BSB Addict
WOW!!! I think I'll take the rest of the day off Broke Straight Boys

WOW!!! I think I'll take the rest of the day off Broke Straight Boys![]()
WOW!!! I think I'll take the rest of the day off Broke Straight Boys![]()
It's bloody awful.
For once, your colloquialism is most accurate. Some people can tolerate it; others cannot. I know in which boat you sail...The Q.E. Ewww.
And yet, Brits eat blood pudding and kidney pie. And you say THIS is bloody awful? Is it common for Brits to live with double (or more) standards?
Besides, it very well might teach people to be careful what they say and insinuate - they just might be correct.
So which side of your psychopathic character did that load of bullshit come from. What has eating food got to do with those obscene pictures that you have posted - absolutely zero. I do not have have double standards whereas you have double, triple, quadriple etc etc personalities. All which are very distasteful.
So which side of your psychopathic character did that load of bullshit come from. What has eating food got to do with those obscene pictures that you have posted - absolutely zero. I do not have have double standards whereas you have double, triple, quadriple etc etc personalities. All which are very distasteful.
I am sorry, but this is totally uncalled for. If these pictures had been posted on other sites, they would have been immediately banned. They are disgusting. We have communicated personally back and forth and we have been civil to each other.
I have said I won't post any negative comments, but you have crossed the line.
Jack, I just lost all respect for you. You need help! If this is what turns you on and gets you off, then do it on your own time and elsewhere, not on ours. You may think I am being cruel, crude or rude. The truth is, I don't give a rat's ass what you think of me. If it was up to me, I would delete this entire thread.
I pray not only for your mind but also your demented soul. Please, get help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was searching for a way to delete them. I did not expect them to turn up as large as they did.
Louis, I do not expect you to understand me. There are things about yourself you do not even understand; no one does to the fullest.
And just so you know, I am getting help, but when someone such as you sends me an acrid message and then offers prayer for me, I do not know how to accept it. I do know, however, if you were truly a Christian who believes in prayer, you would not be associated with porn. Ergo, keep your useless and powerless prayers. They are not doing you any good, so what makes you think they would me?
It seems no matter what I say or do, someone is always going to bitch about one thing or another, right after they tell me to go ahead and be myself. Be careful what you ask for in future, Louis; you just may get it.
Just so you know, my subscription runs out in two days. I am not renewing. So many on here are hypocrites and adult sanctioned pedophiles. Too many are pretenders, feigning to be friendly with this person or that, but when someone comes along with an opposing position or has an entirely different POV, then that person is chastised until he feels ostracized. Is there no wonder I lash out and back? I am a real person, Louis. Can you say that?
If you feel ostracized, you have only yourself to blame, especially given your repeated posturing about not caring what people think about your posts. You can't have it both ways - either you want to get along with us, or you don't.
Anyway, if you do go, I can't resist: don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
I do not care what people think about my posts; but when they take barbs at me as a person, much as you did in your final salutation, then all I can say is I hope all have good lives. I have had countless doors hit me in the ass, and I must aver, I am incredibly impressed with your originality. I never heard that one before. Wherever did you come up with it?
It just seemed appropriate.
Well, I rather liked it. Would you object if I borrowed it?
Not to be cheeky, but would you care if I did object?
Also not to be cheeky, do you really think I care if you objected? We both know that line is as old as the wedding band on your hand.
Far be it from me to object if you want to bum my line off me.
And far be it for you to actually lay claim to such an archaic adage. Hast thou no shame?
I'm trying to come up with another butt pun here, and unfortunately I'm fresh out.