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OMG!! What the hell has happened 2 BSB??


Active Member
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
my membership has not run out quite yet, and I have been looking in on you guys every once in awhile just 2 see if I might want 2 change my mind about being a member or not........I'm at a loss here, I can't figure out just what happened 2 cause this shipwreck...Who is making these horrible so-called creative decisions, members have been jumping ship or screaming 4 you 2 stop this madness.. I understand that you Mark may have a vision of where you want 2 go with this site, but good heavens you are still a business man, and you know it all comes down 2 the bottom line. Your losing customers and if things don't change in a hurry your going 2 lose even more customers.. It saddens me terribly 2 see this happening 2 a wonderful idea, (Broke Straight Boys) if you look at my log in dates Mark you'll see that I have been coming back just 2 check up on your progress in hopes that I could possibly change my mind about my membership here at Broke Straight Boys Also I have been going through some of the greatest hits of BSBs older videos. And it sickens me to realize what has become of this truly wonderful site, as compared 2 what it once was.. the new models are attractive, but we get the sense that some of them really are disgusted with having 2 lower themselves 2 our level just 2 make a buck.. The quality is just not the same as when you had D&E productions. I know you want 2 shake up things, jazz it up some, but this is just not happening in a positive way with this new production crew..I want 2 be fair, you do have new models that show promise, but I think the problem is with the people that are directing your new product. Remember when I implored you not 2 "throw out the baby with the bath water", well maybe YOU have not, but your new production crew has done just that, their direction is taking this site down a new road that is very hard 2 accept. I can only hope that you will see and hear just what is going on with your "baby". Count me as a customer who is still looking 4 a reason 2 stick around....Forgive me if I have upset you, but sometimes friends need 2 be straight with one another, pardon the pun....I really do want 2 stay, honestly! but this new direction of men having 2 perform "disgusting" or "sickening" sex acts with other men just 2 make a buck, is very sad and leaves a gay person with the idea that they are sick or perverted, I believe we as gay men have heard that message loud and clear most of our lives, from the bigots in our society, so why would we want 2 have that message shoved into our faces from a "gay" web site?? Mark please return 2 the str8 guys/gay sex angle, where str8 men actually discover that they ENJOYED the sex after all. A more positive view.....and just maybe change a few minds about gay men and their sexuality...........one can only hope.:thumbup1:
Oh give it a damn rest.

Memberships are up.
Hoping for the best

So far I am staying a Broke Straight Boys member. However I am enjoying access to the other sites more than Broke Straight Boys I am holding on to hope things will improve. Some of the new models are nice to look at but that is all, they seem so replused by what they are having to do that it is not appealing at all.
Two things that have absolutely, positiively, 100%, have been established for sure (did I say for sure?) in April, 2011:

1) Jimmy is straight.

2) Aladinsane doesn't like the changes.

Everybody got that?
I agree with you 100%. What comes to mind for me is that I wonder why if you dislike everything about a site why would you buy something that you are going to change that radically. Another question where does Miss D(?) get their info? From what I read in the forum I find it impossible to believe that subscriptions are up. I havn't counted but my feeling is that the remarks are about 80% negative. I spent a number of years in the hotel business and as we were always admonished, "for every negative comment that you hear there are 10 that you don't".
The number of members using the Broke Straight Boys forums is a very small % of all the members. While we listen to what's posted on the forums, we still have members who don't like to use the board and instead send us emails which are for the most part, supportive and positive.
The emails and the board are like night and day.

Agreed, there is a lot of talk, lots of money... and we're working on those changes. But for the most part, I don't think the episodes are bad at all, and I find the guys very good looking.

What's strike me as bizarre is that on Friday evening, one minute after the episode went online, it had already received 3 votes (1/5)... isn't it weird when the video itself is like 25 minutes long? Hmmmm.

Also, I love Jimmy, I adore Vinnie, I love Jamie, I like Zach, there I said it. I personally think Jimmy was the first episode from the "new" Broke Straight Boys and some people didn't want to welcome him and therefore a few members bashed him just for the hell of it. Now that's my opinion, I'm entitled to it.

