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Politics Discussion

The second rumor regarded everyone's favorite nutcase former mayor who supposedly has been strongly urging Trump not to concede and to fight this out to the bitter end. The claim is that yesterday Rudy gave Trump a bunch of death certificates and other documents showing that hundreds of dead people voted in certain states. The rumor went on to say that Trump was going to release this information at a news conference today. Now I can see Rudy doing this. They have already tried this a couple of times and it has blown up in their face. So let's see if Trump goes for round three.

And the clown show continues.
Will no one tell him that in 10 weeks his protective service will escort him to his new residence!
Will no one tell him that in 10 weeks his protective service will escort him to his new residence!
I think he knows it, but he is setting up his narrative that the election was stolen from him. It’s all to rile up his base, much like with all his other lies.
Will no one tell him that in 10 weeks his protective service will escort him to his new residence!

I think he knows it, but he is setting up his narrative that the election was stolen from him. It’s all to rile up his base, much like with all his other lies.

Yes. Victimhood and martyrdom are the driving force of his inner (and outer) narrative. I think he truly believes that. I think he usually tells himself that he would be even more successful in life if his "enemies" were not sabotaging him and making him look bad. So no matter how incompetent he is, or no matter how much his own greed and overreach backfires on him and sets him back...it's always somebody else's fault. Because he's always the long-suffering victim. No matter how crooked and thieving he is himself.

That victimhood and that narrative that the election was rigged and stolen from him is what he's going to try to use to propel himself forward with for the rest of his life. He will try to pack rallies with paying attendees to hear how he was robbed of his re-election by those criminal Democrats who need to be locked up in prison for their crimes. Of course he won't be able to produce any real evidence of this. His only evidence will be that he lost an election that he and his supporters "know" that he actually won. It's a premise in a circular argument trying to prove its premise with nothing more than the original premise itself. But he'll still be able to pack some stadiums with his poor little rich white boy grievances. It's quite the spectacle. And it just shows how unwell and emotionally disturbed he is.

Fortunately in a couple more months the general public will no longer be a captive audience to all of his paranoid and self-aggrandizing psychoses.
So the word out today is that Trump put Purdue and that crazy woman in Georgia up to demanding that the Republican Secretary of States resign for his letting fraud be committed in the election. Now Georgia is one of those trifecta states where the Governor's office, the house, and senate in their legislature are all Republicans. Republicans also hold all the major statewide offices. In the down-ticket contests, Republicans did well in Georgie except for the two senators, both of whom have serious ethical issues due to their stock dealings. Insider trading is not a good image to project to the voters. So Trump wants the Republicans to ignore their own issues, i.e. how to convince voters to elect two corrupt Republicans in runoff elections in January and to focus instead on his campaign to convince the country that the presidential election was stolen by the Democrats. I'm not sure if that is going to work.

Then we have Mr. O'Keefe and his "Veritas" organization back for a little mischief with the postal worked claiming that he heard his local postmaster and another employee discussing how they had intended to incorrectly postmark a ballot but had screwed up. Now stop and consider the stupidity of that claim for a second. If one were engaged in back-postdating ballot envelopes would you be discussing that in a place where others could overhear you? Would you be agonizing about how you screwed and correctly postmarked one of the ballots? Why? What purpose would there be to having that discussion?

Postal inspectors now claim that the postal worker has retracted his claim but he claims he has not. O'Keefe says he has a recording of the interviews with the inspectors. You may recall that Mr. O'Keefe has been convicted of tampering with video and audio in the past. If he produces one here, I do hope that the postal inspectors carefully examine it to see just how reliable it is.

If one looks at the number of votes Trump would have to invalidate there simply is not a path for him to accomplish the task. But what he is doing to destroying whatever confidence people have in our system of elections, just as he has destroyed whatever confidence people had in how our government functions. All to make himself look good [or so he thinks].
Wow Juanjo. I agree with all of your post. I think Trump is scheming away at how he might be able to give some blanket pardon to himself and his family before he leaves office. I think he should be charged with some federal crimes that you have alluded to. No. I don't buy into the argument that for the good of the country we need to just let it go. Of course I'm still hoping for and awaiting state charges against Trump and possibly his kids too from SDNY and even elsewhere for tax fraud and other illegal shenanigans. No pardon will spare him from state crimes.

Moving forward we need to quickly put into stronger laws many things that Trump got away with simply because he could say they were technically illegal. There were so many norms which we assumed were sacred. But with Trump he proved that they were really based on an honor system. And of course he has no honor. Honor to him is for losers and pussies and suckers. Just like U.S. soldiers who serve in the military and give up their lives.

I agree that we actually got lucky with the first president who had designs to be a dictator, that he was so incompetent and utterly transparent about it from the very beginning. We can't count on being so lucky in the future.

There are more things we need to put into law than I can think of to list or have the time to go into in one sitting. But I'm thinking back to the beginning. Like any candidate who files to run for president has to publicly release his or her tax returns. No ifs and or buts. No excuses about needing time to amend returns or bogus false claims of saying they can't legally release returns that are "under audit", etc.

Also, a president cannot legally pardon himself or members of his own family. (Including in-laws) That needs to be written down and on the books.

