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First of all, with respect to the pix, do you not realize they could be someone else or photo-shopped? But then I'm a cynic and believe little of what Mr. Egg has told us about the supposed miseries of his life.

Secondly, by posting on this thread and continuing to do so, we, myself included, are giving this person just what he is asking for and craving - attention! Go back to post #2 of this thread. That is where it should have ended. And for me it is ending here!
First of all, with respect to the pix, do you not realize they could be someone else or photo-shopped? But then I'm a cynic and believe little of what Mr. Egg has told us about the supposed miseries of his life.

Secondly, by posting on this thread and continuing to do so, we, myself included, are giving this person just what he is asking for and craving - attention! Go back to post #2 of this thread. That is where it should have ended. And for me it is ending here!

Stowe, personally speaking, I could not care less if all your communications with - and about - me ended here. You are as many on here - blinded by your own lusts and perversions, and you share them so you can get your jollies.
As for the pix, do not concern yourself about them. If this thread disturbed you as you aver, then you yourself should have backed out a while back, but no, you also had to chime in, so it is most evident the attention you claim I seek for myself you also seek by your many posts. It is known the behaviours we despise in others and are so astute to bring forth as weapons against them are the very same we harbour within ourselves, only we cannot face ourselves, for if we do, we are then obligated to be fully responsible for them. I take responsibility for the pix; they are of me, and I am not ashamed to admit it. Everyone has their own idiosyncracies; the primary difference that irks you and most others on here is I can bring mine out; you, instead hide behind them. In simple terms, you cannot cope with me and my posts. You might want to consider asking yourself why that is. And believe me, Stowe - you are no one's hero on here. You spend your money for your subscription and sit back to bop your baloney, just as most others do in the quiet and secrecy of your perverted ways.
Now, how do you like them apples? Bon appetit.
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I had to remove the images, they were a bit much for some of our members.

Thank you, Mark. I tried to do so, but I could not figure out how. I appreciate your help with this, and I apologize for posting them.
How does one PM you, Mark?
I haven't commented on this thread, as it is up to any individual member to decide for themselves whether to post, but Stripe has explained exactly how I feel about severe criticisms of any of the young men who work on this site as a model. I agree that they are young men who have all arrived on Broke Straight Boys due to factors in their own private lives, some of which may have been unpleasant and I feel it is very WRONG to willfully say hurtful things about them on this forum, or on the scene page provided by management. I also agree that when directing comments to the young men themselves, "brutal honesty" is not necessary, and in my opinion is very much inappropriate.

Agreed Mike and Stripe......Or as they say in my red neck section of the world....YOU CATCH MORE BEE'S WITH HONEY THAN YOU DO WITH VINEGAR...
Meaning constructive criticism is easier to hear and acknowledge then when its is full of sting and bite....
and I also agree that when we are younger we tend to take things more personal, wear our emotions on the sleeve as they say around here.....Guess that is part becoming LIFE HARDENED.....

But I also believe that we all are entitled to our opinion.....That's why I have a skip button.....If i don't like the post i can move right on to the next.....

Agreed Mike and Stripe......Or as they say in my red neck section of the world....YOU CATCH MORE BEE'S WITH HONEY THAN YOU DO WITH VINEGAR...
Meaning constructive criticism is easier to hear and acknowledge then when its is full of sting and bite....
and I also agree that when we are younger we tend to take things more personal, wear our emotions on the sleeve as they say around here.....Guess that is part becoming LIFE HARDENED.....

But I also believe that we all are entitled to our opinion.....That's why I have a skip button.....If i don't like the post i can move right on to the next.....


Your post is respected and duly noted. However, life offers more vinegar than honey, and if you do not know this by now, you have a raw awakening waiting for you. I say things as I please, but do my best to refrain from using that vinegar until I feel someone has provoked me, deliberately or otherwise. Many on here have deliberate intentions, often secluded inside their fantasies. This is cool! I, however, am not among their number, nor do I intend to lower my own standards to accommodate theirs on any level they maintain them.

