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R.I.P. to Johnny's cat Lucky


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
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Brooklyn New York
I wanted to let you all know that Johnny had to 'put down' his almost 21 year old loving companion Lucky yesterday. As much as he knew it was coming it is never easy to have to lose a pet and particularly one who had been with him for so many years. I am very sorry Johnny and I can only imagine how much you will miss him.
Sorry to hear that. Losing a pet is never easy. They become part of who we are for the time they're with us.

I lost my 19 year old Lulu a few months back. I still miss the little girl. I recently adopted a 2 year old orange tabby female, Ginger, and catch myself calling her Lulu from time to time. Of course Ginger looks at me like ..WTF, who's this bitch Lulu? Now about my empty treat bowl...
Johnny - so sorry to hear about your dear friend, Lucky. Please know you are in my prayers.
Johnny, I'm sorry to hear about your loss of Lucky. It's just as bad as losing a family member because our pets are our family. I share your grief as I had to do the same to my little buddy, Ralph just a few months ago after only 12 years. My thoughts and condolences are with you.
Very sorry for your loss John! I too have shared the companionship of two cats in my life, Andrew and Rose. Rose is pictured in my Avatar! Andrew died exactly one year to the day my best (human friend) died of a self inflicted gsw to the head. Andrew was about 12 years old. He met and warmed the laps of all of my friends and loved ones that would visit me at my apartment, including my friend who died. To this day, I still miss them both but cherish their memories.:down:
I think everyone here has experienced the loss of a companion of the animal world, so we all know exactly what you are feeling. I am so sorry that you are now going through such a loss of your companion, Lucky. You chose the right name for him, because he was lucky to have bonded with you for so many years. Just remember that you gave him the greatest gift of all...your love, and he reciprocated with his love for you. We can't expect anything more than that. My sincere sympathy to you for your loss.
Sorry to hear that. Losing a pet is never easy. They become part of who we are for the time they're with us.

I lost my 19 year old Lulu a few months back. I still miss the little girl. I recently adopted a 2 year old orange tabby female, Ginger, and catch myself calling her Lulu from time to time. Of course Ginger looks at me like ..WTF, who's this bitch Lulu? Now about my empty treat bowl...
Thank you josh.Had cats all my life. Never Loved one like this one.Had to put down his wife Lulu six years ago.So it was JustUsBoys.
I kept him going longer than I should. For my selfish self.Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't love a pet as much as anyone.
I will miss him forever..He was a very good boy.My little prince.
I wanted to let you all know that Johnny had to 'put down' his almost 21 year old loving companion Lucky yesterday. As much as he knew it was coming it is never easy to have to lose a pet and particularly one who had been with him for so many years. I am very sorry Johnny and I can only imagine how much you will miss him.
Thank You mike. You have been a great friend.xoxo
I am sorry to hear about the loss of Lucky; they do have a way of loving us and bettering our lives.:001_wub: When you can, and if you want, will you please tell us a story about Lucky (and Lulu)? I would love to hear about them.
Johnny, I'm so very, very sorry for your loss of a dearly loved companion. I have been through it, too, and there is no deeper, more unconditional love than with a companion animal who asks nothing of you but for a home, food, and love. They do not judge, do not care what you look like or who you are or what you do. They love you just because you are you. I said goodbye to a companion of 18 years at 4:04AM on January 4, 2014. He was 23 (was 5 when I adopted him) and had a good life, and made mine better. I still think of him just about every day as he'll be in my heart forever. I hope when the time is right you'll allow another cat into your home and heart. She won't take the place of the one you lost, but will be a new companion who loves you unconditionally. I truly believe an animal companion is good for your soul. :1d6a4743:

Best Friend

Thank you josh.Had cats all my life. Never Loved one like this one.Had to put down his wife Lulu six years ago.So it was JustUsBoys.
I kept him going longer than I should. For my selfish self.Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't love a pet as much as anyone.
I will miss him forever..He was a very good boy.My little prince.

Try not to think if you let Lucky go longer than you should have. The time needed to say goodbye is different for all. I'm sure Lucky needed time to say goodbye to you as well. A good friend sent me this poem she found on the net when I lost my Lulu. For me the poem captured it all. I'm not sure, but I think the poem and time helped me think more of the good feelings she brought me, than the anguish felt during the end of her life knowing she was very sick, and faced with making that difficult decision.

When I think of Lulu now, I always come back to when I found her in the shelter 18 years ago. While the other cats seemed to shy away, Lulu came right to the front of the Cage Kafig, and meowed as if to say take me. When taken out of the Cage Kafig she immediately went into full head-butt mode. I knew then that she was choosing me, and I her.

Best Friend
© Justina M. Hoerner

Remember all the good times,
Remember all the bad.
You stuck with me through everything,
The best friend I have had.

Through trying times you stayed with me.
You've sure improved my life.
You cheered me up when I was down,
Stuck with me through my strife.

Think about the good stuff, too,
Remember when we met?
I knew that I could trust you.
The best friend anyone could get.

Why is it that good things
Never seem to last?
You try to think about them,
But time erases past.

Sometimes I feel your presence,
I seem to hear your voice.
Memories flood back to me,
And I sit and rejoice.

Just know that I miss you.
I never will forget,
The times I spent together
With you, beloved pet.
Try not to think if you let Lucky go longer than you should have. The time needed to say goodbye is different for all. I'm sure Lucky needed time to say goodbye to you as well. A good friend sent me this poem she found on the net when I lost my Lulu. For me the poem captured it all. I'm not sure, but I think the poem and time helped me think more of the good feelings she brought me, than the anguish felt during the end of her life knowing she was very sick, and faced with making that difficult decision.

When I think of Lulu now, I always come back to when I found her in the shelter 18 years ago. While the other cats seemed to shy away, Lulu came right to the front of the Cage Kafig, and meowed as if to say take me. When taken out of the Cage Kafig she immediately went into full head-butt mode. I knew then that she was choosing me, and I her.

Best Friend
© Justina M. Hoerner

Remember all the good times,
Remember all the bad.
You stuck with me through everything,
The best friend I have had.

Through trying times you stayed with me.
You've sure improved my life.
You cheered me up when I was down,
Stuck with me through my strife.

Think about the good stuff, too,
Remember when we met?
I knew that I could trust you.
The best friend anyone could get.

Why is it that good things
Never seem to last?
You try to think about them,
But time erases past.

Sometimes I feel your presence,
I seem to hear your voice.
Memories flood back to me,
And I sit and rejoice.

Just know that I miss you.
I never will forget,
The times I spent together
With you, beloved pet.
Thanks josh
Beautiful poem. And so true.Sure miss that little guy. Feel him everywhere.
xoxo Johnny
Johnny, I'm so very, very sorry for your loss of a dearly loved companion. I have been through it, too, and there is no deeper, more unconditional love than with a companion animal who asks nothing of you but for a home, food, and love. They do not judge, do not care what you look like or who you are or what you do. They love you just because you are you. I said goodbye to a companion of 18 years at 4:04AM on January 4, 2014. He was 23 (was 5 when I adopted him) and had a good life, and made mine better. I still think of him just about every day as he'll be in my heart forever. I hope when the time is right you'll allow another cat into your home and heart. She won't take the place of the one you lost, but will be a new companion who loves you unconditionally. I truly believe an animal companion is good for your soul. :1d6a4743:

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Thank You ScootA MY FRIEND....
Beautiful Post and a even more Beautiful poem..Special Man You are...
Love Johnny.....