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Big Update from Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook, Instagram, Threads)


Well-known Member
May 3, 2010
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1. Zuck looks great!

2. I'm glad Zuck is admitting how biased the fact-checkers were, and how many users were unfairly punished because of technical mistakes made by bots and the algorithm. It's very infuriating to be told you broke the community rules when you know didn't. And I agree too much censorship is not good, and I'm glad he's taking a standing against censorship certain countries are trying to impose.

3. The focus will be on removing actual harmful and illegal stuff.
I don't sub to Facebook and their sister sites, I don't like their data gathering and profiting on my usage. So I don't know what was said. The USA will be another Russia or China soon, only the propaganda that the controlling party wants you to see will be shown. There are 77 million people who think that electing a man who thinks raping a woman is Ok, that grabbing them by the pussy is OK, that cooking the books is OK, that defrauding and stealing from people is OK. About 2 million people separated the choice. So so sad to see this.

This country is fucked. At least 2 years of the Republican party being in control of the house and senate will allow for a LOT of changes in the law and a LOT of lifetime judicial nominations to the federal benches.

Another thing is states have started this and I fully expect to see porn sites nationwide requiring you upload your license to prove age, or an outright ban that will have 1st amendment challenges to the rightwing bible thumping supreme court (already one Tennessee court case is being challenged after being struck as unconstitutional).

This is just the beginning. Now he is threatening to go after Greenland and the Panama canal. You just can't make this shit up. 😞😞
I don't sub to Facebook and their sister sites, I don't like their data gathering and profiting on my usage. So I don't know what was said. The USA will be another Russia or China soon, only the propaganda that the controlling party wants you to see will be shown. There are 77 million people who think that electing a man who thinks raping a woman is Ok, that grabbing them by the pussy is OK, that cooking the books is OK, that defrauding and stealing from people is OK. About 2 million people separated the choice. So so sad to see this.

This country is fucked. At least 2 years of the Republican party being in control of the house and senate will allow for a LOT of changes in the law and a LOT of lifetime judicial nominations to the federal benches.

Another thing is states have started this and I fully expect to see porn sites nationwide requiring you upload your license to prove age, or an outright ban that will have 1st amendment challenges to the rightwing bible thumping supreme court (already one Tennessee court case is being challenged after being struck as unconstitutional).

This is just the beginning. Now he is threatening to go after Greenland and the Panama canal. You just can't make this shit up. 😞😞
Yes, I also expect them to go after marriage equality this year. Most people voted for Trump because they felt like their life was better. They expect him to lower groceries and gas and then soon find out he won’t do either. I’m trying to convince my mother to sell her house now and move into a rental so that she can get her full equity. I just don’t want to see her lose money because another Republican fucked her over like George Bush did to the housing market.
@chac54, Zuck does not sound sympathetic to China at all! He actually denounces the fact Meta sites and apps are banned there. Some people are saying he "turned MAGA," but I don't think it's necessarily the case. He's simply admitting the bias of fact checkers, the flaws of automatic moderation, and he's determined to removing truly dangerous and illegal content, incl. "child exploitation, drugs and terrorism." He says that he's going to "work with President Trump to push back on governments around the world going after American companies and pushing to censor more. The U.S. has the strongest constitutional protections for free expression in the world." And yes, he denounces Biden's govt. push for censorship that has emboldened other countries to do the same, but he hasn't explicitly pledged allegiance to any particular government.

@Jaybifla, I honestly hope not! I'm totally pro-marriage equality, and for that other matter mentioned by chac54, pro-adult entertainment. Sure, there are those parties lobbying for an end to marriage equality or adult entertainment, so we just have to let our voice heard even louder and take action! Those who live in the US can still lobby hard to have marriage equality, LGBT rights and adult entertainment protected. I'm sure there are many lawyers and politicians who agree with us on those things. And let's not forget that many, many conservatives, incl. politicians and even pastors secretly consume pornography. I'm not sure they'd want all the porn banned!
@chac54, Zuck does not sound sympathetic to China at all! He actually denounces the fact Meta sites and apps are banned there. Some people are saying he "turned MAGA," but I don't think it's necessarily the case. He's simply admitting the bias of fact checkers, the flaws of automatic moderation, and he's determined to removing truly dangerous and illegal content, incl. "child exploitation, drugs and terrorism." He says that he's going to "work with President Trump to push back on governments around the world going after American companies and pushing to censor more. The U.S. has the strongest constitutional protections for free expression in the world." And yes, he denounces Biden's govt. push for censorship that has emboldened other countries to do the same, but he hasn't explicitly pledged allegiance to any particular government.

