Long time forumite
This is a tricky argument Slim. Are these two guys the way they are now because they smoked too much pot when they were young? Or did they smoke too much pot when they were young, because they had some deep rooted psychological problem that lead to their wanting to get high all of the time?Two guys I know, now in their early 30s, did way too much pot way too young (from 14) and are on bigtime meds now, living at home and helping with the dishes after dinner and de-ticking the dog. They are both mega bright and multi-talented and really badly unprepared for the rough and tumble of life as we forumites, models and subscribers, know and love it. Some people can't handle big doses when their bodies and brains are sprinting into adulthood, and some can.
When someone tries to make the argument that a large percentage of heroin addicts started on pot, I tell them that 100% of heroin addicts also started on milk. It is difficult to prove cause and effect in these situations.
I consider marijuana to be no worse, and probably less detrimental to the body and mind than alcohol. The reason people demonize pot is because it is illegal. From when I was first smoked in 1968, I was certain that it would be legal by the time I was an adult, as all of my generation got high, and we would be running the world in ten to twenty years. But a lot of my generation went corporate, had kids, and their values changed. We will see what happens in California, but I think America is still too puritanical, and l doubt if we will ever decriminalize pot, among other things.