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Quotes from Abe Lincoln....for real...Google it


Feb 8, 2009
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I offer no comment and no opinion. Just quotes from a very famous president of the U.S. My, my, isn't history facinating and interesting. Facts make their own argument, you don't have to use emotions.

1. "I have never had the least apprehension that I or my friends would marry negroes if there was no law to keep them from it, but as Judge Douglas and his friends seem to be in great apprehension that they might, if there were no law to keep them from it, I give him the most solemn pledge that I will to the very last stand by the law of this State, which forbids the marrying of white people with negroes."
  • Fourth Lincoln-Douglas Debate (18 September 1858).
2. "I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume III, "Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois" (September 18, 1858), pp. 145-146.

Oh, as long as I am quoting famous people from the past, this one being near and dear to my heart, let us not forget the words of Robert E. Lee:

Robert E. Lee letter dated December 27, 1856:
I was much pleased the with President's message. His views of the systematic and progressive efforts of certain people at the North to interfere with and change the domestic institutions of the South are truthfully and faithfully expressed. The consequences of their plans and purposes are also clearly set forth. These people must be aware that their object is both unlawful and foreign to them and to their duty, and that this institution, for which they are irresponsible and non-accountable, can only be changed by them through the agency of a civil and servile war. There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil. It is idle to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it is a greater evil to the white than to the colored race. While my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more deeply engaged for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, physically, and socially. The painful discipline they are undergoing is necessary for their further instruction as a race, and will prepare them, I hope, for better things. How long their servitude may be necessary is known and ordered by a merciful Providence. Their emancipation will sooner result from the mild and melting influences of Christianity than from the storm and tempest of fiery controversy. This influence, though slow, is sure. The doctrines and miracles of our Savior have required nearly two thousand years to convert but a small portion of the human race, and even among Christian nations what gross errors still exist! While we see the course of the final abolition of human slavery is still onward, and give it the aid of our prayers, let us leave the progress as well as the results in the hands of Him who, chooses to work by slow influences, and with whom a thousand years are but as a single day. Although the abolitionist must know this, must know that he has neither the right not the power of operating, except by moral means; that to benefit the slave he must not excite angry feelings in the master; that, although he may not approve the mode by which Providence accomplishes its purpose, the results will be the same; and that the reason he gives for interference in matters he has no concern with, holds good for every kind of interference with our neighbor, -still, I fear he will persevere in his evil course. . . . Is it not strange that the descendants of those Pilgrim Fathers who crossed the Atlantic to preserve their own freedom have always proved the most intolerant of the spiritual liberty of others?

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Gee, lots of viewers but no posters. I wonder why? Could it be that nobody knows what to do when the facts are not PC and do not conform to popular liberal ideology, and mythology? Few are brave enough to go near this. Facts do perplex the Left. Well, it is only history folks, don't be afraid. They teach this stuff in college if you are a history major.

Oh, the silence is deafening.
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Gee, lots of viewers but no posters. I wonder why? Could it be that nobody knows what to do when the facts are not PC and do not conform to popular liberal ideology, and mythology?

Oh, the silence is deafening!
Mitch, my friend, in your initial posting you said:

"I offer no comment and no opinion. Just quotes from a very famous president of the U.S. My, my, isn't history facinating and interesting. Facts make their own argument, you don't have to use emotions."

I took that to mean that you were not looking to debate and discuss this post. If you would like to begin a discussion on race relations, and prejudice and bigotry in this country, in Lincoln's time and today,I would welcome the opportunity, as I'm sure would other member's of this site. However, I have discovered that when you initiate threads on this subject, you eventually delete them too.

But if you want to go down this road again, why don't you post your opinions on equality between the races, and your personal opinions on civil rights, and the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King, and even our current president, Barack Obama? In one of the threads that you started, and then deleted earlier today, you had commented that President Obama's effort to create jobs were not for people like "you and me". You also said something about the demographics of federal employees. I respectfully queried you, as to what you meant by "not for people like you and me", and just what demographics you were referring to. Instead of a response, you deleted the thread.

