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Russia & Ukraine War

Educte yoursel - watch this:

Educte yoursel - watch this:


With respect Special,

Opposing and differing views are welcome here. I found and watched a good part of the video you link above. There is some truth and justifiable caution in being distrustful of government surveillance. I'll grant that the very existence of the NSA and its mass surveillance of our phone calls, texts, social media posts, etc is an affront to democratic principles.

But (in my opinion) much of the ramblings in this video are a cesspool of conspiracy theory laden ultra-right drivel. Even Fox News won't stake their remaining credibility on stuff like that. I feel like I need to take a shower after listening to the likes of disgraced Michael Flynn waxing poetic with concern and self-serving nonsense blaming the deep state, the "One-world government", popular culture, Democrats and liberals for all of his own personal problems and the country's problems. He has so many of his own moral and criminal lapses that most times boil down to greed, selfishness and self-serving rationalizations to justify his own crimes. He committed crimes against the law and violations to his military oath and to his oath of office as a temporary government official. His credibility here in the U.S. is not high, for very good reason.

Flynn's son loved to promote the pizzeria-gate theory that Hillary Clinton's campaign was being financed by a child prostitution ring operating in the basement of some non-descript pizzeria. And some people were stupid enough to go along with it because they wanted to believe it. You have to be a special breed to buy into much of that toxic mix of Covid, 5G, government implanted microchips, George Soros nonsense. But that's what people like the Flynns are all about. They're carnival barkers ladling out self-serving nonsense and ultra-right conspiracy theories. I'll admit that we may never be told the truth about the origins of this coronavirus strain. I'm suspicious of the story we've been given also. But just because they may start out with a small kernel of truth about some things the public may or may not be legitimately suspicious of...doesn't mean that we should automatically follow along where they want to lead us, with all of their staggeringly over-the-top, self-serving and self-aggrandizing conclusions.
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Tampa after reading what you wrote I am glad the link did not work for me. As you say there are justifiable worries not to have to resort to nonsense which as we know in the case of Covid has caused so many unnecessary deaths and needless suffering.
I see from most of the posts here that a lot of people believe what they are reading and seeing in the fake news.

A few months ago the New York times were writing about how corrupt and what a catastrophe Ukarine was, now they are full of praise. Ukraine have brought this on themselves by not implimenting the Minsk agreements and accepting that they will never join NATO or the EU.

I'll start off with just this much of your previous post. You say that Ukraine did not abide by all the terms of the Minsk agreement. That's absolutely true. They did not. But did Russia abide by all of its obligations under the accords? I think not.

This accord was forced upon Ukraine under the barrel of a gun when Putin sent in his "Little Green Men" to forcibly seize border territory from a sovereign Ukraine. The Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine and its de-facto annexation of the territory, was in direct violation of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994. It's the accord which Russia signed to when it asked Ukraine to give up all of its nuclear weapons. In it Russia agreed to respect the current borders and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of an independent Ukraine. Much like the Munich Agreement where Hitler promised to respect the new borders of Czechoslovakia from there on out, so too did Russia break the Budapest agreement by sending troops and weapons to Donbas. If you try to get into who has the moral high ground here, Russia was the first one who showed no honor in abiding by its commitments. Russia can't be trusted to fulfill any international agreement or treaty it signs. You can't trust Putin any farther than you can throw him.

With Minsk having been forced upon them under a gun by threat of even more war, is it any wonder Ukraine never liked or wanted to follow all of its terms? Minsk was an agreement that was shoved down their throats by Putin. And even if Ukraine had followed every step to the exact letter of the agreement, they had absolutely zero assurance and little faith that Russia would honor its own sides of the bargain. Then Russia invaded and took over Crimea! At that point especially Ukraine had no incentive at all to try to appease Russia further by trying to completely fulfill either Minsk or Minsk II. It was all a charade.

And all of this nonsense about not "accepting" that they will never join the EU or NATO... You say that like it's a commitment they already made and are trying to break. When did they ever agree to that previously in any international forum or accord? Who says they're not allowed to join either organization? Putin?? That's something that Russia is trying to force upon them now, in yet a further Russian violation of the Budapest Memorandum. Ukraine has never previously agreed to neutrality or never to join the EU or NATO.

That's bullshit that Putin is trying to force down their throats now. Ukraine never signed anything in the Budapest or Minsk agreements agreeing that they weren't allowed to join NATO or the EU. Budapest recognized them as an independent, sovereign country. The former Soviet republics of the Baltic States were never made to sign such an agreement. Neither were former Soviet bloc countries close to former USSR borders like Poland, Slovakia, Romania or Hungary. But suddenly Ukraine is supposed to be under some newly found unsigned and unagreed to "international obligation" in 2022 that Putin cynically just pulled out of his ass?
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Well said Tampa. Special what is your country of origin.
I'd like to add further along the lines of my previous post just how much Putin's actions parallel Hitler's in 1939. Before WWII had even started yet, Hitler saw an opportunity along Germany's southern border (the Sudetenland) where he could whip up sentiment that Germanic and German speaking Czechs were being persecuted and discriminated against by the Czechoslovakian government. They shouldn't have to be forced to learn or to speak Czech. They should be allowed to express their own Germanic heritage. They should brought back into the fold of their "true" heritage and be granted annexation with The Fatherland.