@Jaybifla, I honestly hope not! I'm totally pro-marriage equality, and for that other matter mentioned by chac54, pro-adult entertainment. Sure, there are those parties lobbying for an end to marriage equality or adult entertainment, so we just have to let our voice heard even louder and take action! Those who live in the US can still lobby hard to have marriage equality, LGBT rights and adult entertainment protected. I'm sure there are many lawyers and politicians who agree with us on those things. And let's not forget that many, many conservatives, incl. politicians and even pastors secretly consume pornography. I'm not sure they'd want all the porn banned!
I disagree and I think that everything that Trump does is transactional. Trump had previously threatened to throw Zuckerberg in jail for life, and Zuckerberg has now appointed Trump buddy buddy, Dana White, the UFC guy who introduced Trump at the Republican Convention, as a member of the board of directors of Meta. Guys like Zuckerberg and Bezos are all bowing down to our new “Dictator in chief”. These are very scary times……..and wait another ten days until he is officially president again. This is not going to be a very pleasant time to live in America, especially for minorities, including LGBTQ folks.
I don't sub to Facebook and their sister sites, I don't like their data gathering and profiting on my usage. So I don't know what was said. The USA will be another Russia or China soon, only the propaganda that the controlling party wants you to see will be shown. There are 77 million people who think that electing a man who thinks raping a woman is Ok, that grabbing them by the pussy is OK, that cooking the books is OK, that defrauding and stealing from people is OK. About 2 million people separated the choice. So so sad to see this.

This country is fucked. At least 2 years of the Republican party being in control of the house and senate will allow for a LOT of changes in the law and a LOT of lifetime judicial nominations to the federal benches.

Another thing is states have started this and I fully expect to see porn sites nationwide requiring you upload your license to prove age, or an outright ban that will have 1st amendment challenges to the rightwing bible thumping supreme court (already one Tennessee court case is being challenged after being struck as unconstitutional).

This is just the beginning. Now he is threatening to go after Greenland and the Panama canal. You just can't make this shit up. 😞😞
You are probably smart not to subscribe to Facebook and its sister sites. I do not have a real Facebook account with my real name or any pics where old friends, co-workers or classmates can “look me up”. I was convinced to start an account years ago by my forum bestie at the time, MsK. She helped me set up an account using a similar name to my mikeyank name here, to be able to check out models who posted there too.

And so without any real identifying things on FB, they still know exactly who I am. I get suggested people to connect with there including my sister-in-law, her family, one of her nieces who I see once a year at a holiday gathering. Also my dentist and a doctor specialist who I saw only a few times a couple of years ago, and neither of them are identified as doctors on FB, just with their names and family info. How does FB know that these people may know me with a fake name and no pic? Oh and by the way, I am also suggested to be friends with lots of cute young shirtless guys, plus sites regaring the sports teams I follow and the musical groups I enjoy.

As George Orwell suggested back in 1949 when he wrote the novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four , indeed, “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU” :scared::scared:
You are probably smart not to subscribe to Facebook and its sister sites. I do not have a real Facebook account with my real name or any pics where old friends, co-workers or classmates can “look me up”. I was convinced to start an account years ago by my forum bestie at the time, MsK. She helped me set up an account using a similar name to my mikeyank name here, to be able to check out models who posted there too.

And so without any real identifying things on FB, they still know exactly who I am. I get suggested people to connect with there including my sister-in-law, her family, one of her nieces who I see once a year at a holiday gathering. Also my dentist and a doctor specialist who I saw only a few times a couple of years ago, and neither of them are identified as doctors on FB, just with their names and family info. How does FB know that these people may know me with a fake name and no pic? Oh and by the way, I am also suggested to be friends with lots of cute young shirtless guys, plus sites regaring the sports teams I follow and the musical groups I enjoy.

As George Orwell suggested back in 1949 when he wrote the novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four , indeed, “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU” :scared::scared:
The number of times I've had conservations in the pub with friends and later that evening or the next day, they text me saying I just had something related turn up on my youtube feed! Big Brother isn't just watching his listening too!
The number of times I've had conservations in the pub with friends and later that evening or the next day, they text me saying I just had something related turn up on my youtube feed! Big Brother isn't just watching his listening too!

My friend and I tested this theory, we had a conversation about Vietnam and some "love swings", well let's just say that all our ad's were themed for that for quite some time. My coworkers have had similar experiences too, and this is with the microphone permissions turned off, so you know that means jack shit.
Mmm... I was initially glad to read that there'd be more freedom of speech, but I'll admit it's gotten too far against the LGBT+.

Here's a petition: https://action.allout.org/en/m/2d94d894/
Not surprised. I don’t really mind seeing the hate. It shows me who people’s true colors are. I’ve deleted many friends years ago. They may not have posted hateful speech but I could always see when they “liked” someone else’s hateful comments.’
I hate that Twitter stopped showing when people you follow “liked” a certain tweet. It’s when I found out Xavier Ryan Junior Fernandez, and Richie West’s true colors.
I hate that Twitter stopped showing when people you follow “liked” a certain tweet. It’s when I found out Xavier Ryan Junior Fernandez, and Richie West’s true colors.

Have they liked actual hate comments aimed at the LGBT+ or are they just conservative/libertarian?

Richie West is still involved in sex work (X, OF). Xavier Ryan (X, OF) is still somewhat active. Could not find much anything about Junior Fernandez (X) except for continued promo of his scenes on the official BSB X account.

I know that some current porn stars (such as ex-Teen Mom Farrah Abraham: OF, IG) and mainstream actors or musicians (like Kimberlin Brown, Donny Boaz, Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys, Baylee Littrell, Mark Wahlberg, Doug Davidson, and so forth) are rather libertarian or conservative, support Donald Trump, but are definitely not anti-LGBT+.

"He says he’s impressed with Pope Francis (“He’s pretty awesome”) but rejects the church’s stance on gay marriage, which he supports “absolutely.”"

"This reason may or may not get me in trouble on here given some talk I won’t get into on here. But my own thoughts aside, I have huge respect for someone who stands by their beliefs no matter what they may be. He’s done it in the past. Brian’s talked openly over the years about his faith and how it’s shaped who he is. His beliefs are his. He went to the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade with the group in 2010, knowing it might outcast him in the Christian community and he STOOD BY THAT. That’s not easy, especially when music stores for that genre pulled his album as a result. But he never apologized for it. That says a lot. If he thinks something, and believes it completely, he won’t be pressured into backing down."
I don’t think all republicans hate gay people and many support marriage equality. However, how can a person say they support marriage equality and vote for a party that mostly doesn’t support it?When you have all 4 democrat justices on the Supreme Court voting in favor of marriage equality and only 1 republican votes in favor while the other 4 vote against? That says a lot!
As far as the former Broke Straight Boys models and their political beliefs I will just leave in the past. I don’t support them or their work and would leave Broke Straight Boys if any returned. That includes Tanner Valentino who has recently gotten back into porn work.
Everyone has the right to believe and support who they want. And so do I.
I think I’d be a little more forgiving if the Republican Party would publicly acknowledge their support of the LGBT community. They just don’t. Maybe it will happen eventually but I don’t need an updated carefully worded platform. I need to see the words “we support marriage equality”. Seeing a straight celebrity at a gay pride parade doesn’t mean shit to me if they still vote for shitty people.
And all the people that cancelled his dumbass should’ve been indication to him that he was supporting the wrong party.
I think if Nikki Haley would’ve been the nominee and won the presidency we might’ve seen things return to more normalcy. Donald Trump is responsible for the divide we have today.
Oh look. The SCOTUS is about to take on PrEP. I wonder what they’ll do 🙄. My guess is that the conservative majority will say it’s unconstitutional. Therefore many people will be forced to come off of it since it’s unaffordable and there will be a rise in HIV. Wonder why they’ve waited until now to hear this case? 🙄.


Religious Freedom? Where’s our fucking freedom. I’m so god damn sick of these people.
Reminds me of the whole Kim Davis débâcle. (I did not agree w/ Kim Davis because signing that licence or putting a stamp on it only meant that it met the requirements of the law, it was not a "personal blessing." And she could possibly have had one of her employees take care of that if she felt so uncomfortable.)

Also reminds me of Carrie Prejean. She should have answered that she agreed with same-sex marriage as long as churches were not obligated to officiate such weddings. Had she replied in that manner, she would have been biblically correct and she would have avoided that whole controversy.

(Both Kim Davis and Carrie Prejean felt that they were being tempted by Satan and would have sinned by doing or saying a certain thing, and that's the issue those who are taking this legal action against PrEP have—regardless of the fact that many do not share their strict beliefs.)

As the article (from the aforementioned X post) states, many heterosexuals are still contracting and spreading HIV:

"Contrary to Mitchell’s previous claims, HIV doesn’t solely affect the LGBTQ+ community. Women accounted for 1 in 5 new HIV diagnoses in the U.S. in 2018, most of whom acquired it through heterosexual sex. If PrEP is no longer covered by insurance, new HIV diagnoses are poised to rise dramatically."

I guess that most of those men those women were with are heterosexual, so heterosexual men are also contracting and spreading it. And I assume that most health insurance companies are not specifically "Christian," so a judgment should not be rendered on religious basis alone.

I think I’d be a little more forgiving if the Republican Party would publicly acknowledge their support of the LGBT community. They just don’t. Maybe it will happen eventually but I don’t need an updated carefully worded platform. I need to see the words “we support marriage equality”. Seeing a straight celebrity at a gay pride parade doesn’t mean shit to me if they still vote for shitty people.
And all the people that cancelled his dumbass should’ve been indication to him that he was supporting the wrong party.
I think if Nikki Haley would’ve been the nominee and won the presidency we might’ve seen things return to more normalcy. Donald Trump is responsible for the divide we have today.
Problem is, it's not like voters had much of a choice! Sure, there were other candidates, but only Harris and Trump were likely to win the presidency. Many voters did not fully agree w/ Harris and also did not fully agree w/ Trump on certain things, so they had to choose what they deemed was "the best option."
The entire Republican Party now scares the crap out of me. I watched part of the hearing yesterday for Pete Hegseth. He has said in the past, allowing gay troops to serve openly reflects a Marxist agenda. What is America coming to?

Now that he needs to be confirmed he has walked back some of his past words on gay soldiers, women serving, etc. But this is the MAGA Republican Party who run this country in 2025.
The main issue with PREP for me is how blasé/ ignorant of other STDs it's made people. HIV is certainly the biggest issue but both Hep A and B can be transmitted sexually (and potentially Hep C depending so what folks get up to I suppose).

So many seem to think 'I'm on Prep so I don't have to worry about any STDs '

Sorry for going on a bit of a tangent there, but Mikey I agree the Republican party seem to want to push alot of things back to the 1950s at the moment very concerning. I miss living in the US but atm am glad I moved back to the UK to be honest.
Bidens farewell speech contained some dire warnings. It's too late now, the horse is out of the barn and has been slaughtered
Problem is, it's not like voters had much of a choice! Sure, there were other candidates, but only Harris and Trump were likely to win the presidency. Many voters did not fully agree w/ Harris and also did not fully agree w/ Trump on certain things, so they had to choose what they deemed was "the best option."

They chose hate and money, plain and simple. They chose to have a belief that #47 could control prices and bring down their costs. It's mostly about a lousy fucking buck.