So again, I will ask, as you want to debate Lincoln's comments from 1858, as well as quotes from Robert E Lee, who you describe as being, "near and dear to my heart", from 1856. If you believe that quotes from 153 years ago, are relevant to today's multiracial and cosmopolitan society, then please begin the discussion by answering my questions. Or I suppose, you may just delete this thread as well.

General Sherman - who conquered Georgia for Lincoln

No comment or opinion from me. Just an exerpt from a letter Union Gen. Sherman wrote during the war.

June 9, 2004

Sherman on Equality
Lincoln's views on equality were very clear early in the war, noted in his inaugural speech, by stating, "he had neither the "lawful right" nor the "inclination" to disturb slavery where it already existed", and in the now famous 1858 Douglas debates, he asserting, "I am not in favor of Negro citizenship." What were Sherman's views on equality?
Sherman wrote a long, private letter to Gen. Henry Halleck in Washington, D.C. Although soon to be revered by many Georgia blacks liberated from slavery during his March to the Sea, the following excerpt from Sherman's letter shows that he did not believe in the equality of the races and was not particularly interested in allowing blacks to fight:

"I hope anything I may have said or done will not be construed as unfriendly to Mr. Lincoln or Stanton. That negro letter of mine I never designed for publication, but I am honest in my belief that it is not fair to our men to count negroes as equals. Cannot we at this day drop theories, and be reasonable men? Let us capture negroes, of course, and use them to the best advantage. My quartermaster now could give employment to 3,200, and relieve that number of soldiers who are now used to unload and dispatch trains, whereas those recruiting agents take them back to Nashville, where, so far as my experience goes, they disappear. When I call for expeditions at distant pints, the answer invariable comes they have not sufficient troops. All count the negroes out. On the Mississippi, where Thomas talked about 100,000 negro troops, I find I cannot draw away a white soldier because they are indispensable to the safety of the river. I am willing to use them as far as possible, but object to fighting with 'paper' men. Occasionally an exception occurs, which simply deceives. We want the best young white men of the land, and they should be inspired with the pride of freemen to fight for their county. If Mr. Lincoln or Stanton could walk through the camps of this army and hear the soldiers talk they would hear new ideas. I have had the question put to me often: 'is not a negro as good as a white man to stop a bullet?' Yes, and a sand bag is better; but can a negro do our skirmishing and picket duty? Can they improvise roads, bridges, sorties, flank movements, &c., like the white man? I say no. Soldiers must do many things without orders from their own sense, as in sentinels. Negroes are not equal to this. I have gone steadily, firmly, and confidently along, and I could not have done it with black troops, but with my old troops I have never felt a waver of doubt, and that very confidence begets success. . . ." These are not the words of a man fighting to "free the unfree."

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I have a comment to make. Mitch I feel that this is a completely irrelevant posting Times have changed, thank God and society has moved along with it. Your postings have led me to believe that you have yours and the rest of us can jump in the lake The last eight years have been a disaster for this country. I think it probably has not been a disaster for you Mitch and I am very glad of it. I would like to ask yOu what is the purpose of this thread. You veneer is slipping badly and please don't ask me what I mean by that statement
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I have a comment to make. Mitch I feel that this is a completely irrelevant posting Times have changed, thank God and society has moved along with it. Your postings have led me to believe that you have yours and the rest of us can jump in the lake The last eight years have been a disaster for this country. I think it probably has not been a disaster for you Mitch and I am very glad of it. I would like to ask yOu what is the purpose of this thread. You veneer is slipping badly and please don't ask me what I mean by that statement

Irrelevant to what? With all due respect Lester, and I do mean that, pointing out historical facts that are unknown to most people is not irrelevant. History is always relevant. I think you are saying that you don't want to hear facts that disturb you and that you cannot refute or attack for to do so would be to critisize old Abe and I am guessing that you are reluctant to do that. I might also say that nobody is forced to read this thread. If you think it is irrelevant, then simply ignore it.

