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Psssst !


Well-known Member
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Psssst ! I don't want to start rumors but: Are they revamping the "Studio" again. And . . . did David Quit? Shhhhh! Don't spred this around . . .:blink:
Last edited:
??? WHAT???
Do share do share=)
Really, I don't know.

??? WHAT???
Do share do share=)

I don't know anything: Just curious about changes. One of the big dogs will answer later on, I'll bet. They are really up-front about things . . .
I don't know anything: Just curious about changes. One of the big dogs will answer later on, I'll bet. They are really up-front about things . . .

Ahhh gotcha.

Fun Fun=)
Psssst ! I don't want to start rumors but: Are they revamping the "Studio" again. And . . . did David Quit? Shhhhh! Don't spred this around . . .:blink:

I would suggest that if you dont have substantial evidence that you retract that remark. David had done a lot of hard work on this site and this is no place for ill advised rumour and speculation.
I would suggest that if you dont have substantial evidence that you retract that remark. David had done a lot of hard work on this site and this is no place for ill advised rumour and speculation.

well stated jon. lets also keep in mind david still reads the forum.
I would suggest that if you dont have substantial evidence that you retract that remark. David had done a lot of hard work on this site and this is no place for ill advised rumour and speculation.

Amen! We need management to come in here and clear this thing up as soon as possible in order to head off ill-timed speculation. If the rumor is not true, this is way, way out of line. If it is true, this sure as hell isn't the way to treat someone who has worked his ass off for us.
Amen! We need management to come in here and clear this thing up as soon as possible in order to head off ill-timed speculation. If the rumor is not true, this is way, way out of line. If it is true, this sure as hell isn't the way to treat someone who has worked his ass off for us.

i got my tinfoil hat on.
Just a simple

i got my tinfoil hat on.

Just a simple question guys, I'm not suggesting anything and not planting anything either. Don't get your knickers in a wad . . .
Psssst ! I don't want to start rumors but: Are they revamping the "Studio" again. And . . . did David Quit? Shhhhh! Don't spred this around . . .:blink:


Having been out of communication for the last couple of weeks I come back to this forum to see in some respects all sorts of hell breaking out.

I am extremely disappointed that a SENIOR MEMBER would engage in the childish prank of starting and spreading un-substantiated rumors. Especially in light of what has occurred over the last couple of weeks. Has not enough damaged been done that you need to even suggest something is up? Your curious so YOU decide to stir the hornets nest.

A rumor is often viewed as " an unverified account or explanation of events circulating from person to person and pertaining to an object, event or issue in public concern". This is not a "simple question".

What happens within the Blue Media/D & E is there business and there's alone. PERIOD. If and when they feel a need to share with us any "news" they will. It is really none of our business!

I fully support your comments Jon.

Carking, I really don't think there is any need for Management to respond. It would only add to the speculation.

I can make one comment that might, in part, answer one of the questions rapper made. As the first and unfortunately last forumite to have visited David and seen the Studio (newbies can visit my previous threads on this subject) I believe I can share this:

When I toured the studio with David there was space that was not being used and in time would be reworked/remodeled. When I toured the studio, College Boy Physicals was filmed in the same room as Broke Straight Boys The opposite wall where we see the futon, was the set up for all we saw in College Boy Physicals. At some point they were going to make a separate studio for that set.

I found David to be a great host and consider him a good friend. I was hoping to visit him again on my next trip to Florida. Now, due to members feeling they have special rights to invade his privacy and say what they want, that is no longer a possible.

Live Long and Prosper,

Vicekid, I respect all you have said, but quite disagree with your comment about management. I felt and still feel that if management came in here and made a statement one way or the other, it would end all speculation, once and for all. Mark did make a statement, and as far as I am concerned, it's over.
My feeling is that everybody involved with Broke Straight Boys, has gotten overly sensitive over the last few weeks, including management and some of the posters who defend management and all of their recent decisions.

I will repeat what I and others have said here.

1. This is a porn site. We come here to see young guys get naked and to have gay sex, for our own sexual pleasure. This site is primarily for sexual release, and many folks are taking things here way too seriously.

2. What made this forum fun in the past has been to have open and lively discussions and debates. I don't see any harm in member's speculating on all issues involving Broke Straight Boys This site does not affect national security, or the welfare of the environment or the state of the economy.

This is a place for horny guys, (and women) to watch hot guys and for us to "get off". And the forum should be a place to have fun, sharing opinions and experiences, commenting on the scenes and the way the scenes are shot. We can love the way management is handling these things or hate them too. I would like to see the forum go back to being a "no holds barred" environment, as long as there are no libelous statements being made.

