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Ponderings for April 16th 2022

Holy shit Mike, that's an amazing deal! (I pay around that for my condo mortgage and condo fees!) If I was renting it would be $1800 - 2400 for a 1 bed\1 bath. A 3 bed house will set you back 3000. I honestly don't know how the hell young adults can afford to live...
Thanks Chac. I am not a very religious person but I’ve come to believe that a “higher power” is looking out for me to have put me in such a fortunate situation in my retirement or actually semi-retirement as my two day a week job is also a big part of my happiness at this stage of my life. I am enjoying the benefits of retirement and being a part of a working community too. It’s all good. Thanks for your on line friendship as well Chac. I am also blessed to have met so many good people on this forum over the years as well.
I got my new refrigerator delivered today! So stoked to have the ability to have more than a gallon of milk and a few other misc items in a tiny dorm refrigerator LOL I love it so far, I ended up getting the freezer on the bottom this time. I'm already liking not having to bend all the way over to reach the crisper drawers LOL

How's everyone doing? What's on your minds? I've been kinda super super horny lately for some strange reason, I need to get laid or something HaHa

I got my first blood tests back after losing a grand total of 84 LBS and they were in normal ranges! I was shocked, my liver is behaving! So excited to see the hard work paying off...
I got my new refrigerator delivered today! So stoked to have the ability to have more than a gallon of milk and a few other misc items in a tiny dorm refrigerator LOL I love it so far, I ended up getting the freezer on the bottom this time. I'm already liking not having to bend all the way over to reach the crisper drawers LOL

How's everyone doing? What's on your minds? I've been kinda super super horny lately for some strange reason, I need to get laid or something HaHa

I got my first blood tests back after losing a grand total of 84 LBS and they were in normal ranges! I was shocked, my liver is behaving! So excited to see the hard work paying off...
I am so proud of you Chac. 84 lbs is absolutely fantastic and the results of the blood tests show that you had to do it to get healthy besides looking so much better. Now you’ve got to take care of that super horniness. I sure hope that this summer you find a guy to ”work out” that horniness with. :banana_rasta:
We’ve had really crappy weather in the northeast for the past few weeks, excessively humid and high temperatures, no fun to be outside at all. Last night we had heavy thunder and rain and perhaps the crappy weather left with it….at least for now. Today is a work day and when I left the office an hour ago, I actually saw blue skies and puffy white clouds. And when I just got off the subway now at Montague Street, I saw real bright sunshine. :sun:

Hopefully the nice summer weather will last tommorow on my day off so I can get outside of my air conditioned apartment and enjoy the day. I hope you all have a beautiful day tomorrow wherever you live! :001_smile:

We’ve had really crappy weather in the northeast for the past few weeks, excessively humid and high temperatures, no fun to be outside at all. Last night we had heavy thunder and rain and perhaps the crappy weather left with it….at least for now. Today is a work day and when I left the office an hour ago, I actually saw blue skies and puffy white clouds. And when I just got off the subway now at Montague Street, I saw real bright sunshine. :sun:

Hopefully the nice summer weather will last tommorow on my day off so I can get outside of my air conditioned apartment and enjoy the day. I hope you all have a beautiful day tomorrow wherever you live! :001_smile:

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It's been yucky here and will be 90 on Wednesday 🥵 I'm ready for fall LOL

I went for a walk at the beach yesterday and I was sopping wet by the end, like wring the air out humidity (yuck!) Some nice eye candy though, there were these ginger brothers, long haired and true to the typical redheads, looked like they were on their way to a nice sunburn in 2 seconds time 😂 (they reminded me of a younger Carrot Top). The lifeguards were smoking hot too.
It's been yucky here and will be 90 on Wednesday 🥵 I'm ready for fall LOL

I went for a walk at the beach yesterday and I was sopping wet by the end, like wring the air out humidity (yuck!) Some nice eye candy though, there were these ginger brothers, long haired and true to the typical redheads, looked like they were on their way to a nice sunburn in 2 seconds time 😂 (they reminded me of a younger Carrot Top). The lifeguards were smoking hot too.
Walking is very healthy for our bodies and seeing shirtless guys is healthy for our imaginations and keeping our sex drive going. :wink:

