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Ponderings for April 16th 2022

Aww! That is very sweet of you. And I did have a good day at work despite my side effects of the double jab yesterday. But as you said the symptoms got easier as the day went on. But now I am ready to go to sleep. Eating and TV can wait. My bed looks mighty good right now. :001_smile:

I did a double jab too in September, I had Pfizer and it didn't take me out like the Moderna did in prior boosters. I was just super lethargic. Get some good rest!
I did a double jab too in September, I had Pfizer and it didn't take me out like the Moderna did in prior boosters. I was just super lethargic. Get some good rest!
Glad to hear that
I did a double jab too in September, I had Pfizer and it didn't take me out like the Moderna did in prior boosters. I was just super lethargic. Get some good rest!
Last week, I had the same combination of vaccines in the same two arms as you had. Other than being stuck twice, it wasn't a bad experience. Later that night however, I woke up with a fever and then later with my teeth chattering and just feeling kind of awful. Luckily the whole crappy feeling was gone later the next day. I hope you feel well and don't experience any adverse effects. I still think we are better off being vaccinated as there are a lot of people getting sick. Take care.

First I am having trouble figuring out the multi quotes so I copied and pasted rcheswick’s post along with Chac’s.

Thanks to both of you guys for your concerns and your advise on handling my post vaccination syndrome on Tuesday. The good news is that after a very rough night on Tuesday and even more difficult morning getting out of bed and getting started yesterday, I did get through work and came home and made one post on this thread and got right to bed.

I slept great through the night and slept late this morning, but now I feel great, had breakfast, watched Morning Joe and got outside and so my two day malaise is over. Lol

I also wanted to address rcheswick when you commended me on my work ethic of forcing myself to go to work yesterday. I was the manager of a business for over thirty years and in the course of a typical year, aside from holidays and vacations, I rarely missed a work day. And at my current job, twelve years being a salesman and for the past six working two days a week in the office in my semi-retirement, I continue to do my best to show up every day and on time too. It still bugs me, for no real reason when I see other employees call in sick or show up late. I guess that’s the work ethic engrained in me.

Those are my ponderings for today! :001_smile:
First I am having trouble figuring out the multi quotes so I copied and pasted rcheswick’s post along with Chac’s.

Just hit quote on all the posts you wish to have in your post, then go to the bottom where you'd type a new post and hit the button "insert quotes". The button does not show unless you have hit "quote" under one or more posts.

Good to hear you are feeling better!
Last week, I had the same combination of vaccines in the same two arms as you had. Other than being stuck twice, it wasn't a bad experience. Later that night however, I woke up with a fever and then later with my teeth chattering and just feeling kind of awful. Luckily the whole crappy feeling was gone later the next day. I hope you feel well and don't experience any adverse effects. I still think we are better off being vaccinated as there are a lot of people getting sick. Take care.

First I am having trouble figuring out the multi quotes so I copied and pasted rcheswick’s post along with Chac’s.

Thanks to both of you guys for your concerns and your advise on handling my post vaccination syndrome on Tuesday. The good news is that after a very rough night on Tuesday and even more difficult morning getting out of bed and getting started yesterday, I did get through work and came home and made one post on this thread and got right to bed.

I slept great through the night and slept late this morning, but now I feel great, had breakfast, watched Morning Joe and got outside and so my two day malaise is over. Lol

I also wanted to address rcheswick when you commended me on my work ethic of forcing myself to go to work yesterday. I was the manager of a business for over thirty years and in the course of a typical year, aside from holidays and vacations, I rarely missed a work day. And at my current job, twelve years being a salesman and for the past six working two days a week in the office in my semi-retirement, I continue to do my best to show up every day and on time too. It still bugs me, for no real reason when I see other employees call in sick or show up late. I guess that’s the work ethic engrained in me.

Those are my ponderings for today! :001_smile:

Just hit quote on all the posts you wish to have in your post, then go to the bottom where you'd type a new post and hit the button "insert quotes". The button does not show unless you have hit "quote" under one or more posts.

Good to hear you are feeling better!