As for Damien Kyle, keep wishing, for that is as close as you will ever get to him. I am confident you are well aware all models on here are teases, but do not allow this to stop fantasizing over what shall never be. Reality is cruel, but it demands acceptance.
As for Damien Kyle, keep wishing, for that is as close as you will ever get to him. I am confident you are well aware all models on here are teases, but do not allow this to stop fantasizing over what shall never be. Reality is cruel, but it demands acceptance.

This site is not an escort site, it is a porn site, so the nearest anyone is going to get to a model is via the screen on their computer, otherwise Mark would invite us all to an open day gang bang. If you think that porn stars doing their job is tantamount to teasing then it's certainly not limited to this site as you stated, it must include all porn sites.

Fantasising is good and keeps your imagination alive, but you have to draw the line and accept that these guys are not your toy boys, so they won't be turning up outside your front door in tight underwear with a placard saying fuck me attached to them. Dream on.
This site is not an escort site, it is a porn site, so the nearest anyone is going to get to a model is via the screen on their computer, otherwise Mark would invite us all to an open day gang bang. If you think that porn stars doing their job is tantamount to teasing then it's certainly not limited to this site as you stated, it must include all porn sites.

Fantasising is good and keeps your imagination alive, but you have to draw the line and accept that these guys are not your toy boys, so they won't be turning up outside your front door in tight underwear with a placard saying fuck me attached to them. Dream on.

Jon, do you ever truly read everything posted? What I stated was a response to someone else. What you told me is utter redundancy. Strive harder to be better at this.
Jon, do you ever truly read everything posted? What I stated was a response to someone else. What you told me is utter redundancy. Strive harder to be better at this.

LOL, unfortunately I don't have so much time on my hands as you Mr Egg. Guess you're retired or redundant. Also and going back to the original idea of your thread, why didn't you actually put a poll up ? or where you terrified by the negative responses you would have had.

It seems that there is not one day that passes when you are having a go at someone, whether it be models, the management, or the members. Time to take some more of those anti anger pills Mr Egg.
LOL, unfortunately I don't have so much time on my hands as you Mr Egg. Guess you're retired or redundant. Also and going back to the original idea of your thread, why didn't you actually put a poll up ? or where you terrified by the negative responses you would have had.

It seems that there is not one day that passes when you are having a go at someone, whether it be models, the management, or the members. Time to take some more of those anti anger pills Mr Egg.

Jon, by all means, please feel free to call me Jack. I do not have to hide behind a username, much as you do not, which garnered my respect.
I am indeed retired (not redundant per the British definition, albeit that was most respectful). And while I produce/direct for another company, I am soon to branch out on my own. I am on here to pick up some filming tips from JohnnyBluMedia, since I no longer have the ability to accrue stimulation, let alone a sex drive, due to prosthetic testicles inserted you-know-where after I was physically struck by a hit-and-run driver on 12/4/11, which caused me to not only suffer massive brain trauma and all its wondrous complications, but crushed my testicles as well. Because of this, while I appreciate the beauty and splendor most models on here possess (even though there are few that do not appeal to my professional taste), I prefer admiring JohnnyBluMedia and his finesse behind the camera.
I have a go at someone when I am irked by that someone. Today happens to be your lucky day!
As for the poll, I put it up because I had the courage to. I noticed you did not do so, nor did anyone else. That hardly makes anyone else a coward (after all, not all of us are French - wink, wink), but I can live with myself. Somehow, Jon, I do not sense this ability in you. I could be errant, however. In addition, I noticed many posts from you in this thread. You are absolutely amazing, Jon. Never let anyone tell you different.
I also put the poll up because I wanted to see what reactions I would receive. If you have not noticed, it made quite the splash, garnering at least seven pages. However, I put this thread to bed a while back. I am convinced I know why you never thought of it yourself. Is that the green-eyed monster I sense rearing its ugly head within you yet again, Jon? You can admit it. We are both me (at least I am; I would never presume to answer for you.)
I take my anger pills, Jon. How do you think I become so angry? They help induce the anger in me. I know that was not what you expected to read, but alas, I am not what you expect at all, n'cest ces pas, mon cheri?
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Sorry about your accident and subsequent medical conditions however, I am not sorry for what I posted. I don't really think you could have put this thread to bed because you only replied to another member this morning.

