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Not into any more "beefy" boys


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
No offense, but a couple of the latest scenes included what I refer to as "beefy boys". I'll leave it at that, ok? You have a HUGE stable of toned, sexy dudes to share with us, all dying to be on camera and make more money. All of you know what and who I mean. Come on...don't waste our time or money like this.
No offense, but a couple of the latest scenes included what I refer to as "beefy boys". I'll leave it at that, ok? You have a HUGE stable of toned, sexy dudes to share with us, all dying to be on camera and make more money. All of you know what and who I mean. Come on...don't waste our time or money like this.

Come on Lights - who do you class as Beefy ?
No offense, but a couple of the latest scenes included what I refer to as "beefy boys". I'll leave it at that, ok? You have a HUGE stable of toned, sexy dudes to share with us, all dying to be on camera and make more money. All of you know what and who I mean. Come on...don't waste our time or money like this.
I completely agree with you lights. While in real life, I am totally in favor of being inclusive to all human beings, of all ages, races, nationalities, body types, and genders. But I pay my hard earned money here each month, anticipating a specific type that fits within my fetish for young, slim or toned, mostly smooth very straight acting guys. I do believe that the most popular models in the history of both BSB1 & BSB2 have fit within those parameters.

I understand that the entire audience here does not all have the exact same taste that I do, but based on popularity both on the forum and in their viewer ratings, we all seem to have the same general range as to what constitutes "Hot" for Broke Straight Boys, and I agree that we have seen several models in recent times that do not fall into that Broke Straight Boys demographic for models.
Come on Lights - who do you class as Beefy ?
Speaking for myself Jon, I would never post that list on the open forum, but if you really want to know PM me and I can rattle off three or four right off the top of my head.

And by the way, toward the end of the Jimmy Johnson year, when he put on a tad of weight in his tummy and his chest, his detractors on the forum told him in very unflattering words.
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I can only guess who they are I don't mind a little beef but your attitude should make up for it. Nasty attitude and pudgy not going to get it.
No offense, but a couple of the latest scenes included what I refer to as "beefy boys". I'll leave it at that, ok? You have a HUGE stable of toned, sexy dudes to share with us, all dying to be on camera and make more money. All of you know what and who I mean. Come on...don't waste our time or money like this.

I completely agree with you lights. While in real life, I am totally in favor of being inclusive to all human beings, of all ages, races, nationalities, body types, and genders. But I pay my hard earned money here each month, anticipating a specific type that fits within my fetish for young, slim or toned, mostly smooth very straight acting guys. I do believe that the most popular models in the history of both BSB1 & BSB2 have fit within those parameters.

I understand that the entire audience here does not all have the exact same taste that I do, but based on popularity both on the forum and in their viewer ratings, we all seem to have the same general range as to what constitutes "Hot" for Broke Straight Boys, and I agree that we have seen several models in recent times that do not fall into that Broke Straight Boys demographic for models.

Ah!, the "body police" strike again!

Speaking for myself Jon, I would never post that list on the open forum, but if you really want to know PM me and I can rattle off three or four right off the top of my head.

And by the way, toward the end of the Jimmy Johnson year, when he put on a tad of weight in his tummy and his chest, his detractors on the forum told him in very unflattering words.

Why not? On another recent thread you indicated that a model's physical appearance was comment-worthy on the forum. If one can comment on a particular model's body appearance in his scene, then what's the difference from listing the names collectively on the forum of those whose physical appearance does not meet one's view of what Broke Straight Boys's body appearance standards ought to be?
I can get the less toned, slightly fuzzy cutie at home. Give me toned and smooth on my porn damnit!!:bump: haha Cousin Anthony, our beloved Blake and now Tyler are my only exceptions to the fuzz.
I agree with Stowie1 - if you aren't prepared to name who you think are beefy then what is the point of starting a thread. BTW I don't interperate Beefy as fat.
Ah!, the "body police" strike again!

If I pay a portion of my pay check for a porn site as I want to see guys that turn me on, and a specific type of body gets me hot and hard, and another type leaves me limp, how does that make me the "body police"? There a physiological connection between watching a hot guy (to my tastes), and my dick getting hard, so how is my sexual preference make me any form of police? I am only speaking for myself and what works for me. I am not trying to police anyone or anything. If this site began employing all "beefy", "chunky" or "husky" guys, I would cease membership here, as those are not my fetish, and I never would have joined. Unfortunately to me, there have been way too many that fall into that category lately, way more than at any time since I've been a member of this site in the past.