Thank you Chac! I feel like a grandfather who’s grandkid had to teach me how to use a computer. But I do appreciate having a young man to assist me in the complexities of the new forum. 😀

And thanks for your good wishes too. You are a good dude. 👍
Thank you Chac! I feel like a grandfather who’s grandkid had to teach me how to use a computer. But I do appreciate having a young man to assist me in the complexities of the new forum. 😀

And thanks for your good wishes too. You are a good dude. 👍
My pleasure! I taught my 70 year old tech-phobic Mom how to use a laptop and play a free online casino. Once she got comfortable with it she started chatting with more people and eventually would have a small following on there. She loved the interaction with her "casino girlfriends" especially since she was basically homebound with her health conditions. When she passed I posted a note on her page and it was amazing how many people she had befriended there.
My pleasure! I taught my 70 year old tech-phobic Mom how to use a laptop and play a free online casino. Once she got comfortable with it she started chatting with more people and eventually would have a small following on there. She loved the interaction with her "casino girlfriends" especially since she was basically homebound with her health conditions. When she passed I posted a note on her page and it was amazing how many people she had befriended there.
70 these day is not olde! I wish I was only 70!
My pleasure! I taught my 70 year old tech-phobic Mom how to use a laptop and play a free online casino. Once she got comfortable with it she started chatting with more people and eventually would have a small following on there. She loved the interaction with her "casino girlfriends" especially since she was basically homebound with her health conditions. When she passed I posted a note on her page and it was amazing how many people she had befriended there.

That is very cool Chac. Although I was 58 and not 70, when I found this forum, it was a similar experience for me as it was for your mom with her online casino. I came here exclusively to discuss Broke Straight Boys and which boys were hot and which ones appeared straight, etc. etc. But as time went by I developed a whole network of online friends from all over the world. And I was shocked to find that I made real friends where we all knew about each other’s lives and it was like connecting with friends every time I came on the forum.

And sadly a number of my Broke Straight Boys forum friends have passed and we often learned from another forumite. Just as your mom came online to play casino games and I came to this forum to discuss porn, but how real friendships were forged in both cases. I always like to quote my first real forum friend, Ms. K, a single mom raising her son in California. Ms. K said, “I came to Broke Straight Boys for the porn, but I stayed for the forum”. Me too!!!!
That is very cool Chac. Although I was 58 and not 70, when I found this forum, it was a similar experience for me as it was for your mom with her online casino. I came here exclusively to discuss Broke Straight Boys and which boys were hot and which ones appeared straight, etc. etc. But as time went by I developed a whole network of online friends from all over the world. And I was shocked to find that I made real friends where we all knew about each other’s lives and it was like connecting with friends every time I came on the forum.

And sadly a number of my Broke Straight Boys forum friends have passed and we often learned from another forumite. Just as your mom came online to play casino games and I came to this forum to discuss porn, but how real friendships were forged in both cases. I always like to quote my first real forum friend, Ms. K, a single mom raising her son in California. Ms. K said, “I came to Broke Straight Boys for the porn, but I stayed for the forum”. Me too!!!!
You are far from the only one.
I’ve been sleeping on the same mattress for apparently too many years. It still felt comfortable but I was told that mattresses need to be replaced every several years. I just googled it and it says, “Under normal conditions, mattresses should be replaced every 6 to 8 years”.

I‘m ashamed to admit how many years I had my old one, but the good news is I ordered a brand new mattress and box spring and it was delivered this morning. I just made the bed and laid down on it and wow is it much higher up than the old one. When I sat on the side of the bed, my feet dangle like a little kid. Lol.

But one unintended advantage of the new taller bed is that last summer, I purchased a second big screen TV for my bedroom and had it mounted on the wall. But I realized too late that I had it mounted a foot too high and I had to look up at the screen. But now with my higher bed, the TV is at a perfect height. :biggrin: Funny how sometimes things work out in life.

Those are my ponderings for this Tuesday in early November, Election Day! As a matter of fact, now that my bed has been delivered and set up, I’m heading over to the local YMCA which is now my polling place to “voice my choice”. I trust you all are voting today too!
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One more thought. As I was out voting and then shopping, today is much more typical November weather. The past few days were in the upper 70’s. Today is a beautiful sunny fall day, although with a few signs of the winter coming on.

But I like today better. Cool crisp autumn day!

I’ve been sleeping on the same mattress for apparently too many years. It still felt comfortable but I was told that mattresses need to be replaced every several years. I just googled it and it says, “Under normal conditions, mattresses should be replaced every 6 to 8 years”.

