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Our Favorite TV Shows and Why


Oct 30, 2008
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Hey Guys,

I thought we might talk about some of our favorite TV shows and why they're our favorites. Maybe we can talk about some of the intricacies of various characters and so on. Some of my favorites that are not mainstream hits here in the U.S. are on BBC America.

For instance on BBC America there is the show "Skins" which is a stylized drama/comedy. It has some gay characters and it has male nudity at times. Another of course is Dr. Who. Most of you are familiar with the show from way back when. It's good sci fi entertainment.

My favorite of the 3 on BBCA though is Torchwood with John Barrowman. It's a great sci fi series filmed in Wales. The actor John Barrowman is gay and to make it even better he plays a gay character. He is the main character of the show and he is dreamy. He reminds me a little bit of an older Tom Cruise who is out of the closet. I couldn't resist poking fun at closeted Cruise. LOL Barrowman is from Scotland originally but raised in the U.S. so he is the only character on the show who speaks English with an American accent. There was one episode where he travelled back in time and met an American Air Force captain who he draws out of the closet. They share a kiss in a very crowded ballroom in the center of the floor that is toooo hot! So romantic without being trashy. Great TV that we won't see here on mainstream networks for years to come on this side of the pond. Torchwood has not started a new season yet on BBCA. I'm anxiously awaiting it.

The other show that I would be very happy to promote a little is called "The Locator" on the WE network. It's a reality show of sorts but every episode is self contained. Troy Dunn is a very handsome family man with about 7 or 8 kids. He has his own private company that specializes in helping find lost loved ones. He helps adopted kids find birth parents and vice versa. He helps reunite siblings who had gotten separated from each other as foster kids. There are all kinds of scenarios where he helps to reunite people. He always does it with such class and sensitivity to the feelings of all concerned.

The Locator is a half hour show and WE airs these episodes often throughout the week so it's not too difficult to catch all the latest episodes. One episode that they are playing now is my favorite of both seasons of the show that I've seen so far. It's called "The Dad Who Didn't Know." The storyline goes like this. Mom Patti has a 2 week fling when she's very young and in the Air Force. It ends because she gets shipped out. She finds out she's pregnant. She decides not to tell the guy because she feels that he's too young to handle it. She raises the boy Chad as a single mom. At 17 Chad goes into the Army. He becomes best friends from the beginning with a fellow soldier. They're best friends for about 4 years. He's the first and only really close friend that he has ever had. He and the friend do 2 tours in Iraq together. The friend gets killed. Chad is beyond distraught. He is such a tortured soul. He's 25 now and looks like walking wounded.

After his friend "Wood" dies he calls his mother from Iraq and tells her for the first time in his life that she has to find his father for him. Almost as if to say: I can't deal with this by myself. Chad has come home and buried his best friend. He's out of the army. Mom has no clue where the dad is so she asks Troy to help her find him. So Troy sets out on the journey to try to find this guy who doesn't even know he has a 25 year old son. This is a fantastic episode. If you see no other episode of the show try to catch this one. For all of you veterans here in the forum this one should definitely resonate with you. Every episode of this show is a tearjerker. Keep the kleenex handy. But if you like great heartwarming drama this is it.
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I do love SKins and Torchwood but Doctor Who will always be number one with me. I've loved the Primeval we've seen on BBCAmerica too. Is it really being drastically overhauled?

Favorite US shows? Brothers And Sisters and Chuck are the two I most look forward to every week...
One of our British members told me that this season of Dr. Who is David Tennant's last. And that he is being replaced for the next season. I have no idea why.
He says he felt it was time. His replacement looks hot and I found some pics of him in a gay role but I can't recall his name at the moment. BTW, I think Tennant and I share an ancestor, one who was involved with the Orange Order...
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Hey Guys,

I thought we might talk about some of our favorite TV shows and why they're our favorites. Maybe we can talk about some of the intricacies of various characters and so on. Some of my favorites that are not mainstream hits here in the U.S. are on BBC America.

For instance on BBC America there is the show "Skins" which is a stylized drama/comedy. It has some gay characters and it has male nudity at times. Another of course is Dr. Who. Most of you are familiar with the show from way back when. It's good sci fi entertainment.

My favorite of the 3 on BBCA though is Torchwood with John Barrowman. It's a great sci fi series filmed in Wales. The actor John Barrowman is gay and to make it even better he plays a gay character. He is the main character of the show and he is dreamy. He reminds me a little bit of an older Tom Cruise who is out of the closet. I couldn't resist poking fun at closeted Cruise. LOL Barrowman is from Scotland originally but raised in the U.S. so he is the only character on the show who speaks English with an American accent. There was one episode where he travelled back in time and met an American Air Force captain who he draws out of the closet. They share a kiss in a very crowded ballroom in the center of the floor that is toooo hot! So romantic without being trashy. Great TV that we won't see here on mainstream networks for years to come on this side of the pond. Torchwood has not started a new season yet on BBCA. I'm anxiously awaiting it.

