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Psssst !

Honestly Rapper, not sure why this would need to be started just to stir things up in the first place. Dont know where it came from, but in a lot of cases shit like this will start up and its best for us to just sit back sometimes.

Proud to say none of us here at Blu/D&E are going anywhere. Consider this your warning to not start up rumors again without facts to back it up.

~ Chuck
Your assertion that you are entitled to ask a question is absolutely correct. However, the mere title of the thread "Pssst" and the Shhhhh at the end were inflammatory and you know it.

I agree with Jon and several others in here. When I first read the post I assumed immediately that it was a poor attempt at some dark humor. Then of course everyone took it seriously. After all we have been through in the last few weeks...management included of course...one would have to know that a post like that would greeted by all parties like yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater. How much drama do we really need in here right now in order to keep people entertained?

Not that I dare claim to be perfect at all. Far from it. But the post was in poor taste. Let's try getting our kicks again from the porn and other lively discussions that don't involve mgmt.
Black Ink. Absolutely the last durned post here from me! I asked a simple question in that part of the Board where questions can be asked. It was answered clearly and to the point and that is the last of the issue. I cannot fathom where all this hysteria came from. Broke Straight Boys is not my life, it is a hobby. Believe me, I am not smart enough for clever manipulations and too old to have a taste for such stuff. No more talk of this . . . please.
Black Ink. Absolutely the last durned post here from me! I asked a simple question in that part of the Board where questions can be asked. It was answered clearly and to the point and that is the last of the issue. I cannot fathom where all this hysteria came from. Broke Straight Boys is not my life, it is a hobby. Believe me, I am not smart enough for clever manipulations and too old to have a taste for such stuff. No more talk of this . . . please.

"Psssst ! I don't want to start rumors but: Are they revamping the "Studio" again. And . . . did David Quit? Shhhhh! Don't spred this around . . ."

Don't know about the others, but I am not willing to let you off that easy. A simple question would have been, "Are they remodeling the studio, again?" followed by "Where is David?" But you took it to the level of "Pssst" and "Shhhhh! Don't spred (sic) this around..."

Until you admit that your intent was to incite hysteria and start a rumor, I hope this is your last post. You are not willing to admit you did something underhanded and accept responsibility.

And I will talk about it as long as I please and will not stop until you apologize to David and to Broke Straight Boys and the forum. You know you did it. Cowboy up and be a man.
Any thread titled Psssst signifies instantaneous, anesthetized, almost undescribable boredom to me, so this is the first time I've dipped in here, looking for a thread I missed where mike, jon and aquarius all posted. What thread was it MsK? Obviously not this one.

rapper, who is an extremely average type American guy, maybe a bit of a stirrer but that's partly because he's gay, maybe a bit of a racist but that's just because he's American, was just trying to be a bit interesting on the threads. He should have known better (in the climate of the New Forum), not to be naughty about what might be going on behind the scenes with management. Management is for the moment a slender paranoid 47 year old maiden lady with blackout blinds on her bathroom window in case anyone sees her showering and tells about her bosoms. So his li'l hiss was a surefire way to get himself squashed.

mikeyank spoke for me, but didn't go quite far enough. The very idea that a fellow forumite should turn exigent about the faulty etiquette of another, "We're sitting here till you tell Randy you're sorry you said he was a dorkface. I mean that Ralphie, tell him or we aren't going to move from this bench. I don't care what time it is, your daddy will just have to make himself a sandwich," would be funny if it weren't sad. Sad and indicative of where we all are. Look around you guys.

carking and the girls are actually doing their best, and I think they may possibly like the forum as it's become. At first I thought I was picking up some wounded and puzzled uneasiness on the part of some of the newbies, the gym decorators, in reaction to the dinosaurs from the Old Forum and their nostalgia for better days. But I actually think it suits them the way it is.

Some of them write really well, especially carking, and dude I really give it to you, you try your best to be interesting and contribuitive; maybe your occasional moralizing is misplaced and unnecessary in a forum like this, but mostly you are tireless in trying to get people to interact on anodyne, conflict-free themes with no risky bite to them.

I wish I hadn't been searching for something I'd been told was "wow" and stumbled in here. You guys certainly didn't need my poison pen on a nice summer morning. Sorry about that.
Maybe we should have just ignored the first post but someone would always have responded to it and this time it was me. The forum has been quite lively after the last bit of drama a few weeks ago, so maybe Rapper thought he would stir it up again, more fool me for jumping in with both feet.