I‘m ashamed to admit how many years I had my old one, but the good news is I ordered a brand new mattress and box spring and it was delivered this morning. I just made the bed and laid down on it and wow is it much higher up than the old one. When I sat on the side of the bed, my feet dangle like a little kid. Lol.

But one unintended advantage of the new taller bed is that last summer, I purchased a second big screen TV for my bedroom and had it mounted on the wall. But I realized too late that I had it mounted a foot too high and I had to look up at the screen. But now with my higher bed, the TV is at a perfect height. :biggrin: Funny how sometimes things work out in life.

Those are my ponderings for this Tuesday in early November, Election Day! As a matter of fact, now that my bed has been delivered and set up, I’m heading over to the local YMCA which is now my polling place to “voice my choice”. I trust you all are voting today too!

Yup, I'm at just shy of 7 years for my mattress, it's still super comfy but I have to keep rotating it to keep the sides even. I dread what a good mattress is going to set me back, I just bought a new queen bedframe as the current one is giving up (I heard a big crack the other morning when getting out of bed 😬) the new one is rated to 3000lbs, so I think I'm good if I bring a hookup home eventually 🙈 After the sound it made I wouldn't trust two mice fucking on this wooden contraption 🤣😂

I voted early myself via a mailed ballot and I drop it directly in the ballot box outside the town hall. That way I'm sure it isn't "lost in the mail"
Yup, I'm at just shy of 7 years for my mattress, it's still super comfy but I have to keep rotating it to keep the sides even. I dread what a good mattress is going to set me back, I just bought a new queen bedframe as the current one is giving up (I heard a big crack the other morning when getting out of bed 😬) the new one is rated to 3000lbs, so I think I'm good if I bring a hookup home eventually 🙈 After the sound it made I wouldn't trust two mice fucking on this wooden contraption 🤣😂

I voted early myself via a mailed ballot and I drop it directly in the ballot box outside the town hall. That way I'm sure it isn't "lost in the mail"

Speaking of bringing a hookup home, Chac, I was thinking of how many guys I was with on my old mattress, but how extremely doubtful it is that any will share my new one. Much like athletic completion, sexual play is a younger man’s game. o_O

But I am very cool with that. I had loads of fun in my day so it is all good.
Yup, I'm at just shy of 7 years for my mattress, it's still super comfy but I have to keep rotating it to keep the sides even. I dread what a good mattress is going to set me back, I just bought a new queen bedframe as the current one is giving up (I heard a big crack the other morning when getting out of bed 😬) the new one is rated to 3000lbs, so I think I'm good if I bring a hookup home eventually 🙈 After the sound it made I wouldn't trust two mice fucking on this wooden contraption 🤣😂

I voted early myself via a mailed ballot and I drop it directly in the ballot box outside the town hall. That way I'm sure it isn't "lost in the mail"
I can relate to your dilemma Chac. I had had my mattress for just over 10 years. It was time. It had developed deeper grooves in it. I recently gave in and got a new one. I'm quite happy with it, but... By the time all the taxes and delivery fees were included, it came to around $1800. That was a lot more than I had hoped or wanted to pay. (Inflation and all.) But I wanted something of good quality that would hopefully last me another comfortable 7-10 years.

I did not care for it when they went from the mattresses (from the early 2000's and decades much earlier) that you could flip, to only those that you could turn. I feel that takes a couple years off of the expected lifetime usage of them. But of course the manufacturers don't want to sell you a mattress (for a married couple of 2 people for instance) that can last 10-12 years. They want to sell you mattresses that will only comfortably last for closer to 7 years. Or maybe even less. More money for them.

Of course there are some mattresses that start at $2000 and go way up from there. So it's just what you're willing to pay or can afford for a range of quality.
After I became disabled I slept for years on the floor without a mattress. It made being able to get up easier. Go figure, please no falling onto the floor., which happened last year & took me months to recover from. Have I mentioned how weird I am :D
I’ve been sleeping on the same mattress for apparently too many years. It still felt comfortable but I was told that mattresses need to be replaced every several years. I just googled it and it says, “Under normal conditions, mattresses should be replaced every 6 to 8 years”.

I‘m ashamed to admit how many years I had my old one, but the good news is I ordered a brand new mattress and box spring and it was delivered this morning. I just made the bed and laid down on it and wow is it much higher up than the old one. When I sat on the side of the bed, my feet dangle like a little kid. Lol.