Why not? On another recent thread you indicated that a model's physical appearance was comment-worthy on the forum. If one can comment on a particular model's body appearance in his scene, then what's the difference from listing the names collectively on the forum of those whose physical appearance does not meet one's view of what Broke Straight Boys's body appearance standards ought to be?
Of course a model's physical appearance is comment worthy on a review of his scene. This is a porn site, and for me his face and body make up over 90% of what I look for on Broke Straight Boys It would be like if I was writing about a baseball player who was hitting below .200, and was leading the league in errors. How could I not mention that in my review? He may be a really hard worker who spends hours practicing, and his teammates may love him as a great guy and a hard worker but in the big leagues, it is performance oriented, and if you cannot perform, the fans will no longer be content to buy tickets to watch mediocrity or less. Broke Straight Boys is the "big leagues" of porn, and is also a performance oriented business that will thrive or fail based on the performance of it's employees.

If no models participated in the forum, I would most certainly rattle off a list of sub par body types who I do not believe fit in with the standard that Broke Straight Boys has maintained since it's earliest days. However as I wrote about in great length, when the performers in the scenes are active participants on this forum, it would be rude and perhaps cruel to mention specific names of the guys whose bodies do not work for me. In life there is often a fine line between being honest and being diplomatic.
I can get the less toned, slightly fuzzy cutie at home. Give me toned and smooth on my porn damnit!!:bump: haha Cousin Anthony, our beloved Blake and now Tyler are my only exceptions to the fuzz.
Of course I completely agree with you Peter, as that is exactly the point of paying for porn. We are seeking out our idealized version of our fantasy men here. That is a huge part of the difference between real life and the world of porn.
Come on Lights - who do you class as Beefy ?

Jon, I'd never make a list by name...that would be "over the line" in my opinion. Generally, our taste in guys has pretty much been the same, wouldn't you agree? Good-looking, personable, athletic, slim or toned, big cocks and moderately hairy legs. Did I leave anything out?
I agree with Stowie1 - if you aren't prepared to name who you think are beefy then what is the point of starting a thread. BTW I don't interperate Beefy as fat.

Not "body police", lol! Let's not blow this thread out of proportion, ok? It's one thing to talk about body-type preference in a positive way(see Johnny Forza and Paul Canon) than to talk about turn-offs, no names mentioned. MikeYank did a much better job explaining my point than I did.
Jon, I'd never make a list by name...that would be "over the line" in my opinion. Generally, our taste in guys has pretty much been the same, wouldn't you agree? Good-looking, personable, athletic, slim or toned, big cocks and moderately hairy legs. Did I leave anything out?

True our taste is generally the same however, I don't think beefy is fat - I would call it muscular. Fat people are obese and there arn't any obese models here. There are a few who could shed a few pounds from around their waste and I guess that's where you're coming from. I like to call it good living.
I can only guess who they are I don't mind a little beef but your attitude should make up for it. Nasty attitude and pudgy not going to get it.
By the way Keylow, looking at your avatar of Carter reminds me that he is an ideal body type to my taste, being thin, but toned with silky smooth skin that I would love to lick all over like an "all day sucker". And of course his big beautiful always hard dick is a big bonus as well. :biggrin:
I want to see the beefy body type in the mix of models filmed by Broke Straight Boys I think Broke Straight Boys right now has a good variety of models with different body types that appeal to an individual member. I would not like Broke Straight Boys as much if the same body type of model were presented over and over.

I agree! All types are welcome...as long as you have a dick (I'm picky that way!):tongue:
My attitude is one person's "beefy" is another person's "hot damn". I have not seen anyone here I would consider to not be height and weight proportional. Do some of the guys have a more to0ned physique? Yes. But that has not in the slightest detracted from the enjoyment I derived form the others. Generally when a model has no0t sparked interest in me it had far more to do with a number of factors.
I think, that everyone has a preference on different models and what they like and dont like in a model. But if we were all the same I think it would make Broke Straight Boys boring. Like, me for example I'm not muscular or beefy, why would I wanna be. Yeah, I workout to maintain my physical appearance, but I wouldn't wanna look like "Arnold Schwarzenegger."