You are probably smart not to subscribe to Facebook and its sister sites. I do not have a real Facebook account with my real name or any pics where old friends, co-workers or classmates can “look me up”. I was convinced to start an account years ago by my forum bestie at the time, MsK. She helped me set up an account using a similar name to my mikeyank name here, to be able to check out models who posted there too.
And so without any real identifying things on FB, they still know exactly who I am. I get suggested people to connect with there including my sister-in-law, her family, one of her nieces who I see once a year at a holiday gathering. Also my dentist and a doctor specialist who I saw only a few times a couple of years ago, and neither of them are identified as doctors on FB, just with their names and family info. How does FB know that these people may know me with a fake name and no pic? Oh and by the way, I am also suggested to be friends with lots of cute young shirtless guys, plus sites regaring the sports teams I follow and the musical groups I enjoy.
As George Orwell suggested back in 1949 when he wrote the novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four , indeed, “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU”