I'll go back and have a look. You fucking must know by now dear man that I want to talk about ANYTHING. Especially with you.

Hang on, maybe I noticed those too. It was a bunch of black guys doing dumb stuff, assembled to prove that Atlanta sucks? And corrupt officials slanting justice toward blacks instead of away from them like before? I admit that I've picked up a lot of European attitudes over here, such as awe and respect for the stuff black people do so well that Europeans are essentially klutzy about, ballet, music, theatre, humor, presidential politics, stocks and bonds. I just don't get into conversations usually with people who whine about them. You're different because I'd get into a conversation about the fascinating beauty of a leaky faucet with you if you were into that, or anything else. Those are funny stories, and I can see why you'd hate Atlanta if that sort of stuff gets to you, or in any way embitters your existence. I guess the jist of it is that Atlanta is great for blacks, and hell for whites? Taking your word for it, OK?
I would prefer to wrassle you mister. I don't mean to get to Turkey this summer.
I wonder how facinated those Europeans would be if we shipped them about 35 million of their favorite people? They would change their tune real quick when the murder rate went up about 700%.
Those articles are not isolated incidents. Don't try to gloss over them and make light of them. It goes on all the time, daily. I did not even get into how those "middle class blacks" made their money: minority set-aside contracts that always result in inferior, behind schedule, over budget, work that falls apart or never gets done. I know about this stuff because I know a black woman who told me she was getting rich by doing nothing. Her is how the scam works: No city contract is awarded unless the company doing the bidding is at least 20% minority owned, usually the bid goes to a 100% minority owned company, regardless of whether they submit the low bid or the high bid. So, white contractors who want a city contract must give away a 20% interest in each project, for which they create a new LLC each time, to a "minority" owner. The minority owner does nothing, contributes no capital and no work. They just sign the paperword as the required "minority partner" and then sit back and get rich. So effectively the taxpayer is footing the bill for a surcharge to create black wealth which is given to them on a silver platter for doing nothing and contributing nothing. I know this because a black subcontractor told me how the whole deal works.
Most of them are on some form of government payroll. Atlanta has one of the largest IRS offices in the country. I will give you $50 for every white person you can find working in that federal building. And city hall, that is a joke. I spent half a day down there once and I saw 1 (one) white employee in the entire building. I went to the county courthouse to get my gun permit at the probate court. Same story, not one white person working in that courthouse. Is it any wonder this city is falling apart and bankrupt? Atlanta City government is a patronage machine. Compared to other cities of similar size we have 3 times as many city employees on the payroll. There is one "supervisor" for every two employees! Everybody in Atlanta knows it. Even the liberal newspaper, with it's black female editorial page editor, acknowledges this stuff, hell, that is where I find all this stuff out. I don't have to dig, it is in the newspaper every day. It is a joke, and an embarrassment. Not only that, but it is costly. In Fulton County white people pay about 80% of the taxes but almost 82% of the services go to all black neighborhoods. They are riding high, living large, and good ole whitey pays the tab and they know there is not much we can do about it because they control all forms of local government. Atlanta and Fulton County are constantly paying out millions of dollars in damages for discrimination against white people in hiring and promotions, etc. Of course the city and county government does not care because it is dominated by blacks and they know that all that money spent defending the city against these suits is being paid by white people's taxes. They are willing to let this shameful stuff go on so they can give jobs to unqualified blacks, who frequently don't show up for work and if they do show up they spend most of their time filing their nails or talking on their government issued cell phones to their homies. The poor lawyers have it the worst, they have to deal with these lazy idiots every day at the courthouse, city hall, the federal building.... A gay lawyer friend of mine recently went to the federal courthouse to file the paperwork for a court action, "Lekeshia" was the clerk at the filing counter. He stood at the counter for about 10 minutes waiting for her to get off the phone with her girlfriend. They were talking about who was dating who, etc. Finally she could ignore him no longer and said to her friend on the phone "Hang on a a second." Then turned to the lawyer and said "You wont sumpin?", as hateful as she could. When he said he had a petition to file with the court, she said "Well you just have to wait, I'se busy right now." That is what it is like down here, every day we have to put up with this b.s.
The Georgia legislature finally has passed laws allowing the white sections of the county to form new counties to get out of black dominated Fulton county. Now the negro government will have to tax their own people to pay for all the crap we have been paying for. The legislature also passed new laws allowing all the communities surrounding Atlanta to incorporate so they cannot be annexed into the city of Atlanta. The legislature passed new laws severly limiting how much the city and county can hike property taxes. This prevents the city of Atlanta from taxing the white property owners to death to pay for the patronage and waste programs that fatten the bank accounts of the "black middle class." Thank GOD. Of course the black female mayor of Atlanta was the first in line to ask for bailout money from the federal government, now that the legislature has effectively banned her from dipping into the already overtaxed wallets of the white population.
I am reminded of a conversation I had with a legal Russian immigrant about 10 years ago. He had started a small restuarant and was spending a lot of time in government buildings getting permits, licenses, etc. and of course he was always having to go to the INS office at the federal building. He had seen all levels of government: city, county, state, and federal, repeatedly. This simple honest Russian, who no one could call a "bigot" or a "racist," said to me in his broken English: "Why is only black people can work for government? I do not understand? Is it law? Why does government don't like white people?" I just did not know how to explain it to him, so I simply said, "It is politics." How sad.
And you wonder why we vote Republican in the South? We are living through the second federally imposed phase of reconstuction. Call me the angry GWM, and there are plenty of us down here.
Oh, I forgot to tell you about my jewish, liberal, democrat, Connecticut born and raised, NYU educated friend who lives a few blocks away. I went to his (David) house to have dinner with him and his wife (Maria) last week. We had an interesting conversation that went like this:
David: Mitch, you have a lot of guns don't you?
Mitch: Yeah David, I do.
David: I have been thinking about getting one.
Mitch: Well you can have one of mine if you want it.
David: Really?
Mitch: Yeah.
David: I would just want to hold it for you, think of it as just storing it at my house.
Mitch: Whatever you want David.
Maria: David is afraid the blacks are going to riot and break into our house. They tried to carjack our neighbor lady 3 days ago just two houses down. We are scared. Where did you park? Did you lock your car? You don't have anything inside they would want to steal do you? (I might mention that they live on a street where a vacant lot, 50x150, goes for about a half a million. They don't live on the edge of the ghetto).
Mitch: David, I am surprised. You, the great liberal?
David: I have to protect my wife and kids. Forget politics, this is reality. Eventually they are going to attack us and try to rob us. It is dangerous. Thats why we have Anna (daughter) in private school. I would never put her in public school with all those thugs.
David is not quite so liberal since he left Greenwich, CT and NYU. Now that he has lived in the real world for a while and knows first hand what it is like to deal with them. Of course the dummy still voted for Obama who does not want David or me or you to have guns so we can protect ourselves from the murdering thugs.
If anybody doubts me, come to Atlanta and spend a few weeks. You will change your mind pretty quick.
Excuse me now, I have to get back to work so I can pay more taxes to the city and county to fund welfare and fraud.