrutiny or analysis. I always enjoy reading your take on things.