This unholiest of life's equasions!!!
As sad as the whole Sandusky affair is for all those countless numbers of innocent victims, institutions like Penn State or the Arch Diocese in Philadelphia continue to operate with impunity, putting potential young innocent victims at risk of a lifetime of needless emotional and spiritual pain all in the name of "Sports for Sport's Sake" or "Organized Religion for Religion's Sake"! Are we all so dumb as to not see a pattern developing here?
Both Sports Leaders and Religious Leaders alike need to get a grip on their "Institutional Egos", realizing unbridled license for either can cause a great deal more permanent harm than good!!! Contrary to reality, we have allowed those in charge to become complacent by only looking at "the bottom line" and not the entirety of the agencie's actions and social/moral obligations. For all the "good" Sandusky may have established, any certainly beyond any reasonable doubt, the self-obsessed ego-driven Sandusky and the like cannot readily bring himself into realizing the enormity of harm he alone has manufactured. However, with the blind-eye the Penn State Sports Establishment enabling Sandusky to act out without normal/reasonable constraints, without establishing reasonable controls is the same as..."turning the entire asylum over to the inmates"! Mayhem ensues!
Beyond the finger-pointing aimed towards the individuals and institutions concerned, no amount of "breast-beating" will do any of the victims any good! Above all else, it is the victims that need our "unconditional love and respect" from the entire human race that they certainly have earned by now, learning the hard way by life's unlimited brutality released upon them. They are the "saints" throughout all the sharp turns, personal turmoil, and deep hurts in this unholiest of life's equasions!
Regardless of one's religious persuasion or lack thereof, all that is left for us to do is resolve that, as a society, we provide a constant source of moral support and earnest Prayer to the God above! We pray that all victims of sexual abuse can eventually become whole again, reconciled with their personal tragedy, and all-the-while casting off permanently all-consuming self-doubts, loss of self-worth, or defeating overwhelming feelings consumed with "hatred" or, worse yet, "misplaced love" for the perpetrator(s)! Finally, we hope that, once becoming fully-restored to life again, a life without realizing constantly the negative baggage and life-script placed on the victims, they can resume living to their fullest fruition and abilities without regard for their previous emotional injuries they endured while still so young and vulnerable! God grant them the "Amazing Grace" to recover and continue growing in good emotional/spiritual health!