Hitler tried to persuade the world that he didn't really want to invade and take over the whole country of Czechoslovakia (Cough, cough) and then start another whole world war also. He was just in a terrible bind though. Terrible! (Sniffle, sniffle.) If the West could just see how pitiful and unfair the plight was of these persecuted citizens along the border, they would see the reasonableness of agreeing to dismember Czechoslovakia and giving just most its border territories to the Reich. If they would just grant this one-time-only concession (under, say a "Munich Agreement"??) Hitler promised that he would play nice, Germany could be trusted, and there would be no upcoming future wars with a placated Germany.

With Putin's annexation of Crimea and his de-facto annexation of the Donbas, he's still trying to peddle this notion that he doesn't really want to take over all of Ukraine and later on try to forcibly put much of the old Soviet Union back together. (Cough, cough) But the Russian speakers there are being persecuted and discriminated against by the Ukrainian government. The mostly Russian speakers there should not be forced to learn or to speak Ukrainian. They should be allowed to express their own Russian heritage. They should brought back into the fold of their "true" heritage and be granted annexation with Mother Russia.

He is just in a terrible bind though. Terrible! (Sniffle, sniffle.) If the West could just see how pitiful and unfair the plight is of these persecuted citizens along the border, they would see the reasonableness of agreeing to this dismemberment of Ukraine and giving just most its border territories to the Russian Federation. If they would just grant him this one-time-only concession Putin is trying to (mostly) promise that he'll play nice, Russia can be trusted, and there will be no future wars of empire building trying to put more of the old Soviet Union back together with a now placated Russia.


All of this crap is right out of the fascist dictator, ultra-nationalist playbook. We've seen this movie and read this book before. We already know how it ends if we try to appease Putin under the pretense that if we just let him have the border regions and periphery of Ukraine...that he'll be satisfied, he'll play nice, Russia can be trusted not try to take over all the rest of Ukraine later, nor try to attack, invade and re-annex other countries of the old Soviet Union or the former Soviet Bloc.

We would be total idiots to fall for any of this dog and pony show.
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But the world is different now. The US is not isolationist & there was no NATO & no Mussolini or Japan.
I saw this around the corner from my apartment a half hour ago. Cool!

I'd like to add further along the lines of my previous post just how much Putin's actions parallel Hitler's in 1939. Before WWII had even started yet, Hitler saw an opportunity along Germany's southern border (the Sudetenland) where he could whip up sentiment that Germanic and German speaking Czechs were being persecuted and discriminated against by the Czechoslovakian government. They shouldn't have to be forced to learn or to speak Czech. They should be allowed to express their own Germanic heritage. They should brought back into the fold of their "true" heritage and be granted annexation with The Fatherland.

Hitler tried to persuade the world that he didn't really want to invade and take over the whole country of Czechoslovakia (Cough, cough) and then start another whole world war also. He was just in a terrible bind though. Terrible! (Sniffle, sniffle.) If the West could just see how pitiful and unfair the plight was of these persecuted citizens along the border, they would see the reasonableness of agreeing to dismember Czechoslovakia and giving just most its border territories to the Reich. If they would just grant this one-time-only concession (under, say a "Munich Agreement"??) Hitler promised that he would play nice, Germany could be trusted, and there would be no upcoming future wars with a placated Germany.

With Putin's annexation of Crimea and his de-facto annexation of the Donbas, he's still trying to peddle this notion that he doesn't really want to take over all of Ukraine and later on try to forcibly put much of the old Soviet Union back together. (Cough, cough) But the Russian speakers there are being persecuted and discriminated against by the Ukrainian government. The mostly Russian speakers there should not be forced to learn or to speak Ukrainian. They should be allowed to express their own Russian heritage. They should brought back into the fold of their "true" heritage and be granted annexation with Mother Russia.

He is just in a terrible bind though. Terrible! (Sniffle, sniffle.) If the West could just see how pitiful and unfair the plight is of these persecuted citizens along the border, they would see the reasonableness of agreeing to this dismemberment of Ukraine and giving just most its border territories to the Russian Federation. If they would just grant him this one-time-only concession Putin is trying to (mostly) promise that he'll play nice, Russia can be trusted, and there will be no future wars of empire building trying to put more of the old Soviet Union back together with a now placated Russia.


