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Quiet Forum Let's Chat

Thanks Mikey for the explanation which now you have explained I understand.
Thanks so much Foxyman, as I respect you and love having you on this forum. I would never intentionally say anything to belittle or offend you. Thanks for understanding where I am coming from. :thumbup1:
Jon is so right on one point at least.

Whether it's a main reason why the forum is not as active is we would like is perhaps another story.

Well, that isn’t the case with me. There are lots of issues I don’t bring up, because no one ever responds and I end up feeling like I’m talking to myself. I brought up diversity last year and got shut down by most people. I’ve since mentioned it here and there recently and no one wants to comment. So...
That’s not directed towards you Tampa or anybody in particular. Just a response to not wanting to talk about real issues.
Well, that isn’t the case with me. There are lots of issues I don’t bring up, because no one ever responds and I end up feeling like I’m talking to myself. I brought up diversity last year and got shut down by most people. I’ve since mentioned it here and there recently and no one wants to comment. So...
That’s not directed towards you Tampa or anybody in particular. Just a response to not wanting to talk about real issues.

I get it Jay. And usually when I bring up somewhat weighty political issues in here or post political essays or op-eds written by others, that interest and stimulate me...I get the same response you refer to. That being the sound of crickets.

Most people in here (beyond a tiny minority) seem to be either apolitical or they merely want to dodge politics and come here to escape the deeper problems of the outside world.
I get it Jay. And usually when I bring up somewhat weighty political issues in here or post political essays or op-eds written by others, that interest and stimulate me...I get the same response you refer to. That being the sound of crickets.

Most people in here (beyond a tiny minority) seem to be either apolitical or they merely want to dodge politics and come here to escape the deeper problems of the outside world.
I thought it made more sense when we had separate sections on the forum to delineate posts on porn from non-porn related subjects. I never understood why Mark merged them into “everything under the sun”?
I eojoy the Forum, but I to am in the process of a move to Florida, State to State moves are a bitch.
I eojoy the Forum, but I to am in the process of a move to Florida, State to State moves are a bitch.

Two points Frontier...

One. I think you're going to really like it here. (Except for dodging the occasional hurricane. haha)

Two. I can relate.

Because even though I am only moving a few miles down the road...I too am really stressed out right now. So I can only imagine the greater complexities you're going through. Good luck! :)
Jon is so right on one point at least.

Whether it's a main reason why the forum is not as active is we would like is perhaps another story.

Sometimes I find it difficult to comment on a subject I am not too familiar with. I have noticed that there is alot of talk at times about issues that are happening in the US that maybe are not so widely reported outside or about party politics which the wider community outside the US really cannot comment on because we are not there and living in under that political system. The same can be said for what's happening in the UK or else where in the world. Perhaps if a debate or comment is needed more background story may help if wider engagement on issues are wanted. Likewise I have noticed , and I know this is a favourite topic of Mikeyank, sport like baseball or basketball or American football often appear in threads. The reason I don't often comment on these, although I have only recently become interested in these sports and still am learning about these, so often read a comment I would like to know more about but feel that it would be seen as a stupid question so don't. A wise woman once said to me there is no such thing as a stupid question because you only know what you know if you are told and instructed, but it's still hard to ask a question when passion and knowledge are clearly demonstrated, whether its about sport, politics or even porn.
Sometimes I find it difficult to comment on a subject I am not too familiar with. I have noticed that there is alot of talk at times about issues that are happening in the US that maybe are not so widely reported outside or about party politics which the wider community outside the US really cannot comment on because we are not there and living in under that political system. The same can be said for what's happening in the UK or else where in the world. Perhaps if a debate or comment is needed more background story may help if wider engagement on issues are wanted. Likewise I have noticed , and I know this is a favourite topic of Mikeyank, sport like baseball or basketball or American football often appear in threads. The reason I don't often comment on these, although I have only recently become interested in these sports and still am learning about these, so often read a comment I would like to know more about but feel that it would be seen as a stupid question so don't. A wise woman once said to me there is no such thing as a stupid question because you only know what you know if you are told and instructed, but it's still hard to ask a question when passion and knowledge are clearly demonstrated, whether its about sport, politics or even porn.
By all means you should ask for an explanation Foxyman or anyone else when a subject comes up that interests you, that you are not familiar with. How can one learn, if one doesn’t ask questions?
We've had periods of ebb and flow on the forum over the years, but this recent drought of activity has been unusually prolonged for the last month or longer. It's unfortunate for me as my part time job has been suspended during the pandemic, as have many of my activities including group meet-up walks around NYC, and some of my friends have stopped socializing except with the immediate folks they live with, so the forum is a great escape for me. But lately there is so little going on here.

I know the frequency of current scenes have been cut back but when a scene is released, there are still few comments on here. For example, the Gage Owens & Chase thread was started by Jay with the "before the scene" released on Saturday, and we had the actual scene on Sunday and now an "after the scene" released today, yet there are only three comments on that thread as of now on the third day. Yet the scene has an excellent current rating of 3.74, so I would think that the folks who enjoyed it would be talking about it. We also have an excellent College Boy Physicals scene out, and I think the 100 Days of Summer is a fun excursion into the vault with little seen models and scenes from a decade ago being released basically every day.

I thought it was advantageous when we had separate forums, one for site related comments and the other for non site comments, but there seems to be so much to talk about today with spikes in cases of coronavirus, social unrest and the volatile politic situation in this country, so I would think that there would be a lot to talk about yet nothing but the sounds of silence............
We've had periods of ebb and flow on the forum over the years, but this recent drought of activity has been unusually prolonged for the last month or longer. It's unfortunate for me as my part time job has been suspended during the pandemic, as have many of my activities including group meet-up walks around NYC, and some of my friends have stopped socializing except with the immediate folks they live with, so the forum is a great escape for me. But lately there is so little going on here.

