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Russia & Ukraine War

Putin wishing to invade Moldavia because he is doing so well in Ukraine, speaks well of his mental state, NOT!
Putin wishing to invade Moldavia because he is doing so well in Ukraine, speaks well of his mental state, NOT!

Yes. Transnistria, a primarily Russian speaking region in the country of Moldova is his next goal. (Another non-NATO member.) But wait. He thought he would already be in Kyiv months ago. So an invasion of another country and yet another former republic of the USSR (Moldova) is not a wise move. But that doesn't mean he'll be reasonable and not try. His decisions right now are not based on common sense or any shrewd three dimensional chess planning. They seem to be based more on ego, dreams of conquest, rebuilding the Soviet Union, saving face, looking tough, and of course holding on to power at whatever price it costs his country. No burden on Russian citizens is too great, no losses on the battlefield and lost Russian lives are too unbearable. Just as long as it means he gets to stay on top and hold on to power.

Transnistria sits on the border region of Moldova, much like Hitler's obsession with the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia in 1939. And the Russian speakers there are so oppressed. Oppressed, Putin will tell us! *Sniffle, sniffle.* Just like the Russian speakers in the Donbas have been oppressed and have even had a "genocide" committed against them no less. Because all Ukrainians hate people who speak Russian apparently. A "genocide" committed against them in the Donbas because the supposed all-Nazi, drug addicted leadership in Kyiv (like a Jewish president who is a also native Russian speaker himself)...is out to get them. A president who again is Jewish and who personally lost family members in the Holocaust, and who himself learned to speak Ukrainian only later in life as a second language.

But again, if Russian troops do indeed ever reach any of the borders of Transnistria...expect to hear from Russian propaganda about how oppressed the Russian speakers there are, and just how much they need to be "liberated" from an anti-Russian, fascist, drug addicted regime in the capital of Chisinau, Moldova.




Just like with Hitler's bogus claims about wanting only the Sudetenland part of Czechoslovakia, and not the whole country...Putin will claim at first that he is only interested in "liberating" Transnistria, when in fact he wants to take over and annex all of Moldova too.
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Yes. Transnistria, a primarily Russian speaking region in the country of Moldova is his next goal. (Another non-NATO member.) But wait. He thought he would already be in Kyiv months ago. So an invasion of another country and yet another former republic of the USSR (Moldova) is not a wise move. But that doesn't mean he'll be reasonable and not try. His decisions right now are not based on common sense or any shrewd three dimensional chess planning. They seem to be based more on ego, dreams of conquest, rebuilding the Soviet Union, saving face, looking tough, and of course holding on to power at whatever price it costs his country. No burden on Russian citizens is too great, no losses on the battlefield and lost Russian lives are too unbearable. Just as long as it means he gets to stay on top and hold on to power.

Transnistria sits on the border region of Moldova, much like Hitler's obsession with the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia in 1939. And the Russian speakers there are so oppressed. Oppressed, Putin will tell us! *Sniffle, sniffle.* Just like the Russian speakers in the Donbas have been oppressed and have even had a "genocide" committed against them no less. Because all Ukrainians hate people who speak Russian apparently. A "genocide" committed against them in the Donbas because the supposed all-Nazi, drug addicted leadership in Kyiv (like a Jewish president who is a also native Russian speaker himself)...is out to get them. A president who again is Jewish and who personally lost family members in the Holocaust, and who himself learned to speak Ukrainian only later in life as a second language.

But again, if Russian troops do indeed ever reach any of the borders of Transnistria...expect to hear from Russian propaganda about how oppressed the Russian speakers there are, and just how much they need to be "liberated" from an anti-Russian, fascist, drug addicted regime in the capital of Chisinau, Moldova.

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Just like with Hitler's bogus claims about wanting only the Sudetenland part of Czechoslovakia, and not the whole country...Putin will claim at first that he is only interested in "liberating" Transnistria, when in fact he wants to take over and annex all of Moldova too.

Ironically Transnistria is recognized as an independent state by NO country in the world, INCLUDING RUSSIA! It just has had @ 1,000 "peace keeping" soldiers there since 1991.
This video was posted yesterday. 4/26/22

Turkey has announced its closure of Turkish airspace to any Russian commercial or military aircraft trying to re-supply its forces with either more troops or munitions in Syria. So the FSB whistleblower's predictions and concerns about the plight of Russian soldiers and the Russian military posture in Syria appears to have gotten worse than even he originally thought.