Broke Straight Boys V1 has 520 episodes.
Broke Straight Boys V2 has 11 episodes. Not sure how we can be so quick to judge it. God knows I can give you about 100 names of Broke Straight Boys v1 models I absolutely disliked.

Ok Slink is not the most gorgeous guy, Rocco needs a haircut... but you know what? Some people might find them gorgeous, and it would be a shame for us to not put them online just because a few members didn't like them. To each its own.

Thank you
I wouldn't be surprised if memberships are up. People go out to a new restaurant the first few months to try the food. The trick is getting people to come back a second and third time.

I've always thought the low point in memberships would come sometime between mid-May and late June. A whole lot of us are waiting to see what develops. By that time, the people who joined because the site is new will have to decide if they want to re-up. The public reaction to BSB2.0 will be a delayed one.

If I was Mark, I'd plan on memberships being down this summer. My experience in making major changes in a business has been that's the case. After the newness wears off, you have the worst of both worlds. The new is now old and the folks that liked the old are gone. Maybe Clay figuring out the Broke Straight Boys formula could keep this from happening but I doubt it. This cycle just seems to be the nature of life in business after a major change.

Your point on the immediate negative voting for Vince and Jimmy is well taken, Steve. It doesn't negate that after a day and a half up, it still only rates a 1.6. Plus, as somebody else said, not one of the new videos shows up in the members top nine that are on the home page. That used to happen all the time with new videos. And this voting is by the public at large, not just forum members.

And if you get rid of Rocco, or even give that boy a haircut, I'll be pissed. :001_tongue:
This will be my first message in the board the new Broke Straight Boys videos are not appealing even if the models are good looking
members want a good appeaaling and interesting video which can make the viewer to stay and watch the film until the end
not a boring episode which after a couple of minutes of watching you want to leave and go to the other free sites on Broke Straight Boys
that all thank you
Hi Scorpio, nothing personal here but you are proof that the powers-that-be at Broke Straight Boys don't yet get it.

Do you actually believe so many members like this stuff so far and are pushing the 1 button anyway? One would have to be a member of David's immediate family to think, wow that was an awesome vid but just for David's sake, Ill click on 1. I don't believe that for a second

In fact, in my contacts with many members here it comes clearly thruough that they are shocked at what they've seen here so far. Some are fed up already, and some will wait it out just a little longer.

I'll admit it, I liked David's work, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be open to a new and different approach here. I personally was very much looking foward to the new Broke Straight Boys When so many members here were upset with the very first episode, I was one of those who pointed to the previews to the Forum which appeared much more exciting.

Then came let-down after let-down, and with the site owner, and now you, telling us how much you like the new material.

But maybe you and the people at Broke Straight Boys are right. You are the porn industry experts, not most of us in the Forum.

Now we hear from you that subscriptions here are up. Really? Is that why Mark is telling us there will be changes? If subscriptions are up, wouldn't Mark be jeapardizing that with changes?
Now we hear from you that subscriptions here are up. Really? Is that why Mark is telling us there will be changes? If subscriptions are up, wouldn't Mark be jeapardizing that with changes?

I never said that. As for the rest, you believe what you want to believe, I respect that :) But I'm not one to talk about the same things over and over so I'll gently pull out (wow that sounded dirty) and leave you guys discuss between members :)
The number of members using the Broke Straight Boys forums is a very small % of all the members. While we listen to what's posted on the forums, we still have members who don't like to use the board and instead send us emails which are for the most part, supportive and positive.
The emails and the board are like night and day.
I have been away for the last ten days, without access to the site, and I really don't know what has been going on in the scenes and on the forum. Upon arriving home today, I see that there are four new episodes that I have not yet viewed, and countless threads on the message board which I want to read. I did view about half of the three way with Rocco, Vinny and another model whose name I forget to this moment. I was most looking forward to this one as Rocco is far and away my new favorite from the first five scenes. Rocco is totally HOT to me with an amazing dick, a beautiful face and a hot body. I will view the rest of that scene and the other three that I missed as time permits.

