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Well-known Member
Mar 23, 2009
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I always enjoy watching Shane with almost any model he's paired with but I really hope this is the last CJ appearance. He's unkempt and basically mails it in with a so what kind of attitude. I'm not trying to be unfair or brutal but I read weeks ago that it would be it for him but with filming months in advance we're still seeing more. Another model in his place could have made this a hot 3 way oral scene. I hate to say it but if I see anymore CJ previews I will have to pass on that shoot.
I always enjoy watching Shane with almost any model he's paired with but I really hope this is the last CJ appearance. He's unkempt and basically mails it in with a so what kind of attitude. I'm not trying to be unfair or brutal but I read weeks ago that it would be it for him but with filming months in advance we're still seeing more. Another model in his place could have made this a hot 3 way oral scene. I hate to say it but if I see anymore CJ previews I will have to pass on that shoot.

Agree with you 100% Carefreewc. CJ is becoming big headed and a waste of time. I'm surprised at Shane partying with such a loser too and David must have been pissed off that both turned up with mega hangovers. It's Damian I felt sorry for.

I've checked Denny's spreadsheet and found another Damien from way back Jul/Aug 2007, I don't think they're the same though but the names are spelt the same.
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Agree with you 100% Carefreewc. CJ is becoming big headed and a waste of time. I'm surprised at Shane partying with such a loser too and David must have been pissed off that both turned up with mega hangovers. It's Damian I felt sorry for.

I've checked Denny's spreadsheet and found another Damien from way back Jul/Aug 2007, I don't think they're the same though but the names are spelt the same.

You guys hit that nail on the head, I still enjoyed Shane as I always do although I was a bit disappointed in him for not being more professional. Your also right on about feeling bad for Damian he did a good job against CJs waste of time. David needs to wave good bye to guys like that with the pile of applications he has gotten. As for the former Damien I'm guessing your right Jon and that was a different one. That was the bummer part with so many guys with the same name and no last names.
I was just born contrary. Ole CJ really appealed to me in this shoot. Maybe I'd become inured to his "let's get it over" attitude from all the other scenes he's been in, but the whole premise of the degenerate hetero drunken debauch they'd just been through with their girlfriends came off as totally real, and gave CJ, who is a bit disgusting just in himself, an opportunity to be funny about the bitches and the upchucking, and the miserable crashpad atmosphere that reigned the night before at his place. We've always known CJ had a sense of humor, but this time we got to see more of it, thanks to Dah-VEED and his magic.

Anyway, he's not doing any more scenes, and apart from whatever other reasons he had to go, it was time anyway for him either to retire or get a little help with his follicles. He's got that really familiar belch-frat personality that's sometimes fun to watch, but then he belies the Belushi image by delicately, with his really beautiful hands, lifting his side curls into place over the thinning bit in front, the Broke Straight Boys version of a comb-over. I thought he was his most fetching so far, bless him, and it took an interview about vomit to bring out the best in him.

PS: I have to wonder if CJ brings his eyelashes with him in a little box for Corey to glue on to him, or if they actually grow out of his eyelids. He has those XXL eyes, with all that luxurious undergrowth, that are almost too pretty for the rest of him. In fact all three of these guys have wonderful eyes.

And it's always hot to see one guy make another cum, so much better than the lonely in a crowd jack-off that often ends the scenes. Shane and CJ aren't filming any more. And Damien? Will he be coming back?

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I didn't buy the orgy thing so nothing saved CJ's performance for me. Maybe he needs to find a site called Drunken Straight Boys?
Well CJ at least looked showered and clean in this one as opposed to some other scenes he's done. But yes. He gave us nothing here that would lead us to question David's wise move in cutting him loose. He actually looked a little bit better here. But his performance was mediocre and lacking in enthusiasm or passion.

In this video though I only had eyes for Shane. I love watching him let another guy stroke his dick until he cums. His orgasms and facial expressions are great. My other favorite Shane parts were when he leans down and stares at the other guy's dick that is just inches away from his face. And while he's staring at another guy's dick he smiles the whole time. I think he's being converted over to the bi side.

