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prison is too good for him! too bad they don't allow hanging man like that by the balls, in the public square.
Don't worry, as was said on Bill Maher today, "Prisoners know how to deal with child molesters".
being done in in the shower would be some kind of justice punishment.
for some reason i think that would be too private.
his end will be as a quietly as crimes went for so long.
stop the bullies, stop the abuse in any form.
do the people have no ears? do screams of anguish get drown out by loud commercials and car alarms that sound no danger than a passing truck?
it saddens me that everytime and i say every time because it happen somewhere yesterday people throw up their hands and say how could this happen? WFT
being hang by the balls would be must humane thing to do. funny how humans are not always humane and often inhumane. a quick new flash he was found dead in the shower just makes the whole thing go away! the take away from this is if you are lucky your victims will wait until you die. don't get caught or you'll to jail. wft
my rants now number in the hundreds
"Jerry Sandusky was convicted of 45 counts of child sexual abuse Friday night and faces spending the rest of his life in state prison. His attorney said he would appeal the verdict.Sandusky's attorney, Joseph Amendola, asked Judge John Cleland to allow Sandusky to be released on house arrest, but Cleland summarily rejected the request, saying: "Bail is revoked. Mr. Sandusky is remanded to the custody of the sheriff. (...)"

Read the story at: http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2...y-convicted-of-45-counts-plans-to-appeal?lite

"The end of the trial doesn't mean the case is over.
Two former top Penn State officials, former Athletic Director Timothy Curley and former vice president Gary Schultz, face perjury charges in connection with their grand jury testimony in December, in which prosecutors alleged that concealed what they knew about Sandusky's conduct.
Law enforcement sources have told NBC News that former Penn State President Graham Spanier, who was fired in November, was under investigation for possible similar charges."
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I thank Markymark for starting this thread. I was curious as to the lack of comment on this case here on the forum. It is shocking how many cases have come to light in recent months and years involving inappropriate sexual contact between adult athletic coaches and their underage students. In addition to the Penn State situation, the assistant basketball coach at Syracuse was accused, (although never charged) with molesting young ball boys, and several high school football and basketball coaches have been fired and also charged with rape or illegally coercing their underage students into sexual contact.

All of these cases make me realize that perhaps some individuals who are sexually interested in underage males, may go into the coaching profession to be exposed to young naked athletes, much as we have learned that some people go into the clergy as a way to have an excuse to be in a position to "mentor" vulnerable youths, too.

And I certainly agree with everyone else that Sandusky's conviction was very just. Unfortunately his spending his remaining years in prison, will not un do the damage he has done, but thank God, he will never be in a position to molest another young man ever again.
This unholiest of life's equasions!!!

As sad as the whole Sandusky affair is for all those countless numbers of innocent victims, institutions like Penn State or the Arch Diocese in Philadelphia continue to operate with impunity, putting potential young innocent victims at risk of a lifetime of needless emotional and spiritual pain all in the name of "Sports for Sport's Sake" or "Organized Religion for Religion's Sake"! Are we all so dumb as to not see a pattern developing here?

Both Sports Leaders and Religious Leaders alike need to get a grip on their "Institutional Egos", realizing unbridled license for either can cause a great deal more permanent harm than good!!! Contrary to reality, we have allowed those in charge to become complacent by only looking at "the bottom line" and not the entirety of the agencie's actions and social/moral obligations. For all the "good" Sandusky may have established, any certainly beyond any reasonable doubt, the self-obsessed ego-driven Sandusky and the like cannot readily bring himself into realizing the enormity of harm he alone has manufactured. However, with the blind-eye the Penn State Sports Establishment enabling Sandusky to act out without normal/reasonable constraints, without establishing reasonable controls is the same as..."turning the entire asylum over to the inmates"! Mayhem ensues!

Beyond the finger-pointing aimed towards the individuals and institutions concerned, no amount of "breast-beating" will do any of the victims any good! Above all else, it is the victims that need our "unconditional love and respect" from the entire human race that they certainly have earned by now, learning the hard way by life's unlimited brutality released upon them. They are the "saints" throughout all the sharp turns, personal turmoil, and deep hurts in this unholiest of life's equasions!