Another law needed is one that says any president MUST put his businesses and investments into a blind trust. Because this was not written down in stone into law and is just based on precedent and an honor system, Trump figured out that he could make decisions that would affect the markets, along with gaining insider trading knowledge of what the federal government were planning which would directly impact his own investments and personal wealth.

We need to vastly re-strengthen the Emoluments Clause into law. A president cannot be running resorts, hotels, and other for-profit enterprises where people (and foreign nations) can buy access and influence to him by spending huge sums of money patronizing his private businesses. I don't know how such targeted kinds of laws take shape. But some people upstairs in Congress and the Senate need to figure it out.

It needs to be specifically illegal to "Pinochet" private citizens and "to disappear them" and kidnap them off of American streets in unmarked vehicles by unnamed and unidentifiable "little green men" while being given no Miranda Rights, no charges and no court dates to appear before a judge for release. It needs to be specifically illegal for a president OR a U.S Attorney General to amass a private domestic army to terrorize or otherwise intimidate law-abiding citizens on the streets, sidewalks, polling places, workplaces or wherever.

There needs to be strict anti-nepotism laws put on the books so a president can't install his family members in high positions of power or even high "advisory" type roles. We can't have it remain technically legal for a president to install family members all over the government and run the country from the very top like a mafioso-type criminal enterprise.

Another thing near and dear to my heart (thanks to Trump) is my belief that we need to drastically shorten the time before a sitting president leaves office and the other takes the oath of office. Giving a bitter and dangerous lame duck president all the keys to the castle (including the nuclear football) for an additional 2+ months before he has to leave office after defeat, is just asking for all kinds of trouble. As far as calendar considerations go we need to forget all about the "convenience" of waiting until after Christmas and New years. Screw that! Convenience be damned. A lame duck president (especially a fired and defeated one, rather than a term-limited one) should be out the door no later than mid December, if not earlier.

As I say, those are just a few new laws I feel we need to get on the books quickly after we get Trump out. It's not complete. I'm sure later I'll wish I had included several more. But it gives an idea of what I think Nancy Pelosi (and the Senate) should have on their plate in the months ahead into the new year.

Your last point is historically interesting in that the last defeated President to be this uncooperative to his successor was Hoover in 1933. As a result the inauguration date was subsequently changed from former date of March 4th to the present January 20th.
Good points Juanjo.

When I look over Trump's life and the mess he has put the country through to reach his present state of infamy, I'm reminded of one of my favorite sayings from 4 years of high school Latin. Karma's a bitch. haha He got away with a lot in the past. But now it's all catching up to him and people are seeing him for who he is.

Nulla avaritia sine poena est.
No greed is without penalty!

Exactly Another1! :)

Penalty or "poena" can also be translated as punishment. haha I'm expecting more than just a speeding ticket for Trump. I'm thinking maybe even some time in the slammer. We'll get schooled in a while as to what the universe has in mind for him.
The first president to have secret service protection in federal prison.
I think we took the wrong road somewhere along the way. I wonder if we are lost or can still find our way back.

Don't know about y'all but I am very much amused that Miss Lindsey-Belle Graham has gotten her titty in the ringer over that little phone call she made to the Georgia Secretary of States.drama.jpg
Don't know about y'all but I am very much amused that Miss Lindsey-Belle Graham has gotten her titty in the ringer over that little phone call she made to the Georgia Secretary of States.View attachment 24601

Yes we can only hope it is the beginning of the end for Lady G. Back when he was John McCain’s wing man I thought he had a vain of decency, alas I was wrong. The very worst sort of political whore/hypocrite.
Sad but true. The consensus appears to be that President Bone Spurs Draft Dodging Trump lost Arizona due to his disrespectful treatment of war hero John McCain. Former friend of McCain Lindsey should learn from that example.
Rudy Giuliani today. This has put a smile on my face. It also reminds me to touch up my gray.

I would like to think the future situation in the mainstream Republican party is not as dire, anti-democratic (small case 'd') anti-constitutional and authoritarian as this video suggests. The tone is pretty harsh. But I do agree that it's a fair warning of what could happen.

It will forever be known that the first attempt at a dictatorship in the United States of America was aided, abetted and enabled not by those supposed "pinko, commie, socialist. tree hugging liberal Democrats", etc.... But by none other than the Republican "bedrock conservative", "family values", always looking out for the wellbeing of vulnerable children, (whether they are born or unborn)...always law-abiding and rule abiding, Constitution loving, fiscal discipline disciples, military loving, ["Pussies, losers, suckers...""What was in it for them?" (Who served and died in war.)]...God fearing and more morally straight, always faithful in marriage, the "most" religious and therefore favored and loved by God so much more than the heathen liberals. Those who supposedly would like to turn the country into a communist dictatorship of the far left any time they dare suggest that access to decent affordable healthcare for children and adults should be a right of citizenship.

The institutional national Republican party has a whole lot of soul-searching to do.
And I'm not referring to just the hard working and trusting people who happened to vote these morally bankrupt Republican clowns into office.

Right now the marquee above the national headquarters of the RNC might just as well say:

:thumbup1: Dik-taters "R" Us!! :thumbup1:

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Tampa love your post. You have a great editorial way of making your political posts.

Couldn’t resist sharing this picture my sister sent me. Maga on the move.