David, nice to see you are well and still producing the classics we are acustomed too.
Any thread titled Psssst signifies instantaneous, anesthetized, almost undescribable boredom to me, so this is the first time I've dipped in here, looking for a thread I missed where mike, jon and aquarius all posted. What thread was it MsK? Obviously not this one.

rapper, who is an extremely average type American guy, maybe a bit of a stirrer but that's partly because he's gay, maybe a bit of a racist but that's just because he's American, was just trying to be a bit interesting on the threads. He should have known better (in the climate of the New Forum), not to be naughty about what might be going on behind the scenes with management. Management is for the moment a slender paranoid 47 year old maiden lady with blackout blinds on her bathroom window in case anyone sees her showering and tells about her bosoms. So his li'l hiss was a surefire way to get himself squashed.

mikeyank spoke for me, but didn't go quite far enough. The very idea that a fellow forumite should turn exigent about the faulty etiquette of another, "We're sitting here till you tell Randy you're sorry you said he was a dorkface. I mean that Ralphie, tell him or we aren't going to move from this bench. I don't care what time it is, your daddy will just have to make himself a sandwich," would be funny if it weren't sad. Sad and indicative of where we all are. Look around you guys.

carking and the girls are actually doing their best, and I think they may possibly like the forum as it's become. At first I thought I was picking up some wounded and puzzled uneasiness on the part of some of the newbies, the gym decorators, in reaction to the dinosaurs from the Old Forum and their nostalgia for better days. But I actually think it suits them the way it is.

Some of them write really well, especially carking, and dude I really give it to you, you try your best to be interesting and contribuitive; maybe your occasional moralizing is misplaced and unnecessary in a forum like this, but mostly you are tireless in trying to get people to interact on anodyne, conflict-free themes with no risky bite to them.

I wish I hadn't been searching for something I'd been told was "wow" and stumbled in here. You guys certainly didn't need my poison pen on a nice summer morning. Sorry about that.

I personally hate the forum the way it is now. I hate being called a gym decorator and most of all I hate having the girls all lumped together as if they all had the same personality. The girls on this forum are all very different people with very different viewpoints, just like the men. Right now, what they have in common is that they are all trying to exist in a place that, at SOME times by SOME people, makes them feel unwelcome.

Hopefully, I just gave you all enough to bitch about for awhile.
ew miss k, thats gross! i cant believe you are pushing your penis envy onto us making us look like the bad guys! oh and btw, pussies stink
Moralizing only sounds like moralizing to those who have no morals. In some ways, I do like the forum the way it is now, in that we got rid of some people who have no morals and know no boundaries. Others flew under the radar, were guilty as the rest and remain because they are like teflon, nothing sticks to them. One of them in particular is threatened by me because he is a bully, and I won't be bullied, and it pisses him off, so he lumps me in with the girls, and says I am "tireless in trying to get people to interact on anodyne, conflict-free themes with no risky bite to them."

The "new forum" is the new forum because there is a certain faction that had decided to call it that at every opportunity and refuse to let go of the fact that they got called out. The forum hasn't changed all that much, only the people who stood up and said, "No more. No more deceit. No more prying into private lives. No more sharing of information which is hurtful and incindeary." If those few would stop beating the drums long enough to see the damage that they have caused, this forum would be a lot better place.

I am accused of moralizing because I won't stand for injustice. I won't stand for someone lumping all of the female members together and making them sound like goody-two-shoes for standing up to bullies. I won't stand for a member calling another member a "gym decorator". That gym decorator pays their membership just like the dinosaurs and has every right to say what they damn well please. I won't stand for Americans to be automatically called racists. And I won't stand for someone's "risky bite" or "poison pen" to hurt other people. Can anyone else see just how much damage and hurt has been sown by this bully?

Furthermore, jwglass, your comment was way, way out of line. Pussies don't stink. What stinks is someone who makes comments such as yours, further dividing a forum which is comprised of like-minded individuals, male and female, bi, straight, gay, and whatever who come together to share their thought and feelings. That comment was insensitive and totally uncalled for.

You are right about one thing, it is sad. It is sad that there are people in this world who find it necessary to constantly stir up controversy in order to attempt to feel superior. This person knows who he is, and he knows how I feel about him. I hope that someday some of the rest of the members wake up and see just who has been stirring the pot and how bad the brew stinks. If this is the way the "Old Forum" was run, then thank God for a "new forum." The dinosaurs are extinct.

And all because some sinveling jealous old queen was not asked to be the moderator.
Moralizing only sounds like moralizing to those who have no morals. In some ways, I do like the forum the way it is now, in that we got rid of some people who have no morals and know no boundaries. Others flew under the radar, were guilty as the rest and remain because they are like teflon, nothing sticks to them. One of them in particular is threatened by me because he is a bully, and I won't be bullied, and it pisses him off, so he lumps me in with the girls, and says I am "tireless in trying to get people to interact on anodyne, conflict-free themes with no risky bite to them."

The "new forum" is the new forum because there is a certain faction that had decided to call it that at every opportunity and refuse to let go of the fact that they got called out. The forum hasn't changed all that much, only the people who stood up and said, "No more. No more deceit. No more prying into private lives. No more sharing of information which is hurtful and incindeary." If those few would stop beating the drums long enough to see the damage that they have caused, this forum would be a lot better place.