The other show that I would be very happy to promote a little is called "The Locator" on the WE network. It's a reality show of sorts but every episode is self contained. Troy Dunn is a very handsome family man with about 7 or 8 kids. He has his own private company that specializes in helping find lost loved ones. He helps adopted kids find birth parents and vice versa. He helps reunite siblings who had gotten separated from each other as foster kids. There are all kinds of scenarios where he helps to reunite people. He always does it with such class and sensitivity to the feelings of all concerned.

The Locator is a half hour show and WE airs these episodes often throughout the week so it's not too difficult to catch all the latest episodes. One episode that they are playing now is my favorite of both seasons of the show that I've seen so far. It's called "The Dad Who Didn't Know." The storyline goes like this. Mom Patti has a 2 week fling when she's very young and in the Air Force. It ends because she gets shipped out. She finds out she's pregnant. She decides not to tell the guy because she feels that he's too young to handle it. She raises the boy Chad as a single mom. At 17 Chad goes into the Army. He becomes best friends from the beginning with a fellow soldier. They're best friends for about 4 years. He's the first and only really close friend that he has ever had. He and the friend do 2 tours in Iraq together. The friend gets killed. Chad is beyond distraught. He is such a tortured soul. He's 25 now and looks like walking wounded.

After his friend "Wood" dies he calls his mother from Iraq and tells her for the first time in his life that she has to find his father for him. Almost as if to say: I can't deal with this by myself. Chad has come home and buried his best friend. He's out of the army. Mom has no clue where the dad is so she asks Troy to help her find him. So Troy sets out on the journey to try to find this guy who doesn't even know he has a 25 year old son. This is a fantastic episode. If you see no other episode of the show try to catch this one. For all of you veterans here in the forum this one should definitely resonate with you. Every episode of this show is a tearjerker. Keep the kleenex handy. But if you like great heartwarming drama this is it.

"Dr. Who" is my favorite. I really Like the way they they describe and work with temporal mechanics. I also like "Keeping up Appearances" and "Are you being Served" (They are too funny.) :thumbup:
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One of our British members told me that this season of Dr. Who is David Tennant's last. And that he is being replaced for the next season. I have no idea why.

They are always replacing the Doctors. Dam Time Lords.:thumbup:
As for me, I am not much of a tv watcher. About the extent of me watching tv is the news in the evening. I really do miss the old shows from the 60's, 70's and 80's. I remember when I was growing up, we would watch a lot of Western's and then as I got older I enjoyed the M*A*S*H series though I did not care for the movie. Also enjoyed Dark Shadows, Dragnet and several others. I am collecting all of the M*A*S*H episodes. Call me boring, but I do not care for the crap they have on t.v. today. I am more into stuff about history. Also enjoyed Hill Street Blues and NYPD as well as anything that Carrol O'Conner starred in such as In the Heat of the Night and All in the Family.
As for me, I am not much of a tv watcher. About the extent of me watching tv is the news in the evening. I really do miss the old shows from the 60's, 70's and 80's. I remember when I was growing up, we would watch a lot of Western's and then as I got older I enjoyed the M*A*S*H series though I did not care for the movie. Also enjoyed Dark Shadows, Dragnet and several others. I am collecting all of the M*A*S*H episodes. Call me boring, but I do not care for the crap they have on t.v. today. I am more into stuff about history. Also enjoyed Hill Street Blues and NYPD as well as anything that Carrol O'Conner starred in such as In the Heat of the Night and All in the Family.

OK, that's just weird! Carroll O'Connor? I am (right now) watching "In Harm's Way", the Preminger war movie, which has O'Connor cast in a supporting role, as a Ranking Officer, (Commander?) in the U.S. Navy during WWII in the months after Pearl Harbor. Good acting, great flick! As far as TV itself goes, I aman avid LOGO fan, and I enjoy BBC, History Channel, Travel Channel, and NG Channel. FNN, CNBC, and Fox News, (so I know what the enemy is planning!) LOL!!
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"Dr. Who" is my favorite. I really Like the way they they describe and work with temporal mechanics. I also like "Keeping up Appearances" and "Are you being Served" (They are too funny.) :thumbup:

I love Keeping Up Appearances! Every time I mention Photo Bucket in a post anywhere, I always add that it.s pronounced 'Photo Bouquet'...
I love Keeping Up Appearances! Every time I mention Photo Bucket in a post anywhere, I always add that it.s pronounced 'Photo Bouquet'...

