you still just don't get it yet!!!!
1. I did not call the people here who asked a natural question "macabre and sick" because they asked and when told the information would be kept private stopped asking and did not bleat repeatedly about conspiracies and their right to know. It is you and your obsession on this issue which is macabre and sick.
2. If there is no legal right then what right are you speaking of? How is it established? There is none. Unless you are trying to argue you have some moral right to know what caused the death of someone you did not personally know and who only saw on a porn site.
3. I note that instead of justifying your claim of some nonexistent right, you chose simply to reiterate you had some amorphous, non-existent right.
4. As for the standards for becoming an attorney, no matter how low they might appear to you, it appears you would not qualify based upon your comments. As for myself, I do not need to justify myself to some anonymous, immature poster on a chat group.
I'M BACK GUYS!!! Where O where do I begin?? 1st of all
Mike Robbins was more than just an entertainer to alot of us here at
Broke Straight Boys.HE was a valued friend that we loved dearly, just read his posts on his thread, he had a very close relationship with many of us...and as his friends we are naturally very saddened by his loss, and are still finding it very hard to find closure. And that's because of the "not knowing" part of this whole situation.. Any time you suffer a loss this close to home, you normally want to know just how your friend met their tragic end....the cause of death is no great reveal of Mikes identity, if it was illness, suicide, or tragic accident, that cannot possibly reveal who or where he was. Due to the fact that these same circumstances happen to thousands of people all over this country, it would be like trying to find a "needle in a haystake" that excuse is weak to say the least.....and to go so far as to tell his friends to "get over it" or "grow the f#*k up" is heartless and downright mean spirited....this is exactly what I warned this site would happen, people grieve differently, and when there is no closure then they begin to devour one another...I've seen it working as a nurse for the last 20yrs!!!! MY GOD, have we stooped so low as to turn on each other like this, pain can make people do the unthinkable sometimes. This site has a responsibility to all of Mikes friends to find out the cause of his death and try as much as possible to help some of the paying members who loved this young vibrant man find some small amount of closure, we are reminded quite often that we are a family here at
Broke Straight Boys, and is this anyway to treat your family?? The very nature of some of the friendships that developed between some of the models and members became more than just a business transaction...we shared emails, phone numbers, and a huge part of our lives with each other, and alot of you know what I'm writing is very true. Is it any wonder that this just refuses to go away, like any friendship, when something like this happens people take it damn hard... So PLEASE remember that his friends are still having a very difficult time right now, they just found out a couple months ago, both sides should keep this in mind when posting about their concerns and their heartfelt sorrow, keep it respectful and at the same time, honest as well.......I feel saddened by all this, but I saw it coming................till next time friends..