Regardless of one's religious persuasion or lack thereof, all that is left for us to do is resolve that, as a society, we provide a constant source of moral support and earnest Prayer to the God above! We pray that all victims of sexual abuse can eventually become whole again, reconciled with their personal tragedy, and all-the-while casting off permanently all-consuming self-doubts, loss of self-worth, or defeating overwhelming feelings consumed with "hatred" or, worse yet, "misplaced love" for the perpetrator(s)! Finally, we hope that, once becoming fully-restored to life again, a life without realizing constantly the negative baggage and life-script placed on the victims, they can resume living to their fullest fruition and abilities without regard for their previous emotional injuries they endured while still so young and vulnerable! God grant them the "Amazing Grace" to recover and continue growing in good emotional/spiritual health!


Stick it to him!

33 of the 50 states have the death penalty. not going write out damn near 2/3 of the whole group. easier to tell who don't have the death penalty.
i say that california is still in the larger group, but votes are making it go away.


enjoy the list

I vote to make Sandusky's punishment truly fit the crime, like having him placed on a fenced island like GITMO with a lifetime sentence, only shared with other uncontrolled sex-preditors for cell-mates and with little or no security from the prison staff to stop the fun! Nothing like the taste of his own "locker room medicine". Shortly, his ass will become as red, swollen, and inflamed as any of the apes a zoo has on display!


The death penalty is not a penalty. It's murder.

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I wonder how many cases like this exist around the world - quite a few I bet. It's sad that parents cannot safely leave their children in institutions similar to the above. Over here in the past we have had similar cases with Scout masters/leaders and even the church.
Good to know this man was found guilty, but I'm afraid our society will not allow a punishment that truly fits the crime anymore, so the best part about this is that he will not be able to continue to molest minors. We'll see where this goes when the case is appealled.
Freed Texas Death Row Prisoner Anthony Graves on Surviving Torture of Solitary Confinement

In a rare interview, former Texas death row prisoner Anthony Graves joins us to recount his experience in solitary confinement, and how he was fully exonerated and released from prison in 2010. Graves was convicted in 1994 of assisting Robert Carter, a man he barely knew, in the brutal murders of six people.

There was no physical evidence linking Graves to the crime, and his conviction relied primarily on Carter's testimony. Before he was executed, Carter twice admitted he had lied about Graves's involvement in the crime. In 2006, an appeals court overturned Graves's conviction and ordered a new trial, saying prosecutors had elicited false statements and withheld testimony.

After 18 years in prison, most of them on death row, Graves was exonerated and reunited with his family after a special prosecutor concluded he was an innocent man. Graves is now an active member of the movement to abolish the death penalty. "My experience was hell," Graves says. "I always liken it to something that you would consider to be your worst nightmare.

I had to go through that experience every day for 18-and-a-half years and it was just no way to live." Urging an end to the death penalty, Graves says: "They're killing in your name, and I say to you stand up and tell these people, 'Not in my name anymore.'"
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WAGnK6tyYs

I wonder what will happen with his wife? She claims she didn't know what was going on in their house, but the guys said she did.........
I wonder what will happen with his wife? She claims she didn't know what was going on in their house, but the guys said she did.........

she might have thought the boys were just rough housing.
they were boys after all.
there is a word for the above two sentences. it escapes me.
the brings home little boys and rough housing with them all day.
even adopts one to have at home.
what could she not know? how what the second on the house is or how much the cable bill was, but not that the sounds from the basement were not sounds of joy and glee.
she should have to call them every day for forever saying i am so sorry!
i don't know the facts in a case against her, but with just what i posted a grand jury would charge aiding.
and then there were her criminal offenses.
it's a good thing that we are a system of laws and not powerful individuals.
if i were king, then when i screamed hang him by his balls until he no more, the poor soul would be no more. instead, we turn things over to the inmates. justice is done!
i struggle with war, but i can not support the state taking lifes for any reason.
an eye for an eye was a step forward. past the old kill the family stage. then came the what if i survive? type trial, followed by the got to give a fair trial and you can hang him phase. have we learn nothing from past ages? where are the exceptions in you shall not kill!? where are they in let him without sin cast the first stone!? as we move into a new age the lession of the past should be in our social dna. it should be in our brain the killing is not acceptable.