So my wish is for everyone to loosen your pants, get a firm grasp on your dick's (for the men obviously), and have fun here!!!
I said I wasn't going to post anymore on this forum, but do to this ridiculous assumption and this thread, I'm here live and well and we are filming more then ever and keeping busy with ALL our sites.

I don't know why this person made such a post and made such accusations, I sent the original person that started this thread a PM asking why he would make such a post.

Just to make things clear, everything with the sites are fine, we are all doing well and working hard. As for what goes on here at BluMedia and D&E its non-of your business. I still read the post and I'm aware of what you guys are writing, but I'm not going to post unless its a post like this one. Ridiculous & Unfounded!
I said I wasn't going to post anymore on this forum, but do to this ridiculous assumption and this thread, I'm here live and well and we are filming more then ever and keeping busy with ALL our sites.

I don't know why this person made such a post and made such accusations, I sent the original person that started this thread a PM asking why he would make such a post.

Just to make things clear, everything with the sites are fine, we are all doing well and working hard. As for what goes on here at BluMedia and D&E its non-of your business. I still read the post and I'm aware of what you guys are writing, but I'm not going to post unless its a post like this one. Ridiculous & Unfounded!
Good to hear from you Dave, and glad to know that all is well with you, and that you "are filming more then ever and keeping busy with ALL our sites."

Obviously the original poster had some concerns and voiced them, and I'm really glad that you responded. It's like publicists for actors and actresses say about gossip reporters, "I don't care what you say, as long as you spell my name right". I think that saying "As for what goes on here at BluMedia and D&E its non-of your business" is a bit harsh. If we didn't care as much as we do, we wouldn't be the loyal paying customers that we are.

I love the concept of the site, and the hot guys that you hire and film, that Mark shows us three times a week. So keep on doing what your doing, and I think we will all be happy. :thumbup: Be well and enjoy the rest of the summer, (if we don't hear from you again).

Your loyal fan & customer :thumbup1:
It is settled then . . .

It is settled. Mark has answered and David has answered and this issue is fixed! I really fail to understand the level of hysteria this question generated. For those of you who have been around a while, you know I am an old hand at this site. As a devoted fan and not just a Porn-Site Cruiser. You who know me also know I am a big, big fan of David's talents and have written this many times. I will say, (In closing), that this particular forum is for general discussion. It is the place to ask questions about the site. Obviously, the OWNERS own this site and can do what they wish. I am a customer and can remain here or not. I don't have a choice to run the site and could not do it anyway. (I only have a penis, not administrative skills). Was it Slim who first described this place as a "Gay jack-off site.?" Well, boys, that's what it is! As I have said before, I'm here to look at naked guys do what they do. Let's get on with it, huh? I won't be answering this thread anymore. I got my answer and there is no need to continue. May the wind be always at your back and your peckers always stiff guys :drool:!
It is settled. Mark has answered and David has answered and this issue is fixed! I really fail to understand the level of hysteria this question generated. For those of you who have been around a while, you know I am an old hand at this site. As a devoted fan and not just a Porn-Site Cruiser. You who know me also know I am a big, big fan of David's talents and have written this many times. I will say, (In closing), that this particular forum is for general discussion. It is the place to ask questions about the site. Obviously, the OWNERS own this site and can do what they wish. I am a customer and can remain here or not. I don't have a choice to run the site and could not do it anyway. (I only have a penis, not administrative skills). Was it Slim who first described this place as a "Gay jack-off site.?" Well, boys, that's what it is! As I have said before, I'm here to look at naked guys do what they do. Let's get on with it, huh? I won't be answering this thread anymore. I got my answer and there is no need to continue. May the wind be always at your back and your peckers always stiff guys :drool:!

Posting in red or blue colored type makes it almost impossibe to read (at least for older eyes)
i told ya'll that the tinfoil hat was the way to go. long live d&e! wish i was feeling better so i could enjoy brendan some more.
David, thanks for responding. We are glad to have you around.

Rapper, I am going to take issue with your original post and your last post. You may be an old hat here in the forum, but you certainly know what buttons to push.

Your assertation that you are entitled to ask a question is absolutely correct. However, the mere title of the thread "Pssst" and the Shhhhh at the end were inflammatory and you know it. Your feigned innocence is so thinly veiled I can read your blue print through it. You intended to start some shit, and you got it. And, simply posting, the question has been answered and the issue is fixed is bullshit.

I am only speaking for myself, but this issue (which wasn't broken until you broke it) won't be fixed until you apologize to David and management and accept responsibility for what you did.