I am not sure what "the last eight years" has to do with 19th century historical quotes from Abe Lincoln? I am also not sure what you mean when you say "you have yours and the rest of can go jump in the lake." You lost me Lester? I am not sure what you are talking about or what it has to do with quotes from historical figures and their political philosophy. And, ok, I won't ask about the veneer statement, whatever that was about.

Thank you for your very participation and input and for sharing your thoughts. You are a good man and I love you for it. Be happy and God love ya. :001_smile:
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When I, on more than one occasion, got tossed in the slammer in Chapel Hill for marching with my black university friends through that town's lovely streets carrying "Freedom Now" posters and singing in blessed harmony one of the most haunting anthems to come out of the movement, I was doing it so that I wouldn't have to be ashamed of being white and privileged, and so that my dusky buddies could, if for any reason they actually wanted to, sit in peace at the bar with me and a beer, out at Watt's Cafe, a redneck roadhouse, and not have ignorant bigots hiss "nigger" at them and/or "nigger lover" at me.

Anyone who knows the university may know the names of some of the buildings there. I studied, exercised, ate and played in places named after different branches of my family. My name appeared in the newspaper attached to petitions for change in the laws and caused anguish and sorrow among some fine old people who felt in the early Sixties as Lincoln had done little more than a hundred years before.

Jefferson's views on slavery (as opposed to John Adams's) as well as Lincoln's or Lee's, are all fascinating to people truly interested in their nation's social history. I am very sure of one thing: that all four of them would be bemused and pleased that so fine a man, so canny a politician, so profound a humanist as our 44th president had taken the reins of this wonderful country.

PS: Remembering the early sixties in North Carolina, and the pivotal moments that occurred in Chapel Hill, it's just this second struck me for the first time that ole Slim's slammer time (several overnights), poster parading, Gandhi flopping and speech making, might, just might possibly, have had a tiny, weeny, itsy, bitsy brush of butterfly effect on the train of events that got the man to the Oval Office. Just think of that beloved forum posters. Just think of that...

I'm gonna go to bed impressed tonight. I can't get over it...little me...little ole me...hahaha
I'm gonna go to bed impressed tonight. I can't get over it...little me...little ole me...hahaha
Slim. That was a beautiful post, and I actually have a tear in my eye reading it. You are a true American patriot for what you did, and yes you can be proud of what you have accomplished for this country, and the world in 2009. You are a part of the reason that we have moved out of the ugly past in the direction of righting a horrible wrong that this country committed.

I hope that I am wrong, but this is usually where the author of this thread deletes it. When he feels "the walls closing in", he edits or deletes his own threads. Leave it up Mitch!! Let anyone who wants to comment do so. You believe in freedom of speech, and democracy, so let's see you show some "balls" and leave it up. Thank you.

Slim. That was a beautiful post, and I actually have a tear in my eye reading it. You are a true American patriot for what you did, and yes you can be proud of what you have accomplished for this country, and the world in 2009. You are a part of the reason that we have moved out of the ugly past in the direction of righting a horrible wrong that this country committed.

I hope that I am wrong, but this is usually where the author of this thread deletes it. When he feels "the walls closing in", he edits or deletes his own threads. Leave it up Mitch!! Let anyone who wants to comment do so. You believe in freedom of speech, and democracy, so let's see you show some "balls" and leave it up. Thank you.


Thank you so much Mike for what you say about me and the other people who were troubled enough by the treatment given black people back then to stick their necks out.

You and Mitch. You guys both have a bunch of balls between you that would probably do for three or four average guys. I understand you both pretty well, politically, ideologically, viscerally and intellectually. He and I are very different in approach, but I often feel his emotions running through my own head. A lot of his views are exactly those of my whole family, on both sides, and have been for hundreds of years. In private mgs he's shown himself to be gentle and kind, a wonderful friend to me. He's taken an interest in furthering the quality of the porn site with a barrage of suggestions. He's sometimes frustrated when others don't get as engaged as he is in more theoretical threads.