Today was less humid but still reached 90 but I did get out for about three hours today in Brooklyn Bridge Park. I got in close to three miles of walking, a ton of sweating, and a bit of guy watching too. :001_smile: I just napped and am refreshed for the evening. It was still hot out but it was good to get some outdoor activities in. We are approaching mid July now. Summer sure goes by fast so it’s good to enjoy it while it’s here. Summer as does life goes by so damn quick. How’s that for a ponder??? Lol
This morning I am pondering about guys, (just like every other day of my life, lol). As I went out this morning for my ten minute walk back and forth for my newspaper, I must have noticed a half dozen extremely hot guys in shorts and revealing t shirts, showing off their legs, firm bodies and muscles. But I was thinking how in the winter months, I may pass the same guys dressed in winter garb and just not notice how hot and sexy they are. Summer is a great time for “man watching” and I love it!!! :sun:
So I'm pondering what the hell I ate to piss off my gut yesterday 😷 I woke up at 1:30 AM and spent so much time on the throne I brought my porn tablet into the bathroom to pass time 🤣

Ever had bowel cramps that you were praying for the spawn of Satan to be evicted from your poor colon and just leave you alone?? LOL I had to make some humor out of the ordeal 🤣🤣 I think it must have been food poisoning because my Dad had the same thing happening last night too.
So I'm pondering what the hell I ate to piss off my gut yesterday 😷 I woke up at 1:30 AM and spent so much time on the throne I brought my porn tablet into the bathroom to pass time 🤣

Ever had bowel cramps that you were praying for the spawn of Satan to be evicted from your poor colon and just leave you alone?? LOL I had to make some humor out of the ordeal 🤣🤣 I think it must have been food poisoning because my Dad had the same thing happening last night too.
Sorry to hear about you and your dad going through that. But I assume that you’re both feeling better and you can put it “behind” you, no pun intended. :001_smile:
Sometimes frustrations are over seeming little things. I had a problem with a $8.75 recurring payment. T he error was corrected but the person to whom the payment was placed on Master Cards deny list. The only way to make a payment is thru a permanent credit or debit card not a prepaid one. For such a card one must have an independent permanent source of monetary input. In this case one besides my sole source which is on the sole card I have. It has gnawed at me for weeks.
I haven't been having many ponderings lately, my summer has been busy with work, work and baseball. I'm ready for a vacation 😄

It's been SO hot and muggy here! I'm over summer already. I hate to think what my electric bill is going to be LOL
I haven't been having many ponderings lately, my summer has been busy with work, work and baseball. I'm ready for a vacation 😄

It's been SO hot and muggy here! I'm over summer already. I hate to think what my electric bill is going to be LOL
I read your post Chac and thought I wrote it. I assume your baseball is watching your nephews play. Mine is watching my sad Yankees attempt to play lol. But the heat and humidity are exactly the same. And thoughts about my next electric bill too. Remember, I only work two days a week, so my A/C blasts five days a week. I can only imagine what my bill be for this past month. :scared:
It sure was a pleasant change in weather in NYC today from the heat and humidity of the past month. It was great to be out on the Promenade today and enjoy the clean, crisp air. Hopefully it continues for a bit….

It sure was a pleasant change in weather in NYC today from the heat and humidity of the past month. It was great to be out on the Promenade today and enjoy the clean, crisp air. Hopefully it continues for a bit….

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It's nice to just be running a window fan instead of ac, I get so tired of hearing the window shakers rattle and rumble. I'd love to put in split ductless but the assocation won't allow us to do that 😔
Today was absolutely gorgeous out. I should have played hookey from work and sat my fat ass at the beach people watching.
This beautiful weather week continues today. Being Thursday, this begins my four day weekend and I hope to get out a lot to enjoy it as I’m sure the heat and humidity will return as this is still early August. But for now, it is a pleasure to be out and about enjoying the summer. And even though the weather is not that hot, there are plenty of guys who are!!!! :wink:

I don’t necessarily often see guys like these around my neighborhood, but one never knows who will show up on a summer day! :001_smile:

I'm in need of a vacation, so I'm bagging work next week. I'm going to plant myself on the couch and do nothing for a day or three 😜

I'm in need of a vacation, so I'm bagging work next week. I'm going to plant myself on the couch and do nothing for a day or three 😜

Sounds like a plan. At my old full time job, August was always vacation time for me. Relax And recoup for the fall. Hard to believe we are near September. Enjoy your time off. :thumbup:
Went for a nice walk down at the beach today, a bit muggy but nice at 80 degrees out. Got to the end of the beach and sat down to take a few minute break and just watch the boats and these two hunks came walking by me on the rocks (the bench faced the river) Whelp they were dream boats and wearing nothing but swim trunks that fit perfectly. One guy looked like he was bulking a bit and my God did he have the most sexy chest 😍 perky nipples and a very enticing treasure trail.

I'm exhausted though, it was a busy day and I got a lot of chores done around the house. I bid you all an amazing night! Wishing sexy dreams to all of you