I know the frequency of current scenes have been cut back but when a scene is released, there are still few comments on here. For example, the Gage Owens & Chase thread was started by Jay with the "before the scene" released on Saturday, and we had the actual scene on Sunday and now an "after the scene" released today, yet there are only three comments on that thread as of now on the third day. Yet the scene has an excellent current rating of 3.74, so I would think that the folks who enjoyed it would be talking about it. We also have an excellent College Boy Physicals scene out, and I think the 100 Days of Summer is a fun excursion into the vault with little seen models and scenes from a decade ago being released basically every day.

I thought it was advantageous when we had separate forums, one for site related comments and the other for non site comments, but there seems to be so much to talk about today with spikes in cases of coronavirus, social unrest and the volatile politic situation in this country, so I would think that there would be a lot to talk about yet nothing but the sounds of silence............

Mikey - I added the fourth comment today (7/7) - lol !!! Haven't been here much lately - health issues, not covid-19.

Perhaps this might be a difference amongst viewers. You consider this grade of 3.74 an excellent grade. I consider anything in the 3's average; in the 2's, fair; in the 1's poor. in the 4's, very good; and a 5, excellent. I don't let whatever the grade is when I go to watch a scene determine whether or not I watch it; nor do I let it affect the grade I give it or whether or not I comment on the scene. I have, however, decided that for the pre and post scenes, I won't grade or comment on them unless I can hear and understand them fully.

Perhaps some viewers let the grade shown on scene page affect whether they watch, grade, or comment on a scene. - Just a thought.
Mikey - I added the fourth comment today (7/7) - lol !!! Haven't been here much lately - health issues, not covid-19.

Perhaps this might be a difference amongst viewers. You consider this grade of 3.74 an excellent grade. I consider anything in the 3's average; in the 2's, fair; in the 1's poor. in the 4's, very good; and a 5, excellent. I don't let whatever the grade is when I go to watch a scene determine whether or not I watch it; nor do I let it affect the grade I give it or whether or not I comment on the scene. I have, however, decided that for the pre and post scenes, I won't grade or comment on them unless I can hear and understand them fully.

Perhaps some viewers let the grade shown on scene page affect whether they watch, grade, or comment on a scene. - Just a thought.
I don’t rate the pre and post scenes at all. If you go to the BTS section and click on highest rated, the majority of the highest rated scenes are these little 4-5 minute pre and post scenes. I just have a big problem with these very short filler scenes being in the top rated of all time of BTS scenes. There are just too many better BTS scenes available. Right now the pre scene for Axel Green and Ryan Pitt is the number 1 BTS scene. Really? I think the Ethan Steel shower scene is more entertaining and longer and more informative, and it’s not even on the first few highest rated pages. Sky Clesi’s interview is one of my favorites, and it isn’t up in the highest either. I think these pre and post scene fillers shouldn’t even be rated in my opinion. Imagine what a new member must think seeing these little interviews as “the best of the best”. With this being said, I guess I should comment now on the ratings thread..lol.
But you’re right Stowe. The last few interviews have been hard to hear, especially with Zeke.
I don’t rate the pre and post scenes at all. If you go to the BTS section and click on highest rated, the majority of the highest rated scenes are these little 4-5 minute pre and post scenes. I just have a big problem with these very short filler scenes being in the top rated of all time of BTS scenes. There are just too many better BTS scenes available. Right now the pre scene for Axel Green and Ryan Pitt is the number 1 BTS scene. Really? I think the Ethan Steel shower scene is more entertaining and longer and more informative, and it’s not even on the first few highest rated pages. Sky Clesi’s interview is one of my favorites, and it isn’t up in the highest either. I think these pre and post scene fillers shouldn’t even be rated in my opinion. Imagine what a new member must think seeing these little interviews as “the best of the best”. With this being said, I guess I should comment now on the ratings thread..lol.
But you’re right Stowe. The last few interviews have been hard to hear, especially with Zeke.

The exact problem with BTS and ratings is not enough members have rated them so when you sort by most popular it makes no sense. If you sort by most comments that is more in line with what I would feel are the most popular ones. Sort by most popular is not very accurate at all and this is why I am pushing for more members to rate and comment.
The exact problem with BTS and ratings is not enough members have rated them so when you sort by most popular it makes no sense. If you sort by most comments that is more in line with what I would feel are the most popular ones. Sort by most popular is not very accurate at all and this is why I am pushing for more members to rate and comment.
Excellent point Mark. I had never searched by "most comments" before, and lo and behold some of the best BTS ever are right on top!!!!
1) Paul Canon Comes Clean With His Mom
2) Damien Kyle: Man In The Mirror
3) Vadim Black Comes Back
4) The Experiment: Daniel & Angel
5) Straight Talk With Tyler White
6) Cage Kafig's Final Goodbye
7) Porn Never Sleeps - Ep 8
8) Bts: Introducing Dakota Ford
9) Brandon Beal Takes Over
10) Spencer Todd Revealed
11) Getting To Know Ethan Steel

Note: Normally it would be a Top 10 list, but how could I leave out one near and dear to my heart at #11? :smiley-love021: LOL
In my former life I would have said that this is the boring form thread and the ratings thread is not far on the list..
I find ratings fascinating as I have my whole life, whether it was TV ratings or Top 25 records on weekly survey. I guess we all get our “kicks” our own way. :smile:
Ratings I agree have a place, how do you know if a model is well received if you don't rate a scene?. Comments have a place too, but sometimes they can be rambling and lose the point. Much easier I think to give a rating rather than rely on comments. Although with controversial models Like Ethan Steel you need a mixture of the two to get a full picture of how they are received.
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The reason I left the forum is because it doesn't work with modern smart phones, tablets etc.