I actually commented a bit ago to him that you two could end up being besties. The two cutest guys in class can't stand each other at first but end up inseparable in the end. You are both such fine men. So you've got under each others' skins, that's great for the rest of us, two opposing, articulate, well constructed arguments are interesting to watch develop. I love the exchanges between you since you manage pretty much to voice all my sometimes contradictory views. He won't delete this, you can be sure. Love you both a lot, slim...
Slim. That was a beautiful post, and I actually have a tear in my eye reading it. You are a true American patriot for what you did, and yes you can be proud of what you have accomplished for this country, and the world in 2009. You are a part of the reason that we have moved out of the ugly past in the direction of righting a horrible wrong that this country committed.

I hope that I am wrong, but this is usually where the author of this thread deletes it. When he feels "the walls closing in", he edits or deletes his own threads. Leave it up Mitch!! Let anyone who wants to comment do so. You believe in freedom of speech, and democracy, so let's see you show some "balls" and leave it up. Thank you.


Do not presume to address me in any manner. I'd like to show you your balls on a skewer.
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I actually commented a bit ago to him that you two could end up being besties. The two cutest guys in class can't stand each other at first but end up inseparable in the end. You are both such fine men. So you've got under each others' skins, that's great for the rest of us, two opposing, articulate, well constructed arguments are interesting to watch develop. I love the exchanges between you since you manage pretty much to voice all my sometimes contradictory views. He won't delete this, you can be sure. Love you both a lot, slim...
Thanks for the kind words slim. I love and respect you too, but I don't think we are going to become besties, anytime soon:001_smile:. Look what he just posted in response to my post:

Do not presume to address me in any manner. I'd like to show you your balls on a skewer.
Last edited by mitch768292; Today at 09:16 PM.
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And I hope that you are right that I can be sure that he doesn't delete this thread. He has done it with two or three in the last few days. When he cannot respond to my questions, without exposing his true colors, he retreats.:001_smile:

Slim. I feel like you are the torn child in a messy divorce hearing. I can assure you we were and never will be "mates". So go spend the night with your mother. Tomorrow is my visitation day.

Thank you so much Mike for what you say about me and the other people who were troubled enough by the treatment given black people back then to stick their necks out.

You and Mitch. You guys both have a bunch of balls between you that would probably do for three or four average guys. I understand you both pretty well, politically, ideologically, viscerally and intellectually. He and I are very different in approach, but I often feel his emotions running through my own head. A lot of his views are exactly those of my whole family, on both sides, and have been for hundreds of years. In private mgs he's shown himself to be gentle and kind, a wonderful friend to me. He's taken an interest in furthering the quality of the porn site with a barrage of suggestions. He's sometimes frustrated when others don't get as engaged as he is in more theoretical threads.

I actually commented a bit ago to him that you two could end up being besties. The two cutest guys in class can't stand each other at first but end up inseparable in the end. You are both such fine men. So you've got under each others' skins, that's great for the rest of us, two opposing, articulate, well constructed arguments are interesting to watch develop. I love the exchanges between you since you manage pretty much to voice all my sometimes contradictory views. He won't delete this, you can be sure. Love you both a lot, slim...