All of this crap is right out of the fascist dictator, ultra-nationalist playbook. We've seen this movie and read this book before. We already know how it ends if we try to appease Putin under the pretense that if we just let him have the border regions and periphery of Ukraine...that he'll be satisfied, he'll play nice, Russia can be trusted not try to take over all the rest of Ukraine later, nor try to attack, invade and re-annex other countries of the old Soviet Union or the former Soviet Bloc.

We would be total idiots to fall for any of this dog and pony show.

Good post! A knowledgeable Ukrainian lady active in interreligious dialogue and affairs who one addressed the United Nations once told me: "Their is only one nation in eastern Europe where Russian speakers are allowed to speak freely, and that nation is not Russia but rather Ukraine. Lying Putin accuses Ukrainian President Zelinsky of being a Nazi persecutor of Russian speakers, when in fact he is Jewish whose lost relatives during WWII to Hitler's extermination of Jews and was elected President of Ukraine as a Russian speaker who the had to learn how to speak Ukrainian! So much for a Nazi persecutor of Russian speakers!
Since when has Putin ever spoke the truth, it is a common trait of all who aspire to be dictator, was it not true also of he whose name must not be spoken.
Good post! A knowledgeable Ukrainian lady active in interreligious dialogue and affairs who one addressed the United Nations once told me: "Their is only one nation in eastern Europe where Russian speakers are allowed to speak freely, and that nation is not Russia but rather Ukraine. Lying Putin accuses Ukrainian President Zelinsky of being a Nazi persecutor of Russian speakers, when in fact he is Jewish whose lost relatives during WWII to Hitler's extermination of Jews and was elected President of Ukraine as a Russian speaker who the had to learn how to speak Ukrainian! So much for a Nazi persecutor of Russian speakers!

Thank you for pointing that out KG!

The Nazi and fascist angle is a red herring and propaganda tool (and lie) they're using to try to justify an invasion of the whole country. One of the first goals and acts of de-Nazification was to try to assassinate and/or overthrow Ukraine's Jewish president. Then they bombed the memorial in Kyiv in tribute to the 30,000 Jewish victims who died in the Nazi Holocaust massacre at Babi Yar. Would those not have been some of the most pro-Nazi, pro-fascist things Russia could have done? The hypocrisy and projection of their propaganda would seem to show just how fascist and anti-Semitic the Russian government really is.
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There is the Ukrainian fascist/Nazi Azov Battalion. It is a thing. But... Wikipedia says the group in 2022 numbers about 900 people. But yet that is a justification for invading the whole country and killing women and children, and many elderly people who once fought the Nazi's during the German occupation from 1941-1945. This war is about empire building. It has very little to do with border concerns or de-Nazification. The goal is very simply just to conquer the whole country and bring it back through war and forced annexation under full Russian government control. Putin might be willing to settle for a puppet government where Ukraine would be separate and independent in name only. He just wants to see all of Ukraine ruled from Moscow, in whatever form he can force it to take.
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There is the Ukrainian fascist/Nazi Azov Battalion. It is a thing. But... Wikipedia says the group in 2022 numbers about 900 people. But yet that is a justification for invading the whole country and killing women and children, and many elderly people who once fought the Nazi's during the German occupation from 1941-1945. This war is about empire building. It has very little to do with border concerns or de-Nazification. The goal is very simply just to conquer the whole country and bring it back through war and forced annexation under full Russian government control. Putin might be willing to settle for a puppet government where Ukraine would be separate and independent in name only. He just wants to see all of Ukraine ruled from Moscow, in whatever form he can force it to take.

That is true but this is not the past & while somethings repeat others do not. All you have to do is read the original version of the bible to see that, be you a believer or not. I will not expand on that at this point.
Risk of coup against Putin 'growing every week', Russian source claims
The prospect of Russia's spy agency launching a coup against Vladimir Putin is growing.
Risk of coup against Putin 'growing every week', Russian source claims
The prospect of Russia's spy agency launching a coup against Vladimir Putin is growing.

I wouldn't mind seeing that happen. But I don't think it's very likely. On the other hand, like I've said... This is the most vulnerable Putin has ever been to being overthrown during his 22 years in power. To paraphrase some of Bill Maher's recent remarks... We may not have ever liked Putin for obvious reasons. But we had to grudgingly admit that as evil as he is, he is not stupid. He's a very smart guy. (Normally.) But in this case he has gone and done something very very stupid.

(Probably because his ego got the better of him and/or he started believing his own warped propaganda about the public mood and the political and military situation on the ground in Ukraine.)

Maybe that's also partly because he's in an echo chamber surrounded by sycophants, or those who are afraid to tell him the truth or any bad news that does not conform to his own perception of reality or world view.) That's also the case in how much he was totally misinformed (or delusional) about the true state of the combat readiness of his own army. Now in Ukraine he's suffering the consequences of that as his many false assumptions and lies are being laid bare in the glaring light of international attention on the global stage.
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