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Olympics 2012


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
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leeds england
Hey, thought I'd start a thread dedicated to this year's Olympics which officially start this Friday 27th. The football or soccer as you Americans call it, started today with the women's event kicking off. Congratulations to the USA team who came back from 0-2 to win 4-2 against the French. Team GB also beat New Zealand 1-0 but it wasn't a convincing performance.

So who else is looking forward to the games ?
Hey, thought I'd start a thread dedicated to this year's Olympics which officially start this Friday 27th. The football or soccer as you Americans call it, started today with the women's event kicking off. Congratulations to the USA team who came back from 0-2 to win 4-2 against the French. Team GB also beat New Zealand 1-0 but it wasn't a convincing performance.

So who else is looking forward to the games ?

Most definitely Jon! Can't wait to see Michael Phelps grab another 6 or 8 medals, even if they aren't gold! I love to watch the Boxing events, as well as the swimming and diving competitions. And of course, the gymnasties!
It was front page news here today, pic of little corner where the PR athletes are housed.

The Olympics 2912

On a big screen in HD resolution, from front row position camera's offer: I'll watch as much events as possible Seen how the torch was brought into London, James Bond style, and it overnighted in the room of the crown jewels, today the flame took a journey through London in an open doubledecker bus.

I'm counting down till the opening ceremony! The sportsmen get 5 condoms each... imagine all those hot scenes between athletes going on; none will be on TV what waste....

In the words of our beloved JLipps... So many men, so little time!:drool:
In the words of our beloved JLipps... So many men, so little time!:drool:

LMAO. Thanks for the endorsement Robert! LOL Now, I could do a lot in 2 weeks! And lucky me, I speak English, Spanish, and French, I also understand Italian and German. Plus, I know sign language, the things one can say with the hands! lol
LMAO. Thanks for the endorsement Robert! LOL Now, I could do a lot in 2 weeks! And lucky me, I speak English, Spanish, and French, I also understand Italian and German. Plus, I know sign language, the things one can say with the hands! lol

No good in UK.. You need Arabic, hindi, polish and russian. But as always someone has decided to hijack the thread and go away from the sports. I mean, no one mentioned the American women's soccer team wonderful comeback yesterday. Maybe you guys on the forum don't like sports.
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No good in UK.. You need Arabic, hindi, polish and russian. But as always someone has decided to hijack the thread and go away from the sports. I mean, no one mentioned the American women's soccer team wonderful comeback yesterday. Maybe you guys on the forum don't like sports.

Really Jon? You think a bunch of guys on a gay porn site are going to be vested in watching women's sports?? Well, maybe, but we are probably too busy keeping tabs with the forum. Besides, you do such a wonderful job of keeping us informed.

AS for the other languages, if I were there, I wouldn't be looking to hook up with the hired help. LOL
Hey, thought I'd start a thread dedicated to this year's Olympics which officially start this Friday 27th. The football or soccer as you Americans call it, started today with the women's event kicking off. Congratulations to the USA team who came back from 0-2 to win 4-2 against the French. Team GB also beat New Zealand 1-0 but it wasn't a convincing performance.

So who else is looking forward to the games ?

Great Idea Jon, just curious will you, or is anyone else going to attend? I will be perched in frot of the TV for most all of it.
Robert, you're starting to sound like KRU1996. :scared:

Dum, dum, dum, dum, duuuummmmmm..........

Maybe Robert really is KRU? haha

Seriously though I really am looking forward to the Olympics. Of course the events with the hottest guys in the least amount of clothing are usually my favorites. LOL Swimming, gymnastics, floor excercises and so on. But I enjoy many others also. The human interest parts where you see the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat are always compelling. Especially at this level of competition.

Are you going to make it down to London for any of the events or parties Jon?
Olympics free KRU style swimming

You stand on a distant planet - Skyline of red plateaus - Strange air and vegetation - You're a winner! - Welcome to the Space Olympics -Take part in a grand tradition - Every athlete needs a coded ID badge - Drug tests are mandatory You're a winner! - The Athlete's Village is on Zorgon - You're the best in the world! - You're in the motherfuckin Space Olympics!
Great Idea Jon, just curious will you, or is anyone else going to attend? I will be perched in frot of the TV for most all of it.

There is a leave embargo on most companies that are associated with the Olympics. Mine too so instead of being there I will be beavering away at work with the TV on in the background.
There is a leave embargo on most companies that are associated with the Olympics. Mine too so instead of being there I will be beavering away at work with the TV on in the background.

THAT SUCKS! How far away from the events are you located Jon? That just sucks to be so close and not able to go. Of course the tickets cost so freaking much I couldn't afford it anyway. :crying1:
THAT SUCKS! How far away from the events are you located Jon? That just sucks to be so close and not able to go. Of course the tickets cost so freaking much I couldn't afford it anyway. :crying1:

I work for British Telecom, who are one of the major sponsors of the games. People monitor the network from all over the UK, so everyone is affected. But you're correct, ticket allocation sucks, with so many tickets going to celebs, digs and other so called better than thou people.
Olympics: Romney Questions UK's Readiness

The Republican candidate, who is in London for talks, described problems in the run-up to the Games as "disconcerting".

Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney has raised questions about Britain's readiness for the Olympics and the public's enthusiasm for the Games.

Mr Romney, who is in London to meet political leaders and supporters, described problems with security levels and a strike which was called off at the last minute as "disconcerting".

The candidate, who was chief executive of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002, is due to attend the opening ceremony on Friday before he continues his foreign tour.

Speaking to NBC News, he said: "It's hard to know just how well it will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting: the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging."

Moving on to whether Britain is backing the Games, he added: "Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? That's something which we only find out once the Games actually begin."

source: http://news.sky.com/story/965383/olympics-romney-questions-uks-readiness
Olympics: Romney Questions UK's Readiness

The Republican candidate, who is in London for talks, described problems in the run-up to the Games as "disconcerting".

Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney has raised questions about Britain's readiness for the Olympics and the public's enthusiasm for the Games.

Mr Romney, who is in London to meet political leaders and supporters, described problems with security levels and a strike which was called off at the last minute as "disconcerting".

The candidate, who was chief executive of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002, is due to attend the opening ceremony on Friday before he continues his foreign tour.

Speaking to NBC News, he said: "It's hard to know just how well it will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting: the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging."

Moving on to whether Britain is backing the Games, he added: "Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? That's something which we only find out once the Games actually begin."

source: http://news.sky.com/story/965383/olympics-romney-questions-uks-readiness

Asshole - let them eat cake lol