Slim I love you man, like a brother, even if we might have been on different sides back in the 60's, (but I was just a kid back then). :001_smile:

My first poltical activity was working for Gov. George C. Wallace as a volunteer during the Democratic presidential primary in North Carolina in 1972. After Wallace dropped out I went to work for the Nixon campaign. I handed out fliers, buttons, etc. for Gov. George Wallace and then Nixon later on. In 1976 I was a registered democrat and I cast my first ever vote in the Democratic Primary for Gov. George Wallace for president. And, just to shock somebody.......I will reveal this: I also voted for the first negro woman ever elected to a judgeship in the United States, Elreta Alexander, in my hometown in NC. She won and she was great judge until the day she reached mandatory retirement age. She was very fair and even handed, unless you were a man and you found yourself in her divorce court! If you were a teenager and got caught smoking pot, you prayed that you would end up in Elreta's courtroom. I am very proud of both of those votes to this day. In the general election I voted for President Ford. I have voted Republican since then. No, I did not vote for Jimmy Carter in 1976 or 1980 despite the fact that he was a Southerner. In 1978, before gay rights became an issue, I worked very hard to re-elect U.S. Jesse Helms. In the last years of his life he softened tremendously on gay issues and made a public apology for his earlier opposition to aids programs. In 2000 he became great friends with rock star Bono in the effort raise awareness regarding the aids epidemic in Africa and Helms fought pass a $200 million appropriation for aids assitance to Africa. His turning point was when he came to learn that his grand-daughter was a lesbian.
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Thanks for the kind words slim. I love and respect you too, but I don't think we are going to become besties, anytime soon:001_smile:. Look what he just posted in response to my post:

Do not presume to address me in any manner. I'd like to show you your balls on a skewer.
Last edited by mitch768292; Today at 09:16 PM.
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And I hope that you are right that I can be sure that he doesn't delete this thread. He has done it with two or three in the last few days. When he cannot respond to my questions, without exposing his true colors, he retreats.:001_smile:

Slim. I feel like you are the torn child in a messy divorce hearing. I can assure you we were and never will be "mates". So go spend the night with your mother. Tomorrow is my visitation day.


I will not stand by and let you get away with telling lies about me. You always come in trying to stir up some shit. It is an obsession with you, have you noticed that? Have you sat back and thought about it? That is a sign of mental illness.

I don't have to answer your questions. Who do you think you are? I closed those threads because you were turning the political thread into a bloody fighting ground rather than a place for intellectual debate and in another thread you were just disgustingly vulgar and sickening and you said those things just to get under my skin and for no other purpose. Closing the threads was my attempt at keeping things from getting out of hand. And you have done it again here in this one. You want to ruin it for everybody, especially me. Don't think for a minute that you can outwit or outsmart me. I have stumbled over bigger and better men than you trying to get to a fight, figuratively speaking. Don't ever think that I have or will run from you. I'll say what I have to say, in my own sweet way, in my own sweet time.

(NYC is the 2nd largest city in the country, don't you have something else better to do? God knows that town is full of bars and bath houses.)
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Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adenoi Sabaoth​

Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adenoi Sabaoth​

Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adenoi Sabaoth​

Translation - Holly, holly, holly Lord of Hosts

The Great Invocation

This Invocation was given to Humanity by the Angels and Ascended Masters through the Master Djwahl Kuhl​

From the point of light within the mind of God let light stream forth into the minds of men

Let light descend on earth

From the point of love within the heart of God let love stream forth into the hearts of men

May the Heart of the Christos Return to Earth

From the center where the will of God is known let purpose guide the little wills of men

The purpose the masters know, and serve

From the center which we call the race of men let the plan of love and light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells

Let light and love and power restore the plan on earth

As above, so below and so it is...

Aaaaaaaaa! Eeeeeeeee! Ooommmm!

Aaaaaaaaa! Eeeeeeeee! Ooommmm!

Aaaaaaaaa! Eeeeeeeee! Ooommmm!

These are the sacred tones of creation - They invoke the brotherhood of light, the ascended masters, and all of the Angels in heaven to come forth because their presence is needed.

Adonai ha-Aretz

Shaddai El Chai

Jehovah Eloha ve-Daas

Jehovah Elohim


Adonai ha-Aretz

Shaddai El Chai

Jehovah Eloha ve-Daas

Jehovah Elohim


Adonai ha-Aretz

Shaddai El Chai

Jehovah Eloha ve-Daas

Jehovah Elohim


These are among the 72 Sacred names of God that envoke the power of the 5 great elements connecting heaven to earth.

