Chinese hacking of U.S., Canadian, and European cyber-systems is massive: and one of the greatest threats facing the Western world today. China has hacked into computer systems to steal :
*major military technology blueprints: http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/05/28/australia-china-hacking.html
*information about the financial positions, command and control, of major Canadian and American energy and utility companies:
*and just about everything else they can get their HANDS on. . . http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/20/w...ume-attacks-on-us-targets.html?pagewanted=all
The Chinese are hacking EVERYTHING. They already have plans to most of the Western world's defence systems. They are hacking into the command and control centres of our major energy and transportation utilities. They are hacking into private companies, like Apple, in order to steal their patents and designs. . . It is grand-theft EVERYTHING. And most of these attacks are being run out of an address owned by the People's Liberation Army of China.
Here is a comprehensive conversation about this matter, from Charlie Rose, on May 28, 2013 ~ http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/12949
Well, oh! oh! oh! I am SO SHOCKED that the angel and martyr Edward Snowden has revealed that the U.S. has done some spying on a couple of CHINESE sites. . . .
Look, gentlemen, this is what is known as COUNTER-ESPIONAGE. The People's Republic of China is engaged in a systematic and government-sponsored attempt to STEAL and COPY the cream of Western military technology; and industrial and consumer technology ~ while obtaining the capacity to cripple our utilities, should they so choose. What ought we to do - ROLL OVER and DIE???
If our governments DIDN'T try to keep up with this threat - we ought to VOTE THEM OUT!!!!
You hit the nail on there Ambi,
The thing that shocks and upsets me about Snowden in regards to China is that he told them how much we are hacking them also. We darn well ought to be hacking them! They are hacking into everything of ours that they possibly can. They are trying to steal all of our most advanced military technology. They are notorious for not respecting patents, trademarks or intellectual property rights. They pirate anything they can. From music College Dudes's, movie DVD's, book titles, to supersonic U.S. fighter craft. They are trying to get access to technology from every important industry that took us 50 years and trillions of dollars to arrive at on our own. Then they hope to leapfrog to the front of the line, for free, with all of our expensive stolen expertise.
They are trying to hack into and set up sabotage links in key infrastructures. So that in times of possible conflict, with a few clicks of a keyboard they can knock out power grids, crash computers at key military installations and so on. We may be at peace with them but their intentions are quite clear. And those intentions are certainly not in our national interest.
So a guy like Snowden who claims to be a patriot looking out for our national interests is going to Chinese newspaoers to tell them what the U.S. is doing in secret. Amazing. With "heroes" and "patriots" like him...who needs traitors?