Why would any member put up a thread (it is not a poll) requesting such a thing as should he or she post anymore ? I would suggest only if that member was getting involved in fracas and grief from others - which you clearly have been - mostly from your own doing.

Again, sorry for your medical condition, but you should not use it as an afront or an excuse to be nasty and cruel to those that you have been and in the future. Now back to my day job - good day Mr Egg.
Sorry about your accident and subsequent medical conditions however, I am not sorry for what I posted. I don't really think you could have put this thread to bed because you only replied to another member this morning.

Why would any member put up a thread (it is not a poll) requesting such a thing as should he or she post anymore ? I would suggest only if that member was getting involved in fracas and grief from others - which you clearly have been - mostly from your own doing.

Again, sorry for your medical condition, but you should not use it as an afront or an excuse to be nasty and cruel to those that you have been and in the future. Now back to my day job - good day Mr Egg.

Jon, Jon, Jon...get your willy out of your eyesight and use what brain you do have before it oozes out front your uncircumcised lips. Have you not heard of time zones? Certainly you do not presume the entire world, much that England tries to claim is theirs, revolves around you and your schedule (pronounced shedule out of respect). As much as you Brits abhor admitting it, the world hardly belongs to you.
Why do insist upon rehashing a thread that should very well have ended days ago? Nevertheless, I do commend you for bringing this dead horse again to the porch for yet another thrashing, and for pointing out my flaw in the title. Mayhaps I should have used 'Survey' instead. Do you think that would have better sated you overt elocution palate? This does seem to be a rather sticky wicket, what! I produce/direct for a private business considering adding a forum upon my suggestion. While you are indeed correct about my folly by setting this up to help me decide to continue posting, I also set it up to catch the flavorus emanating from each individual response. Unlike you, old boy, some peoples' minds can simultaneously work in multiple applications. And most responses I did receive carried far less venom than those you posted. Bad form, chap. Utterly bad form. Regardless, as much as you prefer holding your opinions as being far superior than those of everyone else, I assure you, Jon, you are in horrible error. I am sure many in the forum side with you in this debate, but I am equally confident just as many are pleased as punch someone has the audacity, the temerity, the gall to stand up to you and weaken your presumed control throughout.
I admire your having a day job. Please tell me: does drinking fairy pee you call tea and eating crumpets (which would easily explain you Brits' incredibly masterful dentistry prowess) while buggering nervous sheep pay well? I would presume you are quite expert and even more qualified to perform such a rare and almost forgotten art.
Do enjoy your mutton, might you!
Cheerio, poke (I mean bloke Damn these eyes.)
BTW, cane (not spanks, since caning a bared bum even well beyond the point of bleeding is a fancied British custom) you for pretending to care about my medical situation. You are indeed quite the igNoble.
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Someone please pass the popcorn!!!!

It's pointless Peter. He cannot win the argument about being nasty to virtually everyone on here, including the management, models and the members, as it is all written in thread history. So now reverts to name calling the British, which he clearly knows nothing about. When Mr Egg retires from his directing whatever he directs, get's released from the padded cell he obviously resides in at the asylum (if nurse Ratchett allows him to), then he can join the Diplomatic Corps, where I'm sure he will do a good job - for the Russians.
I will not cross verbal swords with you; that woulld simply be pointless. My feeling is this: I find you reprensible. I wish you would simply go away. I would be pleased if you never posted on this site again.