I did not recognize Damian either, other than from photos. And he wasn't introduced to us in this scene. Maybe another example of the scenes being out of order. Nonetheless I do like him. And I thought he did a decent job.
Slimvintage you hit the phrase on CJ with Belushi image. In CJ's first appearances he was in shape, nice abs and the mumbling was an afterthought because of the body. Now, he's actually gotten fat and hairy and his attitude is lets get to it and finish so I can get my check. More of Shane please, the way he's j/o and blows his load is hot in my book. Even hungover he was able to perform and maybe poor Damien can get more help next time.
sorry guys I thought the scene was deadly on all counts Maybe i am just cranky today
Well I'm tired of both Cj and Shane I'm just over Cj...... and Shane has zero personality, zero Passion, zero affection, and to top it off i'm tired of seeing him topping he should be more flexible at this point or he should get the boot...
Well I'm tired of both Cj and Shane I'm just over Cj...... and Shane has zero personality, zero Passion, zero affection, and to top it off i'm tired of seeing him topping he should be more flexible at this point or he should get the boot...
I believe that David has told us that Shane has all ready "gotten the boot", and we are watching older scenes that he filmed. I do enjoy Shane and straight guy's with his sensibilities. To my way of thinking, if a guy is straight, it is incongruous for him to want to get fucked. I don't expect that out of a straight guy. Perhaps we have a different definition of the elusive definition of the term "straight".

Well I'm tired of both Cj and Shane I'm just over Cj...... and Shane has zero personality, zero Passion, zero affection, and to top it off i'm tired of seeing him topping he should be more flexible at this point or he should get the boot...

Shane has passion. Watch the scene with Nu and Chase when he cums in Nu' mouth and then curls up in Chase's arm and licks his nipple. He was pretty into cumming in Giovani's (?) mouth as well.

Are you guys who are pissed Shane won't bottom the same ones who were pissed that Dustin wouldn't bottom. If you are you were a lot nastier about Dustin.

My only complaint with Shane is he won't kiss, but after I saw him licking that nipple I thought he might be doing some kissing soon. Guess we will never know.

Lot of limp dicks in this scene.
I usually don't read the member comments before I watch a vid, but when I saw a 2.8 rating, I decided to....

Damien was the good boy in this vid. He didn't go out the night before to get drunk and nasty with the chicks. Instead, he stayed home and studied. Like David, I too, appreciated his sound effects.

Most of us like reality type vids, and this vid certainly seemed real. CJ and Shane looked very much like guys I know after a night at a big old Keg party. I do hope they showered before this shoot. CJ slept in the tub, so that shouldn't have been an issue. CJ does have a sense of humor. At least some of the words I could understand were funny.

Slim, thanks so much for your comments on the eyes. The guys do have nice eyes, and CJ's lashes are lovely. I was also able to watch CJ adjust his hair with his lovely hands. Something I may have missed had you not shared your observation.

CJ and Shane were having wobbly dick issues, which is unusual for them, but not surprising after the previous night's activities.

I still like CJ, but understand why he won't be asked back. Damien is someone I would very much like see return to the Futon. Shane was the same as he has been in most of his vids. He has a great smile, and I very much like watching him enjoy his Os provided by his scene partners.

I liked this vid.
If they are getting so many applications than how did Aaron end up there in a video. ok, stupid question maybe he had the best application.

C. J. has never actually turned me on in anything he did. I guess I'm just not a fan of c.j.'s but realize that alot of people are. Shane, well, I'm not sure about Shane. He looked kinda ratty in the video but maybe some people like that. Damien did a very good job.
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I have to agree on CJ and Shane I'm truly neutral about. My enjoyment depends entirelyon who he's paired with...
Sorry guys I find Shane totally a bore! CJ "mumbles" has also become a bore, unless he is on the bottom and then he turns into a lifeless lump! The only good part of this video was Damien. If it wasn't for him I would not have even watched it.
I agree with Casper, Shanes appearance is not turn on at all, does he own a comb? The chin stubbles needs to go and does he have much of a pulse?
This was not the best performance by either CJ or Shane, but they are both certainly likeable, to me. CJ still has a certain charming "frat boy" persona about him, even though his best looking days are behind him. And Shane is one of my all time favorites on the site, so it is always pleasurable for me to see him, and I love his facial expressions when he is being sucked on or jerked off. And Shane sure delivered the "money shot" with gusto, despite his supposed drunken night with the girls and CJ.

As CJ and Shane are both currently "retired" from Broke Straight Boys, I still enjoy watching their remaining performances on the site.

PS, Damien did nothing for me. He is a cute twinkish not so straight looking kid, who is OK as a third man in an orgy scene, but has no star power in my eyes.
Speaking of CJ if I may evoke David again to ask has CJ ever had the chance to read what some folks have posted here about him or have you talked with him about his attitude problem? Just thinking the boy sure can take a dick up the ass and never complains, of course he never moves either. If he knew his ship was sinking he might be more apt to start trying to bail water rather then going under. Just trying to save the dead.:sleep2:
I think CJ did not want to do the scene, but please keep Damien. So refreshing to see a guy that doesn't shave....