I am prefacing my points on this thread with the information that I've been "out of the loop" for the last ten days. But so far, I totally enjoy the new models and the new site. I'm glad to see that Scorpio has confirmed my suspicion that the forum is only a small percentage of the overall audience, and that the majority of paying members enjoy the type of scenes involving true straight guys, (maybe I should say "straight identifying guys", for we know there are many degrees of sexuality). Therefore it is incorrect to assume that the posters on the forum represent the typical consumer of this product. Only Mark, and Scorpio and the staff of the site have that information. But I am an active poster who does very much enjoy the "attitude" and look of the new site.

But I do respect the opinions of those who dislike it too, and I care about a lot of the members who are friends of mine who fall into the latter category. And that includes aladinsane73 who made what I feel was a polite, very genuine post of his feelings to Mark and to the rest of us, and I do not like to see another member tell him to "give it a damn rest". I was hoping that the forum had become a more civil place and that a remark like that was inappropriate.

I'm sure I will have a lot more to say as I read the many posts that I missed, and view the scenes that I missed as well. I'm glad to be back, and I missed my many friends on the forum, and it's good to be "back home", both literally and figuratively.
scorpio, one thing that should be taken from your posts is that the 11 videos so far do not mean the end of the world, or the end of porn, or even the end of this site. There have been some truly awful videos on this site in the past and the world kept turning. We came back for more.

I do hope that the Vinnie and Jimmy video just posted won't be a millstone around the neck of BSB2.0. I'm afraid it could be. People don't remember Bill Buckner's great career in baseball. They remember him letting a routine ground ball go through his legs and the Red Sox losing the World Series. Christina Aguilera could have another five hits in a row and she'll still be remembered for blowing the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner at the last Super Bowl. If things do go south for Broke Straight Boys, and I certainly hope they don't, what people will remember of this era is this really awkward foot fetish video.
Sex options are as limited as you have body parts

If we have had two captivating episodes with feet sex, then what next. Behind the ear sex? Elbow sex? Underarm sex? Behind the knee sex? Under the chin sex? Between the toes sex? and on and on...............sex?

I guess I am too conventional in that I think having sex should be conducted where an experienced "Police Criminal Investigation Unit" would begin its search with "round up the usual suspects and find them at their typical anatomical hangouts". Therefore, the typical hangouts for guys would be the same whether straight or gay and most likely start with the naughty parts we all have, grown to depend on, and work your way around till all orifices have been penetrated or at least compromised. Now, I must ask you, "how hard is that to figure out"?

With the "state of the art" in "Cumshot marksmanship" being what it has been since the dawn of mankind, whether cut or uncut, and no optional scope to retro-fit, all Broke Straight Boys models should be advised before preceding to orgasm producing activity, that stray droplets of cum may at any time land on any part of the partner(s) body present in the scene within 75 yards (just so no one can complain that they got HIT by the almost radioactive substance).

Bellyaching when this bombardment results with a direct hit anywhere on said partner's body, should be at all times given the status of "friendly fire" and followed with a spontaneous and well deserved giggle. In 99% of the observed cases, it certainly was not pre-programmed to land at a specific impact zone. After all, most cumshots are scatter shots anyway and most engorged shafts are not bored out with rifling for accuracy. Most shots leave a wide and erratic debris field when fully expelled from its launch vehicle.

What more can one expect in the heat of passion? Enough with the predictable belly aching! It is not like their best "Sunday clothes" have been permanently soiled!

Sincerely perplexed and "Scotchgarded",

It's great news that subscriptions are up rather than down. I said a few days ago that it would be counterproductive saleswise if people browsing the site, deciding whether to join or not, had access to the the forum. The fact that at the moment it's full of astounded, irate and disappointed forumites, begging management to get a grip, could tip the balance away from membership in some cases.

If the forum is at present a browse-able element of the site, I think you should make it private, members only. Let the new candidates for membership decide for themselves.