I am accused of moralizing because I won't stand for injustice. I won't stand for someone lumping all of the female members together and making them sound like goody-two-shoes for standing up to bullies. I won't stand for a member calling another member a "gym decorator". That gym decorator pays their membership just like the dinosaurs and has every right to say what they damn well please. I won't stand for Americans to be automatically called racists. And I won't stand for someone's "risky bite" or "poison pen" to hurt other people. Can anyone else see just how much damage and hurt has been sown by this bully?

Furthermore, jwglass, your comment was way, way out of line. Pussies don't stink. What stinks is someone who makes comments such as yours, further dividing a forum which is comprised of like-minded individuals, male and female, bi, straight, gay, and whatever who come together to share their thought and feelings. That comment was insensitive and totally uncalled for.

You are right about one thing, it is sad. It is sad that there are people in this world who find it necessary to constantly stir up controversy in order to attempt to feel superior. This person knows who he is, and he knows how I feel about him. I hope that someday some of the rest of the members wake up and see just who has been stirring the pot and how bad the brew stinks. If this is the way the "Old Forum" was run, then thank God for a "new forum." The dinosaurs are extinct.

And all because some sinveling jealous old queen was not asked to be the moderator.

carkin my dear, you should know, if you never know anything about me, is that here on the forum, i was one of the first ladies. every arguement that you gave me, i gave to another forum member when the ladies began their hostile takeover (once again, sarcasm) you might remember rickster....or not, i think that was before your time. anyhow, the "pussies stink" part was in reference to something he said. just letting you know.
I'm glad that you said that. I don't remember that conflagration. I know that Ms. Kianna is new here, too, so I hope that she doesn't get hurt by that statement. I know that she feels very alone out there some days, trudging through this forum like a salmon swimming upstream. I try my best to keep people from getting hurt.
As the Broke Straight Boys forum turns

i had no idea what ive been missing out on! this is almost better entertainment then the videos, and definitely made a nice fill in for the scene i was planning on viewing tonight! keep up the good work everyone! thanks, mikey
okay, and i know i drink occasionally and post here, and i smoke a lot, but am i that crazy?? lol you dont fuck with women, no matter what!
And all because some sinveling jealous old queen was not asked to be the moderator.

Despite the fact that they didn't ask you, I absolutely think of you as the moderator anyway. To me you ARE the moderator.:wink:
WTF is this about gym decorators ? How come we've gone back down the road of the moderator issue when this thread was not about that. I feel like some of you won't let sleeping dogs lie and will be bringing this subject up whenever the forum appears to become dull.
WTF is this about gym decorators ? How come we've gone back down the road of the moderator issue when this thread was not about that. I feel like some of you won't let sleeping dogs lie and will be bringing this subject up whenever the forum appears to become dull.

It was my fault he brought it up jon. I said I was sorry in the earlier message I shouldn't have posted, and say it again now.

btw I know what you mean by dull.
Moralizing only sounds like moralizing to those who have no morals. In some ways, I do like the forum the way it is now, in that we got rid of some people who have no morals and know no boundaries. Others flew under the radar, were guilty as the rest and remain because they are like teflon, nothing sticks to them. One of them in particular is threatened by me because he is a bully, and I won't be bullied, and it pisses him off, so he lumps me in with the girls, and says I am "tireless in trying to get people to interact on anodyne, conflict-free themes with no risky bite to them."

The "new forum" is the new forum because there is a certain faction that had decided to call it that at every opportunity and refuse to let go of the fact that they got called out. The forum hasn't changed all that much, only the people who stood up and said, "No more. No more deceit. No more prying into private lives. No more sharing of information which is hurtful and incindeary." If those few would stop beating the drums long enough to see the damage that they have caused, this forum would be a lot better place.

I am accused of moralizing because I won't stand for injustice. I won't stand for someone lumping all of the female members together and making them sound like goody-two-shoes for standing up to bullies. I won't stand for a member calling another member a "gym decorator". That gym decorator pays their membership just like the dinosaurs and has every right to say what they damn well please. I won't stand for Americans to be automatically called racists. And I won't stand for someone's "risky bite" or "poison pen" to hurt other people. Can anyone else see just how much damage and hurt has been sown by this bully?

Furthermore, jwglass, your comment was way, way out of line. Pussies don't stink. What stinks is someone who makes comments such as yours, further dividing a forum which is comprised of like-minded individuals, male and female, bi, straight, gay, and whatever who come together to share their thought and feelings. That comment was insensitive and totally uncalled for.

You are right about one thing, it is sad. It is sad that there are people in this world who find it necessary to constantly stir up controversy in order to attempt to feel superior. This person knows who he is, and he knows how I feel about him. I hope that someday some of the rest of the members wake up and see just who has been stirring the pot and how bad the brew stinks. If this is the way the "Old Forum" was run, then thank God for a "new forum." The dinosaurs are extinct.

And all because some sinveling jealous old queen was not asked to be the moderator.

okay, maybe i lied, sorry carkin, i am a pot head! im baked right now! haha damn i had to go right in and put my hand in the cookie jar!