Hara Hara Hara Mahadev,Om Namah Shivaya

Two of the names of Shiva, which invoke His energy as the great God and destroyer of darkness. Om, I bow to Shiva.

As a child of God I call for understanding, peace, harmony, tranquility, divine love, and the divine light of eternal truth and wisdom to carry us through.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift that is why we call it the present. I am asking that we all release our feelings of fear that are causing hatred, guilt, and shame and embrace those of love for each other. Folks our lifetime is too short to be riddled with this pettiness. Today is a gift how will you cherish your gift today???

Remember it takes two people who wish to fight to engage in a fight. It is the righteous man who can see beyond their ego and and choose to walk away. We can love everyone. We don't need to love everyone's behavior. We cannot change people, people must choose to and want to change themselves for transformation to occur. We all have the power to be drawn into a fight by our own egos and our own emotions. People can write what they want and say what they want. That is their free will and their Karma. I am the only person who can make me up set. I am the only person who can make me angry. I am the only person who can make me act out of fear and destroy my friendships. It begins with me and it ends with me. I also have the power to turn the other cheek and walk away.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I choose to live life to the fullest and appreciate all that I have because tomorrow may never become today. I want to live well, live long, and love much before I leave this earthly plane.

How about you???

How will you use your gift of life today?

I choose to enjoy today and not give my power away.

Bless your hearts. Nameste...

Amen !


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Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adenoi Sabaoth​

Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adenoi Sabaoth

Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adenoi Sabaoth

Translation - Holly, holly, holly Lord of Hosts

The Great Invocation

This Invocation was given to Humanity by the Angels and Ascended Masters through the Master Djwahl Kuhl​

From the point of light within the mind of God let light stream forth into the minds of men

Let light descend on earth

From the point of love within the heart of God let love stream forth into the hearts of men

May the Heart of the Christos Return to Earth

From the center where the will of God is known let purpose guide the little wills of men

The purpose the masters know, and serve

From the center which we call the race of men let the plan of love and light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells

Let light and love and power restore the plan on earth

As above, so below and so it is...

Aaaaaaaaa! Eeeeeeeee! Ooommmm!

Aaaaaaaaa! Eeeeeeeee! Ooommmm!

Aaaaaaaaa! Eeeeeeeee! Ooommmm!

These are the sacred tones of creation - They invoke the brotherhood of light, the ascended masters, and all of the Angels in heaven to come forth because their presence is needed.​

Adonai ha-Aretz

Shaddai El Chai

Jehovah Eloha ve-Daas

Jehovah Elohim


Adonai ha-Aretz

Shaddai El Chai

Jehovah Eloha ve-Daas

Jehovah Elohim


Adonai ha-Aretz

Shaddai El Chai

Jehovah Eloha ve-Daas

Jehovah Elohim


These are among the 72 Sacred names of God that envoke the power of the 5 great elements connecting heaven to earth.

Hara Hara Hara Mahadev,Om Namah Shivaya

Two of the names of Shiva, which invoke His energy as the great God and destroyer of darkness. Om, I bow to Shiva.

As a child of God I call for understanding, peace, harmony, tranquility, divine love, and the divine light of eternal truth and wisdom to carry us through.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift that is why we call it the present. I am asking that we all release our feelings of fear that are causing hatred, guilt, and shame and embrace those of love for each other. Folks our lifetime is too short to be riddled with this pettiness. Today is a gift how will you cherish your gift today???

Remember it takes two people who wish to fight to engage in a fight. It is the righteous man who can see beyond their ego and and choose to walk away. We can love everyone. We don't need to love everyone's behavior. We cannot change people, people must choose to and want to change themselves for transformation to occur. We all have the power to be drawn into a fight by our own egos and our own emotions. People can write what they want and say what they want. That is their free will and their Karma. I am the only person who can make me up set. I am the only person who can make me angry. I am the only person who can make me act out of fear and destroy my friendships. It begins with me and it ends with me. I also have the power to turn the other cheek and walk away.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I choose to live life to the fullest and appreciate all that I have because tomorrow may never become today. I want to live well, live long, and love much before I leave this earthly plane.