LOL We must have tea some day. I just know you will love my hand painted perywinkles LOL :thumbup: "Keeping up Appearances" is just too funny sometimes. The thing I love a bout "Are You Being Served" is Mr. Humphrey's late excuses.
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Where would we be - without BBC?

Torchwood - for all the reasons stated above plus when Burn and Tish died I truly felt like I had lost two of my closest friends and a television show hasn't done that to me since Mary Tyler Moore ended and Betty White went off to find the 181st Airborne.

Clatterford - A French and Saunders series that played one season in the US and a second season in London (You have to download the second season; it's called Jam and Jerusalem.) It's the Women's Guild in a small English village and it's every great character actress Britain ever produced. Dawn French has multiple personalities and they control the obnoxious one by ordering her to lie down and they all sit on her. The first time I watched it I had to go to bed; I laughed myself into a headache.

Dr. Who, Keeping Up Appearances, Primevil, and Are You Being Served? (1) Because David Tennant turns me on (2) Because I, too, have 5 sets of china, (3) The doctor's assistant is the sexiest man, besides my husband, I've seen in a long time, and (4) When the cast came to Cheyenne, Wyoming they sold out the university auditorium for the Wyoming Arts Council - who would have thought it?

I am a total star trek fan, but I do like CSI and the locator. I met my father when I was 23 when I got out of the army. I always cry at the end of the locator.
I love Keeping Up Appearances! Every time I mention Photo Bucket in a post anywhere, I always add that it.s pronounced 'Photo Bouquet'...

Keeping Up Appearances is great! Gotta love the ole broad. LOL
I am a total star trek fan, but I do like CSI and the locator. I met my father when I was 23 when I got out of the army. I always cry at the end of the locator.

It's embarrassing how much I'll cry when watching The Locator. I try to make sure I can watch it in privacy. Of course having a DVR helps with that tremendously. Instead of rating the episodes of TL by stars we could just rate each one by the number of tissues you'll go through while watching it. The episode of "The Dad Who Didn't Know" was a 3 tissue episode for me. :crying::001_smile:
Tampa, I watched that episode last night and thought of you. I'm not sure if I like the show because of the subject or because the locater himself is so hot.

You know what amazes me? Well besides that Diet Dr. Pepper tastes more like regular Dr. Pepper? That a country the size of England can crank out so many TV shows with world popularity. And how many of the British shows were the basis for many of the most popular American shows. Only complaint? They really could have kept The Weakest Link on their side of the Atlantic.

However I think the best shows are coming from the premium channels like HBO and Showtime. I love 'Weeds' and 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'. Oddly, I was never a huge Seinfeld fan, but CYE is a fave. The old Larry Sanders show on HBO was also great. I also liked the short lived 'Dead Like Me' on Showtime. (They finally released a movie version I saw on Netflix.) The 'Dead Like Me' creator went on to make the now cancelled 'Pushing Daisies' on ABC.

Desparate Housewives, Lost and Heroes are all set up on my DVR. And the DVR is the only way I can watch American Idol. I fast forward through everything but the singing and the judges comments. And this year it looks like the gay contestant Adam just might take top honors.

Guilty pleasure? One Life to Live. I used to watch it 25 years ago when I worked nights and daytime TV was my only choice for viewing. Just came back to it last summer when they celebrated their 40th anniversary on the air.
Tampa, I watched that episode last night and thought of you. I'm not sure if I like the show because of the subject or because the locater himself is so hot.


I agree. Troy Dunn himself is reason enough to watch the show sometimes. He has such an approachable and engaging personality. He's also so well spoken and just a class act. It's too bad that that can seem like such a rarity. I'm glad you got to catch that episiode Rifle. Was that the first time you saw the show?

I guess the reason that that particular episode is so compelling for me is because I have my own daddy issues. I had a divorced and distant father. Distant emotionally as well as geographically... I never had the kind of relationship with him that I would have liked. I never felt like I had a dad. Then he dropped dead of a heart attack at 49 years old. So there was no more time to try to build a relationship in adulthood either.

I love the movie Field of Dreams for all the same reasons. I'm a softy for all those father/son moments. (Real or on stage) Big surprise, huh? lol
South Park :) Just cause I am a sucker for stupid humor like that. Really gives me a pick me up when I am feeling down
LOL We must have tea some day. I just know you will love my hand painted perywinkles LOL :thumbup: "Keeping up Appearances" is just too funny sometimes. The thing I love a bout "Are You Being Served" is Mr. Humphrey's late excuses.

Hey Jay

Did you ever hear... how he did his walk so well?