There are so many things to commend Broke Straight Boys 2.0. As anyone who's read my posts knows, I like Clay and his feint and lunge, beg and tempt approach to his victims. I absolutely love the fact that he mostly doesn't sound like he has a plan and often doesn't even know what to say next. He's like a geeky, young, easygoing teacher on his very first day in a class full of wiseguys. It takes them 47 seconds to suss out that they can walk all over him. This is such a hot, reality tasting concept. It would be awesome to see Tyler Evans as he was in the first few videos, being filmed by Clay. I personally think it would be a terrific video. No one was better at his job than Tyler. I think we'll come to see Clay in that light. I really wish he'd get on here and interface with us.
Welcome back to the forum

I have been away for the last ten days, without access to the site, and I really don't know what has been going on in the scenes and on the forum. Upon arriving home today, I see that there are four new episodes that I have not yet viewed, and countless threads on the message board which I want to read. I did view about half of the three way with Rocco, Vinny and another model whose name I forget to this moment. I was most looking forward to this one as Rocco is far and away my new favorite from the first five scenes. Rocco is totally HOT to me with an amazing dick, a beautiful face and a hot body. I will view the rest of that scene and the other three that I missed as time permits.

I am prefacing my points on this thread with the information that I've been "out of the loop" for the last ten days. But so far, I totally enjoy the new models and the new site. I'm glad to see that Scorpio has confirmed my suspicion that the forum is only a small percentage of the overall audience, and that the majority of paying members enjoy the type of scenes involving true straight guys, (maybe I should say "straight identifying guys", for we know there are many degrees of sexuality). Therefore it is incorrect to assume that the posters on the forum represent the typical consumer of this product. Only Mark, and Scorpio and the staff of the site have that information. But I am an active poster who does very much enjoy the "attitude" and look of the new site.

But I do respect the opinions of those who dislike it too, and I care about a lot of the members who are friends of mine who fall into the latter category. And that includes aladinsane73 who made what I feel was a polite, very genuine post of his feelings to Mark and to the rest of us, and I do not like to see another member tell him to "give it a damn rest". I was hoping that the forum had become a more civil place and that a remark like that was inappropriate.

I'm sure I will have a lot more to say as I read the many posts that I missed, and view the scenes that I missed as well. I'm glad to be back, and I missed my many friends on the forum, and it's good to be "back home", both literally and figuratively.

Dear Mikeyank,

I am happy to see you back on the forum again after your trip. I too want civility to return to the forum. But, I also want the broad sexual interests of the membership to be respected and reflected in the episodes offered on Broke Straight Boys-2. To assume the membership is a monolithic group is like Ford offering its cars in any color as long as you select the color BLACK.

I think the whole emphasis of tolerance is important to allow for individual differences within this group and not a "ONE SIZE FITS ALL" approach to Broke Straight Boys-2 porn. Speaking of BLACK reminds me, where are the racial minorities on Broke Straight Boys-2? We need to see more diversity in model selection, too!



I have largely (and perhaps wisely) stayed out of all the bickering which has been on display in recent weeks, but I must address the comments relating to this most recent video re "Footfucking". While I am well aware that there is a large subgroup of gay men who share a fetish concerning their feet, I was not aware that Broke Straight Boys was expected to cater ONLY to the whims of those members who choose to declare their particular desires in the forum. The fact that Broke Straight Boys and it's staff choose to film a particular type of erotic fetish for the benefit of one group or another should be hailed as a sign of their willingness to encompass many more of the myriad fantasies that race thru our minds. If you don't like this one, ok, be patient, you'll find what you want soon enough. As it so happens, my husband Carl thinks this is the single finest video EVER produced on this site, with the possible exception of the cum swigging scene with Tyler over a year ago! Why? Because Carl loves feet, it's that simple!

So, please be calm people of Forumland, and remember. the very first Ford was no Shelby! Perfection takes time! And I too would love to see more diversity, if models of other color/race are available!
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Mike, if i sneezed you would find fault with it.

And a staff member mentioned it to me that memberships were up. I made the statement purely on what they said to me in conversation.
hmmm mikeyank i never even noticed you were gone...but i guess thats why i have less headaches
oh and fyi, deidra just sneezed. im offended