How about you???

How will you use your gift of life today.

I choose to enjoy today and not give my power away.

Bless your hearts. Nameste...

Wow. That was awesome.
........ in another thread you were just disgustingly vulgar and sickening and you said those things just to get under my skin and for no other purpose.
Is that the thread that you started asking everyone what was the biggest cock that we all sucked? I responded that I once sucked off a 19 year old black guy with a 9" cock and lots of cum. I then asked you if you ever sucked a black dick:thumbup:. Next thing I know, the thread was deleted. You have no sense of humor Mitch.

Have fun in the forum. Don't be so serious. This is still a porn site and not the United Nations. (Another institution that I am sure you disapprove of.):001_smile: I write this stuff with a smile on my face. Loosen up Mitchy old boy. Life is short. Enjoy Dave's videos and enjoy the commaradarie of the forum.

Your brother,
My Post, My Opinion

As a Forum member, I enjoy the hell out of this thread. I have learned a lot of historical information that I was never really interested enough in to learn more about. I have enjoyed the thrusts and parries of the combatants as they try to out do each other. I have the good sense to read, try to understand, sift what I like from what I don't like. One of the things I have learned is when to speak and when not to speak, unless spoken to. I have resisted the temptation to interject a placating note to this thread or anything that would take it off topic, because, speaking for myself only, it only fans the flames and irritates the hell out of the combatants and pisses them off. I feel it allows them to lose focus on the discussion at hand.

You may ask yourself while reading this post, why in the hell is he highlighting all the first person words....because I'm speaking for myself!! Not the Forum, not we all love you, not we wish an end to this, not we're tired of this....I'm speaking for myself and would not be so presumptuous to think for a split second I was speaking for or on behalf of anyone else but myself.

Forum members should remember, when they post to a thread, they are posting their own opinion, and only their own opinion, NOT the opinion of the Forum or other members.

This is how excited Garfield and I are about this thread!
When I, on more than one occasion, got tossed in the slammer in Chapel Hill for marching with my black university friends through that town's lovely streets carrying "Freedom Now" posters and singing in blessed harmony one of the most haunting anthems to come out of the movement, I was doing it so that I wouldn't have to be ashamed of being white and privileged, and so that my dusky buddies could, if for any reason they actually wanted to, sit in peace at the bar with me and a beer, out at Watt's Cafe, a redneck roadhouse, and not have ignorant bigots hiss "nigger" at them and/or "nigger lover" at me.

Anyone who knows the university may know the names of some of the buildings there. I studied, exercised, ate and played in places named after different branches of my family. My name appeared in the newspaper attached to petitions for change in the laws and caused anguish and sorrow among some fine old people who felt in the early Sixties as Lincoln had done little more than a hundred years before.

Jefferson's views on slavery (as opposed to John Adams's) as well as Lincoln's or Lee's, are all fascinating to people truly interested in their nation's social history. I am very sure of one thing: that all four of them would be bemused and pleased that so fine a man, so canny a politician, so profound a humanist as our 44th president had taken the reins of this wonderful country.

PS: Remembering the early sixties in North Carolina, and the pivotal moments that occurred in Chapel Hill, it's just this second struck me for the first time that ole Slim's slammer time (several overnights), poster parading, Gandhi flopping and speech making, might, just might possibly, have had a tiny, weeny, itsy, bitsy brush of butterfly effect on the train of events that got the man to the Oval Office. Just think of that beloved forum posters. Just think of that...

I'm gonna go to bed impressed tonight. I can't get over it...little me...little ole me...hahaha

Great story... Slim you are the best...