But one unintended advantage of the new taller bed is that last summer, I purchased a second big screen TV for my bedroom and had it mounted on the wall. But I realized too late that I had it mounted a foot too high and I had to look up at the screen. But now with my higher bed, the TV is at a perfect height. :biggrin: Funny how sometimes things work out in life.

Those are my ponderings for this Tuesday in early November, Election Day! As a matter of fact, now that my bed has been delivered and set up, I’m heading over to the local YMCA which is now my polling place to “voice my choice”. I trust you all are voting today too!
Thanks for sharing all that buddy.

I still haven't quite figured out what to do about how high me new bed is. It certainly makes changing clothes on the bed more challenging. Putting on shoes from bed is also interesting! haha I've considered getting some kind of stepping stool for getting in and out of bed. But I'm also worried that it could be more of a tripping hazard than a help. I'm still mulling that one over. lol
Thanks for sharing all that buddy.

I still haven't quite figured out what to do about how high me new bed is. It certainly makes changing clothes on the bed more challenging. Putting on shoes from bed is also interesting! haha I've considered getting some kind of stepping stool for getting in and out of bed. But I'm also worried that it could be more of a tripping hazard than a help. I'm still mulling that one over. lol

Thanks for responding Tampa. I am going through that exact thing now. I find if I slide to the edge of the bed, with my butt sort of leaning and sitting I am able to put my shoes on. But on Tuesday when the bed was delivered I definitely felt like a little kid with my legs dangling from the bed.

Also when I reach down to my night table, it is a longer reach, just adjustments I need to make. It’s funny how the salesman in the store never mentioning the height of the box spring.

But if I sit smack dab on the bed, I feel like this little kid. lol

Thanks for sharing all that buddy.

I still haven't quite figured out what to do about how high me new bed is. It certainly makes changing clothes on the bed more challenging. Putting on shoes from bed is also interesting! haha I've considered getting some kind of stepping stool for getting in and out of bed. But I'm also worried that it could be more of a tripping hazard than a help. I'm still mulling that one over. lol

Thanks for responding Tampa. I am going through that exact thing now. I find if I slide to the edge of the bed, with my butt sort of leaning and sitting I am able to put my shoes on. But on Tuesday when the bed was delivered I definitely felt like a little kid with my legs dangling from the bed.

Also when I reach down to my night table, it is a longer reach, just adjustments I need to make. It’s funny how the salesman in the store never mentioning the height of the box spring.

But if I sit smack dab on the bed, I feel like this little kid. lol

This is where the half box spring (like 4 inches) is nice. I pulled my bed apart last night and got rid of the old bed frame, it was junk. I'm now on a sturdy metal frame that could support a small car 😆. I was right in thinking that old bed was trash, it was all bent and the box spring had given up and snapped all the internal wooden supports. I'm lucky I didn't end up on the floor!

Have you all seen the movie "the Addams Family"? I'm reminded of Uncle Festers bed where he sunk into it, that's what my old one felt like. This new one is rated for no box spring so I'm just on that with the mattress and it's wonderful! I have support under me now 🤣

It's miserable here, was damn near 70 and with the remnants of Nicole coming through it's humid again. Can't wait until the cool weather is back and I can drink a nice hot cocoa with a slug of Irish cream or creme de menthe in it 🤤
This is where the half box spring (like 4 inches) is nice. I pulled my bed apart last night and got rid of the old bed frame, it was junk. I'm now on a sturdy metal frame that could support a small car 😆. I was right in thinking that old bed was trash, it was all bent and the box spring had given up and snapped all the internal wooden supports. I'm lucky I didn't end up on the floor!

Have you all seen the movie "the Addams Family"? I'm reminded of Uncle Festers bed where he sunk into it, that's what my old one felt like. This new one is rated for no box spring so I'm just on that with the mattress and it's wonderful! I have support under me now 🤣

It's miserable here, was damn near 70 and with the remnants of Nicole coming through it's humid again. Can't wait until the cool weather is back and I can drink a nice hot cocoa with a slug of Irish cream or creme de menthe in it 🤤

It’s interesting that I never gave my bed much thought until buying a new one. I should have asked the forum about it first. You guys have some great advice. But I am very comfortable and sleeping well, so I’m sure I’ll get used to being an extra few inches in the sky lol

As far as the warmth and humidity the last few days, I agree Chac. I’m ready for a little winter. But if that gets too extreme, I may regret saying that too. 🥶