Simply put, any Russian warships currently in the Black Sea that do not have a home port there, will not be allowed back into the Black Sea if they ever leave (even briefly) during the Ukrainian war for any reason. No Russian warships in the Mediterranean can get into the Black Sea unless they can prove they have a home port there. Which I think means that zero ships of the Russian fleet currently in the Med will be able to reinforce the current Russian Black Sea fleet. If any of those ships in the Med have a home port on the Black Sea, they probably would have already been brought in. The Russians can't bring in another ship from elsewhere to replace the sunken Moskov. The same is true for any more warships they might lose in the Black Sea during this war. They can't be replaced. They're just left with a weaker fleet. Which is possibly very good news for the Ukrainian port city of Odessa.

If a Russian warship in the Black Sea tries (using the cheapest and most practical method) to ferry supplies directly from a Russian Black Sea port down to Syria, the ship won't be allowed back in. The FSB guy, (OP) was worried that the only way to re-supply the Russian forces in Syria would be to ferry everything down by plane. (Which is extremely expensive and impractical for some military hardware.) Now Turkey is saying that those flights would not be allowed over its airspace either. Not even troop transport planes to rotate forces in and out. Again, Turkey is a member of NATO. I can't imagine that any other NATO members like Bulgaria, Romania, or Greece would allow Russia to fly military aircraft over its airspace either down to or from Syria either.

Possibly Iran might. Through Georgia, Armenia or Azerbaijan if they agree. Or over the Caspian Sea, over Iranian airspace (maybe), through Iraqi airspace (maybe) and through the easternmost part of Syrian Thomas airspace. Then they would have to fly the entire width of Syria to reach the westernmost Syrian Thomas Mediterranean port city of Tartus where the bulk of Russia's military contingent is based from. Any of those scenarios are long and costly trips. So Russia's fastest, cheapest and closest air corridors down to Syria are pretty much blocked off right now.

Also though as OP stated earlier, Russia does not have "extra" military supplies and manpower lying around right now (to re-supply Syria) because the bulk of their troops, food rations, munitions, fighter aircraft, spare parts, weapons, transport vehicles, etc, are being used in or being shifted to the war, "Special Military Operation" in Ukraine.

And as I've said before, in spite of its glory days of the Soviet empire...Russia today is not a rich country. It can't afford to fight two different conflicts in different places for long. (Even if they had a really good and competent military, which is questionable right now.) If any real fighting flares up again soon in Syria, they will be in big trouble. Because Russia's economy can't sustain the cost.


Remember Israel will is a threat to Syria and keeping them occupied as well.
So I heard, Putin's end can not be far off as the economic noose gets tighter.
I've been hearing reports of Russia running low on many of its ammunition stockpiles, spare parts, war materiel, missiles and necessary battlefield supplies. If this is true, and I suspect that it is...I predict the problem will actually be far worse for the Russians than perhaps even they know themselves right now. And it goes back to the root problem of just how much corruption, embezzlement, bribes, kickbacks, paying back of favors, gaining new favors by illegal use of Russian taxpayer money, "skimming off the top" and other dishonesty there is in the Russian society in general and its defense industry in particular.

Much of this kind of corruption is "papered over" with dishonest record keeping. As I've alluded to elsewhere in this thread it's nothing for top Russian generals put in charge of negotiating purchases of multi-billion dollar new military supplies to live in fancy homes and to be driving Italian sports cars and other foreign luxury vehicles. It's a society where just about everybody with access to taxpayer funds (or very valuable goods) is on the take in one way or another.

It's quite likely that there are scenarios where a company was given an order for (just for nice round numbers) we'll say, 1 million rounds of ammunition. Of course the generals negotiating the deal are taking maybe 2%-5% off the top. The company negotiating for the contract inflates their price so that they can skim another 5% (or much more off the top) while giving another kickback to the generals. The company then uses very shoddy supplies to make the components needed to fulfill the contract. Then they deliver far less than 1 million rounds but paper it over and say they have delivered the full million of quality product.

Then the guys at the inventory control of the warehouse sign off on the bogus million rounds (on orders of their superiors) and it all looks fine on paper. Maybe they really received 700,000. Then the guards of that warehouse... They decide that with 700,000 rounds of ammunition laying around, that nobody will miss a few if they decide to steal some and try to sell them on the black market for a profit. Maybe that metal can be melted down for another company to use in their products. So the guards and the inventory control guys are all in on it and on the take too.

Then a real war comes like in Ukraine and the troops in the field start to draw down on that supposed million item stockpile. Generals are told there are a million rounds at this one place alone. So they feel confident in ordering 50,000 rounds at a time to be sent to the front. But... There are really only 400,000 rounds total left in the whole warehouse. So what they thought was a million items in stock will be completely depleted in less than half the time they're expecting. Reality sets in when they send for the next 50,000 rounds that aren't there, and all of the dishonest accounting starts to catch up with them in the light of day.

So expect the Russian army, air force, missile batteries, etc, to be in much worse shape supply-wise than the rest of the world might expect right now.
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I was listening this morning on the news to an interview of a noted retired military man who boldly stated war is lost for Putin and while he may win some minor skirmish he won't win the war. And you can see it on how Putin now has changed what he calls successes.
At this point the war is already appearing to slide away from the two-sided conflict between Russia and Ukraine that Putin believed he could win easily in 3 days. It's quickly morphing into a proxy war between Russia and the West. (One that Putin did not ever expect or bargain for.) There is already evidence that a drawn out war of attrition stands to hurt Russia much sooner and much worse than it does the Ukrainians. The U.S. is already pledging another $33B in aid. Russia does not have a rich uncle or allies to fall back on for billions of dollars in future aid and war materiel to restock its dwindling supplies.

As I've said earlier the Russians have been lying to each other for years about just how much inventory they have in stock for things such as tanks, aircraft, helicopters, ammunition, spare parts, troop transport vehicles, missiles and so on. They have inflated how much they have, which doesn't truly exist. Resupplying their army in Ukraine may not be possible to the extent that they need the supplies. And forgot about adequately resupplying their garrison in Syria any time this year. Putin had better hope that ISIS in Syria doesn't try to do a Taliban-like comeback in the near future. Because few in the world think that Russia would be able to wage an aggressive new conflict again in Syria right now.

While we expect to hear some sensationalistic accounts from Ukrainian sources and some hyped-up numbers in the pro-Ukraine West of how much military hardware Russia has lost so far in Ukraine...and how difficult, time consuming and expensive it will be for Russia to replace it.... For all the reasons I stated earlier, I think some of those possibly inflated numbers (for propaganda purposes) might actually be much closer to correct and in some cases might even turn out to be underestimates. In less than 3 full months of war I think Russia is already losing the war of attrition. Short of a very unlikely decisive victory very soon... Russia will be hurting badly (and soon) in just about every measure.

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When Donald Trump was president America was energy independent. Biden has cancelled the Keystone pipeline amongst other things so that Ameica is no longer energy independent and if Donald Trump were still president there is no way Putin would have invaded Ukraine.

I am stunned that so many people on this site actually believe the propaganda about this Ukraine business, the alledged Climate Emergency and the Covid hoax. My only consolation is that the people who believe all this crap are probably vaccinated and boosted and won't be around for much longer!

If you want honest news reporting I sugget this site: https://rumble.com/search/video?q=The Duran . There are many other truth sites on Rumble, Locals and Truth Social.
When Donald Trump was president America was energy independent. Biden has cancelled the Keystone pipeline amongst other things so that Ameica is no longer energy independent and if Donald Trump were still president there is no way Putin would have invaded Ukraine.

I am stunned that so many people on this site actually believe the propaganda about this Ukraine business, the alledged Climate Emergency and the Covid hoax. My only consolation is that the people who believe all this crap are probably vaccinated and boosted and won't be around for much longer!

If you want honest news reporting I sugget this site: https://rumble.com/search/video?q=The Duran . There are many other truth sites on Rumble, Locals and Truth Social.

Hi Special,

The pipeline wasn't completed yet when Trump was president. So I don't know how you make the broad statement that the U.S. was energy independent just 16 months ago when Trump left office after a failed coup attempt...but now the U.S. is suddenly not energy independent under Biden. "Energy independent" would mean that we are importing zero oil from abroad. We have been importing Saudi oil every year for decades. That didn't stop under either Trump or Biden. It's not like billions of barrels of oil were already pouring through the completed Keystone pipeline, and Biden turned off the spigot. But that seems to be what you want us to believe.

Besides that, the Keystone pipeline if it was fully completed, would bring oil all the way North to South down the entire width of the United States and ending in Texas, from the beginning of the pipeline in...Canada! Yes. Supposedly the U.S. achieved "Energy Independence" under Trump by importing 62% of our oil from Canada. Then 10% from Mexico, and 5-6% from Saudi Arabia. Right... :jerkit: If we were truly energy independent a year and a half ago, then why did we ever want or need a pipeline to bring Canadian oil all the way to Texas?

As far as Putin never invading Ukraine if Trump was in power, there's no way that can ever be proven. If you choose to believe that...fine. It makes a catchy sound-bite for Trump lovers to say. But it's a worthless rhetorical flourish since it will forever remain impossible to prove. Trump can't shove his tongue up Putin's a** any deeper right now if he tried. He says that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is "genius". Trump wants every bit of Russia's help and election interference to help him win election in 2024. So Trump's desire to suck up to Putin in every possible way, knows no bounds. If Trump has his way he will probably try to abolish NATO if he wins a second term. He hates NATO. Almost as much as Putin.
Just to point to the fact in every generation there are people who live in their reality that is divorced from the reality. A great example is the Jews who backed Hitler until they, too, were killed. As to Trump, remember how he railed against Covid vaccinations yet was inoculated while doing so.